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     Of course in the dead of winter, you and Sam had to get stuck on the side of the road. Baby had broke down and Dean was 2 hours away, while Castiel was busy with heaven stuff. So, you both waited...and waited...and waited some more.
     "W-w-where is D-D-Dean?" You asked Sam with clattering teeth. He turned to you,observed your shaking form next to him. "Honey, come here. You're freezing." He offered his warmth, but you refused. "I'm fine. I can feel myself getting sick and I don't want you getting sick too." You refused his offer. Shaking his head in well meaning frustration, he turned his gaze back to the window.
      ~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~
"Okay. That's it. Give me your hands, I know you're cold." Sam demanded. You shook your head fervently. Not taking no for an answer, he gently grabbed you and pulled you into his lap. You signed in sweet relief at how toasty he was. "H-H-How d-d-do you st-tay s-so warm baby? I n-n-need to kn-now your s-s-secret." You joked through your chattering teeth. Sam laughed hard and snuggled you closer to his body. You felt so warm and relaxed, you began falling asleep, but you didn't want to leave him alone. Chuckling softly, "Go to sleep babygirl. I'll be right here." Sam whispered in your cold ear. Sleepily, you mumbled,"Night Sammy. Love you." He rested his face in your hair and lovingly said it back to you.
      An hour later, that's how Dean found you both, curled up in the middle of the front seat, practically molded to each other. Laughing quietly, he just shook his head and mumbled,"Damn love birds."

Not my best work, but I'm a sucker for fluff. Rock on!

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