Come Back

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"What do you mean she's gone?!" Sam shouted at his brother. Dean was just as frustrated as his younger sibling. "I mean, I found a note on her bed this morning and her bags are gone. I mean everything in her room is gone." Sam began pacing around and around the room. "Why would she leave Dean? She had us and she had a home. Why?" He helplessly asked. Dean walked over to his brother and stopped his pacing. "Look man, we'll find her. We'll track her and we'll have Cas help. Don't worry, we will find her." Sam was still upset, but felt better with a plan. 

Sam had been on his computer for an hour now. "She's too good. She really did listen to us when we taught her how to disappear. She turned off her gps that we put on her phone and every phone she has is in the trashcan in her bedroom. Dean, this is hopeless. We can't find her now." He slouched in his seat at the revelation. "Dude, shut up. Cas is still trying so don't stress. Knowing ___, she'll come back just for food and Netflix." Sam lightly laughed at how true Dean's joke was. You were constantly eating and telling him about a new show you found. "What did her note say?" Sam asked after a few minutes of silence. Dean leaned over and handed him the folded up paper. The gist of the note was that she had to leave and how none of it was our fault and how much she would miss us. "If she knew she would miss us this much, why leave?" Dean could only shrug.

It was a couple days later when Castiel popped into the room, still managing to scare both of them after all this time. "Don't think I'll ever get used to that." Sam couldn't get out his worries enough. "I have located ___." Sam felt an immediate relief and a burden lifted from his shoulders. "Let's go bring the idiot home." Dean muttered. But Sam could only pray she would want  to come home.

Part 2? Probably lol. Okay friends, I really need some requests cause let's face it, my brain is crap lol. I'll take anything other than smut (cause I suuuckk at it and no one wants to read my smut lol) and self harm. Maybe if I can squeeze it in, but I don't want people saying that I'm romanticizing it. If the request is selfharm, i'll talk about it with you. I'm cool with nonfemale requests. I have one male reader bu I'm trying to branch out like that again. Anywho, so please, please, PLEASE request. You can comment or PM or send it by owl I don't care. Love ya'll and rock on! -J

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