part 2 the hospital

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As I slowly awake from my deep sleep I feel very different mostly I feel large as I'm getting up I realize that I'm in a hospital. I'm now sitting on the edge of the hospital bed and a nerse walks into my room holding a clip board as soon as she sees me she runs out the doar yelling into her walky-talki I couldn't hear her very well but I did catch her saying code red room 175. I start trying to get up but than a person that looks like a doctor walks into the room "sir I wouldn't be moving if I were you. You have been in a terrible accident". As I take this in I can't help but think about what happenes. "Do u remember what happened"? "Yes my car was struck by a bolt of lightning and then I crashed". I can't have these people know the truth about the bolt. "Yes you were struck my a bolt and hit a tree you were in a coma when the parametics got there. "wait how long was I in the coma"?! "You were in the coma for Five years u are 17 now. U couldn't believe it. By now of course they know who wouldn't by now I have to get out of here of I'm going to die there going ro experiment on me and forced me to kill. I was in so much panike that I just ran to the doar the "doctor" tried to stop me but I somehow pushed him out of the way with just a wave of my hand I run threw the halls of the hospital I see an exit sign. Back in his room doctor is talking into his walki talki "the boy knows send out the teams" back to you. You burst threw the doar and in front of you stand at least fifty armed soldiers from what seemed to be the army they point there guns at you "wait don't shoot" u hold ure hand out twords the soldiers they iqnored tour plead and opened fire u closed your eyes and wait for your end but when it doesn't come u open them to see a shield of been blue  electricity was hovering in the air in front of you catching all the bullets the soldiers are shooting at you u finally remembered the power that the bolt gave you ....the power to control lightning you raise your hand in the air and all around you the rocks began to float you jump and punch the ground right in the middle of the soldiers

(Wings are blue lightning and sword is replaced with shield )
As you land a giant lightning bolt comes down and strikes were you are filling you with power and rage you throw the shield at the remaining enemy soldiers the sheild in air comes apart and becomes fc (favorite color ) lightning and strikes the first aoldwr not stopping as it goes threw him and spreads out like a web hitting every soldier. Eny soldier that Comes into contact with it instantly gets his or her brains fries after the last solder falls the fc lightning shoots twords you and into your arm turning into a sleeve of armor going up your whole arm and stopping right at your neck your wings also curl around you and turns into

(Turn the green into what ever color you want )
As you walk run into the woods you instinctively become invisible and people are almost completely unable  to see you only a slight glimer is in the air were you stand
So your running away from the military great hopefully u can master your powers enough to we're u can actually go back to a somewhat normal life . Peace

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