Halftime: Love Thy Valentine

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Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Not to mention, a very special day for Kalina, which so happens to be her birthday! With being born on a holiday all about love, you can imagine the kind of gifts she receives. But for one leaguer, their struggle to find the right present will determine just how much she means to them. Enjoy, everyone~!

>>>>>>>North's POV>>>>>>>



[Another successful win!]

[Truly one of the best teams in the Super League.]



The team celebrates in the locker room just as Coach enters.

"Great job out there, guys. You were in top form. Until then, enjoy your time off. Kalina, can I have a word with you about next week's game?"

"Sure, Coach."

From my locker, I can see her leave with Coach. I quickly take out a magazine and flip the pages.

"Whatcha doing, North?"

"Uh, n-nothing."



Shakes snatches the magazine.

"Huh...'30 Ideal Gifts for your Loved One'?"

"D-Dude—give it back!"

I try to grab it, but he keeps dodging me around the room.

"Give that special someone the gift they deserve this month...pfft, seriously man?"


I swiftly steal it back.

"Oh, come on—I'm just kidding."

"Doesn't sound like it."

"What's all de fuss about," Rasta asks.

"North's getting tips from a magazine on what to give to Kalina."

"That's ridiculous," El Matador huffs, "you should be asking the love expert."



Some of us roll our eyes or sigh when his ego shows up.

"Anyway," Shakes says, "I get how stressed you might be. I mean, the week after is Kalina's birthday."

"Her birthday and Valentine's Day," I groan, "with a birthday, you can get, like, anything...but on the same day that's all about romance?! I can't handle that kind of intense pressure! I-I mean, is there really a perfect gift for someone like that!"

"Woah, brother, easy...don't want ya fainting on us, now."

Cool-Joe pats my back as I sigh in exhaustion.

"Chill out, North. I've been planning my cousin's birthday since last month. After what happened last year, I'm not taking any chances of another slipup."

"(Shudders)I can still hear ze sound of zhose zoo animals chasing me."

"We're just gonna have a simple dinner party at Rasta's. Just the team, Coach, gramps and uncle, Jerald, Spenza and Supa Fran."

"What about the girls from Iron Flowers?"

"They can't make it cause of a game, but she'll see them on her day off and video chat back here."

"What if someone crashes the party?"

"I've got the perfect security team on that. Don't ask how, but I'll be owing them a huge~ favor."

"So, like...did you guys already buy her presents?"

"I did just yesterday."

From his locker, Tiger takes out a—wait for it...a stuffed tiger toy holding a heart.🐯💗

"She likes cute stuffed animals, so..."

"Ironic but still a good gift."

"I bought her new shoes for practice."👟

"Of course anything soccer related would come from you, Shakes," El Matador implies, "but I got mi amiga this."



He takes out a whole gift basket from his locker.

"What is that?"

"Oh~ just a couple of shampoo, conditioner, lotion, facial crème, and different scented luxury bath bombs."🧴🧼


"What? They're fancy and ecofriendly. Just the kind she likes but never has the time to buy."

"That's...actually a thoughtful present."

"Well~ as her best friend, I should know, yes?"

"How about you, cap?"

"I got her dis book on all of my hometown recipes."👩🏽‍🍳📔

"I'll be playing a song at the party."🎶

"I just bought her a new watch."⌚

"Gazergal zarborg kor."

"You too, Blok? Aw man~."

"Don't sweat it, North."

"Whatever ya get for her, mon, she will love it."

I turn to my locker and sigh.

"Cha...that's the problem."

>>>>>>>NEXT DAY>>>>>>>

I'm now manning my surf shop, but I could barely work with me still thinking about a gift. I just flip through a magazine to pass the time.

'What if I get her something she doesn't like? I don't wanna make her feel like she has to keep it, so she won't hurt my feelings.'



In the middle of browsing, I suddenly spot an item on the page. And it's amazing.

"Wow, this looks perfect. Definitely something she might like...uh..."

But when I see the price on front, my face drops.

"Are you insane, dude!? That's pricey for a small thing like that! Ugh ~!"


I plant my face on the counter and groan.

"Why is this so freakin' hard~?"

"Something wrong, boy?"

I turn my head, but quickly stumble back on my feet.

"M-Mr. Makanui! Hey, dude—I mean, sir...you need something?"

"Just passing through when I saw your shop. Although...you seem rather distracted."

"Hah~ sorry, it's just that...well, it's Kalina's birthday next week."

"Yes, I know. Being born on Valentine's Day is special."

"But I'm the only one in my team that hasn't got a gift yet. Makanui, what are you giving Kalina on her birthday?"

"I'm on my way to buy some wood to make her gift."

"Oh, yeah, you made Kalina's necklace. Do you carve wood a lot?"

"My family used to carve wood for a living. It's in my blood."

"That's awesome."

"Hm...I have an idea. Since I'm retired, I now use my time to wood carve sculptures and trinkets, then sell them to my friend's shop. If you help me the entire week, I will make sure you have the funds to buy whatever gift you'd like to give to my granddaughter."

"Seriously?! I would be, like, super grateful, sir!"

"We have a deal?"

"I've got the day off, so—you bet! Thanks!"

I eagerly shake his hand.

"Meet me at my place tomorrow morning."

"You got it, sir."

>>>>>>>No One's POV>>>>>>>

"Heads up~/Go left!"


"Go Iris!"

"Slide, Lily! Slide tackle!"

"Thanks for inviting us, Kalina."

"Hey, you're my caretaker, Angelo. The least I can do."

Kalina spends her day off in L.A. at her summer home, along with the girls from Iron Flowers and now sitting on the terrace with Angelo.

"Too bad Jerald's busy catering a party."

"Hey, you should call him here to cater for your birthday."

"Maybe next year. I'm spending it with the guys back home."


"What's so funny?"

"You called it your 'home'. Guess that means you're getting used to your new life."

"You know, I thought I wasn't, but...the team proved me wronged."

"And you're lucky you've got people like that. Just like we'll always have yours, too."

"Yeah...I couldn't agree more."

Kalina sighs with content as she enjoys the time with her friends.




North's slippers hit the sand as he walks along the private cove.

"Aloha, my boy."

Makanui waves from the terrace.

"You're just in time. I've already set up."


"Hey, Rusty."

The blonde waves to the pelican and follows Makanui to his shack on the other side of the cove.


North gawks at the many sculptures that were displayed on the walls and shelves.

"No ways!"

Like a child, he excitedly runs up to the line of stacked platforms.

"You even make surfboards by hand? Talk about old school."

"And that's exactly what you're going to do."

"Wait...you mean I get to make these? But I only sell boards."

"The boards you have in your shop are different material."

Makanui stands by his workshop desk.

"Back then, wood was and still is the foundation of almost everything we create. And for my ancestors, creating surfboards with wood was in their roots, as they are with mine. I'm sure a surfer like yourself would learn a thing or two on taking care of your own board."


He sets a pile of wood in front of me.

"Let's get started."

>>>>>>>North's POV>>>>>>>

[Day 1: 12: 42 p.m.]




I wipe my brow and adjust my earmuffs.

"You need some help, North?"

"Nah, I've got this."

"We're gonna keep on going till nightfall. You up for it?"

"Heck yeah."

"Good answer."



While Makanui sculpts tikis and other statues, I work on the surfboards.

[Day 3: 4:30 p.m.]

"Good practice, guys/See ya."

"Hey, Killian, I'm gonna hang back to work."

"Alright. I gotta go to my shop clear things out, right now."

"Alright. Don't get into any trouble."

I laugh before I kiss her goodbye and jolt out of the locker room.

It's been hard not telling her what I was up to, but still worth the time.


"Hey, North. I've got another batch of lumber, here. Get to work."

"Yes, sir."

At first, things got off tricky. I had to learn, like, all types of things. How to make the stringers, what kind of wood to use, measuring, assembling the board; basically making sure every part would be perfect. Aside from splinters and my fingers going totally numb.

[Day 6: 8 a.m.]

"It's coming along nice, kid."

I see Makanui behind me as I stretch my arms.

"The final glossing on this one looks perfect."

"Gotta admit...this one's my best, yet."


He hands me a check.

"Your last payment in advance."

"Thank you, sir."

I put it in my wallet and put that into my backpack.

"Go take a breather. I can finish the rest."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, you earned it. There's some waves picking up strong right now. Take one of the boards and test it out."

"Gnarly! Thanks, man!"

I take one board and jog out to the shore, leaving my shirt on the beach.


I paddle out a few yards.



But when I turn the board around, I see my girlfriend standing on her grandpa's terrace. Even from here, I can see her beautiful smile.


Behind me, I can hear a water coming in. Feeling confident, I start paddling and pop up at the right moment.



I cheer to myself as I ride this sick wave through the tunnel and out. Eventually, I come back in to greet Kalina.

"So this is where you were running off to."

"Yeah~ sorry I didn't say anything."

"Oh, cool. That's a handmade board. One of grandpa's works?"


"...No ways."

"Uh-huh." I give a proud smile as I stand the board up.

"Dude!...This is incredible! I mean, look at the detail. How long did you work on this?"

"The first two days. I'm getting the hang of it, thanks to your gramps."

"What's got you so interested in this?"

"I asked for his help."

Makanui walks over and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"He's turned into a pretty good assistant."

"I'm glad you two were having fun. I just hope all that work didn't tire you out for tomorrow's game."

"Relax, Kali'. I think I'm done wood carving for now. Unless, there's anything else you need, sir?"

"No, no, you two go on home. I'll see you tomorrow night at the party."

"Alright, kane."

"See you at the party, sir."

[Moments Later...]

At my place, Kalina and I just finished eating lunch as I put away the plates.

"Sorry if it wasn't something fancy."

"Hey, there is nothing wrong with a classic grilled-cheese sandwich with chips. Now, if it was a side of soup, then I'd call that fancy."

I come around the counter and sit next to her on the couch.

"But you know, your gramps is one, tough dude. I've never seen a guy his age so dedicated to his hobbies."

"I have...dad was pretty much the same."

"So are you."

"Are you messing with me?"

"No~ I would never."


We laugh as I hold her in my arms, playing with her hair.

"Hey, Kalina..."


"...I love you."

She smiles as I kiss her cheek.

"I love you, too."

We get comfy and decide to nap on the couch as I keep my arms around her.

>>>>>>>NEXT DAY>>>>>>>

"((Happy Birthday, Kalina~!))"

After winning another game, we all party at Rasta's house. The birthday girl blows out the candles and we clap and cheer.

"I want a corner piece."

"El Matador, get your hands off my cake!"

"But I wanted that slice—it's bigger."

"Thanks, man."


I laugh as Cool-Joe swipes the cake from Shakes and El Matador. On the sidelines, I see Kalina and Supa Fran talking on the iPad.

"It's so nice to meet you, girls. Well, not in person, but you know what I mean."

[You too.]

[Thanks for lookin' out for our girl.]

"Thanks guys. I'll see you next time."

[Bye Kalina/Happy Birthday!]

When they hang up, I pull Kalina towards me.

"How's it going, shortcake?"

"Hehe...it's going fantastic. Best birthday ever."

"Well~ not yet. Still haven't given you my present."

I take a small red box out of my pocket and give it to her.


Kalina opens it and sees the diamond hairpin inside.

"Oh my gosh...it's beautiful."

"You like it?"

"I love it. This must've cost a fortune—how did you get this?"

"Determination, dedication, and a whole~ lot of wood."



Kalina holds it up with her fingers.

"You know what?...it kind of reminds me of, well...me and grandpa."

I look at it again and realize her point. The crescent-moon like her grandpa's necklace and the flower in the middle is like her tattoo.

"Huh...I guess I got the right gift after all."

She reaches up and kisses me on the lips.

"Thanks, Nathan."

"Aloha, my friends!"

"Grandpa/Hey, Mr. Makanui!"

"What took you so long, kane?"

"I'm sorry, mo' opuna, but I wanted to make sure your gift didn't fall out of the truck."

"What, gramps, how big is this present?"

"Pretty decent. Come on..."

We follow him to the parking lot.

"Hau'oli La Hanau."

"Oh...my gosh! Are you serious?"

Makanui takes out a wooden surfboard that had Kalina's tattoo logo on it.

"Thank you, grandpa. It's amazing."

I notice another handmade board in his truck.

"This one yours, sir?"

"Oh no...it's yours, North."

My face drops like I got hit by a wave.

"Shut up...no ways—dude~! Seriously?!"

"Of course! You helped make them so I'm returning the favor."

I rush over and take the board out.

"Woah~...you even put my jersey number on it."

Makanui pats my shoulder.

"My wife and I used to ride the waves together. In a way...I see me and her in you two. Now you get to experience what we once had: surfing as one."

I smile, feeling grateful.

"Thank you, sir."

This time he and I fist-bump as we laugh. Let's just say after that, Kalina and I caught some epic waves from here on out.

I keep thinking how lucky I am right now. I mean, sure, there were times when I would surf the biggest waves, skate the gnarliest moves, and have the most epic victories in a soccer match. But dating a girl who's a cousin to my teammate and granddaughter to a retired agent of the Super League? Now, that, I did not expect would happen. But when she walked in...she totally walked into my life. And I never thought it could get so much better. 

Hope you liked this short story, guys. Be sure to support Supa Strikas on YouTube. Until then, see you in the next season. Happy Birthday Kalina~!

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