Ep 4: Compound Compromised

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Hey guys. Hope you're enjoying yourselves. Today's episode is sort of a continuation from last episode's cliffhanger. So, sit back and enjoy the game. And don't forget to support Supa Strikas. Let's start the match...

[Last Time on Supa Strikas...]


"Did you by any chance sneak a live animal onto the plane?"




"A kid?"

"I don't believe it...Rai?"


>>>>>>>Kalina's POV>>>>>>>

At the Secret Training Compound...

[Greetings, Kalina. It is I, Headmaster, Aymil. My apologies if this is sudden, but it is of the upmost importance. After our last encounter, it seems that I haveneglected many opportunities for my apprentice. So, I have given Rai the chance to see the outside world for one year. All I ask is that you watch over him with the upmost care. I will keep in touch. Until then, my friend.]


And that ends the video.

"......" Everyone stares in shock at the boy in robes (brown-skin, shaved-head, stands about 2'8").

"I don't believe it."

"I know...I still don't get it. Can you play it again?" They groan from El Matador's obliviousness.

"Let me get this straight," Shakes looks to me, "you stumbled upon a secret monastery two years ago..."

"Where they train warrior-monks," Big-Bo questions.

"And this kid is that old man's apprentice," Cool-Joe adds.

"Yeah~...that's about it."

"So basically," North implies, "you have to babysit the little dude."

"You could say that."

I crouch down to Rai's height.

"This is a lot to take in."

"Even if it's just one year, I'm so excited to see the wondrous things you told me about."

"So, Coach...what do you want me to do?" He thought for a moment while rubbing his chin.

"I suppose...we can allow Rai to travel with us."


"Sure," Shakes insists, "and the rest of us can help out. Right, guys?"

"It'll be a team effort," Rasta agrees.

"Thank you...I'm eager to learn many things."

"Well, little dude...how bout you kick back and watch us practice?"

"I'd be honored, Mr. Shaw."

"Just call me North." Rai laughs when North rubs his head. I smile at North's friendly nature.

After introductions were made, I told Rai to stay with me and Coach. It was nice and funny to see the way Rai lit up, watching everyone train individually. This went on for a couple of hours, as our employees collect the data. Tiger scoring goals, Shakes dodging the dummy-robots, Big-Bo blocking soccer balls shooting out of a cannon, and so on. It was then that Coach comes forward.

"Alright, Strikas, that's enough for today. Gather up."





Klaus falls off the elliptical, but quickly recovers. Everyone joins Coach by the computers.

"Soon we face our arch rivals...Invincible United. Trust me when I say that Vince and Skarra will stop at nothing to learn our game plan."

"..." Hearing the striker's name made me think of the past. A time when we were just kids.

One of the scientists gives Coach a silver briefcase. He puts it on a table.

"Because of this, we will do all preparation for United down here, in the secret training compound. And we've made security...even tighter."


"Woah." We all gasp, seeing id cards attached to lanyards, with our profile pictures.

"Captain...you're first." Rasta steps forward as Coach puts it around his neck.

"Thanks, Coach. What's it for?"

"He win something," El Matador inquires.

"It's a new security keycard to the secret training compound. You need to enter with these to enter at all times. No exceptions." He keeps passing each card to the team members.

"Under no circumstances are you to let this key out of your sight. If you lose it...well, let's not even guess what will happen. Okay?" He gives Shakes his.

"Thanks, Coach."

"Guard the keys with your lives."

"I'll take it with me everywhere I go."

"Zis is an honor," Kalus proudly states, "I vill guard it vith...vait...vhere did I put it? Vhere did it go?!"

"I haven't given you one yet."

"...Oh. Zat's right."

We chuckle as he finally receives his.

>>>>>>>Skarra's POV (NEXT DAY)>>>>>>>

[Match day at Strikaland! Ninja and the Cosmos will be tested today.]

[That's right, Mack. Supa Strikas are in top form.]

I arrive at Strikaland and make my way to the top floor. Vince told me to meet him in the VIP box for a meeting. Walking ahead, I see the Cosmos getting thrashed by Supa Strikas; not like they're the best team in the league.

"Hm...?" Even from up here, I can see Kalina from the Strikas' bench. I haven't seen her in years since she went away for rehab. I was shocked to find out she moved here.

'I still don't get why she chose to join their team instead of mine.'


"Hey!" I turn around to see a redhead girl that knocked into me.

"Skarra...? From Invincible United?"


"It's me, Kat. Remember? I'm a big fan." I didn't want her to draw attention, so I just pretend to know her.

"Kat...yeah. Long time no see."

"Yup. Can I have your autograph?"

"Sure." She gives me the board and pen.

"I'm on the straight-n-narrow these days, you know. No more cat burglary."

"Cat burglary...that's—too bad. You were really good at it." I give back her stuff. She then gives me a card.

"Hey, here's my number. You should give me a call—"

"Yeah-yeah, thanks. Uh, gotta fly. See ya...(mumbles) Wouldn't wanna be ya." I walk away and get to the VIP box.

I use binoculars to watch the rest of the game.

"This is Supa Strikas last game before facing us," Vince implies, "I hope you're watching closely."



Shakes passes it to Rasta, but they both get cornered by Bolo and Scissors.

[No where for him to go.]


Their captain sends it over Bolo's head. Shakes runs beside him.

[Unbelievable move by Dancing Rasta! Supa Strikas seem to surprise Cosmos at every step.]

[Haha...Bolo should just get some popcorn and enjoy the show.]

[Here's Cool-Joe open on the outside of the box!]



[Delivered like a comet! The keeper never saw that coming.]

[Looks like it's not in the stars for the Cosmos today.]

"They're destroying them. But how?"

"The answer is in their secret training compound," Vince implies, "they've gone to all this trouble to keep us out."

"There must be a good reason," I thought.

"Exactly," he smirks, "the plan is obvious. Get into the compound."

"The question is...how do we get in?" He points to the newspaper photo.

"We get one of these keys. Any ideas?"

"No..." I casually look through the crowd, when suddenly, I notice that same redhead. I smirk the minute I thought of a plan.


>>>>>>>No One's POV>>>>>>>

In a luxurious home, the redhead known as Kat was lounging in her room. Alongside her was her faithful Persian cat, petting its soft, silky fur.



It jolts off the counter when the phone telephone rings. Kat pressed the button.


[It's Skarra.]


[Time to dig that cat suit out of mothballs.]

"Not interested," she playfully scoffs.

[Listen...you get to hang out with a bunch of Super League players. (chuckles) Second rate Super League players, but Super League players. But~ if that doesn't interest you—]

"Sure," she stands up, "why not...I can think of worse ways to spend an evening." She hangs up and goes to her picture frame.


Behind it was a secret safe.


Using the combination, Kat opens it, revealing a variety of jewels and her signature black party-jumpsuit.


The first thing Kat did was head to Cool-Joe's club where all the Supa Strikas hang out. Luckily for her, Cool-Joe was about to enter the door. All she had to do was play her part.

"I know I had my VIP pass on me when I left the house." Her distress gets Joe's attention.

"Well~ hello there." He leans on the security guard.

"And how is the most beautiful lady doing tonight?"

"Not so good," she pouts, "I'm afraid I lost my VIP pass."

"Well...tonight is your lucky night."

Cool-Joe escorts her inside. Like always, the place was lively.

"So...you're a Supa Strika, huh?"

"Yep. Live and in person."

"Is Shakes here?"

"Uh...Coach sold him, to another team."


"Nah," Cool-Joe smirks, "he's over there." He points to the bar. Kat's keen sight picks up Shakes' wallet; inside, the grand prize.


She casually walks up to him.

"Would you like to dance?"

"I would...but I'm not much of a dancer."

"Aw~ come on." She leads him to the dance floor.

For a while, they were having fun. Sometime later, they, along with El Matador, Rasta, and others were doing the conga line. The perfect opportunity. While dancing behind him, Kat sneakily takes his wallet, grabs the keycard by the teeth and slips the wallet back into his pocket.

"Shakes...I'll be right back. Don't go far." She waltzes towards the back door with a smirk.

'Kitten's play.'

Kat calls Skarra when outside and alone.

[Haha~ great. Time to hit the secret training compound. Don't get caught. And don't forget your ear-piece. And don't—]

"Don't forget your ear-piece," Kat mocks, "don't know why I'm even doing this...for him. Now I remember why I never liked that guy." She puts the device on and slips on her eye-mask.

"(chuckles) Change of plans."

>>>>>>>FAST FORWARD>>>>>>>


With the keycard, Kat was given access inside.


She maneuvers through the laser defense.



Enters the security room.



And plants the bug.

From United's stadium, Colossus, Vince, Skarra, and Dingang were watching multiple footage of the compound.

"Well done," Vince smirks.

[Get outta there.]

"Enjoy the show."


Kat escapes into the night, undetected.

>>>>>>>Shakes' POV>>>>>>>

"...Mm..." I slowly open my eyes.


"...?" I sit up when feeling a breeze and notice the window was open.


I quickly get ready and pack up my sports bag. Suddenly, I see a note with a cat logo on my counter.

"What is this?" I take a look.

"...You are broadcasting live on Strikas TV...but your rivals can watch what you want them to see. Interesting..." I didn't have time to wonder, so I put it in my bag and rush out the door.


Since my cousin left early, Spenza was able to give me a ride on his scooter. Just after we park on the side, we see El Matador's Lamborghini drive up to us. His driver's door lifts up as he comes out with a couple of lipsticks decorating his face.

"Ola mi amigos," he chuckles, "love is in the air."



"Hahaha!" I laugh when Spenza kills the moment.

"Not anymore," El Matador frowns. I take out my wallet to get my keycard, but I gasp when not seeing it.


"El Matador! Wait~!" I rush into the elevator with him.

"Sigh...I...I lost my keycard."

"...(chuckles) Aye-aye-aye-aye-aye."

>>>>>>>FAST FORWARD>>>>>>>

The guys and I were on the field practicing. Everything was going well, but I couldn't figure out how I lost my card. During the break, El Matador and I were stretching our limbs.

"How'd you lose it already, man?"

"Actually, I...maybe I just left it at home."

"You better find it before Coach finds out you lose it."

"Shakes!" Just then, Coach yells out and walks towards me.

"Eh...maybe I—walk away from you right now, like, I don't know you at all." While Matador escapes, I was left dealing with Coach's usual frown.

"Come with me." He leads me into the security room. Out tech guy was at the controls.

"What were you doing here at midnight, last night?"

"Midnight? I was in bed...asleep."

"Then who has your keycard?"


The cameras run footage of last night, revealing a woman in the compound.


"That's what I thought," Coach grunts, "Invincible United are on to us. If you know how to fix this, Shakes...I'll be in there."

I put my hands on my hips and groan. I take a seat on one of the chairs by the field and try to think.

"Are you alright, Shakes?" I see Rai standing in front of me.

"Sigh~ not really."

"I overheard," he sheepishly admits, "your opponents know the strategy?"

"Unfortunately. What I don't get is how they can...see...?" That's when I remember the note. I quickly take it out of my bag.

"You are broadcasting live on Strikas TV...but your rivals can watch what you want them to see."

'That's it!'


>>>>>>>No One's POV>>>>>>>

Kalina was coming down the hallway, when...


"Woah!" Her cousin passes her at lightning speed. Rai jogs up to her.

"What's the rush?" But Rai just chuckles.

Meanwhile, Invincible United was still spying on Strikas training.

"This is good," Vince smirks, "how many were there."

"I counted," Dingang said, "one...two...three...eh, no—"

"Twelve different signals to Shakes," Skarra answers.

"Come game time, we will shut him down...no matter what they do."


[–it's going to be a clash of two fierce Super League rivals. The slightest advantage could tip the scales in one team's favor.]

The fans go crazy as both teams take to the field. On United's side, Skarra was looking through the binoculars.

"Well, looky what the cat dragged in. and trying to blend in with the crowd, I see." He gives the binoculars to Vince and notices the redhead wearing a Supa Strikas t-shirt.

"Maybe Kat helped herself to something at the secret training compound gift shop." The two laugh. For Kat, she was smiling for another reason.

"Regardless of what they know," Coach implies to his team, "stay focused and play hard."

"It's gonna work," Shakes insists.

"It better work," El Matador hopes.

"On three. One, two, three..."

"Supa Strikas!"


Both teams take position.

[Strikas have control of the ball. Dancing Rasta makes his way up the field.]

[Surprisingly, Invincible is playing a more defensive formation today.]

Rasta passes the ball to Cool-Joe as Skarra rushes after him.

"Mark him tight," Skarra orders, "and prepare for him to break left!"


Dingang blocks Shakes.


[Rasta to Shakes...]

Shakes runs for the ball.



But Dingang steals it.

[Excellent anticipation by the defense.]

[Ooh~ the striker gets to taste the tarmac.]

Shakes recovers with a smirk.

'Like clockwork.'

When signaling on the next pass, the other players keep marking the young striker.

[Wherever Shakes goes, he's covered.]

[It's like United knows what he's thinking.]

[I hope Cosmos are taking notes.]

[Yep. It's like United knows Strikas' every move.]


[Oh! It looks like Shakes is about to have company.]

[Two is company...that is a crowd.]

Five players block him.

[Oh, Shakes has no chance with that...crowd.]

Rasta makes a desperate pass to another teammate.

"Huh," Kat wonders, "are Supa Strikas messing with United, or are they actually this bad?"

[Invincible United driving hard up the left side.]


Skarra passes the ball to Dingang, who dodges Blok to get the ball.


"Ngh!" Big-Bo leaps left.


[What a save by Big-Bo!]

'No way,'he smirks.


[And that's the half.]

[If Invincible United were less concerned with their defense, they might have created something—]

[We will be back for the halftime report after these messages.]

Mack puts down his mic.

"I've gotta go to the bathroom. Clear the way!" He scurries off.

Both teams exit through the tunnel. Kalina was right beside Supa Strikas' changing room when she saw them. It wasn't planned, but she and Skarra lock eyes with each other.



"Skarra! Let's go!" They flinch when Vince yells down the hallway. Skarra looks back to Kalina, who shyly waves before seeing him leave.

"Do you know him," Rai asks.

"...Yeah." Was all she could say as they enter the locker room.

Moments Later...

"It does absolutely no good to know their strategy," Vince outbursts, "if you can't score! You're wasting opportunities out there! Do I need to replace this entire team!?"

While Vince was blowing his top, Supa Strikas had finished their pep-talk. Coach turns to Shakes.

"Our plan is working so far...but now it's time to show United that they've watching the 'wrong channel.' You ready, son?"

With a confident smile, Shakes walks out.

[Shakes is getting quite a workout today!]

[And Dancing Rasta looks like he's creating a new signal.]

[Clear communication from the captain.]


[He sends it over to Twisting Tiger...]

Then, the strangest thing happened. Rasta makes a signal by pulling his hair and winking his left eye, confusing Skarra.

"What was that?" He sees Rasta smirking.

"Mark him...uh, mark him!"

Two players leave their position near El Matador and rush over.

"Adios," he laughs. Tiger makes his move.

"Aha...goodbye Shakes. Hello, El Matador!"


He sends it to the Spaniard.

[El Matador is all alone!]



The ball goes over the goalie's head.


[What a goal~!!]

"What are you doing," Vince shouts, "they're using him as a decoy!"

"Cover him! No—no him!"

Shakes and El Matador run in front of Rasta, confusing their opponents.

[What kind of formation is this?]

[Defense, defense, do you copy?]

[Together: Ahahaha!]

[Dancing Rasta loads up.]



The ball speeds passed Skarra and into the net.

[That is in! Goal~!!]

[What a move!]

[Two-nil, Strikas.]

When the

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