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I open my eyes in a flash.

"Where am i...?" I groan, placing a hand against the side of my head as if it would soothe my pounding headache.

I take a sharp breath in, eyes hurting from the light shining through, and turn my head to the side to take in my surroundings.

...Wait is this heaven? And are those pictures of Kang Minu? I rub my eyes and look at them again. No yeah, those are definitely pictures of Kang Minu.

But why???

Why exactly are there pictures of kang minu in heaven...?? And since when was heaven a room...?

I jerk my body up, still staying in the bed. Bed?? Why was I in a bed? The last thing i remember is...- nevermind that-

"Y/n!! Wake up you're going to be late-" A lady bursts into the room before pausing, "Oh...you're already awake. Perfect! You've been getting more independent these days heh? Well I'll leave you to get ready." She had a proud look on her face while exiting the room.

"Who...the fuck...?" I mumble out loud. Who is that woman and why was she acting like my mother?

I slide my legs out of the bed and step out but stumble into the vanity in front, due to my pounding headache. While grasping onto the vanity I see a glimpse of myself in the mirror! It makes me jump back in shock.

I see a face alright...but not my face??? It doesn't even look like my face and it's so much prettier. My hands find their way to...my...face and they feel around every inch and curve to see if it was all real.

I can't exactly say it's real but it's definitely not fake...

What the hell...? Then the gears in my head click. The Kang Minu pictures, a different face, that weird lady...DID I REINCARNATE AS A SIDE CHARACTER IN MY FAVOURITE WEBTOON?!?

I slowly paced back and forth while muttering, "This is the stuff that only happens in webtoons..And why did I have to reincarnate into a girl—who has the same name as me—who's obsessed with stupid Minu?"

"Calm down, Y/n. Maybe you're overreacting! Maybe it was halloween yesterday and you forgot to take off your costume!" It was not Halloween yesterday.

So many questions left unanswered but I didn't have time to figure them out yet, "Y/N WHY ARE YOU TAKING SO LONG YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" The lady (my new mom?) yelled from another room.

Holy shit. School. I look around my room to see a uniform perfectly laid on top of a chair. Hopefully this is the right uniform. Or...maybe I could stay home...

I walk over to the bedroom door and open it slightly.

"C-can I stay home...?" I unintentionally stutter from nervousness and uncertainty of who this person really is.

"Stau home? STAY HOME? HAH! You better raise your grades before you even think about staying home!" She scolds. Okay...there goes that plan...

I guess I'll have to go to school for now. Sigh...

I look back to where the uniform is. Having no choice now, I go to pick it up, ready to put it on.

I hold it against the light shining through the window. Yup this is definitely the right uniform. At least there's that.

I throw it on and fix my hair as much as I could until it didn't look like a rats nest anymore and instead looked like a beautiful rats nest.

I run out of the room that I was in which lead to, what I assume to be, the family room/kitchen. I saw a backpack on the floor, assuming it's mine, and slung it over my shoulder, while I was putting on the only shoes that seemed to fit my feet, as if I was cinderella.

I was about to walk out the door before I heard a "What? No 'Love you mom!' today??" from a voice behind me.

Of course she wants me to say that. What kind of parents wouldn't want their child to say that to them? Aside from my actual parents...

I sigh, getting myself ready to cringe before saying "Love you mom...bye." In a monotone voice.

'I guess that lady really is my new mom' I sigh, not knowing what to think. I close the door behind me and walk to the left when I bump into someone.

"What are you doing, y/n? The elevator is that way," I take a few steps back and notice that it's Ra-im! The back-stabbing bitch.

"What..." I rub my forehead that not only still hurt from my headache but was now also hurting from bumping into her.

Suddenly, she turns me around, grabs my shoulders, and starts pushing me towards the...elevator I presume? "Hey! What are you-?" She pushes me into the elevator and walks in, pressing the bottom floor button.

Okay yeah, it was definitely not Halloween yesterday...

"Are you feeling okay y/n? You haven't been acting yourself since...you know..." She brought her index finger to her bottom lip while pouting. NO?? I DONT KNOW??

"Since what??"

"You know...the infamous 'y/n incident'."

Huh? Don't tell me this is one of those villainess reincarnations...oh god.

Before I can say anything else the elevator pings and she walks out, I follow her realizing that she's the only way I'll be able to find my way to the school.

"Wait, where's su-ae?" I curiously ask.

"Oh she started to leave earlier since you two don't get along anymore." She casually answered.

What??? I don't get along with su-ae?? ANYMORE??? what's wrong with the girl that used to be in this body?? Oh actually, for starters she's obsessed with Minu which says a lot.

We walked in silence for a few minutes. I didn't know what to say to get answers out of her without her getting suspicious of me.

After walking a few blocks, I looked up and saw a highschool—my new highschool now, apparently.

This reincarnation shit should not be possible.

"Hey I'm gonna go now. I'll see you after school okay?" Ra-im spoke up.

"Okay..." I responded, still a bit dazed, but she had already made her way to a tall black haired boy. WAIT. IS THAT GO EUNHYUK??? HES EVEN PRETTIER IN PERSON GODDAMN. However, as fine as he is I, someone who has second ml syndrome, find baek dohwa even hotter- but they're both fine in their own ways.


What the...you're joking. I have to run 3 laps? because I'm late?? this was not the way of my high school back in my past life... thankfully I was an athlete so these three laps should be a walk in the park!


*pant* I *pant* am never *pant* going to be *pant* late again. NEVER. AGAIN. I forgot this wasn't my own body... I practically collapse outside a classroom, my left side leaning against the wall while my hands are on my knees. Stupid Ra-im. I saw her climbing the wall with eunhyuk...I should've followed her. Stupid me!

Ugh and now I have to go to class all sweaty and tired.


Wait...what classroom am I in...? 

I know! I'll just go to the teachers office!

...Where's the teachers office again?

After roaming around for what felt like ages, I finally find the teachers office, I hope. I walk in and go straight to the first teacher I see.

"Excuse me, I seemed to uh...forget my class number after hitting my head really hard." I say, touching a random spot on my head.

"Y/n? This better not be another prank of yours." Prank? What kind of person was this girl? Making life hard for me for what.

"No sir! I promise I really forgot!" I put on my pleading voice.

"Alright...but if i find out this was a ploy to skip class you won't be hearing the end of it," he sighs, bringing out his clipboard and searching for my name, "Kim...Y/n... okay, it says here that you're in class 2-3."

"Thank you, sir."


2-3....2-3...2-3 okay, 2-10 is right here so I must be getting closer. Let me look into class 2-10 so that I can become more aware of my surroundings. I peek inside, my eyes wandering around only to be met with the most beautiful man's, Baek Dohwa's, eyes.

Baek Dohwa?!

I duck down to hide the surprised expression, joined by a flustered feeling, sitting on my face. But I decide to look back in one more time to see if I was hallucinating or if it really was him. However, this time his face had a look of confusion on it before he turned his head away in...annoyance?! This prick! A hot prick...but nonetheless a prick! He must've thought I was a fan girl? Not everything's about you, you hot jerk! Although I am a fan girl...I thought to myself while kicking air on my way to class.

I slid the classroom door open only to be met with the teachers angry face. uh oh...here we go.

"Y/n. Why are you so late?!" She demanded.

"I had to run laps. And then I got memory loss." I responded.

The students in the class tried to stifle their laughs because of how casually I said that.

The teacher sighed, "Just go sit down."

"Yes ma'am," I turned to walk but then paused, "Where do I sit again?"

The teacher stared blankly at me, probably wondering why she decided to become a teacher, before responding with, "Next to Go Eunhyuk."

I nodded and went to sit beside him.


It was apparently lunch time now.

A group of girls came up to me a few minutes ago and told me they were going to the cafeteria and that they'd save a spot for me, so i'm guessing those are my friends.

I was just sitting in this classroom, observing people and procrastinating about going to eat lunch with those girls, until Minu came up to me and starting flirting—I'm guessing he did that to the person that used to be in this body all the time—but I quickly shut him down when I noticed poor su-ae watching us with sadness in her eyes, to which he gave me a confused look but shrugged it off and walked away.

So now I'm sat here tapping my finger on the desk, wondering how to apologize to su-ae for 'my' past actions.

"Can you stop doing that?" Eunhyuk spoke up from beside me.

"Stop doing what?" I asked, upset that he ruined my brainstorming.

"Tapping your finger on the desk, it's annoying."


I guess the owner of this body wasn't on the best of terms with eunhyuk to say the least. Gosh, why did she have to make everything a lot harder for me.

I stood up, not wanting to be in this stuffy room and made- or tried to- make my way to the cafeteria.

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