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That is when I found it.

       The paper detailing in great detail what went down at BE:LIFT Lab last night. It was my sisters scribbled notes. She seemed to be in a rush. The papers looked fresh. She just had written these some time ago.

Subjects are missing ! Sun Shot has been activated. Must find subjects at ALL COSTS !

             I took a picture & pulled up some directions. BE:LIFT Lab was hiding something. I am going to find out what. I rushed back to my car driving to the lab.

             As I got closer to the lab I could see that it was in lockdown. That is when I spotted my sister. She approached me in a panic. "I'm sorry sir, but the lab is closed." I rolled my eyes showing her the picture I took. "Sneak me in or I release this."

          Her eyes widened before snapped a bracelet on my left wrist & dragging me inside with her. "Engene, why are you here ? Now really isn't a good time." I recalled this morning. "A fiery ball exploded on the rode while I was making my way home. Seven boys shrouded in the fire seemed to have control over the element."

         She covered my mouth leading me into a room with seven empty tanks. "Promise me, if you see those seven boys that you won't engage. They are the missing subjects." I licked her hand so she would remove it from covering my mouth. "I promise no such thing. It isn't my fault you let them loose in Seoul."

         "Don't be stupid, Engene. Those boys are dangerous." She was trying hard to convince me to back off. It wasn't working. The alarms went off. Many people were rushing around saying, "Evacuate !"

             My sister left & I snuck into a room finding tbe case files for the seven. What did BE:LIFT Lab do to them ? I didn't have much time to spare so I snatched up ad.many unmarked files as I could.

      I hid the files in my car. However, my car wouldn't start. I tried multiple times, but it was no use. I felt the ground shake unnaturally. I ducked down & looked out of my window.

             The seven boys' eyes as red as the sun. They looked dead inside. Like they weren't even aware that they walked here. Why were they here ? I didn't have much time before one by one their bodies hit the ground.

What was wrong with them ?

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