Chapter 23

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After Danny returns Batman stuff in the Batcave, Danny meets up with Raven at the Gotham clock tower. She sits on the tower's edge, and Danny sits next to her.

"Glad you arrive, Danny," said Raven

"Yeah, well, it's not like every night for a person to deactivate bombs and meet someone who has shadow powers," said Danny


"So what are you, Raven? Are you a halfa like me?"


"It means Half-human. Like, are you half human and half ghost?"

"Half-human yes, but half-ghost no,"

"Then what exactly are you?"

"Don't freak out if I tell you, Danny,"

"Don't worry, it's like your half-demon," Danny chuckle a bit, then Raven look at him seriously, and then he realized what she halfa of "oh, so your half-human and half-demon,"

"Yes, glad you're not freaking out,"

"Yeah, seeing how you save me from that crocodile dude, so you're not some evil demon,"

Raven smiled "all right then, with that out of the way, I want to talk to you about having an alliance,"

"Why? Other heroes in this world can help you out? What makes me so special?"

"Well, you're right. I could and do have friends who are heroes, but you're still unknown to the rest of the world, and you're pretty powerful,"

"Okay...if we do have an alliance, what do I expect from this?"

"You'll be helping when a great evil comes to this world, and you'll be a great help to fight back against this evil."

"And that is?"

"I'm uncertain,"

"Hm, I'm not doing anything that against what I stand for,"

"I understand, and I won't force you into anything,"

"Then I against we have an alliance,"

"You made a wise choice,"

"I hope so," Danny thought

"But I do see something in you that is troubling,"

"What's that?"

"I see a dark aura in you that haven't been resolve,"

"Oh," Danny made a depressing sigh, "I've been trying to work on that issue,"

"I'm guessing something tragic happen in your life,"

"Yep multiplied by that two, and you would have trouble getting over it,"

"I use to have that dark aurora, Danny,"


"Yes, do you want to talk about it?"

"No, not at the moment, but I'll get in contact with you if I do want to talk about it,"

"I understand,"

"Onto less traumatic and incoming doom talk. So are you a superhero, Raven?"

"Yes, I am. I'm with a group called the Teen titans. Have you heard of us?"

"Kinda, I heard about you guys from a friend of mine, and is it true that you have a guy who can turn into any animal with green skin?"

Raven chuckled "yeah, that's Beastboy loyal friend and a goofball,"

"I bet he's fun to hang out with,"

"He is. If you like, you could visit Titan towers. You already meet other Titans members Nightwing and Cyborg,"

"Sure, I don't have much of the social life other than being king,"

"Just give us a heads up if you visit so we can be prepare,"

"Got it," Danny yawns "well, I think it's time for me to head back home," Danny sits up

"Alright, then I'll see you later, Danny,"

Danny makes himself a ghost portal and flies through it, and the portal disappears. Raven stood up and looked to the right of her and saw another person.

"How long have we been listening to our conversation Dick?" said Raven

"About five minutes," said Nightwing

"Anything you want to say?"

"Yes, I actually do. Raven, your father, isn't coming back,"

"I just want to be prepared if he does, Dick, we can't be sure,"

"Raven, we can handle your father before you don't need to get Danny into this,"

"Danny is helpful and strong he's help is useful when my father does return,"

Nightwing sighs "let's just hope your father doesn't,"

"I wish I could believe that Dick,"

The next day at the Lexcorps, Lex is at his company laboratory talking to one of his scientists about the latest project.

"So Mr. Simmons, how's project SB going?" said Lex

"It's going well, Mr. Luther; in a few weeks, project SB will be complete," said Mr. Simmons


"But I do warn that the subject might be rebellious from the mix of DNA,"

"Then I'll make sure the subject is loyal to me and won't go against my order. Anything else, Mr. Simmons?"

"No sir,"


Lex walks away from one laboratory to another with the scientists with a mustache holding a black and green-ray gun and fires a laser at a ghost target with a direct target.

"So Samuel, it looks like you have finished with the ghost weapons,"

"I do but this one problem with one weapon,"

"What's with the one problem today," Lex thought

Samuel puts down the laser gun and goes to various ghost weapons that are on a table. Samuel and Lex go to the one that resembles a minigun.

"What's the problem with this gun?" said Lex

"The gun needs massive power to fire and charge in order for it to work," said Samuel

Lex grins. "I think I know a person up for the job," Lex goes to his phone and makes a quick call "yes, this is Lex Luther. I need to talk to Leslie Willis,"

In a few minutes, Leslie was on the other end of the phone call, "what do you want, Luthor?"

"Mrs. Willis, how would you like to leave prison early,"

"What's the catch?"

"You just have taken down a new hero that goes by the name of Danny Phantom,"

"I'm in,"

"That was quick,"

"I went to make that freak suffer,"

"Sounds like you have a grudge,"

"You can say that now. Can you get me out or what?"

"Don't worry. I'll call you when I'm going to get you out,"

Over at Stryker's Island Penitentiary in a plastic cell is the villain Livewire wearing an orange prison jumpsuit and a collar around her neck. Livewire ends a phone call and hands it back to the correctional officer.

"Finally, I get payback for that white-haired ghost for putting me here. I'll make sure he's nothing but ashes," Livewire thought as she imagines shocking Danny and turning into dust. She smiles from that imagery.

Author note: (Guess what's Project SB is)

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