Chapter 18 and 19

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On the next day, Danny is in his throne room, sitting on his throne with his ghost advisor in front of him. The ghost is from the medieval days; he wore a red robe and black boots; he had red eyes, a bald head, and a long green beard. The advisor begins to give Danny an idea about the future of the throne.

"So what is your idea Issac?" said Danny

"Well, Danny, I've been thinking that we should talk about you finding a queen," said Issac

"Oh god, not this again,"

"Yes, this again, Danny, this is important for the future of the ghost zone,"

"Issac, I'm still seventeen. I don't want to settle down or even think about finding a queen right now,"

"Look, Danny, it could be anyone you want: a human, another ghost, alien, mutant, hell even demon, which is a bad idea. You just need someone that you like and would fit to be the queen of the ghost zone,"

"Oh yeah, I can hear the girl screaming around the corner to be the queen of the ghost zone," Danny said sarcastically.

"C'mon, Danny, your handsome young man. I'm sure some girl would like to be your queen. Hey, maybe you can have one of those harems I heard about,"

"And just like that, the conversation ends now,"

"Look, Danny, you don't have to settle down now. You just need to think about this,"

"I'll think about it. Let's move onto the next subject,"

"Alright, then it's about you going back and being a superhero again,"

"What's the problem?"

"No problem with that. I wonder if you can balance your king duties, your heroics, and other human things,"

"I can Issac, besides I don't have much of a social life in Amity park,"

"Okay, king,"

"Anything else?"

"Nope, we're finished. I'll see you around," Issac flies off.

Danny groans "I'm so not ready to date anyone,"

Later at night, Danny comes to Metropolis to forget about finding a ghost queen and try to find something else to do.

Danny flies around Metropolis. "I should probably check in with Eli that I've gotten a way back to the ghost zone," Danny thought.

As Danny made a turn around an office building, he heard gunshots below him. He looked down to see two robbers in ski-masks carrying large duffle bags getting into a modified red muscle car with yellow flames.

"Whelp time to get to work," Danny as he turns invisible and flies down to the robbers

The car made a burnout and started driving fast down the street. Danny managed to catch up to the muscle car. Then two cop cars show up trying to subdue the robbers. Still, one of the robbers in the passenger seat rolled down his window and started to shoot at the cop cars with a full-auto pistol, and he managed to hit the cop car tire, causing it to crash into a parked car. The muscle car drove into an alleyway with Danny still following the car.

"Alright, time to end this, but I need to not cause a car wreck," Danny thought, then an idea popped into his head.

Danny phases into the car and overshadows the robber driving the car. Danny makes the robber slow down the car, and he parks the car on a curb.

"What the hell, Kurt? Why did you park the car? We got cops on our asses," said the robbers

"I think it time to give up," said Danny overshadowing the other robber


The overshadowed robber grabs the gun from the other robber, and throws the gun out of the passenger window, and steps out of the car with his hands behind his back. The cop's cars catch up and surround the muscle car. The other robber gets out of the car, and he sees policies aiming their gun at him. Danny got out of the robber's body and flew up to see the cop begin to arrest the robbers.

"Now that has been taken care of, time to see Eli,"

Danny flies to Eli's apartment and phases into Eli's bedroom, invisible, and sees Eli on his phone.

"Hey Eli," said Danny

Eli looks up, and Danny turns visible. "Danny, your back,"

"Yep, I told you I was coming back,"

"So can you go back and forward from the ghost world?"

"Yeah, I know a spell that I can do that,"

"Great, Riley is going to be happy your back; she says that she got you a gift for saving her mom,"

"Can't wait. Where are your folks?"

"Out on their dinner date," then there was a knock on the front door. "I wonder who could that be?" Eli comes front door with Danny following him "um yes,"

"This is John Constantine. I got a call from this apartment a few days ago, and I want to talk," said Constantine on the other side of the door

Eli turns to Danny. "I told you the guy was sketchy," he whispered.

"Oh boy, now I have to deal with this," Danny thought.

Summoning the Ghost King part 19

"What should we do, Danny? What if the guy tries to rob my home," Eli whispered.

"That's not going to happen. I got an idea," Danny whispered back. He changes into his human form.

"C'mon, let me in already. I'm not going to wait here forever," said Constantine

"Sorry, sir, we'll open the door," Danny opens the door for John Constantine.

"Alright, which one of you call me about summoning the ghost king?"

"Um me," said Eli

"Okay, and who are you?" Constantine points at Danny

"Well, I'm Eli older brother," said Danny

Constantine looks Danny up down and smirks "yeah, done my research on this family. They don't have an older son,"

"crap," Danny thought.

"From what felt from the other side of the door is ghost energy, and my assumption you're the ghost king, aren't you," Constantine closed the door behind him.

"What if I am," Danny crossing him

"Relax, kid. I'm one of the good guys Zatanna knows me,"

"I don't believe him," said Eli

"Oh c'mon is this about hanging upon you," said Constantine

"That and you're a very sketchy guy,"

"Sketchy, please I'm not sketchy,"

"I find that hard to believe," said Danny

Constantine groans "look, I'm here to find out how you summon Danny, Eli. I'm not going to cause any trouble,"

Eli looks at Danny. "Danny?"

"Okay, Eli shows him the book?" said Danny

"Are you sure?"

"Don't worry, Eli. I won't let anything happen to you,"

"Why I'm the bad guy in this situation," said Constantine. Eli quickly grab the magic book and shows it to Constantine "well, I haven't seen this in a while,"

"Do you know about the book?" said Danny.

"Yeah, it's a book from Merlin the wizard,"

"Are you kidding me,"

Eli hands Constantine the book"nope, not kidding. Anyone can summon something from this book by the amount of magic energy in the book,"

"So what are you going to do with the book?" said Eli

"I'm just going to put this book away in a safe place,"

"If that's all, then can you leave before my parents come home and freak out when they see a stranger in our home,"

"Fine, I'll leave, but before I go," Constantine hands Danny a white calling card.

"a calling card?" said Danny

"Yeah, if you need a hand, just use the number and call me; see you later, your majesty," Constantine leaves the apartment.

At a cafe in Los Angeles, there was an older teenage girl with short dark black hair that has red-violet streaks, light purple eyes, and a black ear piercing in her left ear. The teenager wore a grey and light blue hoodie, black t-shirt, blue jeans, and red and black shoes. The girl was sitting at a table drinking coffee. She looks up at the cafe Tv to see the news about Dr. T.O. morrow attacking S.T.A.R.S. Lab with robots. The news shows various images of superheroes beating robots, but one hero caught her eye.

"So it is true the ghost king has arrived in this world," said the mysterious girl sipping her coffee "things are going to be interesting,"

Author note: (the Poll is going to close, and take your guess who the mysterious girl is?)

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