Chapter 10

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Re-edit: 2/2/21

The next day at the Daily Planet, a tall man with black hair who is wearing black square glasses, a dark blue suit, red tie, and brown shoes walk into the building. The man's name is Clark Kent, a reporter for the Daily Planet who is coming back to his job after his 'vacation,' in Hawaii and he is ready to get back to work. Clark walks into an elevator with three other people inside.

"I hope Hal and the other Green Lanterns got that warship off the moon now so no one on earth would get any bright ideas," Clark thought.

The elevator stops at Clark's floor, and he gets off the elevator to see the newsroom is busy as ever. Then a young man in his early twenties with red hair, wearing a white shirt, blue jacket, khaki pants, white socks, and red shoes, comes up to Clark.

"Hey Clark, back from your vacation," said the young men

"Yep, it's good to be back," said Clark

"How was your vacation?"

"Well, Jimmy, let's just say it was interesting at best,"

"Cool, did you get a souvenir for me?"

"Sorry I didn't buy any souvenir from Hawaii,"

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, I don't want to keep a certain someone waiting in your cubicle,"

"I think I know who you mean, Jimmy,"

"See ya, Clark," Jimmy walks off.

Clark walks to his cubicle to see a woman in a red collar shirt, black skirt, silver necklace, and black heels holding a white purse.

"Hello, Lois," said Clark

"Hello, Clark. I'm guessing you enjoy your vacation so much that you miss two days of work," said Lois

"Yeah, my flight had trouble,"

"Oh, my bad,"

"It's fine,"

"Anything new happens while I'm gone?"

"Actually, one big news,"

"And that is?"

"There is a new superhero in town,"


Lois pulled out her phone and showed Clark an image of Danny Phantom. "And so far what we gather is that new hero seems to be a seventeen-year-old boy, and it seems that the only person who had contact with the hero is Supergirl and everything else is a mystery,"

"I see," Clark then thought, "I have to talk to Kara after work,"

"That's why half of the reporter here is trying to find more about him, and I'm going to be the first,"

"And what about me? Maybe I get to him first,"

"No, because you have some catching up work. Perry wanted me to pass the message to you,"

"Got it,"

"Okay, enough chatting time to go to work. See you around Clark,"

"Bye Lois,"

Lois left Clark's cubicle. Clark sat down at his desk and turned on his computer with information about a new hero in Metropolis buzzing his head.

After work, Clark calls his cousin Kara to meet him at a Burger joint. Clark waits for his cousin at a table and drinks a water bottle. Then Clark spots his cousin Kara wearing a long green shirt, blue jeans, white socks, and purple shoes. Kara sees Clark, and she sits at Clark's table.

"Kal glad your back," said Kara

"Nice you again, Kara," said Clark

"So, how does the whole warship go?"

"Well, the good news is that ship won't affect earth or blow up the moon,"

"That's good,"

"But I wanted to talk to you about something else,"


"Lois told me there is a new superhero in town, and you've met him,"

"Yes, and his name is Danny Phantom,"

"So what is he like?"

"Heroic of course, nice, and overall he seems like a good guy,"

"I see,"

"Danny also told me that he's a ghost,"


"Yeah, he told me that he died from a lab accident, and he didn't go any further about his death,"

"Not the first time a supernatural person became a superhero,"

"However one thing still bugs me about him,"

"What's that?"

"I don't felt some strange aurora that I can't describe,"

"Maybe if I talk to him and find out about that himself,"

"Sure, but he usually pops up when a crime happens,"

"I'm a patient man," Clark smirks.

Over to Eli's apartment, Danny tells Eli what happens at Gotham, and he is blown away.

"I can't believe that you met both Batman and Nightwing and also knocking out Two-face all in the same night," said Eli

"Yep, and by the way, Eli, I thought Batman was cool and a bit scary," said Danny.

"Yeah, he still scares me. I have seen his frown. I'm pretty sure I have never seen him smile in one photo,"

Then there's a knock on Eli's door, and Danny quickly turns invisible. Opening the door is Eli's dad.

"Eli, I'm going head down to the garage and fix the car; text me if you need something," said Eli dad

"Got it, dad,"

"And who were you talking to?"

"Oh, I was talking to my friend on the phone,"

Eli's dad looks to see the phone sitting on Eli's bed and looks back at Eli, putting up an innocent smile "...alright then," Eli dad closes the door.

Danny turn himself visible " that was close,"

"Yeah, it was,"

"Moving on, Eli, you still got that phone number to that British paranormal investigator,"


"We should try to call him?"

"Again, I still think he's a scam artist. I mean, who the heck walks around with the name John Constantine? That sounds like a name of the main character in a crappy movie,"

"Got any other ideas?"

"I could make another spell,"

"Yeah, let's not because I don't want to end up in Paris, France,"

"Good point,"

"What's going on?" Eli and Danny turn to see Riley at the doorway, looking speechless in the Eli bedroom doorway

"Crap," said both Eli and Danny.

(what's going to happen next? and should I add music to the story?)

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