Chapter 6: The Voyage

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Port of Esthirant, Parpaldian Empire, 21st of April, 1639 - Four Days after the Transfer

Under an umbrella stand on the docks, Remille sat under the shade as she was fanned by her maid. Jana to her side eyed her mistress's grumpy expression as she had her arms crossed while she kept up the fanning. Finally Remille spoke as she scoffed. "I can't believe Ludius would make me go on this trip... I remain loyal to him but for Elysia's sake I do not wish to indulge in these barbarians..."

Jana cleared her throat. She had been Remille's longtime maid and unlike to others her boss was kinder to her than most. She then spoke as she kept fanning her. "It may not be all too bad, mistress Remille. Rest assured I will keep your trip as comfortable as possible." She said.

"Thank you Jana. But still I am certainly not looking forward to it.... If I lose any of my luggage to any barbaric thieves I'd certainly give Ludius the glove." Remille said as she eyed the piles of luggage that she had packed, or more like Jana packed. Dresses, books, even some magic crystals, it was certainly quite a bit for a few days trip.

Jana nodded though spoke in a hesitant tone. "His majesty only wants a firsthand witness of these Italians. He deeply trusts you to provide that. To me that'd be quite the honour." She said.

"Of course he deeply trusts me. I just hate the fact that it has to be me..." She said as she adjusted her seat. Remille wore a less grandeur dress for the boat trip but even so she was definitely still way overdressed. "Now we have to take a boat trip that may very well take a week. Tch. Just a day? I don't believe it. It wouldn't be so bad if we were on the Imperial Vessel."

Jana simply listened to Remille's rich royalty woes as she just nodded. She and Remille then looked up to see Antonio and Mario with their own luggages which was a curious sight compared to her mistress's. Followed was Kaios along with a few of his staff as they had a few bags of their own belongings. Antonio then smiled. "I see everyone is prepared?"

"Indeed we are." Kaios said. "Will we be boarding the metal ships we saw?" He asked as he carried his bags.

"Well, not those ships specifically but we will be boarding a metal ship rest assured." Antonio said with a smile before a loud horn could be heard. "Which speaking of, there it is." He said as he pointed out at sea.

The Parpaldians looked out to the water as they saw a grand white ship with a sleek design. They all gasped at what could possibly a luxurious trip for one reason. "These- these ships aren't even comparable to Mirshial ones. These are on another level." Kaios exclaimed.

"Ah, this is what we call a super yacht. We were quite a hotspot for these ships due to our location on what we called the Mediterranean Sea." Antonio explained as the yacht approached them.

The Parpaldians could only watch as Kaios observed the details of the ship. "What do you call such a fine vessel like her?"

"This particular yacht is called the Victoria." Antonio smiled as the yacht was now preparing to be by the docks.

Remille sat silently as she gazed at the ship. She did not even notice that Jana's fanning had ceased as the maid too stared at the vessel. At the price of her pride, she was relieved that the boat trip might not be so bad.


The Victoria

Once the yacht was there, Antonio started to board the smaller boats that arrived to take the diplomats and royalty onto the super yacht as a few of his guards helped in carrying the luggage onto the vessels. A quick ride later, the group was now on the Victoria as Antonio smiled.

"Welcome to the Victoria." He said as he took his luggage. "We have designated particular quarters for you all and as our guests we give the two master bedrooms to you Mistress Remille and Director Kaios. Follow me." He said with a hum as he started to get inside the yacht.

Remille and Kaios looked at each other before they followed as the woman spoke. "Jana do carry my luggage to my room later." She said as the maid nodded. She got a few bags as she followed Remille to see where her room was.

The yacht had many amenities to it. There was a bar filled with wine, champagne, and many other liquors as the common area had a TV and a couch. On the deck was a small pool and jacuzzi tub as above was a small kitchen and dining area while at the very top was the control room. Antonio went downstairs as inside was the lodging area. There was a second living room and small kitchen along with a library and games room.

Antonio then went to a set of double doors and opened it up. "Here is the first master bedroom for you, Miss Remille." He said with a smile.

Remille still had her usual facade but the moment she saw her room, she stopped and looked around with a surprised look. There was a queen sized bed, couch, study, and small bookshelf along with another TV. On the bedside table was a box of chocolates.

"We were made aware you liked the chocolate we gave so here's another box." He said with a smile.

Remille scoffed as she hid the little blush on her cheeks. "It wasn't a bad treat...." She simply said as she entered the room and looked at every detail.

Antonio then left Remille to her own devices. "And here's your room, Director Kaios." He said as he opened another set of double doors. It was a bit smaller inside but much of the same furniture Remille had was in the room as Kaios entered.

Kaios then looked around and looked to Antonio as he spoke. "Thank you truly for the hospitality, Ambassador Catalano. This is more than enough." He said as he sets his belongings onto his bed.

Antonio simply smiled. "It's no problem, Director. Please enjoy yourself and relax." He said with a smile as he closed the door.

Kaios watched him leave before he got dizzy. He then went and sat down on a nearby armchair as he huffed.

Remille meanwhile eyed the chocolates as she tried not to give into temptation. She truly did not want to admit it but this particular room was already grander than her own. She had her hands clasped into fists before she looked to the door as a knock came. Jana entered inside as she set the rest of her luggage down. "Here's your luggage, mistress Remille." She said.

Remille nodded as she closed her eyes. "Thank you, Jana. Go and ask for your room. I can handle myself." She said as the maid nodded and bowed before she left. Once she did, Remille's lip trembled as she finally opened the box of chocolates and popped a piece.

Up above, Antonio and Mario had showed the rest of the Parpaldians their quarters as they sat on the common area. They watched the yacht now start to move as the fleet of ships from the navy followed to guide and protect the delegation.

"Well this begins a new chapter for Italy." Antonio said as he poured himself a glass of champagne while Mario nodded.

"Definitely. I was surprised that they were somewhat friendly... I expected them to be more umm...."

"Stubborn? I agree. But luckily they took our offer... Once we show that we aren't someone to be reckoned with, Italy may be saved from their warmongering ideals." Antonio said.

Mario nodded but he did have a little worrying thought. "I feel bad for those they did conquer though. Do you really think that we should even indulge with them...?"

"To be honest, I would have preferred that Italy didn't establish relations much less trade with a country like Parpaldia but we got no choice. As long as we get on their good side, we may just be able to influence and change their behaviour." Antonio said as he leaned back against the seat and took a sip of his champagne.

With that the voyage to Italy had begun.

The Parpaldians took quite a while to get settled into the ship. As the sun was near setting, Remille was out on the deck as she sat on a pool chair. Beside her was a glass of wine and her own bottle as she gazed at the sunset. As she relaxed against the seat, she sighed as trying to keep up her pride was rather tiring.

She sat up however when Jana approached the woman with her request, the book she was reading. "Here is the book, miss Remille."

"Thank you Jana... Go ahead and relax." Remille said as she took the book before Jana nodded and bowed before she walked off.

Remille gazed at the book in her hands as she stared at the cover. She then sighed softly before she opened it up and started to read it.

In the common area, Kaios looked at the plan Antonio had given him for their tour of Italy. Labeled on the map were the paths they were to take along with a bullet point list of activities to do.

- DAY 1
* GENOA: Landing and Small Tour of Cavour
* MILAN: Fashion Show and Shopping
- DAY 2
* FLORENCE: Cuisine and Art Gallery

* ROME: Meeting with the President
- DAY 3
* ROME: History and Air Show
* NAPLES: Cuisine and Opera
- DAY 4
* NAPLES: Last Day before Return to Esthirant

Kaios then eyed the routes they were to take within Italy. He had no idea how they could possibly do all that in four days. While he has heard of machines known as trains from Mu and the Mirishials, he believed it was only possible due to their vast territory and power. How could Italy possibly create their own train lines? He then shuts the planner as he then grabbed his glass of wine and took a sip. "Hmm... Truly high quality."


Aboard the Victoria, the Parpaldians were given quite the luxury being on the yacht. Throughout their voyage, they were served food, drinks, and even some entertainment that they knew how to do. As the yacht was getting close to Italy, the Parpaldians were now all set to disembark as they were on the deck.

Each one of them was rather silent. The yacht sailed gently now as they neared the port of this nigh alien looking city. Buildings with five or more stories dominated the city as such structures were reserved to the most important ones in Esthirant. Glass seemed to be on each building with some even made of nothing but glass which was a precious commodity in the empire. Cars all around drove down to their destinations as ships were all around the port, some just as grand if not more so than the Victoria.

Remille gripped the railings of the deck as she tried not her best to look surprised by the city. It looked like that every corner of the city there were some sort of small palaces all around. Kaios meanwhile made no attempt to hide his fascination as he observed the details of the skyline. It reminded him of the rare pictures he'd see of Mu and yet as he saw this place in person he could not help but admire at how grandeur it looked.

While the Parpaldians eyed the city, their gaze was broken as they looked back to Antonio behind them.

"Welcome to Italy!" He said with a big smile.

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