Day 1; Continued~

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'I could barely see him, but our faces were only inches apart...'
Darwin's POV:

I steadily held Gumball's hand as I was on top of him, our faces so close together, I could feel his hot breath on my lips, causing my face to burn, and my stomach become bubbly in excitement.

I wanted to reach his lips, to feel the sparks, but only then...the lights flashed back on, causing me to stumble off of Gumball in embarrassment and drop his hand.

"Thank Goodness the lights are on!" He said getting up and smiling. "Yeah." I agreed quietly. I followed after him, knowing Mrs. Mom and Mr. Dad would be expecting us to venture back. I hopped on the step railing, Gumball decided to walk down the stairs. I slid down and hopped off with a grin of victory knowing I beat Gumball down the steps.

"Stairs are for lamoes" I said giving a half smile and raising my eyebrows. Gumball lightly punched my arm. "Then I'm your favorite lamoe." He said with a smirk on his face. My face began to heat up, so I ducked my head. "You are." I laughed realizing my face was good again.

Gumball was my favorite lamoe, and will always be.

We headed back to the room, it took about 10 minutes, but we managed to make it, so now we had to explain.

"Where were you two?" Asked Mr.Dad letting us in. "We got lost, and then the lights went out!" I said sitting down on the couch. "That's weird, the lights did go out!" Anais said observing the light switches in the living room. "It was weird." Gumball said taking a seat beside me. "Hmmm." Said Mrs. Mom.
A Couple Hours Later...
I tried to keep my eyes open throughout the movie we were watching. My eyelids kept drooping and I'd start to doze off, so I kind of had to make sure I stayed awake. This movie was about two people who fell in love over a trip, I was too tired to understand half of what was happening, so I'd nod to whatever Anais had to remark, whatever Gumball would make fun of, Whatever Mrs. Mom fawned over, and listen to Mr. Dad's weeping when the movie got sad.

I stifled a yawn. "I think I'm going to bed." I decided getting up, I knew I'd fall asleep on the couch If I just waited, so I had to do it. "Oh okay Darwin, goodnight." Nicole ( Mrs. Mom ) said sweetly as I headed off. I walked to the room, carrying my tired self there.

I had chosen the bed in the middle, to mainly be beside Gumball. I got under the orange blankets and rested my head on my pillow, but I kept thinking back to when the lights had gone out. I had such an finally make a move! Just as Anais encouraged me to do! But I didn't!!!
"Okay Darwin! We're going on vacation in one week! We need to plan this out!" Anais instructed as she paced around Gumball and I's bedroom. Gumball was off at the mall, doing something. "Yeah." I said straightening up. "Okay, need to make a move on Gumball already!" She encouraged looking at me expectingly.

My heart started to pump. "" I squeaked with an unsure tone. "I don't know, it's up to you...but Gumball won't be single forever you know." Anais said turning away and tapping her head, lost in thought.
End Of Flashback............
I gave a sigh to myself as I remembered the memories from only a week ago. "I'm going to make a move." I whispered to myself as I curled up. Anais walked into the room, laying on her bed. "6 more days." She smiled looking over at me. I nodded, knowing I'd claim Gumball's love by the end of the week.

I started to drift off, I knew Gumball came into the room eventually, he kept trying to wake me up, all he'd get from me is, "Dude, I'm trying to sleep" or "Hhmmm Gumball stop." "Fine." He said in defeat crawling into his bed, I squeezed my eyes shut. I wanted to invite him to cuddle with me, but I couldn't be too obvious, besides the week had more to come!!!
End Of Chapter!!!
A//N: Sorry Darwin's POV was short, but it was short bc it's part of day 1, so next time his chapter will be longer!!! :)

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