I sat with Mabel in front of Dipper. "What are we doing here?" I whispered to Mabel looking around. "Thank you all for coming." Dipper said standing in front of the tree we found the journal in. "Hey, when there's a mystery, you can count on your sister...-Ey." I laughed along with Soos. "That's an amazing rhyme. When you want some, good....When you need a Soos, you...Oh, oh gosh, I don't know." I shook my head. "We're here to solve the number one mystery in Grvaity Falls; who wrote this journal?! Thirty years ago the author vanished without a trace. But according to this new clue," Dipper turned on a black light. "We may have found his secret hiding place." He shone the light on the book. "We find the author, we learn the answers to everything. We just need to figure out a way to get down there." Dipper said looking at the tree. "Chop it down, dudes!" Wendy said turning up on her bike. "Wendy!" Mabel yelled jumping up. "Oh, hey! You came." Dipper said to her. "Dude, I'm so stoked about this. I've been wanting to go adventuring with you guys. Sure beats picking up after my dad at home."
"Thanks for the invite man." Wendy said to Dipper. "Of course, anytime you wanna..I, we're always...Us." I giggled at him getting all flustered around her. "Uh oh! Inviting Wendy on our mission? Me thinks there's romance afoot!" Mabel said poking Dipper. "No, look I've thought this through and I'm over Wendy." My breath hitched in my throat. "I've looked at it from every angle, and that thing was going nowhere. I know what matters to me now, and it's finding the author of this journal." I rolled my eyes. "You don't just get over someone you're practically in love with Dip." I said looking at the tree. "Hey, is it just me, or does that branch kinda look like a lever?" I nodded in agreement with Wendy and Dipper turned away talking to himself. "Climb?"I asked handing Wendy my belt so she could climb the tree with it. "BOOSH!" She yelled pulling the lever. "Whoa ho-ho!" I smiled brightly. "Oh yeah, my dad used to make me compete in these lumberjack games when I was a kid. Guess I kinda ruled it." The tree started shaking and birds flewaway. "Whoa, what is that?!" Wendy asked falling from the tree.
I looked at the staircase that was no replacing the tree. "Alright guys, this is it. Remember, whatever happens down there, we tell no one." Everyone agreed with Dipper. "Now who wants to go first?" I looked at the and took the lantern. "I'll do it." I said slowly walking down the staircase and going into a room. "Whoa." Soos and Mabel said together looking around. "Cool." Dipper said. "This is, stupid cool." Wendy said looking at it. "It' a fall out shelter." I said looking at all of the things in the room. Wendy pulled a poster from the wall. "This is going over my bed." I looked over at Mabel who had caterpillars all over her face. "Haha! My face feels fuzzy!" I laughed and looked over at Dipper. "This is incredible! It's like he was preparing for a disaster. But what kinda disaster would need supplies for over sixty years?" I looked around and saw another room, I walked over to it and pushed the door open. It slammed behind me and I held the lantern closer. "OW!" I yelled feeling a stabbing pain in the side of my head. "Tell me what you know!" Images were flashing through my head and I clutched my head closing my eyes tightly trying to ignore the pain. "Help." I whimpered. When I opened my eyes I was back in the normal room but the others had gone.
I finally found them in a security room. "Where did you go?" I asked looking at them. "Well you were day dreaming so we left you." Soos said patting my back. "Dipper?" I asked looking at him. "Your vest.." I said grabbing it from the wall it was stuck in. "Dear Wendy, I've always had a crush on..." I gasped looking at him. "OHMYGOSH! HEY DIP LOOK WHAT IVE GOT!" I yelled waving the note. "Give me that!" He said snatching it from me. "I knew it. I knew it! You're not over Wendy at all! And you were gonna tell her today?" He shook his head. "No, I changed my mind; it's a bad idea. I'd embarrass myself and then I'd be another guy she hates, like robbie." I sighed. "Dip, you need to tell her already. Once it's over you can move on." I said looking at him. "Look, I can't tell her no matter how much I want to, so just drop it!" He yelled at me and I walked away from him. "He's going to admit it." Mabel said to me before pushing him and Wendy into a wardrobe. "Mabel, open up, for real! There's a monster in here!" I frowned and looked at Mabel. "Ha ha, nice try! The only monsters are you own inner demons, Dipper!" I laughed a little.
I looked around another room looking through papers when I found some glasses. "Cool." I said putting them on and then looking around again when I saw some sticky pad connected to wires that were hocked up to a machine. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT." I dropped the wires and looked around. "Mabel? Soos?" They were gone. "No not again." I said looking around and taking off the glasses. "Tell me everything. I know you know Bill." I covered my ears running away and going to find Mabel. "YOU KNOW DIPPER'S JOKES ARE TERRIBLE!" Soos yelled at Mabel. "DIPPER!"
"Mabel, turn the jumper on." I said looking through the dark door. "Isn't that kinda a fire hazard?" Soos asked as Mabel turned her lighbulb on. "A fun hazard." Mabel said walking in front with me. "We're coming for you dudes!" Soos yelled.
"Dipper?!" I asked as they ran towards us. "Wait! How do we know they're not the shape shiftier?" I rolled my eyes. "Because you have a bigger brain than that." I said looking at him. "It's definitely them." I smiled and Dipper gasped. "Oh my gosh, Wendy, you're bleeding!" I looked at her. "It's cool, it's cool. It's just blood man; don't freak out." I frowned. "What happened?" I looking through my bag and got some bandages out wrapping her wound up. "We got attacked by the shape shiftier. He broke out of his cage, pretene to be the author, and wants Dipper's journal." I frowned. "Imagine if he escapes to the town! He can transform into anything! We could never trust anyone ever again!" Dipper said looking at me. "What do we do?!" Mabel asked looking at me. "Well, he took us into his home, tricked us, and tried to destroy us. I say we return the favor." I nodded in agreement with Wendy.
"Dipper, my boy! Come out! I must speak with you! REVEAL YOURSELF, YOU SINGLE FORMED HUMAN WEAKLING!" I looked around the corner of the wall to see a monster withy six leads and one eye hitting its head on the floor. "Oh boy, Dipper. That book sure it full of some great monsters!" Mabel said loudly. "There you are! Ooh, and a new one." The monster looked at Mabel. "Should I be one..." It turned into Dipper. "You'd like that wouldn't you." It said grabbing me and holding me close still as Dipper. He touched my lips with his fingers and I slapped him causing him to turn into the six legged creature again. "YOU'RE GONNA REGRET THAT!" It yelled as me, Dipper and Mabel ran away into another room where Soos and Wendy were waiting. "Guys, he's coming! He;s coming! NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW!" They turned on the valve. "It's not working" I said looking at them. The creature stood in front of us and took the journal. "HEY LET GO!" Dipper yelled. "You leave him alone!" Wendy said before the creature took her and the journal. "Wendy!" I yelled looking at the darkness.
The valve started to work and water was pumped out. "Hold your breath!" I yelled diving under the water and swimming after the monster. I screamed under water as I saw Wendy get hit by a rock. The water subsides and I gasped for air. "Dipper..." I said slowly as he walked over to Wendy. "WENDY! Wendy! No, no, no no no! Can you hear me? Oh, please be okay, please be okay!" He shook her body with no response. "Oh no, oh no! This is all my fault! If I had told you when we were in the closet we wouldn't be in this mess. But I was too scared and now you could be hurt or worse, and I never even got to tell you I'm like-In love with you, Wendy." He started crying and I looked down at the floor. "Uh, Dipper?" I looked up seeing another Wendy. "Huh-what-Wendy?! W-Wait, then who's...?" The shape shiftier moved. "LOOK OUT!" I screamed to them. "Give me back that journal." The shape shiftier said in Wendy's voice. The two Wendy's continued to fight. "Anyone else got a headache?" I asked watching them. "Give it back; it belongs to Dipper." She looked at Dipper. "Hit her with the ax!" I frowned. "Don't listen to her Dipper!" I bit my lip. "She's the shape shiftier!" I grabbed the Ax and handed it to Dipper. "I don;'t know which it is give me a sign." One smiled and winked while the other zipped her lips. Dipper hit the shape shiftier and it turned into it's normal form.
"Push him in!" I yelled to Mabel and Soos. They pushed him into the freezer and clicked freeze. "Frozen! Boop!" Mabel said fist-bumping Soos. "Boosh!" I smiled and looked at the monster. "You're going to regret this!" The monster said changing from one thing to another. "Especially you Y/N I KNOW EVERYTHING I KNOW EVERYTHING!" It said before changing to Dipper "How did that thing know your name?" Mabel asked looking at me. "And what was the whole Dipper thing about." I laughed nervously. "Nothing. Drop it." I said looking over at Wendy. "You think you're so clever don't you, Dipper? But you have no idea what you're up against. You will never find the author. If you keep digging, you'll meet a fate worse than you can imagine. And this will be the last form you ever take!"The shape shiftier said before screaming and being frozen. "Good luck sleeping tonight!" Soos said to Dipper.
"Y/N We need to talk." Mabel said following me away from the tree. "Mabel please." I said continuing to walk away but she stopped me. "What was that about?" I looked over at Dipper and Wendy together. "Nothing." I said shaking my head and looking at the floor. "You're in love with Dipper aren't you?" You shook your head laughing. "What?! No! That's stupid!" She hugged you tightly. "It's alright, Robbie told me." I growled. "That's no good teenager." I said pulling away from the hug. "You should tell him." I laughed again. "No, he's just told Wendy I think I'll save it thanks." She sighed. "Y.n.." I nodded. "I know, but he's hopelessly in love with Wendy and like Robbie said I should just wait until the time is right." She nodded and hugged me. "It'd be great to have you as a sister in law." I laughed and looked at Dipper again.
We stood with Dipper. "Mabel, how can everything be so amazing and so terrible all at the same time?" I smiled at him. "I'm so sorry for being so pushy Dipper. If it's any consolation, I'm already working on your list of potential rebound crushes." I laughed at Mabels comment. "Thanks Mabel." Soos joined us. "I'm still bummed we're no closer to finding the author guy. At least I got his science-y coat, and briefcase." Soos held up a laptop. "Soos that's a laptop." I said taking it and opening it. "It's all beaten up." I said looking at it. "This could be the next clue." Dipper said as I looked at the back. "Property of F MO52584!"
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