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India took a deep breath as she knocked on the door. It's been about three days since india found out she was pregnant and she finally decided on how she was going to do. Hailey opened the door and rolled her eyes letting India in.

India walked in and looked around. She walked over to the boy with platinum blonde hair and poked his side. Justin turned around and looked down at India smiling, she grabbed his hand and marched away into the kitchen. "Well hello to you too" he said. India looked up at him. "Um I have something to tell you" Justin nodded "but I don't know how to tell you so here, don't be mad at me" she said.

India handed Justin a box. That a had a brand new pregnancy test in it cause she wanted to make sure. It said that she was indeed pregnant and now three weeks. Justin looked up at India and smiled as he opened up the box. Justin took out the test and read it. He looked up at India and smiled "really ?" India nodded.

Justin picked her up "Woo !" He yelled making India giggle. He set her down and smiled "this is amazing" he said she smiled. "Now I want to tell everyone when the timing is right" "What do you mean everybody" "Like your family, my family, your friends, my friends I want to tell all of them when the time is right" Justin nodded and smiled.

-Present time-

India smiled at everyone in the backyard. All most all of India's family was there and Justin flew his family down from Canada for today. "Hey" Justin said kissing her cheek. India smile and looked up at him. "Hey" she said. "All the family is here" India nodded "Want to tell them ?" Justin shook his head.

"Not yet" he whispered. India walked out into the backyard and went over to the pool. Where her sister where sitting. "Girl who's house is this" Crystal asked "Um..you'll find out soon" "India who are all the other people" Morgan asked "the person house family..why?"

"India are you dating the person who lives here" India giggled and walked away. When she bumped into someone "My bad" she said looking up, She saw a man in his later thirties to forties, looking down at her. "Its fine and what is your name ?"

"My names India and you must be.." India looked at him up and down "Jeremy ?" She questioned looking up at him, he smiled "you must be the little lady that's keeping Justin's attention" India smiled, "he told you ?" "Almost everything" he said. India's giggles and shook his hand.

"No wonder why you have his attention, your a very pretty young lady" India smiled "Thank you" She said "Now why did you guys gather all these people together?" He asked "We can't tell you yet" India said smiling, walking away. She sat next to her mother and smiled "hi momma" she said, India's mom eyed her.

"What are you hiding from me ?" She asked India chuckled "I can't tell you yet" "Are you pregnant ?" India looked up at her mom and gasped "how do you know that ?" "A mothers instinct"India sighed and nodded her head. "Who's the man" "India sighed and got up.

She walked over to Justin who was talking to his mom. "Babe" India said hugging him from behind, he turned around "yes shorty" he said looking down at her, India looked up at him with a pout on her lip.

"My mom already knows" "How I thought we were gonna wait ?" "Her mother instincts kicked in and she just asked me out in the open" "Wanna do it now ?" "Only if you want to" Justin nodded. India smiled as Justin grabbed her hand "Um, Everyone if you could please stop what your doing, we have something to tell you guys" Everyone stopped and looked at India.

"Well for those of you that done know me, My name is India Love and I've been living here with Justin for almost half a year, We have a really great bond and...yeah" India said before looking at Justin who was standing a little feet away from her. "Oh Its my turn ? My names Justin, Justin Bieber um, I make music for a living and I met India one day at a bus stop" Justin said smiling.

"Yo that guy that dated Gomez right" "oh..yeah" he said "Um..Me and Justin are-" "Having a Baby !" Justin shouted hugging India and kissing her head. There was claps and silence. India looked at her parents and saw her dad starring Justin down. Her mother was looking right at India and India smiled back.and held Justin's hand bringing him over to her parents.

"Mommy, Daddy this is Justin" she said her father eyed Justin with a mean look on his face. India's Mom shook Justin's hand. "So you're the one that's been taking care if her, thank you" India smiled "How old are you ?" He father asked still giving Justin a dirty look "21" Justin answered "That's rape" "Daddy I'm 19, I'm legal" India said rolling her eyes at him.

"Anyways, Mommy,Daddy Justin and I would like to have lunch with you guys" "Sure love, When ?" "Um when ever you guys are both open is fine" India's mother nodeed and looked at India's Dad hitting his should as she saw him still eyeing Justin. "Well we have to go" Justin said making India's Dad growl, she laughed and walked away with Justin.

"He doesn't seem to like me very much" Justin said looking down at India "He just trying to punk you out, don't worry about it" India reassured Justin. "Mom, This is India India this is my mom Pattie" Justin said. India giggled and shook Pattie's hand "Hello, I've heard so much about you" India said taking a seat next to her and chatting up a storm as India's sisters dragged him away.

And with that the night continued, With Justin and India learning even more about each other.


Ahhhhhhhh hello my loves how are you, here is the long awaited chapter I've been meaning to post. I have a new book coming out and I'll post the prologue down below please tell me what you think and if you would read it.

"Don't hurt her Jason" Jason looked over at her and smiled as she sat there playing on his phone. She held it up and made a face, Jason chuckled. Aw she's taking a selfie how cute.

"I'd never" he said looking down at her mom. "Then yes you may take my baby on a date" Jason smiled "Thank you miss" Jason said as he walked back to Luna she giggled as he sat down on a stool right next to her. "Hi." She smiled. "Hello" she said putting Jason's phone down and looking at him.

Jason adores this girl and that's a lot to say for the bad boy of Wingate high. "Hey." He smiles. "Your mom said she'll let me take you out on a date." "Date?" Her face screwed up in confusion. He smiled. Her innocence is pure, I can't ruin that. He thought. "I'll tell you more about it later." She smiled and nodded before holding up the phone "smile"she said. Jason smiled and looked down, as she snapped the picture.

"Pretty." She said smiling. "Not pretty, hot." "Hot? It cold how hot?" He smiled. "Not the temp its kinda like .." And there they sat talking about how to explain how hot isn't the tempter but how its just like a saying or something.

So that was it pretty please tell me what you though of it, it would mean a lot. I hope you liked this update. Good day my loves

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