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Your way to his office was rather awkward, his assistant seemed nice, but he didn't talk much, not that you were surprised since Levi didn't like talkative people. He drove you all the way and even asked you how was your day, if you weren't angry, you would've chitchatted all the way.

He then showed you around the building where Levi apparently worked, you had to contain all your gasps because you had never been there and it was just amazing. It was like one of those companies you could see in the movies, full of people working and enjoying their coffee.

"Wow." You muttered. "And you guys have like relaxing rooms? So cool." You clapped your hands, just as if you weren't going to yell at the CEO of that company because he took advantage of his sugar daddy position. How amusing.

"Yes ma'am, we also have a canteen and a bar." The guy, you hadn't even asked his name, but you weren't focused on that at the moment. "Now I'll show you to Mr. Ackerman's office, he said you needed to talk to him?"

"Mhm? Oh yeah." You answered as you were still looking at all the offices and hallways. As you followed him, you started to think of a way to start the conversation without being too hard on Levi, he probably did what he did with good intentions. You just wanted to tell him that he had made you feel bad, that's it, no need to yell or cause a scene.

"Y/n!" You turned and saw Erwin coming towards you. "Are you here to see Levi?" He stopped in front of you and you did your best to smile.

"Hi, so good to see you again." You hadn't met him after that little inconvenience at the restaurant, but he didn't seem to mind it at all as he was offering one of the best smiles you had had that day. "Yep, I needed to talk to him about something very important." You explained trying to hide the fact that you wanted to smack that little man in his face.

Erwin nodded and then looked at Levi's assistant. "I'll walk her, you can go have a break." He offered and the guy nodded gladly before walking away.

"Thank you, that's very kind of you." You said starting to walk with him. "Do you work here as well?" You asked curiously, that place was so big it could have at least five different companies inside.

"Depends on the mood, but I like coming here to work since Levi and I are colleagues." He shrugged and you both entered the elevator. "So... you and Levi are very close?"

You felt your cheeks heating up at that question. "Mhm, guess you could say so." You brushed a lock of hair behind your ear unsure of what to say, Levi clearly didn't want them to know about your weird relationship based on money and sex. "He talked about you, you must be very good friends." You decided to change the subject.

Erwin chuckled as the elevator kept going higher. "I'm surprised he talked about me if not to insult me." He joked and you giggled because that was just what he would do. "I know he can be... difficult, but he is a good and caring person beneath that serious expression and hard words."

You frowned looking down at your shoes. "Why are you telling me this?" It was nice to see how his friends got his back, but they didn't even know what was going on between the two of you.

"Because I've never seen him so interested in someone, he doesn't just take any girl out to a fancy restaurant, nor does he give her his jacket." He referred at your first meeting when you were wearing an elegant dress, but because it was so cold, Levi had given you his jacket to keep you warm. "Don't lose hope. Also, it's about time he settles down."

You widened your eyes. "With me?!"

"Yes, Hanji and I were so surprised to see him with such a beautiful and cheerful young woman." He joked and you forced a smile. If only Erwin knew, you were way younger than he expected, it was just an awkward position, to say the least.

Once the elevator got on the right floor, you two got out and you followed him through the hallway. "Working here seems like a dream." You muttered watching all the windows.

The blonde man nodded. "Absolutely." He then eyed you. "You went to the NY college?" He asked and only then you realized that you were wearing the hoodie with your college's badge.

"Eh, yes." You cleared your throat, god it was getting even worse. "Best years of my life." You tried to sound convincing, but you were doubtful.

Erwin pointed to a door ignoring your last comment. "That's his office."

"Thank you." You waved and then opened the door and got in the office. "Wow." You whispered looking around, it was like one of those offices you had seen only in the magazines. Full of windows and modern furniture.

Levi raised his head from his desk. "Of course, who else could get in without even knocking?" He asked sarcastically and you raised your eyebrows.

You closed the door and then knocked on it. "It's me, Y/n, hi, nice to see you too." You walked up to him. "What are you doing?" You looked at all the papers he had organized on his desk.

"I'm working, Y/n, I thought I had been clear about it." He let go of his pen and rested again in his chair, eyeing you from head to toe in all your cuteness. "What is it? I hope it's very important for you to come here like this." He folded his arms on his chest.

You gulped under his inexpressive eyes but decided to get a grip of yourself. "I need you to answer a very important question, I just need you to say yes or no." You explained calmly.

"I can do that." He nodded. "Go ahead."

You took a deep breath, it was hard not to stop and stare at his beautiful face, the way he was also sitting there just like a real CEO somehow managed to turn you on, but that wasn't the right time to have sex. Maybe later. "Did you pay my student loan?" You asked slowly, trying to sound as clear as you could.

Levi tilted his head on the side, so you had found out earlier than expected. Seeing how organized you were, you probably checked your debts at least twice a week, but that was just his supposition. "Yes." He decided to go out clear on that.

"I knew it." You whispered closing your hands into two fists, he was the only one who could've done such a thing. "How did you find out anyway? I was very careful not to mention that to you." You commented as he smirked a bit.

"I know everything." He just shrugged and you frowned. "If you came here to thank me, you're welcome. Can I get back to work now?"

You blinked shocked by his behavior, what the hell? "You either went through my stuff or you called my school." You pointed at him, but he didn't even bother to reply back because he didn't care. "But that's not the issue... why did you do that?!" You slightly raised your voice feeling all the anger coming back.

"Because that's what I do, I provide for you and you keep me company, wasn't that our agreement?" He really didn't know why you were so upset about something like that, he basically made sure you didn't owe money to anyone.

You clenched your jaw. "No! You provide for what I need, what I ask you to! I never said anything about getting into my business." You complained.

"So now you have business?"

"You know what I mean. I never asked you to pay for that, I wanted to be the one doing so, it was my place, not yours. You made me feel like I depend only on you." You pointed out sadly and he just stared at you.

"But it's true, you do depend on me." His words were like fuel for the fire of anger you had inside of you, couldn't he just admit that he was wrong and apologize to you? "You're just a stubborn brat, what was the difference? Either way, you were using my money. I just sped up the process." He commented.

Maybe he was right, but there was no need to make you feel worthless like that. You had come to look for answers, but now you were just trying to see who was the first to stop the argument. "So that's it? You always say that you trust me with money and that once you give it to me it's mine, I guess you didn't mean it, huh?" You shook your head. "You hurt me, Levi."

"Just get over it." He snorted. "It's not like I've killed someone."

"You killed my pride, ok? I can take care of myself."

"Bullshit." He snapped. "If it wasn't for me, you would still work at that shitty place and live a miserable life! You should be thanking me for paying that fucking debt, you should be on your knees for that." He raised his voice as well and you widened your eyes.

Never, you had never heard him talking like that, mostly about you. "Do you think of me as a slut or something?" You muttered shocked. "I don't owe you shit, you did it because you wanted to! Not because I begged you to, I would never beg you!"

"Didn't look like it yesterday." He referred to your sexy evening, but that was just off-topic.

"Fuck off! You're just a grumpy old man who needs to hear people tell you that you're amazing because, in reality, you know you're an asshole."

"Then why don't you just leave?" He got up from his chair and you stepped back. "If you think I'm that bad, just go! I can find many girls even better than you." He said harshly and you felt your heart aching at the thought of him someone else, your eyes quickly started to water and he rolled his eyes. "There you go again, crying."

"How can you be so insensitive!" You sobbed shaking your head. "The only reason I haven't left is because I like you, Levi, I like you more than any other person." You tried to wipe away the tears from your eyes as he stared at you in complete silence. "You made me feel wanted, appreciated, I've fallen in love with you but you straight up ignored that!" You exclaimed hurt.

He frowned not knowing what to say nor what to do, in all his life he had never been in such a situation. "It's normal for a little girl like you to have a crush on someone who-" he started, but you were quick to shut him down.

"I'm fucking 19, I'm not a child." You snapped against him. "I know what love is, you are the one refusing to admit that everything you did... you did it because you like me too." You smirked proudly of yourself.

"If that makes you feel better, keep thinking it that way." He shrugged and slid his hands in the pockets of his pants. "I know what I feel, you are good looking, that's it."

He had basically just admitted that he just wanted you for your body, nothing more nothing less. "You're lying." You whispered, the tears were way too many for you to stop them. How could you believe him? After he had been hugging you during your sleep, buying you your favorite candies, grabbing your hand when you two were out in public together.

He sighed. "I'm not the one needing your attention nor money, I'm pretty sure I know how I feel." His words were ruthless and your heart couldn't take it anymore. It felt as if he had just punched you way too many times, your whole body was aching and your knees were shaking.

Levi was getting worried, he couldn't deny that,  but he had to make sure you didn't get attached to him, not in such a deep way. "Fine." You whispered trying to contain your sobs. "If that's how you feel, then find yourself another sugar baby or whatever the fuck this was." You walked towards the door and grabbed the handle. "It's over." You whispered before leaving the room.

As you stepped out, you met a few curious eyes. "Ma'am, is everything alright? Are you feeling ok?" Levi's assistant came towards you but you shook your head, trying to hide your face from him. You were sure your make up was a mess, and all the workers there were staring at you as if you were the main character of the situation, which probably you were.

"Let me take care of it." Erwin's hand went on your shoulder and you raised your eyes to look at him, he was offering you the kindest smile, again. "C'mon, I'll take you home." He proposed and you gulped, you turned your face to look at Levi's office but the door was closed and you couldn't see him.

"Thank you." You whispered and followed him towards the elevator. He just nodded and kept quiet as the two of you got out of the building. Once you arrived in the parking lot, he showed you his car and helped you get in.

"Where do you live? Or do you want to go somewhere else?" He asked once he started the car.

You wanted to die right there, there wasn't much you could say about it. "Levi's house." You mumbled softly, you hoped you didn't sound as pathetic as you thought you were. But the blonde man didn't comment on that and just started to drive towards the destination. The awkwardness of that situation made you feel even worse, as you turned to look at Levi's friend, you sighed. "I'm not 24."

He smiled slightly. "I figured." He simply shrugged. "You don't exactly look like a 24 years old girl." He joked and you nodded cleaning the tears using only the sleeve of your hoodie. "So, what happened?"

"I guess I wasn't as important as I thought I was for him." You muttered. "He just told me what he thought and I can't really argue with that."

"He's... the lonely type."

"He's an asshole." You said and Erwin chuckled in agreement. "I'm sorry, you probably had better things to do instead of taking me home."

"Don't mention it, I couldn't leave a crying girl alone." He shook his head. "I don't know what happened and what you guys are, but I'm sure everything will get better eventually."

You shrugged. "To be fair, I don't even know what we were, but now it's over." You closed your eyes, it felt so strange. You really didn't see that coming, in your dreams you and Levi were living happily ever after. "He never even mentioned me, did he?"

Erwin sighed. "I don't know how to answer that. Hanji and I have asked him about you a few times, we were curious, it had been ages since we last saw him with a woman. But he is very reserved, so he never really answered us." He explained, but you had already figured that.

"Didn't think any different."

The rest of the ride had been silent, you were lost in your thoughts as you kept looking out of the window. How did that happen in the first place? It was supposed to be a hookup, you should've just thrown his phone number away the day he entered that Starbucks.

Once you had arrived, you quickly walked into the house using your own key and started to pack most of your things, your old clothes and makeup, your books, and private stuff. You decided to leave most of the things he had bought you, such as all the elegant dresses, expensive jewelry, shoes and any other gift except for the phone and the computer since you had been using them for months.

After you were done, you found out that Erwin was still there waiting for you in the car. You walked up to him. "Mhm, I can take the bus." You muttered looking at your phone, it was almost 4 p.m., classes had ended so you could go to your friend's house.

"Don't be silly, I'm happy to help a friend." You smiled and got in the car with your bags. "Now, where shall I take you?" He tried to joke to cheer you up a bit, that was very kind of him though you weren't exactly in the mood.

"Let me get the address." You took your phone and read Eren's address, he nodded and started the car. "I know it sounds strange... but could you keep this a secret? Like, don't tell him anything."

"For sure, but I'll have a talk with him anyway." He explained and you nodded, you couldn't ask him not to talk to him anyway. They were friends and you felt kinda guilty that Erwin was helping you just like that, he didn't even know you and he was driving you from place to place. "Here, if I can do anything, just let me know." He slid his hand in the pocket of his jacket and handed you a small piece of paper with his number on it, probably a CEO thing. "But can I ask you just a curiosity?"

"I don't think I'm the place to refuse."

"How old are you really?"

You blinked at how innocent that question sounded, you thought he would've asked about your relationship with Levi, or why did you live with him. Instead, he went for the easy one. "I'm 19. I'm still in college but the way."

"I figured." You got out of the car and waved at him. "For anything, just call me." He then quickly dove away.

You sighed and grabbed your bags walking towards your friend's apartment, you needed that alcohol after that.

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