---(chapters one + two) ✨

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---c h a p t e r  1 - s u g a w a r a ' s  p o v ✨

Sugawara woke up on the top bunk, and his eyes lightly fluttered open. There was a minimal amount of light in the room from the fairy light string against his bed placed by him roommate, Hinata. He shuffled quietly and grabbed a small puzzle box.
Twisting, turning, and pulling things until the box opened.  Sugawara looked down to a collection of polaroid photos he has of him and Hinata he's gotten over the months. As he's only a year older than Hinata they got into the same classes together and everything.
He looked through the photos gently pulling one away from the other. He had a picture of Hinata looking completely amazed by food Sugawara had made him one day. It was adorable. Hinata had eaten just one bite and was completely starstruck.
Sometimes Sugawara wishes he could just be affectionate towards Hinata but he knows Hinata probably doesn't like him back.
Suga went back to looking at the photos.
A selfie in the gym in front of the net with a ball on the floor.
A sneaky picture of Hinata spiking the ball while Suga was on the bench. The photo is a little blurry.
Hinata just smiling holding a volleyball.
More and more pictures until he found his prized possessions. A few photos held together with small paperclips that Hinata had taken.
A selfie he took and gave to Suga when he first learned how to use the camera.
A blurry picture of a volleyball that, somebody assumed by the physique, Kageyama was holding.
A picture, taken surprisingly well of Sugawara making some food. He laughed at the story behind this one.
Hinata was going to keep this photo for himself until Kageyama found it when he was visiting one day. He showed Sugawara out of confusion and Sugawara had held onto it. He asked Hinata if he even wanted it back, saying he wasn't judging, but he was too embarrassed to take it back. Sugawara was planning to give it to him as a spontaneous present one day just to see his reaction. He gave a quiet laugh thinking back to Kageyama's confused, almost flustered face as he asked Sugawara about it.

--- c h a p t e r  2 - h i n a t a ' s  p o v ✨

Hinata woke up to Sugawara over him crouched down.
"Hey.. Hinata.?" Suga said softly.
'Why is he so adora- wait no he needs me up now...' Hinata thought as he shifted to get up.
"Good morning.." Suga had said something unintelligible afterwards. He was probably tired too, no biggie.
"Good morning." I grumbled back. I climbed out of my bunk carefully and stood up, but everything felt spinny. It must have been noticable because Sugawara quickly stopped me from walking with his arms.
"Are you okay.? You seem dizzy.. you were about to walk into the wall."
"Uh.. I was.?" I spoke softly. I didn't even know I was close to the wall.
"Yeah.. Are you sure you should even go to classes today.?" he asked softly. I didn't know Suga-san cared this much about me.. I've been dizzy before, but not this bad I guess...
'Whoops, I zoned out...'
"Sorry Sugawara.." he mumbled.
"It's okay, but I really think you need to sleep some more."
"I'll be ffiiiiine.." I said, but I felt light headed.
"You're not fine. I'll tell our professor this morning you're sick and you're going to stay here."
I rubbed my eyes but everything was still spinning aggressively, wobbling and seemed bright.
Sugawara let go of me just a bit and I fell into him as everything was a bouncy bright scribble. I felt so tired..
I felt myself being picked up and placed back in my bed. I was still conscious but at the same time felt so asleep. Probably just tired. I tried to get back up and stood up. I thought I was standing still but everything was so strange...

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