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You had never been more excited to get out of dance practice. Yugyeom had been making fun of you the entire time because you were so out of it. You were trying to hide that from Jane because you were slightly messing up. "Shut up," you pushed Yugyeom with a laugh, "Some of us are trying to focus."

"Oh yeah? You mean everyone but you?" Yugyeom laughed and you poked your tongue out at him. He giggled, doing it right back to you. Jane ended up calling practice and Yugyeom picked you up, spinning your round. You laughed, "Yuggs, put me down." He obliged and you ran to get your bag.

"Why are you so excited?" He asked, catching his breath. "Where are you going?"

You felt slightly bashful. You hadn't gotten to tell anyone about the fact that you were invited and going to a banquet with Yoongi. You hadn't seen Taehyung lately and that worried you. He had sent you a text, early this morning, telling you he was going on a little vacation and that he loved you.

So he had his own stuff going on and you didn't want to make it about you. So you happily told him he loved him and to stay safe as you kept the news to yourself. "I'm going to pick out a nice dress for a banquet that Yoongi is taking me to." Yugyeom nodded and you continued, "I don't even know what it's for but I'm excited. I enjoy a beautiful gown." You smiled as you both grabed your bags and decided to walk out.

"Are you going by yourself?" He asked and you nodded. "Not even a sassy friend to tell you what looks good? What about Taehyung?"

You giggled as you got to your car. "No, he's out of town," you guessed. "I was just going to take a shower and then go downtown by myself."

Yugyeom shook his head and made a sad noise. "Well you're welcome, I'll go with you." he said as he made his way to your car instead of to his dorm.

"Yug, you don't have to. It could be boring." You both made it to your car, unlocking it. He opened the door, "It won't be now, I'm going." He flashed you a big grin as he got in, throwing his bag in the back. "Can I pick the music?"

You chuckled, rolling your eyes, "I guess so."

You had gotten home and took a quick shower. You mostly wanted the sweat off of you and to shave your legs so you could feel which dress you would like better you put on some nice shorts that were easy to get out of for changing and a flowy striped shirt, with some flats. You gave Yugyeom a white shirt that was Yoongi's to change into. You only had a few of Yoongi's things here but for some reason you had about 12 white shirts.

"You look cute," Yugyeom looked up from the TV, watching you come down the few steps he could see you. You looked up from where you were fixing your watch. You were embarrassed by the comment, "Oh, thank you," you chuckled.

"You ready?" Yugyeom asked as he turned off the TV and stood up. You now could see how small and tight his shirt was on him. You felt your mouth water slightly. "Oh, let me grab my flannel. Yoongi is one small dude." He said and you were thankful.

Yugyeom had taken his shirt off plenty of times during practice, hugging you. Telling you, 'ready for sweaty?' As he put his hard and chest against you, making you sweaty. You knew he was attractive but you were happy with Yoogi, very happy... although you imagined Yugyeom would be such a great boyfriend. He was so kind to all the girls in the showcase group. They all flirted with him and were jealous you got to dance with him.

"Sorry I made you wait," you took your eyes off him. You grabbed your purse as he just smiled, "I don't mind, plus you didn't take long." He ushered you out of your home with a hand on your lower back until you got to the car. You wished Taehyung we're here to ease the tension.

You two had gone to a few stores. You found some beautiful dresses but you hated how they looked on you. Some were cut so crazily, you just didn't think you had the body to pull it off.

Yugyeom was the ultimate hype man for you though. He told you how great and wonderful you looked when you came out of the dressing room each time. Asking the workers, 'Doesn't she look great? Wow!'

You had been shopping and walking around different stores for a little over three hours. "Honestly, I'm tired of this." You whined to Yugyeom. This was the first store you had been in. Luckily only two of the five workers, at each store, looked at you like you didn't belong in there. All you really had to do was flash your card and they'd shut up. You realized that Yoongi was an actual rapper and producer who was popular. He probably had more money than he even knew what to do with.

Well obviously he was paying for your school, home, gas, food, and even this dress. He literally paid for everything for you because you were, 'his.' You didn't understand why he would want this, having to pay for everything, when he had plenty who would do it for free. Then again there was a lot of golddiggers and people who were in love with him, trying to get into his pants. You liked to think you were good for him.

You had tried on a few dresses, only feeling bloated or just perverse. Yugyeom could sense your discomfort, going and looking for something himself. "Y/N, here try this. It should fit like a glove. Plus it's a nice color." He smile down at you from his jog over to you.

You forced a smile, looking at the dress, as he handed it to you. It wasn't your normal color, yellow, but the material was smooth and you suddenly wanted a blanket made out of it. "Wow, this is so beautiful." You stared at it, but you shook your head, handing it back. "No, I can't pull that off."

"What?" He looked at you shocked. "This was made for you. At least try it on. I know you're going to like it. I understand that this has been a little discouraging but don't give up yet."

His smile was so soft and it made you calm. You nodded, taking it as you walked into the dressing room. You faced away from the mirror as you undressed and put the dress on. You so we turned around to look at yourself, ready to cry if it was another fail but when you saw yourself you felt so different.

Your face softened as you looked at yourself curiously. You made a home in appreciation. It wasn't the magic moment you thought it would be but you surprised your own self by liking it. It was so different from what you had been trying on but that's why you loved it. It was a smooth darker yellow, with a sexy but not too revealing neckline, but one that would still show off your assets. Also a low-cut back, very low, but you were proud to say, you pulled it off.

You smiled, sighing happily. You were already thinking what makeup you wanted to try with it. "I'm guessing by the quiet, you're either a quiet crier or you're happy?" You heard Yugyeom try to break some tension. You left as you turned around stepping out into the store so he could see you.

Yugyeom watched as you came out of the room. "How does it look?" You asked as he looked you up and down. After a minute of silence you were ready to take it off thinking you looked hideous. Then he spoke, "Y/N..." he chuckled to himself, "Wow, I mean, I wish I was your date."

Your eyes widened as you giggled, "I feel like a princess in this." You did a slight turn, watching the way the dress moved.

"You look like one," he walked closer, making you bite your lip. "You look stunning." You swallowed hard before his phone rang, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Sorry, I think it's my mom." You didn't realize he was so close. You could feel his warm breath on your exposed skin before he walked off.

You blamed the fact that you hadn't gotten any since that night at the movies with Yoongi. You were very ready to see Yoongi, especially in this dress. You could only imagine the wild things you wanted to do in it.

You got ready alone. You put on loud music for a while before, to psych yourself up. That was until you decided to put on makeup tutorials to help create a good and full look. Then you decided to watch hair tutorials, finding one for a low bun that would help show off the back of your dress and still help you be able to move your head.

As you picked out jewelry and put on the dress. You kept the tutorials on because it was honestly nice to hear a voice. The house had been so quiet lately, you had just kept putting on old episodes of your favorite show, Just to hear a familiar voice.

You missed Taehyung. You were scared he left because he was ashamed of sleeping with you, until he told you otherwise. He had called you yesterday, telling you he had a sex dream about you, making you blush and giggle. "Tae," you whined.

"Mh, just like that."

"Tae!" You chuckled.

"What, it's not like I haven't been inside you while daddy watched." He laughed and you joined in.

"You know, I've barely seen Yoongi since that night."

"Maybe he realized he wants me instead and doesn't know how to tell you."

"If you were here, I'd smack you." You said unamused.

"Oh, kinky," Tae said and you assumed his eyebrows were moving up-and-down. "Don't worry, handsome. He will be back soon, he always is. Plus you get to go to that banquet and you know you're going to have a great time and have even greater sex." He yelled in your ear.

"Shut up," you laughed and then both of you side happily. "Where are you? I miss late-night talks in my bed."

"Me too," you heard him smile. "I'll be back soon, three days. I just needed to do something for myself."

"Okay, beautiful." You sighed again, "I hope you tell me what you're doing and what's going on."

"If everything goes according to plan, you'll be the first to know." Taehyung said and you smile to yourself, both falling asleep talking to each other on the phone later on.

You had missed Yoongi. There were so many moments where you wanted to text him or call, just to see how he was. You couldn't count the times your thumb hovered over the call button with the word, Yoongi ;)

Your body missed him like crazy, so tonight you were ready for him to touch you in any way. You were slightly sad that he didn't pick you up himself but once the black Cadillac arrived to take you, you sprayed yourself with a sweet perfume Yoongi had once said he liked and rushed out of your house.

The car ride was short, only about 20 minutes with the Saturday traffic. Your nerves were getting the best of you as the driver pulled up where there was a carpet and people walking up to an old beautiful architectural building, "Here we are a miss."

You nodded, your hands shaking as you opened the door and got out. "Thank you."

"Have a great night," the older man smiled as you nodded, getting out. You shut the door and the car quickly drove away. You watched tons of other people hold hands and walk around as you stood there for a moment, almost getting ready to run for it.

"You alright?" A handsome man was walking by to get up the stairs. You recognized him, he looked like the guy Yoongi took you and your family to see with Namjoon.

"Jin, let's go." You heard and almost familiar voice. Suddenly Namjoon was by his side. Namjoon looked at you, "Oh hello... wait do I know you?" He asked as Jin was still waiting for an answer.

You smiled, touching Jin's arm slightly. "Thank you, I'm fine. Just a little nervous. It's nice to meet you, actually I've seen you both perform."

Jin smiled brightly, "Really? You enjoyed the show?"

You nodded, "I did, my brother especially loved it."

Both men smiled but Namjoon still look that you curiously. You were afraid to tell him how you knew each other. You didn't want him to think you were trashy, you were remembered how Dallas was that night. You didn't want to be remembered like that. Then again you were going to be around Yoongi, he was going to figure it out sooner or later.

"Um, yes actually. I worked a party at your record company a year ago." You said sheepishly.

Namjoon's face lit up, "Yes! I remember now. You were the sweetest girl that night. I remember everyone asking about you. My colleague thought you were cute." You couldn't help but smile to yourself about. "I had planned on flirting with you myself when you came to pick up your check but you never did. Your check was gone later. Maybe I just missed you."

You smiled to yourself, remembering Yoongi show up at your school with your check and a proposition in hand, "Yes, I got it from your colleague.

"Oh? I guess I just wasn't there that day."

"I guess so," you chuckled.

"Joon!" A gorgeous woman ran over to him. She looked a little older than you. "There's my date." Namjoon waved as he took his date in and you saw Jin roll his eyes.

"What's wrong?" You asked. He looked over at you, "I just hate her. They've been friends for a while but... I mean she's pretty but she just wants a record deal."

"Someone could say the same about you. Although you're a lot prettier," you softly smiled and Jin laughed.

"Well the thing about me is, I already have my record deal." You smiled up at him, both of you laughing. "Do you have a date?" He asked.

You nodded, "I guess he's inside."

"He didn't even pick you up or meet you out here? What a loser."

You giggled, wondering if he'd still think that way later when he saw you with his boss. "Is that what you're doing?"

"Yeah, she is always late. Then again she's my best friend. I didn't have time to find a date." You nodded in understanding, wondering if Yoongi felt the same way about you. Just didn't have time to find someone else. "You should go in. I bet your date is waiting. You should show him that he should've picked you up so he could see how beautifully you dressed for him."

"More for myself."

"Hey, I get that. Girl power!" He put his fist up in the air and you laughed at his silliness.

"I'll go. It was nice to meet you, see you inside."

"Sure thing, doll." He waved to you as you walked up the steps.

You walked into the building, seeing tons of people. There was a balcony that you decided to walk towards. You figured that might be the easiest way to find Yoongi. You looked around the place, seeing the stage and how handsomely everyone was dressed. You saw Namjoon and his date getting a drink and before you knew it you saw Yoongi. He was checking his watch, looking around before he felt eyes on him. Looking up he saw you, clear as day, when he smiled brightly and pointed before making his way to you.

You stood there frozen. The moment felt like it was played in slow motion. The way he just looked at you give you chills but yet made you bubble with warm on the inside. You saw him jogging up the stairs to you and you suddenly realized something. It hit you like a ton of bricks as he walked up to you with your favorite flower, handing it to you as he spoke. "Hello, kitten."

You were in love with him.


"What? Sorry."

"How are you?" He smiled.

"I'm fine, you?"

"Good," he gave you a curious look before speaking again, "Wow, let me see you. Spin for me," he smirked and you gave him an embarrassed look as you followed his order. "Shit, Y/N. You look stunning."

You blushed, "No I- well- I... Thank you."

His hand caressed your side, stopping at your hip, bringing you close. "I could just fuck you right here. Just bend you over this balcony and show everyone who your daddy is." His hard whisper hit you as he bit your ear like you liked.

"Yoongi, you're making me wet. Now I wish I wore panties." You whispered back. Yoongi pulled back to look at your face to find a tell, to see if you were lying. "I really wanted to you to fuck me in this dress, only feeling your cum and this dress on my skin as I met everyone."

"Jesus fucking- follow me." He took your hand and you felt fire and then goosebumps run across your body and you stiffened. "You okay?" He asked, concerned.

You looked at your conjoined hands, "Never better."

You followed him through the back as he took you behind the curtain on the stage. He took you through a side door, leading you behind the actual stage. "Oh, they've started already." You said.

"Yeah, it's just opening bullshit."

"Oh, okay." You could feel your heart pounding in your ears. You couldn't believe your newfound knowledge of loving this man next to you. You didn't care as you heard the MC, thanking everyone for being here tonight. The space you were in was small. Only a couple of feet from where you were standing to the dangling curtain which led to the huge stage.

"I had to present an award last year, so I was snooping around later. Hiding from... someone and I found this. It was good because I could still hear what was going on but I didn't have to be around people."

You couldn't see very well, only the small patch of light that had dance from under the curtain was there to help. You could tell something was off and the way he had just said that but you wanted this to be about you. "This is cool, thank you for showing me." You could see the outline of his grin. There were props and seats back here to probably bring on sage and you would admit it was a cool hiding place.

After a few minutes he whispered. "We have to be quiet, you don't want the hanging microphones to pick up anything from the stage."

"Pick up anything?" You asked before you were pushed against the back wall, right next to the door. "Yoongi," you whispered.

"Kitten," his tone was a warning.

"Daddy, please. I've missed you. I need to feel your hard cock inside of me." You whined.

"Goddamn," you felt his hard on press against your core. His kisses were soft but needy as you dropped your clutch beside you, thanking god it didn't make a loud noise.

He kissed down your chest as his then skilled fingers worked their way down your freshly shaved and silky material covered legs, to pull the dress up and out-of-the-way. A part of the material touched your wet heat as Yoongi's cold fingers came into contact. "Jesus, you're already fucking wet."

"Daddy, I was fucking wet the whole way over here, thinking about you fucking me. Now I get to be fucked in front of everyone backstage."

Yoongi's breath was hard, "Filthy little slut," he said in a playful voice as he touched you and you tingled. Your eyes adjusted to the dark as your head fell back against the wall. "Do you think you can be quiet for me?" Yoongi whispered against your lips, purposely brushing them so lightly that you whined for more.

"Yes, yes daddy I promise," you whispered. You needed this. It probably wasn't the best thing to do whenever you realized, only a few minutes ago, that you were in love with him now. Although, it had been so long since he touched you and you even saw him that it was killing you.

"Kitten, I've missed this beautiful little pussy of yours." He said, rubbing it hard making you grab onto the wall and his hair. "I know you've missed me touching it. You've missed my long, thin fingers inside of you, haven't you?"

"I love your fingers. They always feel so good inside of me or wrapped around my neck. They feel like they're supposed to be on my body." You whispered as you pulled on his hair before both of your hands came down to his pants. You helped unbuckled him and unzipped him, pushing his pants down to get his dick out.

Once you got it out you started to pump while he punched his fingers in and out of you, curling them as you both panted into each other's mouth's. "Damn you feel so good, so tight. How are you this

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