The Heights Part 3

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"I want you to sit on the edge of the bed and I will lick your ass and finger you until you're ready. It would be ever so helpful if my Daddy Severus would suck his cock," you giggle playfully as you unzip your sundress, letting it fall to the floor. You're nude now, hard nipples, pregnant belly, and an aching center as you press your thighs together.

Lucius quickly sits on the edge of the bed, his cock already hard and throbbing with anticipation. He spreads his legs wide, giving you easy access to his tight hole.

Meanwhile, Severus leans over Lucius, eagerly taking his cock into his mouth and sucking it deeply. You watch them both with an amused expression, enjoying the sight of your obedient pets eagerly doing as you command.

"Good boys," you purr, before dropping to your knees behind Lucius and burying your face between his cheeks. You lick and suck at his hole, teasing him with your fingers until he's moaning and begging for more.

You use your wandless magic to bring the bottle of lubricant to your hand. You coat your fingers in it while your mouth is sucking Lucius' balls. Your fingers go to his tight asshole. "Have you never done this? Be honest," you warn him, your fingers swirling.

Lucius moans loudly as your mouth works over his balls, but his moan turns into a gasp as he feels your lubed fingers pressing against his tight hole. "I-I haven't, Princess," he admits.

"Both of you feel so good," he adds, his voice shaky with desire. You nod, before slowly pushing your fingers inside him, feeling him clench around them.

"Relax, Daddy," you instruct him firmly, your fingers slowly twisting and turning inside him, stretching him open. "Good boy. Does this feel good? Daddy sucking your cock and Princess playing with you," you ask.

You feel that little spot inside him, rubbing it, over and over.

Lucius moans loudly as you hit that little spot inside him, his body trembling with pleasure. "Oh, yes, Princess, that feels amazing," he gasps, his cock twitching in Severus's mouth. You smirk, using your other hand to grab onto Lucius's hair, pulling his head back towards you.

"Do you want me to keep going? Or do you want Daddy to finish you off?" you ask, your fingers still deep inside him. "Please, Princess, I want you to keep going," he begs, his body practically writhing with pleasure.

You start fingering his ass harder and deeper until he was pushing back against you. The sight of him being so turn on was about to make you lose it though you weren't even touching yourself.

Lucius cries out in pleasure as you finger him harder, his body rocking back against you. You can feel his cock twitching in Severus's mouth, and you know he's close to coming.

"Oh, Princess, I'm so close," he moans, his whole body shaking with pleasure. You can feel your own arousal building, the sight of him so turned on making you ache with need.

"Come for me, Daddy," you whisper, your voice low and husky with desire. "Come all over Daddy's face." With a loud cry, Lucius comes, his body convulsing with pleasure as he spills himself into Severus's waiting mouth.

"Fuck," you groan at the site of Severus sucking Lucius to climax. You groan at the sight of Severus eagerly sucking Lucius to climax, his cheeks hollowing as he swallows every last drop. "You're such a good little cocksucker, aren't you, Severus?" you say, your voice full of amusement and desire.

Severus pulls off Lucius's cock with a wet slurp, turning his attention towards you. "Please, Princess, let me make you cum" he asks, his eyes full of hunger.

Lucius is still panting with pleasure in front of you, his body still trembling slightly. "Not yet," you say with a smirk, standing up from the bed. "I want to see if Lucius can handle taking it in his ass first."

You crawl onto the bed, your absolutely dripping pussy on display as you lay yourself back on the pillows like a Princess. "Well?" you ask Lucius with a grin. His cock is rock hard again as he climbs between your legs. Severus lubed himself up gently, knowing this was still going to be difficult.

Lucius climbs between your legs, his cock rock hard and leaking with need. You can feel your own arousal growing even stronger as he positions himself, his eyes locked on yours with hunger. "Do you think you can handle it, Daddy?" you ask, your voice low and teasing.

He nods eagerly, his whole-body trembling with anticipation. "Please, Princess, I want it so bad," he groans, positioning himself at your entrance. Severus positions himself behind Lucius, lubing himself up and getting ready to slide himself inside Lucius.

"Go slow, Daddy," you say with a teasing wink. "We don't want to hurt him, do we?" Slowly but surely, Lucius begins to push into you, his cock stretching you wider and wider. You can feel the pressure building, and you moan softly with pleasure as he sinks deeper inside you.

"Oh, fuck, Princess, you feel like.. heaven.. the best pussy," he groans, his body trembling with pleasure. "Kiss me Daddy.. I want you to kiss me while while he pushes inside you," you grinned, pulling him down.

Lucius eagerly leans down to kiss you, his lips meeting yours in a passionate embrace as Severus continues to push himself inside him from behind. You wrap your arms around Lucius's neck, deepening the kiss as you feel the intense pleasure building inside you.

"Mmm, that's it Daddy, let yourself go," you moan, your body writhing with pleasure. Severus moves slowly, expertly, pushing deeper and deeper inside, his own moans muffled by Lucius's mouth.

You can feel the pleasure building to an almost unbearable level, aching for release. It was building inside you, your hands reach back to Lucius firm ass as he fucks you to orgasm. "Daddy, fuck him," you whimper.

Severus was going crazy as well as Lucius. Both of them making primal noises. Severus was going wild with pleasure, his whole body trembling as he thrusts deeper into Lucius, his balls slapping against his ass with each motion.

Lucius was lost in a sea of pleasure, his muscles tensing and relaxing as he sweeps into pleasure. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Lucius moans, his body writhing with pleasure as he continues to thrust inside you. "Don't stop, don't stop," he begs, his eyes locked on yours.

Severus's breathing grew heavier and heavier, his thrusts becoming more and more intense as he approached his climax. "Oh fuck, I'm going to come," he groans, his fingers digging into Lucius's hips as he thrusts one last time, his whole body shaking with pleasure as he empties himself inside. The three of you came together in one big pile of trembling bodies and whimpers.

The room was filled with the sounds of heavy breathing and satisfied moans as the three of you lay there, spent and satisfied. Lucius and Severus were both grinning from ear to ear, their bodies still trembling with pleasure as they looked at you.

"Incredible," Lucius said, his voice filled with awe and admiration. "I've never felt anything like that before." You start getting up from the bed, putting your dress back on. The men roll their eyes, wishing to beg you to stay.

As you begin to dress, Lucius and Severus watch you with a mixture of disappointment and longing in their eyes.

"Please, don't go," Severus says, almost pleadingly. "We need you." Lucius nods in agreement, his gaze fixed on your body as you finish getting dressed.

You quickly spat back at him, "What did I say about this begging bullshit? You're getting on my last nerve Lucius," you hiss.

Lucius' eyes flash with anger. "Never mind then" he glares at you. "I just can't help but want more of you. It's not just me either, Severus is hurting as well. We are suffering."

"Then I suggest you run into the arms of Saint Margo. Go fuck her until I am ready to come back. I honestly couldn't care and I'm giving you both permission," you admitted.

Lucius looked stunned at your words, but Severus smirked and replied, "Is that so?"

"Lucius said that she had delicious little pink nipples and a very tight little pussy," Severus informs you. You roll your eyes in the slowest fashion possible. "Have fun," you retort before walking out of the bedroom.

As you walk out of the bedroom, you hear Lucius and Severus begging you to stay. But you ignore them and head to your apartment for the evening, leaving them to their own devices.

Once you've arrived in your apartment, you take a deep breath and relax. You pour yourself a drink and sit down on your couch, trying to decide what to do with the rest of your evening.

As you went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea, there was a knock on the door. You peeked out the little window on the door. You opened the door and it was none of that the very handsome apartment building manager.

You invite the building manager inside and offer him a drink. He declines, saying he just stopped by to check on you and see how you were settling in. You chat for a bit, and you can feel his eyes lingering on your body.

Your minds starts to wonder as you admire the young man...

"Is that really why you came up here?" you ask boldly. You look down at your watch and it was almost 10pm. You had to be up at 6:30 for work.

The manager strides towards you, and you feel his erection pressing through his pants against your thigh as he pins you up against the wall. "I came up here because I couldn't resist the temptation any longer. I've been watching you, and I know you like to be dominated." He says in a low growl.

You are completely caught off guard, half scared half insanely turned on.

As the manager's hand slides up your skirt, you gasp and press your hips against his. He quickly pulls off his shirt, revealing his strong frame with some barely there chest hair. "You want this, don't you?" He asks, pulling down his pants to free his big uncut cock.

"You're going to get me killed," you whimper as he presses himself against you.

"Is that a risk you're willing to take?" He growls, slipping a hand between your legs and feeling the wetness there. "I won't tell anyone if you don't." You bite your lip and grin.

"I.." your voice trembles. "I have my Daddies cum still inside me. I don't know if you noticed, but I have 2 big strong Daddies," you giggled, biting your lip.

The building manager chuckles darkly. "I noticed. But something tells me they wouldn't mind sharing." He presses his erection against you, making you shiver. "Besides, I think I can handle them."

You giggle playfully bringing yourself out of the daydream to see the young man still standing in front of you. "Sorry, no everything is fine. I don't even know your name?" you asked.

"You may call me Fraser," he replies with a sly grin. "But for tonight, I want you to refer to me as your Master."

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