The Heights

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Lucius and Severus exchange a glance before both smiling at you. "The most you'll receive is Lucius pleasuring me. Tonight is all about you," Severus reminded you. You look at both of them, frowning with little pouty lips. "Do I get nothing I want?" you glare at them.

Severus chuckles and strokes your cheek. "You can have everything you want, little one. But tonight, we want to focus on you," he says, giving you a small dismissive kiss. "I want you to suck his cock Daddy. If you don't, I might start to think you aren't trying to make the princess happy," you say to Severus.

Severus smirks and runs his hand through your hair. "You don't threaten us, princess. Your Daddies are in control of this," he says before slapping your ass roughly. Again and again his large hand made contact with your smaller frame, leaving welts.

Your hands grip the blanket on the bed as tears start to fall from your face, little cries escaping your lips. Lucius moves to your front and takes you by the chin, lifting your face to meet his gaze.

"Look at me, little bird. You need to learn to control yourself," he says before kissing you. Severus stops his assault on your ass and claims your lips as well, their dual kisses making you forget about the pain.

"I want both of you," you look up at them, your body already aching at the thought. You three hadn't done this in months. One thing was for sure, it was going to be painful on your little holes.

Lucius moves behind you his mouth diving into your ass, turning you on again to no end. His thick fingers started loosening your ass with lubricant

Severus nods, grinning down at you. "As you wish, little one," he says before moving onto the bed and positioning himself behind you. Lucius returns to your ass, preparing you for their dual assault.

Finally, they both breach you at the same time, making you scream out in pleasure and agony. Severus holds your hips still as Lucius moves in and out, eventually causing you to orgasm yet again. "That's our good girl. But you forgot to ask permission," Severus murmurs, before the two men switch positions, leaving your body quivering with pleasure and need.

Again and again they use you for their pleasure until all of your muscles are spent. The room had been filled with the wonderful sounds of needy groans, pleas from your lips as they gave you more than you could handle.

Both Severus and Lucius collapse onto the bed next to you, panting heavily. You can feel their warm breath on your skin as they nuzzle into you, sated and content. "You were such a good girl," Lucius murmurs, running his fingers through your hair. Severus leans in and kisses your temple.

"You pleased us both immensely," he says, pulling you closer to him. Both men hold you tightly, creating a protective cocoon around you as you start to get sleepy. "Come home with us, please," they both begged you, your body exhausted unable to fight it tonight. "Just tonight," you whisper in exhaustion.

Each of them got dressed while you fell asleep on the bed. It had been a long day of teaching, being pregnant and now being used exhaustively. You lay on the bed as they each moved your limp body, redressing you so they could carry you out of of the sex play room.

When you awaken, you find yourself on the large, soft bed in the master bedroom. Lucius and Severus are on either side of you, their naked bodies pressed against yours. You smile, feeling content and loved. They had wrapped their arms around you in a protective embrace, ensuring you were safe and warm.

You feel that old familiar ache between your legs after having spent the night with them, causing you to let out a little yelp when you turn over in the bed, attempting to get comfortable. You had been sleeping alone for some time now. A feeling you would have to get used to again. The men were enveloping your body, their hands all of you while they slept.

As you squirm slightly, trying to get more comfortable, Lucius stirs, his eyes opening as he looks down at you. "Are you alright, Princess?" he asks, concern etched on his face. Severus also stirs, his hand moving down to stroke your thigh soothingly. "Do you need a potion?" he asks, concern also evident in his voice.

You smile reassuringly at both of them, touched by their concern. "I'll be ok," you reply, your voice soft but sincere. "It just hurts a little. What time is it?" you ask, seeing the light coming from the huge windows of your midcentury bedroom.

Lucius glances at the vintage clock on the nightstand, its ornate hands slowly ticking away. "It's just past 7," he responds, his voice gentle. The early morning light filters through the sheer curtains, casting a warm glow across the room.

"Fuck," you whisper to yourself. You start trying to figure out how you're going to get out of this bed. The pregnant belly makes it difficult to get up from a laying position, especially when you are for all intents and purposes a captive between them.

"I have to go," you admit, starting to push them off of you. The men look at you curiously, "I think not. Where are you going? There's no class today. The girls are at grandmothers. Stay right here with us," Severus asked with begging eyes. His voice hoarse and raspy.

You feel torn between the desire to stay with them and the responsibility that awaits you at home. "I...I can't, I have things to do. I have to meet the manager of the building I'm moving into to get the key at 8," you reply, trying to gently push them away.

But they seem to have different plans, holding onto you tightly. "Just a little while longer, please," Lucius pleads, his fingers trailing over your skin. Severus's hand slides across your belly, urging you to stay. "We can make it worth your while," he adds, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Now you're starting to get annoyed. "I can't, now please let me up," you said as you crawl out of the bottom of the bed, so you don't have to climb over their bodies.

Severus chuckles and Lucius pouts, but they let you go. "Fine, but you're missing out on all the fun," Lucius says, his eyes sparkling. 

"Can we at least come with you, so we know where you are going to be staying?" Severus adds, as he sits nude at the end of the bed, attempting to coax you. His fingers trailing over your arm as you pick up your clothing that had been thrown on the end of the bed.

Now you're really starting to get annoyed at their persistence. "No," you reply coldly. You can see on both of their faces they are getting upset.

"Why hide it unless there is a reason to hide? Are you moving in with a new boyfriend or something? Is that why you're being so secretive," Lucius spat at her, getting up from the bed. Suddenly, the room felt claustrophobic.

You turn to face them, your anger beginning to show. "No, I'm not moving in with anyone," you say firmly. "I just have things to do, and I need to be alone for a little while." You take a deep breath and continue.

"I love being with you both, but I need to figure some things out on my own." They both looked at you with sad expressions. "Can't we at least say goodbye properly?," Severus asks, his puppy-like eyes trying to entice you.

Both Severus and Lucius stand up, their impressive erections on full display, their eyes raking over your body hungrily. You smile knowingly and move towards them, feeling their hands pull you in close.

You first kiss Severus, his lips expertly working yours as Lucius slides his hands down your back, his fingers digging into your ass. You let out a moan as their hands roamed your body, their lips moving against yours with fierce passion.

It was clear that they weren't ready to let you go just yet, but you didn't seem to mind as their kiss deepened, the three of you now locked in embrace.

You pull away again, "I'm sorry I do have to go. I have to shower and get ready," you remind them. Severus grins, "You could shower here. You still have some things in the closet," he reminds you.

Lucius nods eagerly, "Yes, we could help you get ready," he adds with a wicked grin. You bite your lip, considering their offer, feeling your arousal beginning to stir again. 

 You shake it off, "No. It's a trap. I have to go. I'll owl you tomorrow, the place so you can bring the girls by if you wish. I know you both believe I'm making a mistake here, but I do not," you admit.

Severus stares at you with a steely look in his eyes, "Don't be ridiculous. We're not taking no for an answer," he growls. Lucius adds, "You really think you can just waltz out of here after what we did? You belong to us," he snarls, his grip tightening on your arm

"I belong to no one but myself. I'm sorry, to both of you. You knew I wasn't ready for this. Now if you don't mind, I'd appreciate if you both release me," you spat in growing irritation.

Severus narrows his eyes, "You're making a mistake, Princess," he warns you. Lucius scowls, "If you leave, don't expect us to wait for you again," he threatens. You take a deep breath, "I have to go. You two are free to do what you wish, as am I," you insist, gently pulling your arm away from Lucius.

"I bet Margo would love to be in your place," Lucius spats at you. It catches you off guard. His words are not usually venomous. Of the two men, he's the less reactive one.

"I'm sure she would. You two are making this into something it isn't. I'm just trying to get pick up a key to an apartment. I've already had this discussion with Severus. I'm done being controlled by you two," you inform him boldly staring up into Lucius' icy blue eyes.

Severus steps in, "You misunderstand our intentions, Princess. We only want to protect you, was all," he says in a softer tone. Lucius rolls his eyes,

"Stop the bullshit, Severus. We both know what we want, what we've wanted since the beginning. You heard her, she's done with our games. And you know what? So am I," he confesses, his voice thick with emotion.

You start filling with anxiety at this conversation. "I have to go," is all you can repeat before exiting the room, you walk toward the floor hurriedly, taking out some floo powder. "Hogwarts, Snape bedroom chambers," you say before tossing the powder into the floo.

As you appear in the dimly lit room, a sense of overwhelming sadness hits you. You shower quickly, putting on a lovely spring dress. You look at yourself in the mirror, a steely resolve in your eyes.

"I'll show them, I can do this," you tell yourself. You walk over, grabbing your bag and apparating to Edinburgh. You land in a hidden spot where magical folk could travel. It was like an old phone booth down an alley way.

You walked out of the phone booth with a resolve. You were going to make this work, atleast for now. The choice to live in the muggle world for the time being, was all your own. Which was more than you could say for anything else that had happened to you so far.

As you wander down the familiar streets of Edinburgh, a sense of belonging settles within you. You no longer feel constrained within the walls of Hogwarts, or in the arms of Severus and Lucius.

You're grateful for the change, for the opportunity to define yourself on your own terms. You walk past a coffee shop, smiling at the sounds of laughter inside. You feel a sense of hope, something you haven't felt in a long time.

Finally, you make it to your new apartment building. You knock on the Managers door and a young handsome Scottish man with shaggy brown hair and blue eyes comes to the door. "Ahh, there you are Miss D'Arcy Just let me get the key," he smiles softly at you.

You return his smile, feeling instantly welcomed. As he retrieves the key from a small box inside his apartment, you take a moment to appreciate the quaint charm of the building's atmosphere.

"Here we go," he says, handing you the key. "Apartment 3B. I think you'll find it quite cozy. Some boxes have already been delivered."

"Thank you," you reply, taking the key and feeling a flutter of excitement.

He nods, his blue eyes twinkling. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

You head up the stairs, each step bringing you closer to your new beginning. When you reach your apartment door, you pause for a moment, savoring the anticipation before unlocking it.

As the door swings open, you're greeted by a sunlit studio space with hardwood floors and large windows that offer a view of the bustling street below.

You take a deep breath, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over you. This is your space, your sanctuary. You set your bags down and begin to explore, imagining how you'll decorate, what memories you'll create here.

The possibilities seem endless, and for the first time in a long while, you feel truly at home.

You hum a tune to yourself, feeling lighter than you had in a long time. You notice a small balcony that overlooks the city and decide to go out and sit there.

You open the door, and the smell of fresh flowers from a nearby garden reaches your senses. You take a deep breath, feeling happy for the first time in a while.

You sit down on the balcony's wooden chair, letting the gentle breeze caress your face. The city sounds below mix with the distant chirping of birds, creating a harmonious blend of urban and natural life.

As you gaze out, you spot a cozy café on the corner. The sight of people laughing and chatting over cups of coffee brings a smile to your face. You make a mental note to visit it soon, perhaps make it your Saturday ritual.

"Food. I have to get something to eat. Are you hungry, Baron?" you say looking down to your pregnant belly. In a fake voice, "Yes Mama, I'm hungry too," you giggle.

 You decide to head towards a nearby deli you saw on earlier. The walk is pleasant, with the sun casting a warm glow on the streets and a gentle breeze keeping you comfortable. As you approach the deli, the rich aroma of freshly baked bread and simmering soups greets you, making your stomach growl in anticipation.

Inside, the atmosphere is bustling yet cozy. Shelves lined with an array of colorful ingredients and a counter displaying an assortment of sandwiches, salads, and pastries catch your eye. You place an order for a hearty turkey and avocado sandwich and a side of their famous tomato basil soup.

As you wait, you find a comfortable seat by the window, watching the world go by. Moments later, your meal arrives, and you take your first bite, savoring the delicious flavors. You feel a gentle nudge from Baron, as if he's approving of your choice.

"Good call, little one," you whisper softly, feeling a deep sense of contentment. You take your time enjoying the meal, appreciating the simple pleasure of good food and a peaceful moment. Your mind starts going to your daughters, the guilt washing over you like a cloud. Your mind started swirling with questions.

Would they be okay with the changes? How would they adapt to the new environment? Would they be happy?

You shake your head slightly, trying to dispel the worries. "One step at a time," you remind yourself. The move was meant to bring a fresh start, a new chapter for all of you.

As you finish your meal and gather your things, you feel a renewed sense of resolve. You decide to explore the park nearby before heading back. The park is lush and inviting, with children playing on the swings, couples strolling hand in hand, and elderly folks feeding the ducks by the pond.

You find a quiet spot under a large oak tree and sit down, letting the tranquility wash over you. Watching the life around you, you feel a sense of connection and belonging that you haven't felt in a long time.

Baron gives another little kick, as if to reassure you that everything will be alright. "We'll make it work," you say softly, rubbing your belly affectionately.

After some time, you decide it's time to head back to your new home. The walk back is filled with a sense of optimism and hope. You pass by the cozy café again and smile, thinking about the new traditions you'll build here.

Back at the apartment, you take a moment to look around. The place still needs some decorating, and there are boxes left to unpack, but it already feels like a sanctuary.

You start to make a list of things to do: setting up the girls' room, groceries as you didn't even have a single tea packet in the place.

As the evening approaches, you make a simple dinner and sit down with a cup of tea, feeling a sense of accomplishment for the day. You can hear the distant hum of the city, a comforting reminder that you're not alone in this journey.

What you really wanted, was to go get absolutely wasted in a nearby pub and stumble home like a normal 20-year-old. However, adulthood introduced new responsibilities and priorities. Instead of letting that energy go to waste, you chose to focus it on something meaningful.

 You grabbed your sketchbook and tried to draw the man's face you saw earlier, the building manager. It had been a while since you last sketched, but the act brought you a sense of fulfillment.

After a while, you put the sketch down and glanced around your cozy apartment. The girls' room was coming together nicely; the soft pastel colors and whimsical decorations made it a haven of comfort and creativity. You had plans to hang some fairy lights around the window to add a touch of magic.

Taking a deep breath, you walked over to the window and looked out at the city's skyline, the lights twinkling like stars against the darkening sky. You felt a mixture of nostalgia and contentment. Life had changed in ways you never expected, but it was still full of moments that made it worth living.

The next morning you made your way to a secret wizards owl post, sending a note to Severus. It read, "When you come out of the phonebooth, walk down the alley, turn to your left, keep going for 1 block. There's a brick apartment building called The Heights. I'll be waiting outside at 11."

By the time the clock struck eleven, you were standing outside The Heights, your breath visible in the chilly morning air. The streets were still quiet, the usual hustle and bustle of the city yet to begin. You were wearing a thing baby doll dress, as you usually did when you weren't working.

Edinburgh could still be a bit chilly in the spring but it didn't bother you. Suddenly, from behind you, a voice startled you. "Hello there Miss," he said. Your head turned around, a little startled. "Oh sorry. Hello. I was lost in thought. I'm waiting for someone," you say with a soft expression.

The man nodded, a warm smile spreading across his

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