The Dragon Part 3

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"You two get it all worked out?" Lucius grinned at the two as they walked back to the garden table for lunch. "No, he made fun of my unicorn for his disability," she huffed as she sat down.

"What kind of unicorn doesn't have its horn?" Draco scoffed. "An injured one, clearly, you little ferret," she scowled at him. "Thank you for lunch," she added as she looked over to Lucius.

"My pleasure, Princess," he grinned back at her. An audible sound of disgust came from Draco when he realized his father was giving eyes to his friend. "Severus, she's making a break for it," Y/N pointed to the baby who had woken up and started crawling away from the blanket.

Severus went to retrieve the chunk Miss Charlotte, bringing her back over for lunch. "Why is she looking at me like that?" Draco glared right back at the baby who was giving him a stink eye. "She's judging you, of course. She is a Snape after all" Y/n chuckled.

"Wake the happy one up," Draco teased playfully. "Her name is Stevie, and she will wake up any moment, I'm sure. I need details about their swimming," Y/ N looked over to Severus. He was currently sharing his sandwich with the greedy little thing.

"Clearly, she worked up an appetite. They are natural swimmers, of course. A few more lessons and they won't need us at all," Severus remarked with a soft expression. "I want to take her in the water when we get done with lunch. I need to see what they can do," Y/N said excitedly.

Stevie started fussing from the blanket she had been laid on. Y/N started to get up from her seat to retrieve the baby but was stopped by Lucius. "I will get her. You eat," he told her as he went to pick the baby up. "Thank you," she smiled at him.

He came back over a second later with Stevie laying against his chest. "I want her," Draco frowned as he held his hands out to her. She happily reached out for him, causing the most amazing smile to spread across his face. "When are you two going to start?" Y/N asked him cheekily.

"Yesterday if it were up to me. She wants to wait until after the wedding. Preferably in the fall so the baby can be born when I'm not at school," Draco remarked as he admired the happy baby's face. "Whoever holds her, feeds her," Y/N reminded him.

"Fleur knows what we are going to have but she won't tell me," Draco huffed. "I know as well," Y/N smiled at him. "Tell me," Draco demanded with a grin.

"Absolutely not. I don't need Fleur coming after me for ruining the surprise. She can be rather scary," she spat playfully. "I'm not scared of her," Draco teased. "Because you haven't any better sense," she replied with a grin.

"Do you know how many there will be?" Lucius asked curiously. "Hard to know if all of my visions are complete, you know. I only see pieces, snippets of events," Y/N remarked. "Are you coming to the party next weekend? A lot of our friends from school will be coming. It's a little pre wedding get together the day before," Draco asked her.

"Give me a rough guest list and I'll decide," she replied hesitantly. "Pansy, of course. Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, Millie, Daphne, Theo, along with family friends, of course," Draco recalled from memory. "I guess," she grumbled back at him.

"Who are you not excited to see?" Severus teased her. "Well, about half of that list to be honest," she chuckled. "Blaise and Pansy, I foresee having a fight. Crabbe, Goyle, eww. Millie is fine. Daphne hates me or she did. Theo dislikes me as well, or he did," she added.

"Why do Daphne and Theo not like you? Bad blood?" Lucius teased playfully. "Well, Daphne used to dislike me because she had a crush on Draco. Even after we broke up, she would sneer at me every chance she got. Theo, a long-convoluted story no one cares to hear," she remarked.

"Theo's ok now. He's a bit different out of school," Draco remarked. "Have you ever seen Crabbes penis?" Y/N asked Draco blankly. Severus and Lucius both started laughing as if someone had told a private joke.

Draco had a look of horror on his face, "What kind of question is that?" he asked. "He and Goyle look like they have little tiny.," she chuckled playfully. "I don't know but I'm sure he would love to show it to you," Draco said with a disgusted look on his face.

"That's quite alright. I was curious. I didn't know if boys changed in front of each other the way Pansy and I did," she remarked. "Sure, for quidditch. We changed together but everyone kept their eyes to themselves. We were not checking each other out," Draco scoffed playfully.

"Too bad, I was going to ask about Oliver Wood next," she grinned. "Riveting conversation for lunch," Severus interjected with a glare. "My apologies gentlemen. I am too curious for my own good," she smiled.

"Do you want her? I'm going to go change," Draco offered the baby to Lucius. "Of course. She was quite comfortable before you stole her," Lucius grinned as he took the happy baby back.

"What were you two gossiping girls talking about while he and I were gone?" Y/N asked the men cheekily once they were alone. "How fast you immobilized my son," Lucius grinned at her.

"One of us had to take control of the situation. It obviously wasn't you two," she replied playfully. "Your friend, Crabbe Sr will be at the party," Lucius teased her.

"What about my friend Millard?" she grinned back at him. "Careful," Lucius warned her. "It was so good the man was willing to risk his life. I was a bit flattered to be honest," Y/N remarked blankly.

"We'll have to use reducio on your head if you get any fuller of yourself," Severus warned her. "I'm going home with you later. We are going to finish what we started," Lucius grinned at her. "So that's what you two were really gossiping about. Who wants to swim with Mama?" Y/N asked the girls happily.

Both of the girls started reaching out for her when she stood up. "How do I pick?" Y/N pouted as she looked between the girls. "I want the happy one," Draco announced as he walked back out.

"I haven't gotten to see them swim either," Lucius huffed. "We need more babies, so no one has to argue over these two," Y/N grinned as she went to take Charlotte. "I couldn't agree more," Severus teased.

"I can't wait for my momma's boy," Y/N announced. "Wait. What? You're having a boy next? Please let him play quidditch. I will teach him. Please," Draco begged playfully.

"Well, if he is going to play quidditch. I'd rather a champion like Harry teach him," Y/N teased. All three of the men physically recoiled. "Now, you've lost your mind, little pet. I'm going to act as if I didn't hear that," Draco exclaimed.

"I'm just teasing. It will be up to him if he plays quidditch. Although, I would prefer he not," Y/N sighed. Y/N and Lucius both put impervious charms on the girls' diapers so they could go straight into the water.

Severus followed them into the water so he could show them what the girls could do. As soon as they went underwater, they put themselves in a floating position to come back to the surface. Y/N was watching carefully, holding her own breath each time the baby would go under.

"I'm glad I wasn't here for this," Y/N admitted as she watched the babies each floating on their backs before being picked up again. "They will be jumping in and taking off in no time," Lucius smiled reassuringly.

Severus splashed some water on the edge of the pool where Stevie could sit on the edge without getting burned by the hot concrete. Stevie jumped into the pool and started swimming towards her Papa. "Incredible," Y/N smiled at him.

Draco jumped into the pull close enough to Y/N so she was thoroughly soaked by the splash. "Only child behavior," Y/N teased after he came back up to the surface. "As if the rest of you aren't only children as well," Draco announced.

"You give the rest of us a bad name," she huffed playfully. "You're being terribly boring. I thought we were going to have a diving contest," Draco complained as he floated backwards away from them in the water, arms stretched out.

"I would suggest your father and Severus judge our dives but I'm sure you will say it's been rigged," she teased. "Hardly fair, we need another solution," Draco whined.

"I'm not incapable of remaining neutral. I'm sure the headmaster can as well. We are men of honor after all," Lucius offered with a grin. "Do you agree, Draco?" she asked hopefully.

"Fine, they can judge," he huffed as he swam back over to them. "Let's start, forward, backward, reverse. Best out of three will ensure a winner," she grinned at him. "What does the winner get?" Draco asked excitedly.

"10 galleons. No side bets," she grinned at Lucius and Severus who were watching intently. "You cannot stop us from making our own wagers," Severus reminded her.

"Draco, raise the board height to 10 feet," Y/N told him. "Why not 20 feet at least? It's more than deep enough over there," Lucius told them.

"I hope you brought enough money," Y/N teased Draco as she waded out of the water and climbed up the ladder. The Daddies watched her very carefully as she got out of the water, revealing her barely covered wet bikini body.

"Draco, I apologize now if my top shifts when I dive. Difficult to keep contained right now," she teased him. "Horrific image, thank you," he replied, making a gagging motion.

"You go first, you are the guest. I want to see what I'm up against," Draco teased as they walked down to the end of the pool. "Simple forward dive, right? No pike?" she grinned at him.

Draco started looking at her suspiciously, "Simple forward dive," he replied. Severus and Lucius looked at each other briefly as she climbed onto the board. She could see her husband whispering something to the other man while they both held splashing babies.

Y/N walked down the board bouncing on it a little. "Good board. Springy," she grinned at Lucius. She casually walked to the end of the board, bouncing a couple of times before swiftly diving forward into the water with the most elegant form.

Her hands cut through the water as if it parted for her, making barely any splash at all as she completely submerged. She quickly resurfaced and swam to the side, climbing up the ladder.

Quickly, she checked her swim top to make sure everything was secure. Turning around she gave the men a thumbs up and a little grin.

"Rigged. You have obviously done this before," Draco huffed with his hands on his hips. "Can't quit now. We have to finish. Go dive," she smiled. The young blonde man ended up taking an absolute beating at their diving contest.

Once their little competition was over, Draco went inside to retrieve some galleons from his suit he had been wearing. Y/N was already nursing both of the girls on her lap when he came back. A white towel covering both of their little sun kissed bodies.

"I believe you hustled my son," Lucius teased her. "It felt so good to put him in his place," she grinned back at him. "Where did you learn to dive like that?" Lucius asked curiously.

"I would swim at a community pool that was a few minutes' walk from my mothers. She would take me there and let me swim for hours while she read a book. I started watching a local swim team practice their dives and I started doing it on my own. I love the sensation of diving. The higher the better," she replied.

"Cliff diving. That's what we should do next. Here's your winnings, little pet. Don't spend it all in one place," Draco teased as he walked back to the table. "Thank you. A gracious loser you are," she chuckled playfully.

"That is a good idea. I would love to take both of you cliff diving. I will however be watching you from a yacht nearby," Lucius chuckled. "Would you dive?" she looked over at Severus hopefully.

"I couldn't possibly. Someone has to be responsible and watch the girls," he grinned. "From the boat?" she asked hopefully. "Sure," he rolled his eyes playfully. "You will dive right? At least once? You aren't scared are you, Lucius?" she grinned while extending her hand towards him.

"Cannot help yourself, can you? One dive," he rolled his eyes. "Fleur is coming too. She has to dive as well," Y/N announced. "Pfft. Good luck with that," Draco laughed. "If we both pressure her, she will have no choice," Y/N suggested.

"Let's plan for next month, after they get back from the honeymoon," Lucius suggested. "It's like we're all one big happy family," Y/N smiled around the table. 

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