Remind me

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"Thank you," Y/N smiled up at Severus as he brought over their breakfast. "Of course, Princess," he sighed as he sat down at the table. There was a sense of uneasy heaviness between the two this morning. "Can we be perfectly frank?" Y/N asked him softly.

"Always," he replied with a soft expression. "What did you think would happen when you brought Lucius into our bedroom? Did you believe we could just all have sex, and I wouldn't develop feelings for him?" Y/N asked him curiously.

"I suppose in some way, I believed it wouldn't get this far. I knew it was something we both wanted, to at least play with him. We have been having amazing sex, haven't we?" Severus asked her.

"Incredible. However, I am unable to continue. I cannot sleep with people without developing feelings for them. I need to be loved and give love. That's just who I am," Y/N admitted softly.

"Am I still your favorite?" Severus asked her cheekily to lighten the mood. "You are my everything," she admitted with a soft smile. "You're mine as soon as the girls go down for a nap," Severus grinned at her.

"I can't wait. I do miss being alone with you at times," Y/N remarked. "There are times I have to force myself to share you with him," Severus admitted. "Out of jealousy or greed?" she questioned playfully. "Greed over specific spots of your body," he grinned at her mischievously.

"Oh I cannot imagine what those spots might be. You will have to show me as soon as the ladies of the house go down," she giggled.

"Shall I describe it to you? It has the most breathtaking spots I have ever seen. Beautiful slight curves, a dribbling little brook," he grinned at her.

"Am I really the most beautiful you have seen or are you just in love with me?" she smiled at him cheekily. "Everyone who sees you agrees with me," Severus remarked blankly. "I wish Lucius and I could continue our friendship; you know. Take adventures together, I really enjoy his company." she admitted.

"Well, if he decides he cannot just be your friend, I'll have to start taking you horseback riding I suppose. Are you still wanting to go on Saturday for the girl's swim lessons? I suppose it's between you and Lucius if you ride horses," Severus remarked.

"Do you think it's over forever or we are just trying to figure out what everyone is feeling?" Y/N asked softly.

"I think we need to take a breath and see what everyone is feeling. If you don't want to be treated as a secret, I completely understand. You deserve to be loved fervently and with wild abandon, Princess.

I know what an amazing young woman you are and you deserve endless adoration. I am so proud that you are my wife, the mother of my children, and my Potions Professor," Severus smiled at her softly. "And your best friend," she smiled back.

"You were developing quite the friendship with Lucius as well. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing you two together, day to day. I didn't even get jealous most of the time, to be honest. Once I was done last night, it was a little difficult to watch him finish. That being said, I thought I was a rather gracious host," Severus remarked with a little grin.

"It was amazing," Y/N agreed with a soft smirk. "When are you going to apologize to Pansy?" Severus asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Maybe I'll try to catch her at lunch tomorrow and take her out somewhere. I was a stupid little bitch afterall. I deserved more than that to be fair," she remarked.

"It feels as if everyone falls in love with you," Severus confessed. "Maybe they see how we love each other and wish they had it for themselves. I don't know. It's a bit annoying to be honest," she sighed. "Maybe it's just something about you specifically, an indescribable attraction that everyone has to you," Severus theorized.

"I think it's my winning personality to be fair," she smiled at him. "That's why you don't get paid for thinking," Severus teased her cheekily. A look of shock and horror came over Y/N's face,as she turned to the sleeping girls in their highchairs, "Can you believe this man?" she teased.

"Listen, I want to apologize for the other day at the cabin when I had to restrain you. You were acting quite erratic while we were trying to form a plan," Severus replied softly. Y/N sighed, "The knife was a bit on the dramatic side. I regret that much," she admitted.

"Everyone at that table was concerned with your behavior," Severus added. "I understand, no more flying knives," she sighed. "You're not taking this seriously. Do you think we should start your therapy again?" he asked hesitantly.

She stared back at him blankly, "Absolutely not," she replied. "I still feel as if you are actively blocking me from seeing your thoughts," he questioned her. "Perhaps you're just unable to read my thoughts now," she offered as she got up to grab a sleeping baby for nap time.

"I can read everyone's thoughts but yours. What has changed? Your abilities?" he asked as she followed her with the other sleeping baby. "I have no answer that will satisfy you. I can still hear you as always," she replied as they took the girls into the nursery.

They laid the girls down in their cribs and walked back into the hallway. "What about the mushrooms? I admittedly took way too many," she admitted. "I haven't forgotten about that by the way. It was a very immature move to do it behind our backs," Severus remarked as they walked downstairs.

"I apologize, Daddy. Let me make it up to you with a little kiss," she grinned at him. He stood flat on the floor, and Y/N jumped from the second stair into his arms. She quickly wrapped her arms and legs around him playfully. Y/N peppered the handsome man's face with playful kisses.

"What a perfect little Princess," Severus grinned as he admired her excited face. "Take me to bed and remind me why you're favorite," she grinned at him. 

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