Papa & LuLu

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“We need to put a butt plug in her so we can keep using her later,” Severus told Lucius as the two men got up from the bed while she laid there a mess. “How do we decide who cleans her?” Lucius asked cheekily. 

“Well one of us has to. She couldn’t possibly do it herself. I suppose the rule is whoever came in her pussy is responsible for tidying,” Severus teased.

 “I missed an opportunity to make her drip onto a pair of panties. She had them hidden from me. The cutest little flowered ones,” Lucius replied as the two men stood nude by the bed talking. 

“Of course, Daddies favorite ones. I like bending her over something and pulling those down just below her ass. I use her like the little toy she is and then I pull them up again,” Severus replied. 

“Why are you both getting hard again? I’ve been fucked four times today. Please stop” Y/N asked playfully from the bed. “You fucked her twice?” Severus smirked at Lucius. 

“We aren’t going to have the energy to go to the club tonight if we don’t all calm down,” Y/N announced from the bed. Severus got a cloth and cleaned her so that the three could lay in the bed together. Y/N was sandwiched between them. 

“How do I lay here to rest with cocks on either side of me?” she giggled. “Everyone needs to rest atleast until the girls wake up again,” Severus told them both.

 “Here you cuddle my back, and Severus cuddles you. That might make it easier,” Lucius offered. They all turned over in an attempt to not get horny but it wasn’t working. “Who wants a cup of tea? I have to get out of this bed. There’s too much dick in it to sleep,” Y/N chuckled after a bit. 

Y/N got up from the bed, going to the closet to put her panda pajama onesie on so she wasn’t nude any longer. She walked past the men who were sitting on the edge of the bed as if it were completely normal. 

“Lucius, how do you take your tea?” she asked as she walked by. “Milk and 2 sugars,” he replied as he started getting dressed. 

“GET OUT,” Y/N chuckled playfully from the kitchen. “We have a debate on how milk doesn’t belong in tea. She’s out numbered now,” Severus remarked. 

“She’s rather peculiar at times,” Lucius admitted as he followed Severus into the kitchen. “Lucius, what are your thoughts on great big fat rabbits who always beg for extra carrots?” she asked the man as she looked down at Samhain. 

“She’s very cute and a champion I hear,” Lucius chuckled as he took the mug of tea from Y/N. He mouthed the words thank you as he took it from her.

 “That reminds me, you would have loved my costume. It was really bosom baring,” she replied as she walked to the living room with her own tea. 

“Seems to be a running theme,” Lucius remarked cheekily. "As is her flirting with random men for attention,” Severus announced with a little grin as he followed them. “I love how you two talk about me as if I can’t hear,” Y/N chuckled. 

“She told me men shouldn’t be so easily manipulated, to which I agreed. Still, I think she takes it too far sometimes,” Lucius remarked. “I can’t flirt with men for my own entertainment but I can suck a room full of cocks for yours? Seems hypocritical to me,” Y/N informed them. 

“Tell me more about your diving. I only heard about it briefly,” Severus ignored her remark. 

“I saw a sea turtle but I couldn’t get too close to it. There was a real cute octopus, a common one, that attempted to camouflage itself before it hid back into the coral. A seahorse as well. Thank you for letting me go. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, Y/N replied. 

“Did you only go down one time? I know you two fucked twice apparently,” Severus replied. “We only went down one time. I didn’t want to attempt multiple dives for her first time. It can be rather physically draining,” Lucius replied. 

“Are you going to look at our memories or not?” Y/N questioned him curiously. “Did you do anything you can’t tell me about?” Severus inquired with a raised eyebrow as he leaned back on the sofa. 

“Of course not,” she replied with annoyance. “Do you think the captain could hear you fucking her?” Severus looked over to Lucius cheekily. “There’s no way he couldn’t have,” Lucius replied with a grin. 

“The boat captain said I was beautiful,” she announced from her chair as she sipped her tea. “Perhaps I’ll have to go next time if Lucius is unable to keep you on a tight leash,” Severus teased her. 

“Don’t you think a leash would just draw more attention to her?” Lucius chuckled softly. “You can walk her on one tonight at the club if you wish. We forgot to put a butt plug in her, by the way,” Severus replied. 

“I would do it myself but I’m not supposed to touch them. My Daddy puts them in me to save his place so he can come back to fuck me later,” Y/N teased the men.

 “Let's go put one in you. The girls are going to wake up soon,” Severus smirked at her as he got up from the couch, adjusting his trousers. Y/N got up from her chair, giving Lucius a cheeky smile before walking up the stairs to the playroom with Severus behind her. 

“Bend over,” Severus told her as she started pulling her panda onesie down. “Did you enjoy his cock? Tell me Princess,” the man teased her as they were alone for a second. 

“Yes I did. But I missed you as well. I wanted both of you,” she replied as she bent over placing her hands on the bed. “Do you think you’ll ever be satisfied with one cock again?” Severus teased her as he lubed the middle size steel black rubber butt plug. 

“Fuck,” she whimpered as he slid it in. “You always satisfy me Daddy. I do love being stuffed though,” she told him. Severus assisted in redressing her panda onesie outfit.

 “Am I still your favorite?” Severus teased her. “Favorite ever. No one could take your place,” she replied as she leaned up stealing a kiss. As soon as they kissed the girls started waking up from their nap. 

Severus changed the girls and then brought them down to nurse. “Lucius, are you tired?” she asked him as she went to her chair, undoing her onesie. “It’s been an exhaustive day so far,” he winked at her as he laid his head back on the sofa. 

“Yes, I’m a bit tired as well. Our nap didn’t pan out. That was more swimming than I had done recently. I can’t stay in the lock that long because I get exhausted from holding my breath over and over. Also, the loch is freezing and the warming spell only lasts so long,” she replied as she held out her hands for the babies coming to her. 

Both of the girls started giggling as soon as they saw their mama reaching for them. “I wondered how that was going to work but apparently you have it figured out. The girls are very serious about meal time I see,” Lucius teased. 

The girls immediately latched as Y/N turned her 1970s velvet spinning chair to look at her guest. “I know you’re speaking about how.. Solid they are. You’re right, they are absolutely perfect aren’t they? They look just like their father but feminine and adorable,” Y/N chuckled. 

“They do look a lot like their father, the hair and eyes. I see you as well in their features. It’s the looks they give people especially that scream you, little bird,” Lucius replied cheekily. “Better me than Papa,” she chuckled. 

“I’ll agree with that as well,” Severus interjected. “Does he know about the next one?” Y/N asked Severus curiously. He shook his head yes in acknowledgement. “I think the boy will look like me. I can’t be sure about that though. His name is Baron,” Y/N told Lucius. 

“Tell me again how you know all of these things in the future for certain,” Luicus was inquired. 

“My grandmother is clairvoyant on a much bigger scale than myself. She knew things about me way before my birth and the girls. One night she and I had the same vision about someone trying to abduct the girls at Hogwarts.

 It woke both of us up out of a dead sleep and she finally came to me. Before, you’re aware she was hidden. She confirmed a vision I had about the twins and Baron,” she replied casually. 

“Could you see the person that was trying to take them? Could you identify that person?” Lucius asked her curiously. 

Y/N shook her head, “It was only a flash of a person really. I couldn’t make them out much except that it was a male most likely by the size of them,” she said. 

“How clairvoyant are you in general? Is it a vision on occasion or do you predict everyday things?” Lucius asked curiously. “She's very good at predicting things. She made almost every prediction correct for the sorting ceremony at school with only knowing their name,” Severus interjected playfully. 

“That’s quite impressive, I must say. I must thank you for your insistence of Draco taking the teaching position. He has been very happy as you know,” Lucius looked over at Y/N. 

“It’s almost like I knew he needed that job, so he could meet Fleur, so he could get married, and” she giggled. “And have children?” Lucius asked her curiously. 

“I believe so,” she replied with a grin. “Daddy will you help me, she wants down,” Y/N said a moment later as Stevie tried diving off her lap to the rug. 

Severus walked over, giving the baby a kiss on the top of her jet black hair before laying her on the carpet. He took Charlotte and did the same. “Lucius, if you would have had a girl.. Well, Narcissa. Would you have put them in fancy dresses and giant hair bows?” she asked him. 

“Of course. She would have been treated like.. Royalty. I couldn’t say Princess for obvious reasons. I love when little girls wear frilly little dresses. Draco was treated like a spoiled little prince, regardless of what he tells you. He had his own pony at 3,” Lucius replied casually. 

Y/N just shook her head in annoyance, “The privilege. I love horses,” she replied. “Can you ride?” Lucius asked with an excited grin. “I wanted to say, all night but I didn’t. I have never had lessons or anything. I did ride on a unicorn at the farm last summer,” she replied. 

Both of the men found her answer amusing. “You are welcome at the Manor any time you would like for me to teach you. You would look quite fetching in a hunting uniform, if I do say so,” Lucius replied. 

“I could never go hunting with you unless you wanted to fight. I hate when animals get hurt,” Y/N sighed. “Princess, you can put your tits up,” Severus reminded her.

 “Oh shit, sorry. I don’t even notice most of the time because they will be back in a moment for me. As soon as she gets done munching that carpet,” Y/N replied as she redressed herself and got into the floor with the girls. 

Y/N pulled the baby into her lap so she could see the two men on the sofa. “That is Papa,” then pointing to Lucius, “That is LuLu. I know there’s two of them. What did we do to deserve this?” Y/N asked the baby as she started tickling her. Severus turned to Lucius, “LuLu huh?” he grinned.

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