No Way to Treat Our Guest Part 2

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As soon as the door was closed, Y/N whispered, "Let me taste you," with a grin. "You have to stop. You're trying to use me against them," Pansy scolded her.

"What I was trying to do was have fun. I think I'm the only one who knows how to do that," Y/N huffed as she crawled into the bed.

Pansy redressed herself before leaving the bedroom, "You need to rest. I'll come see you in a couple of days," she told her before leaving the room. "Whatever Pansy," Y/N replied as she got under her blankets for the night.

"Stupid little bitch," Pansy muttered as she slammed the bedroom door behind her. "She isn't herself right now," Severus offered as the two men stood half dressed in the kitchen. They had been discussing what to do about the Princess.

"Are you sure? Maybe this is who she is. A spoiled brat who hurts people when she doesn't get her way," Pansy scoffed angrily. She had tears forming in her eyes as she went to grab the rest of her things before leaving, including the shirt Y/N had borrowed from her.

"What was said after we left the room?" Severus asked her as he watched her collect her things.

"She tried to get me to have sex with her anyways. She was using my feelings for her against me. I suggest you forget all about Lucius. Nothing but trouble. Good night gentleman," Pansy remarked before disapparating.

"Perhaps it would be best for her to rest tonight," Severus told Lucius while rubbing his brow. "Can I say goodnight to her?" Lucius asked softly. "Of course," Severus replied. He was resting against the kitchen counter, staring into the distance.

Lucius went into the bedroom, crawling into the bed behind Y/N. "Can I have a good night kiss?" he whispered. She turned around burying her face into his chest.

His dress shirt was half undone, her hands moving to finish the job. "Stay with us, please. Fuck me," she begged him. "You need to rest," he whispered, trying to pull her hands from him.

"Make love to me," she begged him as she started working at his belt. Severus came in a second later realizing Lucius had been lured into her trap. "You won't be happy until you are fucked, will you?" Severus teased her as he stood beside the bed undressing himself.

Y/N pulled from Lucius' hard cock to reply, "Use me," she looked over at Severus. "I thought you were coming to say goodnight," Severus teased the man who was laying back onto the pillows.

Lucius was very visibly under her spell as she sucked his cock greedily. "I only asked for a goodnight kiss," Lucius grinned at the man who was climbing onto the bed behind Y/N.

"Greedy little witch," Severus whispered. He leaned down behind Y/N as she sucked Lucius, kissing softly everywhere she loved. The man was burying his tongue inside her, savoring the taste of her.

She pulled from Lucius, stroking his cock, "Tell me," she told him while looking into his icy blue eyes. "I love you," he whispered softly.

"Say it where my Daddy can hear you," she told him as she took the head of his cock back into her mouth. Severus was a little amused as he waited for Lucius to do as he was told. "I love you, you evil witch" he teased her.

"Who wants to fuck me first?" she asked the men with a little whine. "Trade me," Severus told Lucius. He moved, laying back on the pillows so Y/N could greedily suck him while Lucius fucked her. "Fuck," Severus moaned as she took him into her mouth.

Lucius promptly got behind her to start sliding the head of his cock inside her. He was gripping her hips tightly as he slowly slid the length of his cock inside her.

"What a bad girl you were, Princess. You know you can't play with Pansy like that," Severus told her as he gathered her hair into a ponytail while she sucked him. She pulled from him briefly, "Lucius, hurt me," she begged with a little whine as slowly thrust inside her.

"What are you waiting for? Fuck her ass Lucius," Severus told him as he watched her bob her head on him again. Lucius leaned forward a little, spitting on her ass, before sliding the fat mushroom head of his cock inside her. Her body physically recoiled from him towards Severus as he stretched her.

"Hold her," Lucius growled at Severus as he pushed her against him. Severus pulled Y/N into his lap, forcing himself inside her.

He physically restrained her against his chest as Lucius forced himself inside her ass without stretching her. "I can barely get inside her," Lucius growled as he slowly filled her. "Fuck!" he exclaimed in frustration as he pulled out to slather himself in lubricant from the table.

Y/N's arms were around Severus' neck as she rode him, waiting for Lucius, she whispered, "Am I your favorite?" she asked him. "My favorite ever," he replied before pulling her into a kiss.

Lucius slowly filled her again, much smoother this time to Y/N's pleasure. She leaned back over her shoulder so they could kiss as well while he used both of the men.

"Is this for us or her?" Severus teased as he watched her thoroughly enjoy herself. Lucius pulled from the kiss, slightly out of breath while replying, "She's using us," he said. "If you two weren't so stupid you could each, be fucking a pussy," Y/N teased them playfully.

"We wanted you," Lucius whispered as she rode them. Her body was a mess of hands and mouths biting at her.

"Mark me. Bite me. Ruin in," she begged. Together, the men left marks all over her neck and shoulders while they took turns on her. "I thought you two were going to fuck me hard," she mocked them playfully.

"Lucius, I'm going to fuck her and you're going to choke her on your cock," Severus grinned at the two of them. He sat on the edge of the bed where she was riding him reverse. Her feet were just hanging as Severus' long legs supported her body. He assisted sliding his thick length deep inside her as she lowered.

"Filthy thing," Lucius teased her as she started sucking his cock that had just been in her ass. "Show me how you touch yourself. I know you think about me," she pulled off of Lucius as she rode Severus. "Suck my cock," Lucius urged her. "Not until you show me how you touch yourself," she told him.

He ignored her completely, grabbing her head rather forcefully and shoving his cock deep into throat. She struggled against him as Severus bounced her savagely on his lap as if she were a toy. "I said, suck my cock, you dumb whore" Lucius growled at her as he pushed the entire length of his cock in her throat.

"You're so fucking greedy with her pussy," Lucius grumbled. "I want to be laid down like a whore and you both take turns fucking and cumming in me," Y/N begged as she pulled free from the men. "Treat me like you hate me," she begged them.

"I will have to go first to show Lucius how rough you like it," Severus announced as he took Y/N and pushed her back on the bed. "I don't think my Daddy Lucius likes it rough," she giggled.

Lucius knelt on the bed next to them, pacing himself slowly as Severus brutally fucked her. "Is this what you think about Lucius? My Daddy fucking me?" she grinned at Lucius. Her mouth was quickly covered by Severus' hand, "I'm sure he doesn't think about disgusting little holes like you," he growled.

He felt her getting closer to her orgasm as he fucked her, grabbing her hands and pinning them above her head. "You're so close aren't you," Severus asked her as he looked down into her face.

"Make me cum Daddy," she whimpered. She was pushing up against him so hard until they both started cumming together.

Severus held her as he slowly thrust inside her, cumming with her. He held her to the bed until her orgasm subsided, leaning down to kiss her softly. "I love you," they each whispered before he moved out of the way.

"My turn," Lucius grinned at her as he got between her legs. "You could have pulled out," Lucius teased Severus as he hurriedly filled her. Severus was lying beside them to catch his breath, "I always cum in my wife," he teased.

"This is what I think about," Lucius whispered into her neck as they entangled their bodies. Her legs and arms wrapped around him as he slowly made love to her. "I am myself in your arms... I," he whispered.

"Don't," she interrupted him with a soft whisper. A second later, her eyes diverted to Severus who was putting his boxers back on. "I'll give you two a moment," he said softly before he left the bedroom and closed the door.

"Please, just fuck me. Use me," she begged Lucius when she started becoming unable to hold her tears back.

He quickly sat back, roughly flipping her, and positioning her on all fours to be used. Instinctively, she laid her face down and put her hands behind her back as he started fucking her. Her tears of frustration flowed down her eyes onto the linen sheet below her.

His hands pushed her roughly into the bed as he slammed his length over and over again inside her. "Open your legs, whore," Lucius growled at her as she pushed back against him.

He moved her legs outside of his where he could open her wider. Her hand slipped down between her legs, swirling her clit as he fucked her.

"You feel so fucking good," he growled as he used her. They were both making the most beautiful sounds. Y/N was a mixture of whimpers and gasps every time he bottomed out inside her.

"Cum in me, Daddy," she begged him as she started orgasming. Waves of intense pleasure and muscle contraction were washing over her as she shook in front of him. She was squeezing him so hard he had no choice but to start cumming deeply inside her.

"Mmm, what a good Daddy," she looked back at Lucius who looked absolutely disheveled. He was fucking her so hard and fast he could barely breathe. "Evil little witch," Lucius announced before pulling away and laying out on the bed to catch his breath.

"Daddy, we are done," Y/N called for Severus playfully. He came in a moment later with a little grin. "What did you do to him?" Severus teased as he went to retrieve her a cloth so she could be cleaned. "I robbed him," she giggled playfully.

"She's very persuasive when she wants something," Lucius teased as he took the cloth from Severus to clean the Princess.

"I warmed up your plate for you. I heard your stomach growling," Severus looked down at her from the side of the bed with a little smirk. "Thank you. I worked up an appetite," she grinned up at him. 

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