Islands in the Stream Part 2

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 A bit later, Severus reappeared in their sitting area. Lucius and Y/N had fallen asleep on the sofa, wrapped in each other's arms. "Do you two plan on eating dinner tonight or shall you sleep some more?" Severus asked the two.

"We were waiting on you, Headmaster," she replied sleepily. "You don't have to wait on me to feed yourselves," he teased them. "Let's go somewhere, please," she begged over her shoulder. An audible stomach rumble came from Y/N as she looked up at him.

"Very well, if you can get ready quickly. I don't suppose you want to go dressed as a unicorn," Severus grinned. "I missed you, Daddy," she told him as she carefully got off the couch as not to fall. The two were tangled in an old flannel throw blanket.

Y/N did a playful dance on the way to the bedroom in her unicorn outfit, as the men followed her. "What did Mrs. Weasely think of the code?" she asked curiously. Severus grinned, "She is hopeful she can crack it. You were right. Is that what you were waiting on?" he asked.

Y/N popped her head back out of the closet. "Come again, Headmaster?" she teased. "You predicted it. She married the Weasley boy," Severus sighed. "Fantastic," she replied with an ear-to-ear smile as she disappeared again.

"Do I have to wear a dress?" she asked from the closet. In unison both of the men replied, "Yes."

"A lady wears a dress in the evening when going to dinner," Lucius informed her. "Who is this lady you keep speaking of? I've never met her," Y/N teased as she pulled out a dress and some lacey panties from a drawer.

"What are the panties for?" Lucius asked curiously. He followed her into the bedroom, buttoning his own shirt sleeve. Y/N threw the dress onto the bed before removing her unicorn onesie. "We need a barrier," she replied.

"Did you two have sex while I was gone?" Severus looked between the two. "No, we napped," she replied with a roll of her eyes as she pulled the black lace panties up her legs. Her breasts jiggled perfectly as she was bent over, her hair framing her face beautifully.

"You look delicious right now my love," Lucius remarked as he watched her beautiful body move. "I couldn't agree more with that sentiment," Severus said he watched Y/N pull her dress down over her mostly naked form.

She adjusted her chest within the cups of the dress, next grabbing the side zipper. Her long wavy brown hair hung all around her torso, making it difficult to zip one handed. Severus walked over, taking the tiny zipper into his large hands and closing it the rest of the way.

"Thank you," she smiled up at him softly. A quick spray of his favorite perfume and they were ready to apparate. Lucius took them to a place that was casually elegant but was known for the amazing menu.

Once they were seated, Severus asked, "So you only napped while I was gone?" with a raised eyebrow. Y/N gave him a look of confusion and a nose scrunch, "Lucius brought me tea while I was upstairs drawing. We talked for a bit and then we both decided we wanted a nap. Well, I decided, and he agreed to lay completely still next to me," she remarked.

"Why are you so curious?" Lucius asked him with a suspicious glare. "Just asking. I'm allowed to do so. What did you talk about?" Severus replied with a grin. "Several things. I was asking him if Draco had come to terms with all of this," Y/N scowled at him.

"Ah, I see. I dare say no, but he enjoys the idea of taking on a big brother role to the girls," Severus replied. "Well, sh.. Sorry I don't know why that made my eyes tear up," Y/N admitted while using her napkin to dab her eyes. "Because that's how you think of him and it's sweet," Severus replied softly.

"We talked about that as well, Lucius telling Draco to break up with me. I had been curious what the reason was. I also told him about Theo Nott and his dislike of me," she remarked.

"There's no accounting for taste, Princess," Severus grinned. "We should toast to that," she grinned as she held up her wine glass. "To everyone who aren't our devoted fans, may their pumpkin juice be ever sour," she smiled between the men.

"Why did that sound like a hex?" Severus teased as they clinked their glasses together. "Good enough for me," Lucius replied with a wicked grin. "I don't think there are enough candles on this table for a proper hexing. I could be wrong though," she laughed playfully.

"We should have put your toy in before we left," Severus replied quietly. "I want to be used exhaustively," she grinned in soft reply. "I'm positive we can handle that," Lucius looked towards Severus.

The rest of their meal was filled with palpable sexual tension between them. As soon as they got home, they made their way up to the playroom. The men watched her carefully as they all undressed. Y/N was the first to crawl onto the bed playfully.

"We need to start planning for this better. I could have already been stretched out," she teased them playfully. "Watching you cry is part of the fun, Princess" Severus grinned at her. He gripped his long thick cock, stroking it in front of her as he admired her body.

Y/N's eyes started swirling soft green as she watched the men prepare themselves by hand. "There is a lot of cock in this room right now," she giggled playfully.

"All for you, Princess," Severus teased as he sat back on the pillows. He gave her an annoyed eye roll as if he had been kept waiting.

Y/N grinned and shifted between his legs, giving him the hair tie from her wrist. She got on her hands and knees, wrapping her mouth and hand around him as he pulled her hair into a ponytail.

Lucius quickly moved behind her, licking and sucking at her dripping wet pussy. The man wasted no time in pushing his fingers roughly inside her to get them wet. He pulled them out again and started working to get her relaxed while he licked and sucked at her clit.

Deciding the angle wasn't his favorite, Lucius crawled under her, motioning for her to sit on his face while she worked on Severus. "What a lucky girl you are, Princess," Severus grinned down at her. Within seconds, Y/N was already trembling on Lucius' mouth.

Severus' hands were gripping her head as he started using her mouth like a fuck toy. His heels dug into the bed while he brutally fucked her mouth. "The.. best.. cocksucker." he growled as he used her with reckless abandon.

"Get up here and ride me, NOW," he growled as he pulled her head back by the hair. "Understand?" he scowled at her. "Yes Daddy," she grinned with a saliva string connecting the two. Her eyes were filled with tears, but they weren't the sad kind.

She quickly climbed onto Severus' lap, using his assistance to position herself on the head of his cock. "I said now," he hissed as he grabbed her hips, forcing her down onto the length of his cock in one motion. "Ow," Y/N cried with new tears in her eyes.

"Sorry, Princess. I needed you," Severus said in a deep breathy voice ass he took her face in his hands. His thumbs easily wiped her tears while she started to recover and grind on him.

Lucius was behind her, quickly lubing his cock up. His middle and ring finger did their best to stretch her tight asshole. When he couldn't wait any longer, he moved behind her.

"I'll be gentle," Lucius whispered as he placed his left hand on her hip, his right hand guiding the throbbing head of his cock to her tight hole. This was the first time since she woke up that they were attempting the double penetration in separate holes. It was usually quite intense for her; tonight was no different.

Severus could see the pain in her face as soon as Lucius inserted the head. He pulled her a passionate kiss to distract her. His other hand laid on her stomach, swirling her clit perfectly with his thumb. Slowly, Lucius was able to push his full length inside her. His large, veined hands reached around, twisting and pulling at her nipples roughly as he slowly fucked her ass.

Y/N started rocking back and forth, riding them together, putting them instantly under her control. No one made a peep, simply soaking in every second of this carnal pleasure.

The men were taking turns biting and nibbling on Y/N's shoulders and neck as she used them. Every little grind of her hips was driving her closer to orgasm.

Her eyes were swirling bright green pools as she slammed them shut, letting her orgasm wash over her so completely. Again and again, it seemed to go on forever as she came all over Severus' thick cock. As soon as she was done, both of the men started fucking her so punishingly rough.

Over and over, they slammed their thick cocks inside her as she had her arms wrapped around Severus' neck. Quickly, the men were both cumming deep inside her. They were a pile of grunts and whimpers as it engrossed them.

"Fuck," Y/N whispered finally. "That was fucking amazing, Princess," Severus grinned down at her as he recovered his breath. "I concur," Lucius said cheekily as they separated finally.

"We have to start using the butt plugs again. I almost said green," Y/N admitted. "Well, it has been a minute since we have done that. Your body will get used to it, Princess," Severus replied with a grin. "It has to," Lucius added.  

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