Horseback Riding Part 4

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"The girls will be waking up any time," Y/N replied as she started getting nervous. "Severus said he had bottles for them. Don't you want this? We have been given permission and now you're trying to back out. You're not a tease are you?" Lucius teased her.

"I bet you hate being denied, don't you?" Y/N whispered as his lips came close to hers. "Try it, little bird," he replied before forcefully kissing her.

He grabbed her kissing her passionately as his hands started roaming her body. She pulled from their kiss, "Do you have your own room? I want you to fuck me in your bed. I think I deserve that," Y/N told him.

"Right you are, little bird," grinned as he grabbed her hand. He apparated them to a huge slightly dark wooden trimmed bedroom. The windows and bed were draped in heavy emerald, green velvet.

"These are my chambers," Lucius replied as she looked around the room. She turned back to Lucius as she started stripping her clothing off. "Now you can fuck my brains out," she teased him. Both of them quickly undressed, not taking their eyes off of each other.

"Tell me what you want," Y/N told him eagerly as she crawled into the center of his bed. "Face down, hands behind your back," he moaned as he started stroking himself.

Y/N got into the perfect position, doing exactly as he said, even arching her ass back at him. "Beautiful," Lucius announced as he climbed behind her. "Fuck me hard, Daddy," Y/N begged him as he lined himself up behind her.

Lucius grabbed her hips aggressively as he sunk the length of his cock inside her in one thrust. Y/N made the most beautiful gasp as he filled her. He had slammed hard enough into her that it pulled her knees off of the bed.

He was thrusting in and out of her so beautifully, feeling every inch of her. "You feel so fucking good," Lucius growled at her. He was trying to keep himself from getting too worked up yet. "Daddy, please let me ride you. That's all I was thinking about today." she whimpered back at him.

Lucius happily agreed as he laid back on the pillows and held her hips while she lowered herself down on him. "My favorite," he grinned at her as she leaned down over his face. "This position?" she responded. "You and this position. You're perfect," Lucius replied as she started grinding on him.

"Tell me," she whispered. "I love you little bird," he whispered before bringing her mouth to his. He was holding her face gently as she rode him, pulling her from their kiss. He told her, "Tell me," he said. "I love you Daddy Lucius," she whispered before kissing him again.

"You were such a good Daddy today. Do you want me to take care of you, Daddy?" she whispered. The man looked as if he were under her spell at that moment, "Please," he replied with a little grin.

"Do you want me to ride you until you cum? Do you like it when I bounce or when I hump you Daddy?" she whimpered.

"Ride me however makes you cum," he said in a deep breathy voice. "This is how I like it," she grinned as she grinded on him back and forth.

"Suck my Princess titties," she told him with a little whine. Lucius leaned forward where he could do just as she said as after he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I'm so close, Daddy," she whimpered.

Y/N was grinding on him so hard and fast as he sucked her nipples. "Daddy cum in my little Princess pussy, please," she begged him. "No I can't cum in you, he said no today," Lucius replied.

"Fine hold off for me," she whimpered as she started cumming on him. Once she was able to, she got off of him and started furiously sucking his cock.

"Fuck," Lucius growled as he leaned back, fucking her mouth. It was only a few seconds later he was filling her mouth with hot cum. Y/N stroked his pulsing cock into her mouth again and again until she was sure he was done. She swallowed it and showed him.

"What a good girl," Severus told her from a chair he had been sitting in, unbeknownst to Y/N. "Holy fuck, you scared me," she grabbed her chest as she turned around to him.

"I had to track you two down. Are you about ready to go? Lucius may follow us home if he wishes," Severus smirked at them.

"Were you testing us to see if we did what we were told?" Y/N questioned him as she got up from the bed. "Obviously," Severus smirked at them as they got dressed.

"Lucius, my dress is in that other room. Could you go get it for me?" she asked sweetly. "Yes, I will when I get my pants on. Severus, did we pass?" Lucius asked him cheekily as he pulled his pants on, tucking his softening cock into his pants.

"I was pleased with both of your conduct today. Everyone was well behaved until they got permission," Severus replied with a grin.

Y/N put her bra and panties on, waiting for the dress Lucius was retrieving. She walked over to Severus playfully.

"I know we were supposed to be in his office, but I asked him to bring me here. If he wants to have sex with me it can at least be in his own bed," Y/N remarked. "I agree with that as well. Thank you, Lucius," Severus replied as he took the dress to assist Y/N in putting it on.

"Look, I got a new charm," Y/N told Severus as he adjusted her dress on her. "That's beautiful. Did you thank your Daddy?" Severus asked her with a grin.

"Of course, I did. I get to ride my own horse next time. Did you hear that part?" she asked him cheekily. "Yes, yes, I heard. Very exciting news," he teased as he pushed her hair back over her shoulders to inspect her.

"Lucius, will you be joining us?" she smiled over at him as he got dressed. "I will be there for dinner if that's alright. I have an errand I need to run," he replied. "Very well. Will you stay the night or not? You have work tomorrow, don't you?" she asked him with a little frown.

"I will stay until your bedtime if you wish, Princess," he teased her. "I can't wait. I'm going to go retrieve my babies. Kiss," she smiled up at him. Lucius leaned down to kiss her softly.

"Daddy kiss," Y/N smiled as he pulled away. Severus and Lucius leaned closer, giving each other a goodbye peck.

"I have the two best Daddies in the whole world," Y/N announced playfully. "Triple kiss," she told them a second later. "Go get the girls. I will come see you later, silly bird," Lucius grinned at her.

Severus and Y/N got the girls back from Cissa who had been keeping an eye on them. They two thanked her for lunch before taking the sleepy girl's home so they could be laid in their cribs.

"Thank you for letting me go horseback riding today," Y/N told him as they walked downstairs to relax together. "Of course. I want you to have fun. You should have seen Charlotte, she was not having Cissa hold her," Severus chuckled.

"She told me you and her had slept together before, in the old days," Y/N replied as they walked. "I'm positive you knew that already," Severus replied softly.

"Yes, I had suspected, just as I suspected with Lucius. I was not bothered by the way. It's something I sort of knew. She just didn't want me to find out and take it the wrong way. We also talked about Draco and his possible need to know about us," Y/N replied.

"As soon as you left today, I wasn't jealous anymore. I simply enjoyed my time with the girls and then met you for lunch. It was a lovely day to be honest. I was very pleased when I learned you had both been behaving as well. It might be time Lucius tells Draco," Severus replied as he sat on the sofa.

"I really hope I don't lose my friend over this," she confessed as she crawled into his lap. She nuzzled into his neck, taking in the scent of him. "Even if he is upset at first, he will come around," Severus replied as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Was that ok that I asked him to take me to his bedroom? His office felt so impersonal. We weren't trying to hide from you, if that's what you thought," she asked.

"A reasonable request on your part. I just didn't know where you two had gone. I want you to be able to speak for yourself in those situations. You have a right to not be fucked on top of his desk," Severus chuckled.

"I had no idea the saddle would hurt my vagina that much. It was jamming into me the whole time we were riding. I don't know if it's because of him in the saddle as well or just how I sit naturally. An unreal feeling when the horse starts galloping," she giggled.

"Oh that is interesting. Tell me, did he get hard with your ass bouncing on him?" Severus whispered as he kissed her neck softly. "I don't believe he did. As far as I know, he behaved," she remarked.

"That's quite surprising. I'm not sure I could control myself to that degree with your ass on me. Maybe you and I should ride double sometime soon," Severus teased.

"I thought you couldn't ride," she huffed as she pulled away, looking at his face. "I don't enjoy riding the way Lucius does, but I have ridden before," he replied.

"He really wants me to join him on a hunt. I teased him about using magic to interfere with their hunt and he got very serious. Almost as serious as you," she remarked as she laid back against his chest. "He loves to hunt. It would be in your best interest to not interfere," he replied.

"He made it abundantly clear. You know, he's almost never unpleasant with me the way he is with others in general. The same can be said for you as well. It's just interesting," she replied playfully.

"What's interesting?" Severus sighed. He knew it was a smart comment she was trying to get to.

"Two men who have reputations for being difficult or even cruel, completely pussywhipped by a little Princess such as myself. Did you see me take control of him today? I don't know what you saw but he was a big tough guy at first. As soon as I started riding him, he's under my spell," she replied.

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