Good Boys

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You're sitting in your Potions lab after a long day of teaching, as your men arrive in black suits. Each of them has a white dress shirt underneath, a casual look and one that you loved.

"Give your Daddies a kiss first," Severus tells you with a grin. He leans over you, cupping your face as if he owns it. His kiss is hard and forceful, leaving you breathless. Lucius clears his throat signaling he wants his kiss.

You pull Lucius into a kiss, showing him how much you love him as well. His hands started roaming your body, as does Severus'. "Dinner," you remind them as you pull away from the kiss, as well as the wondering hands.

Their wicked eyes scan your pregnant form, admiring you in your lovely spring dress. Together, they take your hands in their own apparate you to a romantic restaurant. As you sit down at the table, with lovely atmosphere, you cannot take your eyes off each other. The tension is palpable.

Your breath starts quickening as you look them over. They look like two wild animals about to savagely attack you. You sit between them in the corner booth, like a good girl.

Severus leans in and whispers in your ear, "You look gorgeous, Princess" while Lucius places his hand on your thigh, "I can't wait to taste you."

"Be that as it may, we have things to discuss," you remind them firmly, your breath quickening.

Severus chuckles softly, "Princess, can we not just enjoy tonight without discussing demands? You've already told us that things are going to change before you come back." while Lucius smirks, "Let's enjoy each other."

You look at them intently before taking a deep breath, "Tonight we can enjoy each other but tomorrow we need to sit down and talk like adults. And I expect things to change. I'm done with the jealousy between the three of us, the score keeping."

Severus smirks, "Of course beautiful, we just want to show you how much we love you. Princess." Lucius's fingers move higher up your thigh, "Let us spoil you, little bird." The pet name sent an ache between your legs. You shiver at his touch and nod, allowing your desires to take over.

Severus orders a bottle of wine, his hand resting on your lower back. Lucius leans in and whispers, "I want to taste every inch of you." Your heart races as you feel their desire for you.

The night is filled with laughter, food, and touches under the table. As the night wraps up, they both take your hand and apparate you back home. They lead you to the shared between where you haven't been for months after the separation. The room was warm and familiar.

Severus' lips trail down your neck as Lucius watches, "I've missed this," he says, his fingers playing with your hair. Lucius slides down the strap of your dress, exposing your shoulder before biting down, leaving a mark. Severus pulls your hair and whispers in your ear, "You're ours, never forget that."

You moan in response, your body yielding to their touches. Lucius' hand slips under your dress, teasing you as you feel Severus' erection against your hip. It looked like it was attempting to escape his pants currently. You bite your lip, trying to maintain some control, but their combined efforts make it impossible.

You whimper with your own arousal, "I thought someone was going to taste me," you remind them. Severus pulls back from your neck and locks his gaze with you.

"Oh, we will. Extensively, But first, we want to savor this moment. The Princess' homecoming." You immediately get annoyed, attempting to pull away from their touch. "I didn't say that. I said we would talk," you huff.

Severus and Lucius both chuckle at your attempt to resist. Lucius leans in close to whisper in your ear, "Oh, we'll talk, Princess. We will have long heated discussions with our clothes off." Their hands roam over your body, igniting a fire within you. You let out a moan of pleasure, unable to resist their touch any longer.

Severus moves to kneel down in front of you, his lips pressing softly against your inner thigh as Lucius sucks on your neck. "We know what you need," he murmurs against your skin. "And we're going to give it to you."

Lucius moves to join Severus, both of them lavishing attention on your thighs, their hands sliding up and down your body. "Tell us, Princess, what do you want us to do to you?" Severus asks, his voice low and husky.

"I want to hear that you both understand I'm not coming home yet. I'm still staying at the castle during the week and on the weekends I'll stay at my apartment," you remind them. "I want to hear that you both understand that. No begging me to come home."

Severus and Lucius share a look before turning their attention back to you. "Of course, little bird," Lucius says, pressing a kiss to your hipbone. "Whatever you need, we'll give it to you." Severus nods in agreement, his fingers tracing patterns on your skin. "We just want you to be happy, Princess. And if this is what you need, then we'll make it work."

The room falls silent for a moment as everyone takes a breath. You can feel the tension between the three of you, thick and heavy. Finally, Severus speaks up. "What is it that you need, Princess?" he asks, his voice low and soothing. "Tell us what you want, and we'll make it happen."

Your resolve, a thing of the past. "Everything," you whisper.

The silence is broken by your sudden moan as Severus' lips find your sensitive spot on your neck. Lucius' hand slides down your back and cups your ass. "You're ours," he growls, nipping at your shoulder.

"Yours," you repeat having given up for the moment.

Severus grins and presses his lips to yours hungrily. His tongue slips past your lips and tangles with yours, sending chills down your spine.

Meanwhile, Lucius' fingers wander to the loose neckline of your dress after unzipping it, pulling it down your shoulders. "I can't wait to taste you," Severus breathes against your lips.

You feel Lucius come behind you and roughly pull your dress down so you're standing almost nude, just with little white panties on. Their favorites.

Your breath catches in your throat as the cool air hits your exposed skin. Lucius' hands roam across your bare back as Severus latches onto your neck, sucking and biting.

"You look absolutely stunning," Lucius whispers in your ear, his hands traveling down to your hips, pulling you flush against him. "But we need to talk first," you remind them.

Severus reluctantly pulls away from your neck, his dark eyes meeting yours. "What is it that you wish to discuss?" he asks, a hint of annoyance in his voice. Lucius smirks and gives your ass a playful squeeze as he moves to stand beside you.

You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself as you meet their gaze. "I just want to make it clear that I'm not just some toy for you both to use whenever you please. I have my own desires and needs, and I want to be treated as an equal partner in this."

Severus and Lucius exchange a quick glance before Lucius takes your hand and pulls you towards him. "Of course, Princess," he says softly, his lips brushing against your ear. "Nothing matters more than your happiness."

Severus steps closer as well, his hand sliding up your thigh. "This little spot.. right here between your legs, Princess. We need this." They both lean in, taking turns kissing you.

You moan against their mouths, repeating the words "Yours, yours, yours" over and over again as they continue to explore your body with their skilled hands.

A shiver runs through your body as Severus and Lucius push you back onto the bed, their hands roaming across your body. "You're a perfect little princess," Lucius murmurs, his fingers teasing the edge of your panties. Severus leans into place a kiss on your lips before moving lower, his mouth tracing a path down your neck to your chest. Then to your round pregnant belly that they both adore.

You moan softly as Severus and Lucius explore you like their favorite toy, the touch of their hands sending shivers of pleasure through your body. Severus takes his time kissing and tasting every inch of your body.

"You're so beautiful," he whispers, his breath hot against your skin. Lucius joins in, his tongue flicking across your nipples as Severus continues to kiss you deeply. You can feel the heat building between your legs, and you know that you are about to lose it.

They take the hint, their hands and lips moving down to your thighs. They spread your legs wide, giving them full access to your wet and willing body. "Delicious," Lucius murmurs as he slides his tongue inside you. Severus licks your clit, tasting you as if he were starving.

You gasp and moan as Severus and Lucius continue to lick your little pussy. The sensations are almost too much to bear, your fingers digging into the bedspread in a mix of cries and whimpers. Your legs shaking, and trembling as you try to hold it together. With each flick of their tongues, each touch of their hands, you lose yourself in the moment, becoming entirely theirs to command. "You're ours," Lucius growls, his voice low and husky. "Say it."

You cry "fuck" and whimper as they continue to bring you to the edge. Their hands exploring every inch of your body as they take turns tasting your little clit. You feel yourself getting closer and closer to release, the heat building between your legs. It turns to an all-consuming fire. "I'm yours," you cry.

The intensity of their worship only grows, quickening the pace, and heightening the tension. Your body aches with the need for release. "The best," you cry as you start cumming under their mouths. Your head falling back in ecstasy as you succumb to the waves of orgasm assaulting your body. "Daddies turn," Severus orders you, pulling your shaky body to the floor softly.

You obediently take both their cocks in your mouth, your tongue working over each of them in turn as you suck and slurp. Lucius groans in pleasure as he slides in and out of your mouth, while Severus moans your name as you take him deep into your throat.

You feel both of their hands roaming your body, touching and grabbing. Some touches softer than others but all of them were signaling how bad they wanted to use you. You look up at them both with lust in your eyes, eager to keep going.

Severus pulls you into his lap as he sits back on the pillows. His hands are almost shaking with anticipation. The more turned on the man got, the more forceful, rough, controlling he got, and you loved every second of it. Lucius was always charming in some way every though he was just as rough.

You feel Severus' hard cock against your thigh, pulsing with need and you are more than ready to take it. Pulling him closer, you run your hands over his chest, and you can feel his breath hitch at your touch, on the brink of losing his composure.

Though your view is slightly impaired by the belly, you see Lucius' hand come from underneath, assisting in inserting Severus inside you.

"Stop, I'm going to die now," you moan, as you hover over Severus and Lucius' hand. He was only allowing you enough to rub against yourself. 

Lucius smirks as he sees your reaction and begins to caress your breasts with one hand, while the other stays tightly wrapped around Severus, ensuring he doesn't slip out

. The combination of their touches and thrusts makes your moans louder and more frantic, and you can see the desire in their eyes as they watch every move you make.

"Daddy, please, put it in me. My little pussy needs it," you cry.

The men look at each other and share a wicked grin, before Severus starts sliding deeply and slowly inside you. Your beautiful round pregnant belly pushing against him. "Fuck, you're so tight for your Daddies," Severus groans.

Lucius gets behind you, unwilling to wait his turn. He quickly lubes up his own hard cock. "Need," he whispered as he started attempting to slide his cock into her pussy as well. "I'm not ready," you whimper. Severus immediately grabs your hips bouncing you on his cock forcefully as if to allow for more space.

You started burying your face into his chest, feeling him deep inside you over and over. Lucius made an unholy sound as he slipped the head of his cock inside you.  His hand on your hip, fingertips squeezing so you knew how good it felt. Both of them used silent signals while you all fucking. Glances, bites, forceful grips on your body. 

The sensation of both of them filling you up completely made you whimper into Severus' chest. Your hand went back to Lucius' large, veined hand, gripping it. 

"You take it so well, little princess," Lucius murmurs, giving your ass a gentle slap. Severus grips your hips tighter, thrusting into you harder and faster, as if trying to prove a point. The sounds of skin slapping against skin, mixed with your moans, echo through the room. You can feel your orgasm building up, getting closer and closer with each thrust.

Your Daddies groan in unison as they feel you clench around them, your orgasm finally washing over you in waves. They keep thrusting into you, riding out your high as they chase their own.

"Fuck, stupid little bitch.. Is this what you want? You want your Daddies trying to cum in that little pussy.. Look at us," Severus growls, his pace quickening.

Lucius nods in agreement, his hands gripping your hips tightly. "Stupid little bitch," Lucius growls in your ear. Finally, with a final, deep thrust, they both come inside you, filling you up completely.

You lay there, panting and spent, as they pull out of you and collapse into a pile. Lucius moving behind you, sandwiching you. They both look at you, satisfied grins on their faces, as you curl up against them. "I want more," Lucius says, stroking your hair. Severus nods in agreement, his hand resting on your pregnant belly. "Myself as well," he grins.

Lucius gets momentarily jealous that you are pregnant with Severus' baby, giving the man a scowl.

Lucius' expression darkens as he notices Severus' hand on your belly. He scowls, feeling a twinge of jealous anger. "No need to rub it in my face," he growls, running a hand over your stomach possessively.

Severus gives Lucius a smirk, pulling you closer to him. "This princess is ours, Lucius. We're going to raise this child together, just like we do with the twins," he says, his tone softening. "Don't worry, you'll breed her next," Severus grins at him.

You watch as Lucius leans in to kiss Severus deeply, their hands roaming over each other's bodies. You feel a wave of arousal wash over you as they turn their attention back to you, their hands tracing over your swollen belly and hips. "Feeling rested yet?" Lucius asks as his hand slips down grabbing a handful of your ass.

Severus chuckles softly as he strokes your hair, "I believe she's still catching her breath, Lucius." He leans into place a soft kiss on your forehead. "But don't worry, my love. We'll make sure you're very well taken care of. From here on out, you'll be taken care of like the princess you are."

A few days later, the men were arguing again for your attention.

You hear Severus and Lucius bickering over who gets to give you a foot rub. "She's carrying my child, Lucius," Severus says, "I should be the one massaging her back." Lucius scoffs, "And I'm the one who made her scream last night, so it's only fair that I get to do that. She loves how I touch her."

You walk into the kitchen, "Well, good morning. Or is it?" you ask as you go over to the freshly brewed espresso waiting for you on the countertop.

Severus gives you a sly grin, "Well, it could be better if you let us take care of you," he says suggestively, eyeing your belly. Lucius smirks, "I second that. We could give you a nice breakfast in bed."

You look back at them blankly as the spring sun shines into the kitchen through the big picture windows. "Do you think that's what I want after I just heard you two bickering like children?" you ask.

Severus rolls his eyes, "A small disagreement among two strong willed men." Lucius nods in agreement, "Indeed."

"Nixed you say? Good.. that does please me. I'd hate to spend the weekend in the city, with the girls all couped up in my apartment while my two favorite men sit here and pout," you remark while sipping your coffee.

Severus smiles, "That will hardly be necessary." Lucius nods, "It's nixed as they say." You chuckle to yourself, "Good boys. That pleases me." Severus raises an eyebrow, "We aim to please, after all."

Lucius smirks, "As long as peace is maintained, and we can carry on with our plans."

You lean back in your kitchen table chair, feeling the warmth of your coffee cup seep into your hands, "Speaking of plans, what do you we have in mind for the weekend? Something quiet I hope.. with very little movement" she looked down at pregnant belly.

Baron moved way more than the twins, perhaps because there was more room. Other people could often see her belly shifting as his tiny feet tried to break free.

Lucius chuckled, his eyes softening as he gazed at her, "I was thinking the same. A peaceful weekend sounds perfect. Maybe a movie marathon? We can set up a cozy spot on the couch and just relax."

She smiled, feeling a sense of relief, "Now we're talking. I'm exhausted to be honest. He's wearing me out."

As they discussed their plans, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the kitchen, mingling with the faint scent of lavender from the bouquet on the table. The sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow over the room, making it feel like a sanctuary from the chaos outside.

Lucius leaned forward, his hand gently resting on her belly, "And you, little one, try not to cause too much trouble for your mama this weekend, okay?"

She laughed, feeling a flutter of movement in response, "I think he agrees. At least for now."

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