Cyprus Part 3

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Lucius brought her a cloth to clean herself with but was corrected. “My Daddy always cleans the mess he makes,” she teased him as she laid out on the mattress playfully.

 “I see. You will have to tell me when I’m doing something wrong,” he replied as he climbed onto the bed, still nude. He very gently cleaned her with the cloth. “I’m trying to get all of it but it keeps leaking out,” he teased. 

“Was there a lot?” she asked playfully. “So much,” replied cheekily. Y/N got up from the bed, putting her bikini back on. She handed the shirt to Lucius, saying “Don’t forget this. I’m not wearing it anymore,” she told him. 

She walked out of the cabin leaving him as she walked topside. By the time Lucius had followed her, she was already talking to the boat captain. 

“I learned a few words last night but it's hard to know if I’m pronouncing them correctly. How do you say, water?” she asked the man curiously. “Nero,” the man replied as he studied Y/N. “Nero, fantastic. How do you say beautiful?” she teased the man as Lucius watched. 

“ómorfi̱ eísai,” the man replied cheekily. “You said I am beautiful, but thank you,” Y/N chuckled as she turned back to Lucius. 

“Ómorfo neró, do you agree, Lucius?” she asked him as she walked back over. “I agree with the captain,” he smirked at her before he whisked her away to start putting their scuba gear on. “I’ve never been scuba diving before. I suppose we can stay down longer?” she questioned him. 

“Indeed. How long can you hold your breath?” he asked curiously. “I’m up to 2 minutes but I’ve only been practicing a few days,” she replied. 

“If something goes wrong with your air tank, I want you to start swimming for the surface. We can’t take gillyweed in front of muggles as you know,” he whispered. “How long can you hold your breath for?” she questioned him as he put the equipment on her. 

“I haven’t timed myself in years,” he replied with a little chuckle. “You think it’s more or less than me?” she questioned him. “You’re very competitive, aren’t you?” he teased. 

“Sorry, he didn’t tell you that. Did he? Want to make a wager that you cannot hold your breath longer than me?” she asked him curiously. “What’s at stake?” he asked with an evil grin. 

“A wish. If I win I have a wish that you will grant later and the same for you,” she replied. “Deal. Let's do it now, shall we?” he smirked at her. “First one to break loses,” she extended her hand to him. 

Lucius shook her hand, “Deal,” he replied with an evil grin. Lucius counted down and they both took a deep breath, holding it in their lungs. 

She looked away from Lucius slightly to look out onto the water. At about one minute, Lucius had to get a breath before he couldn’t hold off any longer. 

Once she was sure he had taken his, Y/N announced, “I thought you would last longer,” she chuckled. “I thought you would break before I did,” the man breathed deeply. 

“I told you, I’ve been practicing. Of course it’s much easier to do it top side where I can focus. If I were losing my breath in the water, it might be a different story,” she replied. 

“It’s heavy isn’t it?” Lucius asked her as he put the air tank on her back. “Yes but I need help sinking,” she replied. “I need you to stay with me the whole time. If I lose you, I can never go back to my old life,” Lucius teased her. 

“Big responsibility. Fine, I’ll do my best to stay with you. I get distracted easily though,” she warned him. 

“I wish we could communicate like you and Severus. It would be much easier for what we’re about to do. You can’t read my lips either with this gear on. I’ll have to give you hand signals. Up, down, X is for stop. When I give you two thumbs up it means my air tank is running out and we need to go up. I assume my breathing is faster than yours,” he informed her. 

“Thank you for doing this with me, Lucius. You have no idea how happy this makes me,” she replied softly. Lucius smiled at her softly, “Anything for you, little bird,” he replied. 

“You know, reading each other's minds isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Sometimes you hear things that are bothersome or unpleasant. It’s difficult to hide one's thoughts that the other person might not appreciate,” she told him. 

“Do you have things you wish to hide from him or myself?” Lucius asked her curiously. “Doesn’t every person have something they wish no one knew?” she replied. “I suppose so, little bird,” Lucius replied before he started getting himself suited up to dive. 

“Are there sharks here?” Y/N asked nervously. “It’s possible, to be honest. The water is clear so just keep an eye out. Try to make as little commotion as you can if you see one, slowly back away but don’t take your eyes off of it. There’s rarely an attack here though,” Lucius replied. 

“I’ll take that drink now,” she announced playfully. “A downside to the presence of sea turtles, their predators are often looming,” Lucius teased her. “If I see a shark kill a sea turtle I may never recover,” she replied blankly.

“Well let’s hope we don’t see that. Are you ready?” Lucius asked as they wet their masks, sitting on the edge of the boat. “How do I look?” Y/N asked as she adjusted her mask. 

“Happy,” Lucius replied before he readied himself and jumped into the water first. Y/N jumped flipper feet first  into the somewhat surprisingly warm water. It was much nicer than the loch to be honest. 

Once Lucius was sure she was ready, he pointed down and started swimming away from her. Y/N started following him down, to the sea floor. They were only doing a shallow dive today, around 5 meters so Y/N could get comfortable. 

There was a beautiful reef near them that they swam over to explore. There was a sea turtle in the distance circling the outer edge of the reef near a small group of bright yellow fish. 

(I cannot get a film accurate Lucius via ai. I improvised and shortened his hair for stylistic purposes)

Lucius looked back to make sure she was following him. She had stopped above the reef when she saw a small puffer fish couldn’t resist admiring. After a moment, she followed him, finally close enough to grab onto him. 

Lucius wrapped his arms around her bringing her into an embrace. Y/N signaled for him to take his mouth piece out, making a smooch face at him. 

He followed her lead and kissed her, giving her a sweet smooch under the Mediterranean sea. It was a kiss she would never forget. They both popped their mouth pieces in as they figured they should keep exploring. 

After a little exploring they had made it over to closer where the green sea turtle was.  Y/N  made a heart sign to Lucius and then pointed to the turtle to show how excited she was. 

Both of them kept looking abound to make sure nothing dangerous was approaching as they swam around the reef. There was even an octopus attempting to camouflage itself as it crept back into its den inside the coral. 

One of the most surprising things was how excited Y/N got when she saw a little seahorse dart out from a nook as they passed. She grabbed her chest in excitement as soon as she saw it. 

They were done for about 40 minutes exploring before Lucius gave the signal to go up. They swam to the surface, hand in hand like a scene from a film. As soon as they got to the surface, Y/N took her mouth piece out and started squealing from excitement. 

“Beautiful,” Lucius announced as he admired her excitement while they tread water. Their boat was turning around to get a little closer for them as they tread the water. “Thank you. I’ll never forget that,” she told him as they swam. 

“My pleasure entirely, little bird,” he smirked back at her. Once they boat got close enough Lucius got out first so he could help lift her out with her heavy scuba gear on. Lucius stepped in to help Y/N remove her scuba gear instead of the Captain who was offering. 

“Thank you, I’ll help the lady. Nice try though,” Lucius announced.  The young man chuckled a little, replying “A man has to try, doesn’t he?” playfully. “You’re really cute, “Y/N looked around Lucius and told the captain. 

“Stop,” Lucuis grumbled at her. “Can I ask, where is a good place for lunch? Not a tourist place. A place where the locals eat,” Y/N asked casually. 

Lucius lifted the air tank off of Y/N so she could finish removing her fins and his own gear. Y/N started adjusting her top and bottoms that had shifted from swimming. “I’m thinking,” the captain replied with a smirk. 

“Do you like my bathing suit? My Daddy got it for me,” she asked the man playfully. “ómorfi̱ eísai,” the captain smiled at her. The captain had told her she was beautiful again. 

“You can take us back to the island now,” Lucius ordered the man in an annoyed voice. The captain smiled at Y/N one last time before going back to the wheel of the boat to start taking them back.

 “We were having such a nice time weren’t we?” Lucius asked her as he covered her with a towel. “Are you jealous, Daddy? You got me this swimsuit and I absolutely love it. An attention getter for sure,” she giggled as she sat down. 

“It isn’t the swimsuit, it’s you. You shamelessly flirt with every man you see,” Lucius whispered as he sat next to her, wrapping his arm casually around her. “Maybe men shouldn’t be so easy to toy with. Who can blame me?” she chuckled. 

“That was a fair argument to be honest. I’m sure you could have anyone you chose,” Lucius replied. “Do you want to go fuck again before lunch?” she smiled up at him. “You’re going to suck Daddys cock first,” he replied with a grin. 

He stood up and reached out for her hand just as Severus did. She grabbed it and followed him down to the bedroom cabin. They took a quick fresh water shower together just because it was a chance for more flirting. 

“What is something you have always wanted to do to me that you haven’t yet? Or would like to do again?” Y/N teased him as they rinsed off. “I want to make love to you again,” he replied. 

Y/N smiled at his simple answer, replying, “I don't know why I expected something else. I thought perhaps you would want to get rough with me,” she said. 

“That’s definitely number two but I can’t make love to you in front of him,” he replied. “Take me to bed, Daddy,” she smiled at him as she turned the shower off. They got out of the shower and took turns drying each other off. 

Y/N couldn’t help herself when she knelt in front of him, she started blowing his semi erect cock. “Oh fuck,” he moaned in a deep breathy voice. 

He loosely put his hands on the back of her head, gently guiding her. “I love how you suck my cock, it’s perfect,” he said in a deep raspy voice. Y/N started rubbing herself furiously as she sucked him. 

Lucius could hear how wet she was before he realized she was touching herself. “You love this don’t you?” Lucius moaned as he watched her. Y/N gave him a nod with his cock in her mouth before she went back to sucking him. She loved jerking him with her left hand and pleasuring herself with her right while she sucked.

Lucius pulled himself from her mouth as he bent over to look in her eyes, “Go get on the bed or should I carry you?” he asked with a grin. “Carry me, Daddy,” she reached up to him. He quickly brought her into his arms, but also lowered her down on his aching cock. “Fuck.. Daddy..,” Y/N whimpered as she grinded on his cock while he walked them to the bed. 

“Can you fuck me like this?” he asked her. Y/N immediately started riding him while having her legs locked perfectly around his torso. It was more of a grinding forward action as he stood loosely holding her. “Slow, you’re trying to make me cum,” he whispered.

 One hand was under her ass and the other was gently caressing her back as she fucked him. They were face to face as she rode him but not kissing because they were both trying to breathe.

 It was the most beautiful symphony of breathy gasps as she rode him, which was making its own dripping wet sound. 

Lucius moved them to the middle of the bed where he leaned back on his hands so he could watch her a little better. Y/N repositioned herself so her knees were bent as she rode him.

 “You really don’t know where your hole is, do you?” Lucius teased as he assisted inserting himself. “Those things flop about,” she replied playfully. “Fuck,” both of them moaned as she took his length again.

“Kiss me and I will be able to take more,” she told him. Lucius wasted no time in gently grabbing her face and kissing her. It was a beautiful deep tongue kiss and it felt almost as good as his big cock. 

The frantic young woman was riding his cock almost as fast as she could trying to reach her orgasm. “Daddy, I want to cum on you so bad,” she whimpered as she pulled from his kiss. Her arms were wrapped around his neck so she could support herself. 

“Cum for me, little bird. Be a good girl for me,” he whispered before his breaths. Y/N dug her fingers into his hair just as she was approaching her orgasm. 

As soon as she forced herself down onto him for the first wave of contractions, she pulled his hair hard, forcing his head back. “Oh fuck, I’m cumming too,” Lucius whimpered in a desperate needy voice. 

He couldn’t help himself but start thrusting up into her pussy again as they both came. “Fuck, keep me hard, please,” he begged. 

“Daddy, we need to eat lunch,” she replied with a little smirk.

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