An Imbalance

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You start getting up from the bed, feeling as if this is going to unpleasant. It was far easier to have these sorts of conversations when you weren't nude. The two of you had already put the girls to bed for the evening. The second they were asleep, he had drug you down to the bedroom where all three of you slept.

Lucius looked you up and down, his expression wasn't one of tenderness. "Meet me on the terrace in 5 minutes. We are going to have a nice long talk about our future, whether we want to or not," he warns you.

His words fill you with instant anxiety. You hated talking about feelings and the unsureness of this relationship. It wasn't just about you and him, it was about everyone within the house. The girls were obsessed with him, convinced they had two fathers.

There was a lot at stake, and you were starting to feel it. It felt like thousands of pounds of weight sitting on your chest. Your instinct, push him as far away as possible.

It was easier than confronting all of the complicated feelings you were undergoing. As you make your way to the terrace, your mind races with thoughts about what Lucius might say and what the future holds for both of you.

The setting sun casts a warm glow over the terrace, creating an atmosphere that is both beautiful and tense. Lucius stands by the railing, his posture rigid and his expression unreadable.

"I wonder if we are asking the impossible. You take every opportunity to show me the worst parts of you, as if you want me to leave. That's how it feels," he admitted. His words take you by surprise, because that isn't the truth at all.

"That isn't what I want. I.. just.. It's so complicated, isn't it? He and I busy at school all week, then the girls take up our evenings. I feel as if I only get to spend time with just you on the weekends.

If you are feeling like you want to go back to work, I can understand that. I can get a nanny to watch the girls," you offer, attempting to come up with some solution for his unhappiness that doesn't involve self-revaluation.

He looked at you, his eyes softening just a bit. "It's not about going back to work," he said quietly.

"It's about the imbalance of power within this house, we both know that. You will never act the same with me as you do him, because you don't have to.

It's obvious I don't have the same level of control of you. You wouldn't tell him to go fuck himself. That is saved for me," Lucius said shaking his head, not even looking back at you.

You can hear that tinge of hurt in his voice, but you're unsure of what to say. "I apologized," you said, your eyes filling with tears.

Your mouth usually got you in trouble. You were impulsive, speaking the first thing that felt right, whether it hurt other people or not. Except when it came to the girls, your words always carefully orchestrated. You were gentle with them. Perhaps Lucius needed that as well.

Lucius looked as handsome as ever, leaning against the iron railing as he looked out over the lock. His shoulders were strong, his muscular back was softly embraced by his white dress shirt. Platinum blonde hair messily quaffed away from his face.

The man normally was such a picture of arrogance and some snotty attitude. Not to you though, he showed you his real self. He was vulnerable, insecure, and deeply soft inside.

He had trusted you with parts of himself that he hid from the rest of the world, and you cherished that trust. The lock's gentle murmur provided a serene background as you approached him, your footsteps soft on the cobblestone path.

"Lucius," you began, your voice gentle, almost a whisper, "Tell me everything you hate about this.. arrangement and perhaps there is some way we can fix.. at least some of the issues."

"Arrangement," he scoffed, shaking his head. "Wine?" you offered hopefully walking back to the kitchen glass doors that had been left ajar. "1 glass," he tells you. Immediately you're annoyed at being told what to do again. You save your annoyance, bottling it up inside as you go to the retrieve some wine, corkscrew and 2 glasses.

You come back outside to the terrace where he is sitting on the sofa. He takes the bottle and corkscrew from you, looking up into your face. His face leans against your stomach as he sits on the edge of the sofa, wrapping his free arm around your torso.

You feel a mix of emotions as his touch sends a shiver down your spine. Despite your earlier irritation, there's a comfort in his presence that you can't quite deny.

He expertly opens the wine bottle and pours the deep red liquid into the glasses, the rich aroma filling the air.

You lean back on the sofa, sipping your wine. Your feet are stretched across his lap, his lovely, veined hand tracing circles around your calf as he stares into the distance.

"How would you feel if you saw me fucking another woman? Not just any woman, a woman I love. How would that feel?" he asks.

It fills you with anxiety immediately the thought of him touching someone else. However, uneven his arrangement was, you didn't want him to be touched by anyone else. The men, both of them belonged to you.

"You knew it was going to be like this. What am I supposed to do, Lucius?" you groaned, feeling as if you were being attacked by his words. He looks down next to him where you are leaned back sipping your wine. His eyes a beautiful sky blue, hundreds of unspoken words behind them.

"What if I cannot do this anymore? I want a companion, someone who is mine. Someone I don't have to share all the time," he said in an irritated voice. All the time, those words echoing through your head.

"Say what you want to say. You want to sleep with other people when we are not together, is that it?" you reply, your jaw starting to tighten. It feels somewhere in the land of rejection, causing your thoughts to reel.

"I want you to myself," he admitted. You start pulling your legs off him, feeling as if this isn't a conversation you can have while Severus isn't present. He had made it clear, early on, that you were his. You and Severus were married with children after all.

"I'm sorry." It's the only thing you can think to say, without hurting his feelings.

He looks down, a mix of regret and longing in his eyes. "I shouldn't have said that. It's just... hard to be around you without wanting more."

You take a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "I understand, but my commitment is to Severus and our family. I care about you, but we need to respect the boundaries we've set."

"Care about me," he spat back at you, rising from the sofa. "You hardly act like it most of the time," he said shaking his head.

His words stung, but you knew you had to remain calm. "I do care about you, deeply. I love you, Lucius," you said softly. "But we both knew the risks when we started this relationship. We have to be careful not to cross lines that could hurt everyone involved."

He paced the room, frustration evident in his every step. "I just wish things could be different," he muttered.

"I know," you replied, your heart heavy. "But we have to deal with the reality we have, not the one we wish for. If life were perfect, I could split myself in half, live with each of you. If you want out of this, the time is now. He wants to get me pregnant in the next few weeks. I can only foresee this getting messier."

"And then what? I have to wait my turn? You won't be ready for 2 more years to have another. I want you to have mine now. I don't want to wait," he said. His words falling heavy.

Now, you're very nervous. You don't want to lose him, hurt him, or cross boundaries. "You have to talk to him. It's not up to me," you murmured, not meeting his eyes now.

His sigh filled the room, a palpable mixture of frustration and longing. "I just wish things could be different," he admitted, his voice softening. "I wish we could just be happy without all these complications."

You nodded, understanding his pain all too well. "I know. I wish that too. But we have to be honest with ourselves and each other. What I'm about to say, isn't to hurt you, because that is the last thing I want. I will never solely be yours. You must accept that," you pleaded with him.

"It would be easier to say you don't feel the same about me," he said shaking his head dismissively. You took a deep breath, choosing your words carefully.

"It's not that I don't feel the same. I do, deeply. But my heart is a complex thing, and it's tethered to more than just one person or one path. That doesn't diminish what we have; it just means we have to navigate it differently."

You were starting to feel as if you were juggling both of your feelings, putting yours on the back burner. "If you want a break, I can understand that. To clear your head," you offer.

"You just sit there, completely unaffected and it's making me angry to be honest. You see my heart breaking but offer not a helpful word," he said, his voice growing angrier. "I'm sorry," is the only thing you can think to say.

Suddenly, he spun around, "Stop saying that. I don't believe you," he spat. He was raising his voice to you, which he never did. Surprisingly, he was a calculated restrained man, taking a great deal with upset him to this degree.

You just looked at him, your eyes filling with tears as you had no other words of comfort left in you. "I'll send for my things," Lucius tells you before he apparated away. You sit silently on the terrace, the sun setting so it's mostly dark now.

Quietly, you let it wash over you. The silence enveloped you, a stark contrast to the storm of emotions swirling inside. The twilight air was cool, but it did little to soothe the ache in your chest.

You felt the weight of his departure, the finality of his words lingering like a shadow over your heart. The terrace, once a place of shared moments and whispered dreams, now seemed like a desolate expanse, echoing with the remnants of a love that was no longer whole.

You sat there, lost in thought, replaying the conversation in your mind. Each word, each expression, dissected and analyzed, hoping to find a way you could have made it different, better. But deep down, you knew this was inevitable.

Your heart, with its many facets and connections, could not be contained in the simplicity of a singular love.

As the stars began to dot the night sky, you felt a small sense of resolve build within you. This was a part of your journey, a painful but necessary step towards understanding yourself and the intricate web of relationships that defined you.

You got up from the sofa, wiping your eyes. You left the wine, the glasses, everything on the table on the terrace as you walked inside, locking the door behind you. The thought of going to your own bed, alone was too daunting. You wish nothing more than for Severus to come home and comfort you.

You climb the stairs, going to the girl's room. You crawl into their huge bed they shared, snuggling up behind sleeping Stevie. The moonlight shown through the window, cascading against the twin's raven hair.

You lean down kissing her head while she slept, your heart breaking into a million pieces. You couldn't fall apart though, there was no time for that. You lay there, tears streaming from your eyes like molten lava. Little sad gasps escaping your lips as you let it settle inside you.

Stevie rolled over, burying her face into you as you lay there, broken. "Love you, Evie," you whispered. "Lub ewe, Mama," she whispers back, her little arm thrown over you as she lays against your chest.

The warmth of her small embrace provided a fleeting comfort, a reminder that amidst the chaos and heartache, there was still a beacon of pure, unconditional love. The girl's presence anchored you, giving you the strength not to slip away into yourself.

Morning came with the soft chirping of birds and the first light of dawn peeking through the curtains. You lay still, not wanting to disturb the twin's peaceful slumber or the fragile calm that had settled over the room. The reality of Lucius's departure loomed large, but so did the promise of a new day, a new beginning.

As you gently extricated yourself from Stevie's embrace, you resolved to take things one step at a time. You tiptoed out of the room, closing the door quietly behind you. The house was painfully silent.

In the kitchen, you started the day with a cup of tea, its warmth seeping into your hands and offering a small measure of solace.

With a deep breath, you began to plan your day, focusing on the tasks at hand and the needs of your family. The pain of the previous night was still there, but it was no longer paralyzing. A silent ache deep within.

As you stood sipping your tea, Teddy, the house elf from the Manor appeared with a bundle of flowers and a note. "Good morning, Teddy," you said shaking your head. The man was already trying to make up.

"For you, Miss Y/N. From Master Malfoy, of course," he said extending the flowers and note.

"You can take them back and tell him to shove them up his ass," you said. A look of fear came across Teddys face, "Miss, you're trying to get Teddy killed," he said with a laugh.

You look around the kitchen, finding a pen to write on the front of the note. You refuse to break the wax seal which bore the Malfoy family crest. Fuck this man, you thought to yourself. Your head was pounding from the stress and heartbreak, eyes swollen red.

"Shove these up your ass 💔," you wrote on the note handing it back to Teddy. The little heart, you enchanted so it looked as if it were beating and broken all at the same time.

"If he takes it out on you, come get me," she told Teddy before he left. "Yes, Miss," he said as he disappeared.

Lucius had hurt you the night before, not even attempting to show up himself. Coward, you thought to yourself, shaking your head.

You wanted to confront him, but the fear of another outburst held you back. Instead, you busied yourself with tasks around the house, hoping to keep your mind off the pain and frustration.

Finally, in the afternoon Severus showed up. He had a soft pleasant expression on his face as he appeared in the living room. "What's wrong?" he asked, cocking his head to the side when he saw you. "Lucius and I broke up, I suppose. I don't know" you admitted.

Severus raised an eyebrow and took a step closer, his concern evident. "I'm sorry to hear that," he said softly. "Do you want to talk about it?"

You shrugged, feeling a mix of relief and uncertainty at his offer. "I don't know if talking will help," you replied, your voice tinged with sadness. "He wants me to have his baby now, before you. This is getting too complicated. The girls have been a nightmare this morning. I think they can feel that I'm not all here today," you admitted.

Severus sighed, his expression turning more serious as he sat down beside you. "It's understandable," he said gently. "The girls are perceptive, and they can sense when something is off. Give yourself some time, nothing has to be decided right now."

"I'm surprised you're not irritated hearing this," you admit. "I suppose, he can say what he wants, feel what he does, but it changes nothing. You're my wife. We are married, he knew that" Severus replied coldly.

You nodded, appreciating his unwavering support despite the turmoil swirling around you. "I know," you whispered, leaning into him for comfort. His arms wrapped around you, providing a sanctuary from the confusion and stress of the day.

"Let's focus on one thing at a time," Severus suggested softly. "We can handle the girls and their emotions together. And as for him, we'll take it step by step. We don't have to rush into any decisions."

You took a deep breath, feeling the weight on your shoulders lighten just a bit. "Thank you," you murmured. "For being here, for understanding."

He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Always," he promised. "We're in this together, no matter what."

The sound of the girls playing in the next room floated into the space, a reminder of the simple joys and responsibilities that were intertwined with the complexities of adult life. You felt a renewed sense of determination to navigate the challenges ahead, knowing that with Severus by your side, you could face anything.

"Let's go see what mischief they're up to," you suggested with a small smile, standing up and extending a hand to him.

Severus took your hand, his eyes filled with warmth. "Lead the way," he said, and together, you walked towards the laughter. You walked into the playroom, seeing the girls jump on their little trampoline. With each little jump, they floated above it briefly before returning down.

"Oh," you muttered. "What have we here?" Severus asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. The girls giggled, their faces lighting up with pure, unfiltered joy.

"We're trying to touch the sky, PopPop!" one of them exclaimed, her laughter filling the room.

Severus chuckled softly. "Is that so? Well, it looks like you're doing a splendid job."

"Just be careful," you reminded them gently. "We wouldn't want any little witches floating away."

The girls nodded exuberantly, their tiny feet continuing to bounce with boundless energy. You and Severus stood side by side, holding hands and sharing a silent vow to protect this little world you had built together.

As the evening wore on, the girls eventually grew tired, their jumps becoming slower and their eyes drooping with the promise of sleep. You and Severus guided them through their bedtime routine, stories of magical lands and brave heroes lulling them into a peaceful slumber.

Once the house was quiet, you found yourselves back in the living room, the weight of the day finally lifting as you sat with a cup of tea.

"Thank you for today," you said softly, breaking the comfortable silence. "For everything."

Severus reached over, taking your hand in his. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be, Princess" he replied, his voice steady and sincere.

He extended his arms, "Come to Daddy," he grinned at you. You moved over crawling into his lap, burying your face into his chest. The scent of him filled your nose, comforting you. 

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