A Natural

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"Right, I'll be sure to tell him that word for word Princess. As much as we wanted you to play with Narcissa, it would've just caused more problems. I think the three of us should just focus on figuring this out," Severus remarked. "Do I get to keep him?" she whispered as she nuzzled into his neck.

"As long as things keep going as they are. That's the only answer I can give you right now," Severus replied.

"I believe we have surpassed a point of no return. If it were to sour between the three of us, that would probably be the end of our friendship with him. That's sort of sad to imagine, "she replied.

"I'm hoping it won't come to that. We're all reasonable people for the most part. We seem to be doing a decent job at communicating so far," Severus remarked.

"Oh, that reminds me. You and your boyfriend purposely excluded me from a conversation that involved me," she huffed as she pulled back looking into his face.

"How did you even know what we decided? You couldn't see our lips," Severus grumbled.

"A feeling of course. I weighed all of the options and how likely it would be to happen. I figured the two of you could come up with the correct option. Two halves of a whole," she chuckled.

"You're just begging for it, aren't you?" he chuckled, giving her a little tickle.

"Don't you dare. Listen, how does it feel to be constantly outsmarted by a tiny Princess," she giggled as she attempted getting up from his lap.

"You still haven't figured out you have to get off of my lap before you say something smart," Severus mocked her as he easily restrained her. Y/N quickly gave up, not wishing to expend her energy on it at the moment.

"Listen, I want to see your beautiful face. You're so cute, you know that? I don't want there to be any jealousy between Lucius and I regarding you. I know that is unlikely, but I am trying as is he. I want to live a comfortable life with you where I can trust you with Lucius as well as have incredible sex together," Severus told her with a little grin.

"Have we even talked about this? The sex is insane when we're all together. I feel almost high when you're both fucking me," she blushed. "You and I have amazing sex as it is but this is different. It's indescribable when we are ruining you, Princess," Severus replied with a little grin.

"Can we play a game tonight? We need a family night. I think it's good for us to spend time together without just jumping to the good stuff," Y/N replied, looking up at the man's handsome face.

"Of course we can. What game? Perhaps we'll let Lucius pick tonight," he asked.

"I think we should let him pick. There's an absolute plethora in that cabinet. You know, with Narcissa, we have enough for bridge. Have you ever played that before? My parents used to play it with friends. Seems like it could be fun. You and Lucius on one team, Cissa and I on the other," she smirked at him.

"Why do I feel like this is just another opportunity to get a wish or something of the like?" He teased her. "I'm sorry, I'm so good at all of these things," she offered with a little laugh.

"Lucius and I need to find something you aren't good at and use it to our advantage,
Severus replied as he stroked her back as she laid against his chest.

"Good luck, to the both of you," she replied, and she nuzzled into his neck. As soon as she started peppering his neck with sweet little kisses, one of the girls started crying in the nursery.

"They are really good. Perfect timing as always," Y/N chuckled as she crawled off of Severus' lap. "I'll bring you a couple of hungry ladies. You can stay right here, Princess," he smirked at her as he got up from the sofa.

A moment later, Severus returned with two hungry babies that were done with their Papas nonsense. "Did you pinch them on the way down here?" Y/N teased as she took the two hungry girls.

"Not this time. I simply put Stevie down briefly to change Charlie and this fit ensued," he chuckled, unphased by the crying girls. "They just need momma," she smiled as she leaned back. She wrapped her arms around the girls as they devoured her.

"I know it's still early, but I'm a bit nervous for you to start weaning them. Draco was an absolute madman when Cissa started weaning him. I cannot imagine how these two are going to act when you start cutting them off," Severus remarked as he sat down.

"Thank you for that, Headmaster. Something new to worry about. I'm not even sure how you wean them. I suppose when they are eating all solids and nursing for comfort only. They are going to be so mad at me," Y/N sighed.

A moment later, Sam came over with her paws on the sofa so she could extend on her back legs and inspect. "She really likes the girls. Have you noticed? Sam hates when they cry," she remarked.

"I have indeed. Sam was on the carpet the other day while you were gone with the girls. I let her give them little nuzzles when they were trying to crawl. Charlotte started attempting to follow her," he replied.

"For some reason, I see the girls in a big bed together in the nursery. As if they insist on sleeping together at some point. They are crying and demanding the big fat rabbit to sleep in their bed as well. You are arguing with them, but they are really telling you what's what. One of them, I think Charlie stands on the bed in a little night gown pointing her finger at you," Y/N started giggling.

Severus grumbled in reply, "Did she win?" he asked. Y/N let out a deep hearty laugh, almost startling the girls. She said, "I don't know but she was making a good argument. I didn't see the rest of the event."

"Pointing her finger at me, her father. Quite bold," Severus leaned over looking at Charlotte.

"The girls looked so beautiful today when you brought them. You always take such good care of them, you know. My father was never that involved in my early care I believe. Later, he was the fun father who would take you out to get away from your mother for a bit. I can't say I remember him doting the way you do," she replied softly.

"For most of my adult life, I believed I would never have this. I try not to take it for granted now that I have it," he replied before leaning over to give her a kiss on the top of the head.

"We need a house full of these. I wish it wasn't so difficult to bake them though," she grinned up at him. "It did seem like the last trimester drug on. Hopefully, it won't be as physically taxing on you next time," he remarked.

"I won't have nipples left by the time I feed all these babies," Y/N said playfully. "In the old days, it wasn't uncommon for a woman to have 10 children," Severus remarked with a grin.

"That is inhumane. Can you imagine the amount of time she spent nursing? Plus, taking care of the older children," she shuddered playfully. "Perhaps, you should be grateful you're not bred like livestock," he offered.

"I feel like it currently. I look like an absolute dairy cow when I have to get half naked to nurse them at people's homes," she chuckled. "You are so beautiful when you nurse, a natural," Severus replied softly.

"Lucius told me I was a natural as well. I appreciate the compliment from both of you. I was so worried I might not bond with them. I thought maybe my head would keep me from doing so. I had a lot of doubts before they got here. But you what, one underestimates the amount of maternal instinct that takes place when you have children. I wonder if my mother just didn't have that in her," Y/N replied.

"You love everyone as you wish to be loved. One of my favorite things about you, Princess" Severus replied softly as he studied her beautiful face. 

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