⚠️ Warning: Flashbacks, Cursing, Violence, Suicide Attempt ⚠️
Note: Makes chapter connect with chapter 2.
A/n: Most of this chapter is a flashback, so I'm gonna make this chapter pretty long.
(Under Editing)
(Y/n) ran for her life, looking back to check if they were still chasing after her but tripped and fell on her face. "Ow.." She winces as she pushes herself off of the ground and breathes heavily, trying to catch her breath. Then she heard footsteps slowing down behind her, (Y/n) breath hitches, and widened her eyes. Footsteps were getting closer and closer as (Y/n) shook.
(Y/n) falls back to the ground, holding her stomach. She curses under her breath, looking up at the offender. Not to her surprise, it was (B/n) that kicked her stomach. (B/n) smirks, "Trying to run, when you know it's no use. Ha, pathetic!"
"Why do you do this to me? I didn't even do anything to you!" (Y/n) yells at her with furrowed eyebrows.
"Cause you are close to them! You were just a fucking new girl! We were supposed to be friends with them! We tried hard to become friends with them! Yet you come here and all of a sudden you are friends with them!" (B/n) yelled at her, with glossed eyes. Her fists clenched and she shakes, trying to hold back tears. "There is no point in beating me up! You are just making things worse for yourself! If they find out then your chances at being friends with them are gonna go out the window!" (Y/n) tries to reason with her. But something snapped in (B/n) as she punched (Y/n) in the face and grabbed her hair tightly, pulling it. (Y/n) yelps and tears form in the corner of her eyes. "If they ever found out then it would be your fault, cause I would just assume that you told them. Then that means I would have to get rid of you somehow. I will do whatever it takes to make your life miserable so you will eventually back away from them." (B/n) smirks and her friends snicker behind her.
(Y/n) widened her eyes as tears spilled down her cheeks. They didn't even look human to (Y/n) anymore. They looked like hungry predators and she was the weak prey. (Y/n) was downright scared for her life. But in the back of her mind, she was determined to continue being friends with the guys. No one was gonna take away a big source of her happiness. In another part of her mind, she wanted to move elsewhere fast so she wouldn't get abused. Her mind was spinning around with two options, but she didn't know what she wanted anymore. She was in a panic.
(B/n) and her friends started beating her until they grew bored and walked away. Before they fully go, (B/n) turns to the beaten girl on the ground, "You should jump off a cliff and end it all. Would be easier for you, (Y/n)" Then with that they walked off, leaving (Y/n) on the ground, bruised and bloodied. (Y/n) blankly stared off into the distance, trying to breathe carefully but the pain coursed throughout her whole body with each breath. Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this? Making friends was what caused this. So making friends is bad now, I guess. (Y/n) tries to get up, slowly but the pain was not letting her do so. She managed to sit up and put her back against a wall.
(Y/n) heard footsteps approaching her slowly. She was behind one of the school buildings, specifically the gym. Her breath hitched as she saw the group that approached. "(Y/n)!" A person from the group noticed her and ran immediately to her aid. "What happened to you?! You have bruises all over and is that blood?!" His worried purple eyes scanned her body, looking at the injuries. "T-Tino..." She shakes as her eyes turn glossy with tears. Tears start spilling like a waterfall as her head turns to the floor not being able to face him. The rest of the Nordics surround the two with concerned expressions. He wrapped his arms around her in a reassuring embrace.
(Y/n) shuts her eyes tightly and scoffs, "Would you believe me if I said I just tripped and fell?" She gives Tino a forced smile. Tino frowned at his friend that is looking more like an abused puppy than a girl that stumbled over her own feet. "No, I can't believe that especially since you have bruises in a lot of places. You can't get that many bruises from falling." Tino caresses her cheek and wipes away her tears but they just keep on coming back. She sobs quietly as she grabs his hand that caresses her cheek and holds it tightly, shaking like a leaf. "We need to take her home, immediately." Lukas came near to touch her forehead, he felt tense muscles and some veins popping out on her temples. "She is heating up and she is stressing herself out too much by crying."
Mathias widened his eyes, "Yeah let's get her home!" Emil frowned and stared at his crush, worried. Berwald took action and grabs (Y/n), bridal style. (Y/n) felt weak with her massive headache as she breathed heavily, clutching onto Berwald's uniform. "Should we take her to her house or ours?" Mathias asked the guys as he opened the back door of their car for Berwald and (Y/n). Berwald steps in carefully and places (Y/n) on his lap, laying her head on his shoulder. He tried to calm her down by brushing her hair with his fingers.
Emil spoke up, "But wouldn't Peter disturb her by asking too many questions?" Tino puts a hand under his chin. "Maybe..." Then Lukas pops his head from the other side of the car, "Why don't we try asking (Y/n)?"
"How could she answer in that condition?" Emil furrowed his eyebrows.
"Just with a simple nod or shake of the head, she doesn't need to speak." Lukas opened the car door from his side, "Hey (Y/n), do you want to go to our house for a bit?" (Y/n) slowly, opened her eyes to look at Lukas then weakly nodded her head.
Lukas closed the door and looked over to the rest, "Well that settles it. Let's go." Lukas walks over to the passenger seat and gets in.
Mathias hurried over to the driver's seat and got in to start the car. Emil and Tino got in where Lukas had opened the door previously. Tino went first then Emil went second. They all had put on their seatbelts and set off to the Nordics' house.
Front of the car
Driver's side______Passenger side
Emil____Tino____Berwald & (Y/n)
"What are you doing? Turn that way."
"I know where I'm going, Lukas!"
"No, you don't, you stupid Dane!"
"L-Lukas p-p-please stop c-choking me wh-while I'm dri-driving!"
"Lukas, please! (Y/n) is with us! We don't wanna crash!"
"Okay. But only because Tino told me to stop and (Y/n) is with us. You got lucky this time Mathias."
"Lucky my ass! I still got choked!"
"I would have choked you for longer."
"..." Mathias gulped and loosened his tie that had been tightened by Lukas.
(Y/n) giggles silently at the little exchange that was common between them. Berwald hears the small giggle and looks down at her. A corner of his mouth slightly tugged up to give a small smirk as he exhaled through his nose. (Y/n) nuzzled closely to Berwald's chest, loving the fact that she has such wonderful friends.
I love them with all my heart. They are extremely precious to me.
But I think it would be better if they forget about me... I would just be a big burden to them. I just make them worry.
(Y/n) stands on the edge of the rooftop of Gakuen Academy. She sent a goodbye message to her friends, an hour earlier. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Just when she was about to fall off, someone bursts through the door of the rooftop. Yelling at (Y/n) to stop. She quickly turns to see Feliciano running towards her with the others right behind him. Her eyes filled with tears as she lost her footing and fell backward. Her hand reaches out to Feliciano but only his fingertips manage to graze hers. "(Y/N)!" He called out as did the others, all struck with fear and despair.
As she fell, she wondered if it would be worth it to end her suffering when it would cause others to suffer. Wouldn't they just move on eventually?
Eventually, they will. She just wouldn't be able to laugh or talk with them anymore.
She looks at all of them, with tears in her eyes. Gives a small apologetic smile and then a big slam sounds when she hits the ground. Her vision immediately went black as blood spread across the ground like wildfire.
Feliciano stares at the sight of his now-dead crush in horror. He screams and gets on his knees, sobbing loudly.
Alfred is petrified.
Arthur is shaking.
Ludwig is holding his head as tears stream down his face.
Kiku is clutching his shirt as his heart starts breaking.
Gilbert stumbles backward and falls on his behind.
Lovino shakes his head, in denial.
Antonio drops to his knees and bangs his fists on the ground, sobbing.
Tino is hiding his face in Berwald's chest, crying.
Berwald hugs Tino tightly as he closes his eyes and furrows his eyebrows.
Emil is trying to run to the edge, calling out her name.
Lukas is holding Emil back as he bites his lip, shedding a few tears.
Mathias looks down at his hands as they shake.
Roderich is stuck in place, with the sound of the slam, playing in his head like a broken record.
Vash clicks his tongue and looks away, angrily as he tries not to cry.
Abel turned his back and ran down the stairs.
Eduard panics and follows Abel, phone in hand, and dials 911.
Toris holds his hands over his mouth as his eyes glossed with tears.
Raivis runs with Abel and Eduard, tears pouring down his face.
(Y/n) woke up with a gasp and looked at her surroundings. "Geez, what kind of nightmare was that? Every time, I want a peaceful death. I see my friends' anguish. But I guess that's what will happen if I die." She mumbled to herself and rubbed her face with her hands, trying to get over the nightmare she just had. She just realized that she wasn't at home and tensed up, which made her head hurt. "Ow! Damn, headache!" She yelled.
"Oh, you're awake. Finally." A silver-haired boy with a puffin on his shoulder sat across from her. "Emil.. You were here the whole time?!" (Y/n) exclaims and puts her hands on her cheeks. Oh my goodness! Did he hear what I said when I woke up? How did I not notice him?! I looked at my surroundings! Well I guess, my eyes scanned pretty quickly or my eyes weren't fully open...But still! HOW?!
Emil gives a confused expression as he slightly scratches his head. "I thought you saw me." (Y/n) shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know how I didn't see you. I think I looked too quickly." She chuckles and sweatdrops, hoping he doesn't bring up the fact that she said something, concerning, out loud. Emil shook his head then his face turned serious. "(Y/n), what did you mean by 'every time I want a peaceful death. I see my friends' anguish'... What's with that? Do you think of dying?!" He kinda shouted, gripping the edge of the couch, he was sitting on. (Y/n) noticed that and sighed.
She couldn't exactly lie at that moment or come up with an excuse. She was still afraid of letting them know she was falling apart, all she wants is their happiness and friendship. But keeping out something as important as her current situation might end up a complete disaster.
"Emil.. I-" (Y/n) looks up only to see something that pained her heart. Emil was quivering with his head turned down, his puffin flew off of his shoulder and back to their cage. (Y/n) grits her teeth and gets up, to stand in front of Emil. She lifts his head, looking into his tear-glossed eyes then gently, puts her forehead against his. "I'm sorry, Emil. I have been very distant from all of you. I missed talking to you guys every day..."
(Y/n) felt an unsettling feeling go down her stomach as she is about, to tell the truth to Emil. But Emil isn't the only one that (Y/n) will have to tell the truth to.
"Emil, the truth is that I have been avoiding you guys as much as possible. It's not because I don't like being around you or others. Just that I have been bullied for the past few weeks and it's starting to get worse. They told me to avoid talking to you guys or they will do awful things to me. I tried to get away from them but they kept on catching up to me. I'm breaking apart and I didn't want to show it."
(Y/n) explained as tears pricked the corner of her eyes.
Emil widened his eyes when (Y/n) suddenly embraced him. "I'm sorry Emil! I just don't know what to do! I'm scared!" (Y/n) exclaims, tears running down her blushing cheeks. Emil embraces (Y/n) back, hearing rapid footsteps coming down the stairs. Lukas came into view first with a panicked expression on his, usually straight, face. Mathias, Tino, Berwald, and Peter came after Lukas. "What's wrong with (Y/n)? Why is she crying? Did someone hurt her?" Peter came questioning, running towards her. Tino stopped Peter before he was able to reach the crying girl. "Peter, it's best if we gave her some space. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want us crowding around her and asking questions while she is in that state. Come on, Peter." Tino leads him back up the stairs with Berwald following behind. "Aww, but I wanna help..." Peter mumbles under his breath, disappointed.
Lukas and Mathias sat on the couch, (Y/n) was previously resting on. Emil rubs her back to try and get her to calm down.
After a while, (Y/n) sits down beside Emil. She stayed quiet as the three stared at her in silence. She sighs, shakily, "I'm sorry all of you had to see me like this."
"Don't worry about that (Y/n), just explain to us. What has been happening to you?" Mathias asked, a little anxious.
"I'm being bullied by some girls that don't want me to be friends with you guys anymore. They said they tried hard to be your friends but that I came in and easily became friends with all of you. They want me to suffer for that" (Y/n) sniffles and wipes her face with her hand. Emil stood up and walked off somewhere. She looks over to where Emil went and puts her head in her hands, starting to overthink. "Hey (Y/n), it's okay. He will come back in a bit." Mathias reassures her. She peeks through her fingers and then removes her hands from her face. "Why haven't you told us before it came to this point?" Lukas asked as he rubbed his forehead.
(Y/n) sighs, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before but I didn't think they would get physical like this. I thought they would do small things like talk bad about me and maybe do something to my stuff then I would have been able to handle it. Now they are threatening me to not talk or hang out with any of you. That's what made me avoid talking to you. Again, I'm sorry for not saying anything about this situation. I was just too stupid to think I would have been able to do this by myself..."
Emil came back, just in time to hear the last sentence. "You're not stupid!"
(Y/n) jumped in her seat and faced him. Emil had a box of tissues in his hand. He got a little embarrassed that he shouted but he didn't want to hear (Y/n) call herself stupid. Lukas nodded, "I agree with my little brother. You're not stupid." Mathias nodded his head aggressively in agreement which caused (Y/n) to giggle. Emil sat back next to (Y/n) and handed her the box. She thanks him and places the box on the table in front of her.
Meanwhile with Tino and Berwald...
"Ah, why do people have to be so cruel because someone has gained the friendship of... wait, we are considered popular? Why is that a thing? We all aren't doing anything special." Tino questions as he looks over at Berwald. The tall Swedish shakes his head as he frowns with a grunt, not knowing the answer to the question. They both sat in silence on top of the stairs, tuning into the conversation that was happening below them.
They heard a deep breath coming from (Y/n) until, "I never really wanted to admit it but since I'm telling you about this problem, I might as well tell you about this other thing... I have been having suicidal thoughts
I'm continuing it
Please be patient with me
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