Fateful Encounter

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"Another sleepless night..." i sighed as i thought to myself. The summer had come again and the heath was unbearable just like that night i had seen him. How many times I reminded myself of what had happened back then i wondered? It has been almost three years since i had seen him last time; was he alive, dead, badly hurt or even turned into cyborg. I have heard about what happened to Lin Kuei ninjas and was really scared for Sub-zero. That incident completely ruined it and many members have been cybernized willingly or forcibly. I knew Sub-zero well enough that i knew he wouldn't go without putting up a fight but still was scared. There wasn't a way for me to find out what had happened, it was bad enough that the Outworld was chaotic because of a fight for the throne and me trying to find out what was happening in the Earthrealm was out of question. What also made me worried was that war against Shao Kahn killed many fighters and that basically left me unsettled too. There were many who were trying to get my attention, parents thought it was a good idea for me to move on but i said to myself that i was never going to try to love anyone but Sub-zero. I guessed they eventually got over it after some time had passed and i continued living my life as before. I was deeply damaged but couldn't tell anyone about it, i wouldn't want to worry my parents and well the people i hung out with didn't know anything about my secret love...
Two more years had passed and the situation in the Outworld had calmed down, my parent and i were for Empress Mileena to take place as a Kahnum but were satisfied that peace had finally came again to this place. My days were always the same of course, i had continued to live somewhat more happy then before but all the time i had spent with him still kept me up during some lonley nights. Every day was the same until that fateful knock on the door...

Seems like i will continue for a couple of more chapters. Hope you all like it =^.^=

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