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There are no secrets in today's society for a long time, although Su Ziqing played a small role, but still appeared in the cast, Xu Jiaming's fans tossed for a long time today, how did not search for Su Ziqing's previous experience as an actor, and finally a fan who had paid attention to Future City before suddenly remembered, the owner of the dream restaurant seems to be called this name, a search for news, and it really is.

The entertainment industry gossip and social news were hooked, and everyone became more excited for a while, and Su Ziqing's experience was quickly picked up.

After graduating from college, I opened a small dessert shop, the dessert shop opened for half a year, and opened a restaurant in the landmark building of the future city, the restaurant has not been open for a few weeks, and starred in a very popular online drama, this development speed is open, right?

Su Ziqing: No, I really scare you to death by saying it.

But just like this, it is enough to make people jealous, after all, more than half a year after graduating from college, some people have not even found a job, and Su Ziqing has become the owner of a restaurant, and it is not an ordinary restaurant, it is a restaurant in the future city that has attracted national attention, and for a while, almost no one believes that she succeeded on her own.

"As soon as I graduate, I open a dessert shop, and if it is so easy to start a business, everyone will start a business."

"That's right, this kind of family is either particularly rich, or the gold owner is particularly rich."

"The family is general, I saw that her classmate broke the news, saying that her father is away all year round, it seems that he still goes to particularly remote places, her mother is engaged in music, this kind of family can afford the rent of the future city?"

"It's not just the rent, looking for the decoration, the insider looks at it almost counts, there are no four or five million can't come down, his home is also a high-end restaurant, where can the money get such an expensive decoration?"

"Previous reports also said that she is inspirational, which is not really inspirational, and she was so successful half a year after graduation."

"The current university is really in the world, and this is still a famous university graduate."

"Don't say it so badly, I don't know the truth now, I also bought her dessert box before, it's really delicious."

"What's delicious, isn't it an ordinary dessert, I just ran to buy it, to see how about the dessert that was blown in the sky and the ground on Weibo, the result is not a dessert, the fruit is also average, and a strawberry ten dollars, a pound of ten dollars is almost the same, I'm afraid I didn't start buying water army a long time ago?" [Picture]"

"Yes, I also went to buy it some time ago, the dessert is sold so expensive, the quality is average, the money is spent on marketing."

When Su Ziqing saw these two Weibo, he suddenly frowned.

The picture is the strawberry snow girl, which was praised by the wind goblin at the beginning, but now it seems that although the strawberry is still a whole one, it is much smaller, and the cream is much thicker.

Su Ziqing opened the store's Weibo again, and found that there were indeed many comments underneath saying that the dessert of Dreaming did not have that amazing feeling when it tasted.

"Sister Shen Han!" Su Ziqing called Shen Han, who lived in the shop, "Have you been to the dessert shop recently?"

"I'll go back in the evening to see it in the morning," Shen Han said, "but the restaurant has been too busy lately, and there is basically no time to pass." What happened?

Su Ziqing showed her the comments under Xunmeng's Weibo. Shen Han said: "I called and asked over there, the store manager said that the seasonal relationship raw materials are not very good, you have been busy, I see that few people said, so I didn't tell you." The

raw materials of the dessert shop are all sent by Su Ziqing from the farm, and there is no problem that the raw materials are not good. Su Ziqing bit her lips, feeling some bad premonitions, she turned on the computer, wanted to tune out the surveillance video of the dessert shop to see, but found that the angle of the camera was adjusted, and she couldn't shoot the console at all, Su Ziqing immediately turned to Shen Han and said: "You explain the matter to others, let's go over now, don't tell them first."

Shen Han drove the car, Su Ziqing continued to flip through Weibo in the car, and found that this question did not start now.

For many people, especially the student party, the price of the dream restaurant is still expensive, so after the restaurant became popular, many people chose to go to the dessert shop to pull weeds.

Probably since last month, gradually some people have questioned on the Internet, saying that the things in dessert shops are general, how can they blow so much on the Internet. At that time, the reviews of Dream Seeking were not bad, especially after the opening of Future City, there were many people who ate at Dream Seeking Restaurant, and many people would post rainbow farts on Weibo, and some people explained that they might get what they paid for, after all, dessert shops are so much cheaper than restaurants, and they can't really be exactly the same.

But the old customers who originally sought dreams knew the quality of dreams, and Su Ziqing brushed a Weibo, the name was more familiar in Weibo comments before.

"The quality of the dream dessert shop that has been eating for many months has also declined, and the taste has completely lost its original unique sense of amazement, it seems that the dessert shop is the same, and after it becomes red, it begins to fool customers."

"Shen Han, how is the turnover of the dessert shop during this time?" Su Ziqing asked.

"It's about the same as before, but it's starting to drop a little this week, not very obviously." Shen Han answered her, and when the car was about to arrive at the door of the store, he asked again, "Boss, do you want to enter the store later?"

"yes, what's wrong?" Su Ziqing asked, and reacted herself, "Oh, you're afraid that some customers in the store will recognize me."

"Well, if it is seen by fans at that time, it is estimated that it will have to make an article again."

Su Ziqing thought for a while: "It's okay, since they all already know who I am, there is no need to hide, I must find out what happened in the store."

Shen Han vaguely knew what happened since she checked the surveillance, and blamed herself: "Blame me, I really didn't pay much attention to the dessert shop during this time."

"How to blame you, you are also busy during this time, my mind is indeed not in the store during this time, I actually didn't notice it." Su Ziqing sighed, "It's really better for the entertainment industry to be far away."


he spoke, the two had already arrived at the door of the store. There are indeed not many people in the store, when Su Ziqing and Shen Han entered, there were only three customers in the store, the newly recruited store manager Song Qian and the clerk Wu Jiao were chatting, seeing them come in and quickly stood up: "Boss, Manager Shen, why are you here?"

"I'll come and take a look." Su Ziqing didn't say much to them, walked directly into the operating table, opened the refrigerator door, and took out the strawberries inside.

"This is the fruit we use in our store during this time?" Su Ziqing picked up a strawberry and asked Song Qian.

Song Qian hurriedly walked over, carefully looked at the strawberry and then looked at Su Ziqing: "Yes, this was sent this morning." Strawberries

are not bad, they are the upper medium level on the market, but compared with Su Ziqing's farm, it must be a lot worse, Su Ziqing looked at other fruits, basically all replaced, this person is really greedy enough.

"This is definitely not fruit sent from the farm." Su Ziqing put down the plate in her hand, "If I use this fruit, the price of the things in the store can only be sold for half of the current price."

"Boss," Wu Jiao said, "the quality of fruits is inherently difficult to control, for any dessert shop, sometimes the quality is relatively poor."

Su Ziqing glanced at her: "I said, it is impossible for the farm to send such fruits."

Song Qian frowned: "Boss, do you mean that the two of us replaced the fruit?"

Su Ziqing sneered: "Be confident, remove the question mark, I'm saying that some of you have replaced the fruit." Song

Qian and Wu Jiao's faces changed, and Song Qian said angrily: "Boss, if you are so sure, then adjust the monitoring to see if we did it."

"The surveillance camera was turned around and couldn't capture the console and the front of the store." Shen Han said on the side.

"Then you have no evidence at all, why do you say that we replaced the fruit, it is better to ask the supplier if there is a problem with the quality of the fruit." Wu Jiao raised her voice.

While they were arguing, the customer sitting alone in the store pointed his mobile phone camera at this side and quietly started the live broadcast. Her name is Zhou Yun, is a UP owner who has just started to do live broadcasts, originally just wanted to take advantage of the popularity of Su Ziqing and Dream Seeking to shoot a live broadcast of Dream Seeking Dessert Shop, but she didn't expect that God wanted her to be popular, and actually let her film Dream Seeking Boss over, but also catch a thief such a wonderful drama, she has never had so many people in the live broadcast room, today is really making a lot of money.

At this time, Wu Jiao's voice called out, and the barrage also began to speak.

"Yes, now there is no evidence, can this kind of thing be controlled all along, it is better to ask the supplier if he treats you as a fool."

"She herself is opening a restaurant and filming TV, and she doesn't come to the store at all, and now she has trouble with these two little clerks."

"It's so hard to speak, and you have the confidence to remove the question mark, when you are very humorous?"

"Hey, she doesn't wear makeup, right, so that she can fall in love with such a rich gold lord?"

"Earlier, this is already okay in ordinary people, if I look like this, I can wake up happily, don't talk about behavior, she doesn't seem to have ridiculed her appearance, much better than those Internet celebrity faces."

"I suddenly feel that the young lady is quite A, which is quite in line with my imagination of a successful career at a young age."

"If you wake up earlier, she will definitely not dare to do this in front of the gold lord."

"Who is her gold lord, why are you all so sure that she has a gold lord."

"Didn't Xu Jiaming break the news over there? The airborne crew grabbed the role, and it is impossible for her to buy the role of Xu Jiaming with her own money, right? That revelation almost said that it was the gold lord Cypriot, and you didn't eat all the melons before.

"I have eaten too many melons in the past two days."

"First the airborne crew is suspected of being a gold lord Cypriot, then a famous university graduate, half a year is more powerful than people's five-year entrepreneurship, and now this seems to be a problem with the quality control of the dessert shop, and she has not come down from the hot search in the past two days."

The barrage was lively and lively, Su Ziqing's side has made new progress, Wu Jiao finished asking, Su Ziqing was not angry, and asked her lightly: "How do you know that I have no evidence?"

"Do you have proof?" Wu Jiao's voice suddenly became quiet, "Doesn't it mean that the surveillance can't be filmed?" What evidence do you have.

Looking at her reaction, Su Ziqing almost knew who changed the fruit, she leaned on the operating table and hugged her chest with her hands, pointing to the door: "You don't know that there is monitoring at the door of our store, right?" This is social common sense, there will definitely be street surveillance in the lively commercial area, and a police call can be called.


Song Qian could react, Wu Jiao's expression changed suddenly.

"Groove? Suddenly four or two pounds?

"Am I crazy to suddenly think this action is so handsome?"

"Look at the expression of that clerk, it's too obvious, such a psychological quality also wants to do bad things?"

"She probably didn't expect that the surveillance in the store couldn't be photographed before, and there were also those outside the store."

"I thought it was a series, but I didn't think it was a short film, and this is the end? It's a bit too enjoyable. The

next thing is easy to solve, Wu Jiao will not really want Su Ziqing to call the police, admitted that she did change the fruit in the store, sold the fruit to the cake shop where she worked before, and earned the difference, Su Ziqing asked her how much the fruit was sold and helplessly supported the amount, just this IQ, there is a chance to make a fortune can not be seized.

When the matter was over, Zhou Yun was about to turn off the live broadcast when she saw Su Ziqing walking straight towards her. Zhou Yun was startled and wanted to hide the phone, but was pulled by Su Ziqing: "Wait, you were just live broadcasting, right?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Zhou Yun quickly apologized, "I'll turn it off."

"Wait," Su Ziqing stopped her, "let me say two words."

She turned her phone to selfie mode and saw a barrage of "Aaaaaa "Help, I didn't mean to look at you!!!" I couldn't help but smile, and then spoke: "I believe you have seen what happened just now, if you just entered the live broadcast room, you can watch the replay, I originally wanted to notify you on Weibo, but since there is such a good platform now, I will say it directly here." The

barrage gradually quieted down, probably not knowing what attitude to use towards her for a while, and no one spoke again. Su Ziqing continued: "The matter of the gold lord is nothing, even if I have the gold lord, it can only be myself, as for the crew's affairs, I don't have the ability to explain to you now, but I will one day have the ability to defend myself, and I will let you see who is the one to blame."

After a while, a barrage stayed in the center of the screen: "Little sister means, is that what I understand?"

Someone replied to him: "I feel like I have the same understanding as you."

Another said, "I think I kind of believe in the little sister."

Su Ziqing interrupted them: "There is another thing, I also said with the help of the live broadcast platform, next week, every customer who has bought a dream seeking product in these two months can use the consumption record to get a new product for free, which is valid within a week."


speaking, Su Ziqing changed his mobile phone to Zhou Yun, and Zhou Yun looked at it, and the number of live broadcast viewers was one million.

Zhou Yun: Lying / groove! I'm going to be on fire!

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