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Fu Jia really did what he said, and on the same day, he asked the assistant to make an annual contract with Su Ziqing, and asked the assistant to transfer 100,000 yuan to Su Ziqing: "I don't necessarily eat every day, I will ask the assistant to send you a message when I order food, and the meal fee will be deducted from it, and then ask me after deduction." "

filmed a scene did not expect to make a profit, Su Ziqing Meizhi accepted, the next day after asking the taboo, made fresh shrimp limei salad with roasted pumpkin.

The shrimp are boiled and shelled, then mixed with tomatoes, cucumbers, avocados and white sesame seeds, with black pepper and vinaigrette, and topped with two slices of roasted soft and sweet pumpkin. The shrimp on the farm come with a fresh sweetness, the shrimp meat is low in calories, Su Ziqing put a few more, so that Fu Jia had a good time.

On the third day, salmon burritos, whole wheat crust, spinach juice, breaded with vegetables, roasted tomatoes, marinated salmon, and a few slices of mango, sauce made with avocado egg sauce, vegetable oils and proteins. A bite full of filling, completely unable to imagine that I was eating a diet meal.

On the fourth day, grilled squid with slightly spicy arugula and grilled vegetables, marinated squid with lemon juice and coriander was grilled just right, crispy and not difficult to bite at all, and arugula slightly spicy, served with squid just right. Zhong Jia, who was eating, sighed while eating, the iron plate squid he had eaten before was simply rubbish!

Su Ziqing stayed in the crew for a week, and Fu Jia and Zhong Jia also ate light food for a week. Zhong Jiayi also forget it, Fu Jia finally experienced the feeling of eating full every day, and not only is he not fat at all, his skin condition has also improved, he is very energetic every day, he doesn't feel tired at all, even the agent came to see her and sighed that people still have to eat well.

Su Ziqing's scene was indeed only a week, and it ended on the fifth day, and on the last day she brought Fu Jia beef salad, the beef was fried until it was half-cooked and thin, and it was very tender to eat. However, Fu Jia and Zhong Jiayi's focus is on the dessert she brought, strawberry shortbread.

Fresh strawberries cut in half, marinated with lemon juice and sugar together with plums and blackberries, and then caramel with white wine, a little butter and sugar, cook the fruit in it for a few seconds, the fruit because it has been pickled, will not change color, but because of hanging some syrup to become shiny, sugar is not used much, so it will not taste very sweet, or the aroma of fruit, the shortbread is added with nuts, Beat with the flour butter in a blender to form a powder and spread evenly on a baking sheet to bake, fragrant and crispy.

Su Ziqing scooped out a spoonful of still warm fruit from the glass jar and put it in a small dessert dish, put a small round shortbread on it, and handed it to Fu Jia: "Taste?"

Fu Jia hesitated, in order to maintain her figure, she really hasn't eaten dessert for a long time, although she doesn't particularly love desserts, but before her debut, she will also buy some sweets every few weeks to taste, and now she hasn't eaten it for almost two years, when Su Ziqing just opened this jar, the fragrant caramel smell mixed with the sweet and sour taste of the fruit made her not resist secretly swallowing saliva.

Looking at her eyes looking at the small dish in her hand, Su Ziqing smiled and said: "Don't worry, although it is sugar, but I put very little sugar, mainly for that little aroma, the shortbread is only one bite, you have eaten vegetable salad for a week, it's not so terrible, I'm responsible for problems."

Su Ziqing naturally had confidence when she said this, and the things that came out of the farm had never had a precedent for making people fat and acne, seeing that she was so sure, Fu Jia finally reached out and took the small plate.

With a small metal spoon lightly touched, the shortbread was broken, Fu Jia scooped a small piece of strawberries, and the shortbread was sent into the mouth together, indeed as Su Ziqing said, not very sweet, the shortbread has a strong nutty aroma, because there is white wine in the syrup, the aftertaste is a faint wine aroma, Fu Jia took another bite, and suddenly cried.

"What's wrong, what's wrong?" Su Ziqing and Zhong Jia were also startled and stepped forward to take the plate in her hand.

Fu Jia tightly pulled the plate to prevent her from taking it, crying and saying: "Why, why haven't I eaten such a delicious thing for two years!" I'm so hard, woo-woo..." Su

Ziqing: ...

Fortunately, Fu Jia stopped crying for a while, wiped his tears and said embarrassedly: "I don't know what's going on, I was suddenly sad just now, in fact, it's not so uncomfortable." Then another bite of strawberry shortbread.

Zhong Jiayi, who had already eaten by himself on the side, suddenly spoke: "Sister, in fact, as stars, we are already lucky." "What

?" Fu Jia and Su Ziqing both looked at him.

"You think about it, although you are working hard now, you can make a lot of money, food, clothing, housing and travel are arranged, don't worry about anything, if you are not a star but just an ordinary office worker, you may not be able to eat dream-seeking things." Zhong Jiayi said.

Fu Jia was stunned for a moment, and also smiled: "Yes, I drilled the horns myself." Seeing

that she was not sad, Su Ziqing also relaxed: "In the future, if you are really hungry for dessert, call me, and I will make you that kind of dessert with a small bite." After

the afternoon scene was filmed, Su Ziqing's scene was over, and the director also made an appointment with her to watch the first episode together, and Su Ziqing happily agreed.

After the crew's work ended, Su Ziqing returned to the restaurant, dessert shop and the three-o'clock line of life at home, and was complained by Yang Lian and Chen Yu that he didn't look like a person who had filmed a TV series at all.

"What should happen to people who have filmed TV series?" Su Ziqing asked them.

Chen Yu thought for a long time: "Go out with sunglasses?"

"Don't say it hasn't been broadcast yet, even if it is, it's just a supporting character that disappears after a minute of appearance," Su Ziqing said, "It is estimated that even if people come to the store, they won't recognize me."

Shen Han said with a smile: "Maybe when the TV series is broadcast, people will see it, oh, isn't this the boss who seeks dreams, and can also pull us a wave of business, and then put the boss at the door to attract guests."

A group of people joked vigorously, but they didn't expect Shen Han's words to become a joke, and she really made her half hit.

When the weather gradually warmed up, the TV series was broadcast, because the theme was novel, and Zhong Jiayi was quite popular this year, the popularity of the TV series was good, and the number of broadcasts was rising, and after the first two episodes, Zhong Jiayi had a group of mother fans, and a search on the Internet was full of calling him cubs.

Su Ziqing's scene only came on the third day, although he was temporarily pulled to act, but those few shots were really not embarrassing, and the wind demon who specially came to the store to watch TV with Su Ziqing praised: "It's not bad, it's quite natural, your look is good."

After a while, Chu Muyang also sent a message: unexpected.

Su Ziqing pursed her lips and replied to him: Good or bad?

Chu Muyang immediately replied with a message: Of course it's good, I think it's better than the actor who played Gao Fu and handsome.

Su Ziqing smiled and showed the wind demon: "Xu Jiaming is going to sneeze again." "

The number of broadcasts has increased, and the voices of online discussions have increased, Su Ziqing has really seen that there are people who praise her role, saying that she is flexible and eye-catching, and someone specifically brushes the topic #You and your girlfriends in front of the boy chasing you#, and screenshots of her helping the heroine block peach blossoms and the gossip behind the two.

Of course, discussing her is a very small part, as Su Ziqing expected, Zhong Jiayi fiercely collected a wave of fans this time, and a new trend of small milk dogs was set off on the Internet, and many girls asked on Weibo, how to have a small milk dog like Zhong Jiayi, and fans all kinds of screens: What do cubs want? Mom bought it for you! The stars in the sky are all plucked for you!

This craze lasted for three days, fans also gave a lot of screenshots to put on the Internet, even people who haven't watched the TV series began to ask where this character is, after asking, they touched the URL given by the fan, and then out of control, turned back and shouted on the Internet: Sister don't want you I want you! Cub look at mom!

The wind direction began to get strange on Saturday,The TV series Friday and Saturday night update one more episode, Saturday morning, Su Ziqing opened Weibo and found that several marketing numbers were posted: Little Wolf Dog and Little Milk Dog, which one do you choose?

What little wolf dog? Su Ziqing opened it and looked at it, it turned out to be Xu Jiaming's role. Xu Jiaming's role and Zhong Jiayi are just the opposite, a mature and stable rich and handsome, but as a person who watches him being brainwashed by the director every day on the set, Su Ziqing is really difficult to have a good impression of this role, Su Ziqing clicked on a comment on a marketing number, and found that the comments of Xu Jiaming's fans were actually in the front row, is it really that she is different from the public's aesthetics?

In the afternoon, Xu Jiaming was on the hot search, and several TV series commentators wrote a long essay to discuss his acting skills in this TV series and his bright future in his acting career, and by the way, he also stepped on Zhong Jiayi, saying that his image is fixed, and he can only play this kind of role tailored for him, Su Ziqing no longer has entertainment sensitivity and realizes that something is wrong, and many passers-by who do not know the situation below are deflected by the marketing number, have praised Xu Jiaming's high appearance and good acting skills, which is worth fanning.

She and Zhong Jia, as well as Fu Jia, have a small group, usually she sends something to eat, and then the two people screamed to feed, Su Ziqing took a screenshot of the marketing number article and sent a question mark. Zhong Jia also quickly replied as an Internet addict teenager: "The manuscript issued by his family, I don't know to find a brain to write an article, you see, he will be miserable if the weekend is not over."

Fu Jia also replied to her: "This kind of cheap marketing at a glance, it is better to improve his acting skills with this money."

Zhong Jia is also worthy of being a person who has been mixed in the entertainment industry for a while, sure enough, on Sunday morning, someone turned a long article on the forum, "If the eyes are not useful, they can be donated to those in need", the article analyzes Zhong Jiayi and Xu Jiaming's acting skills in this TV series, praising Zhong Jiayi's acting skills naturally and promisingly, while Xu Jiaming is holding a shelf and refuses to put it, any scene is an expression, Turn off the sound and don't know if he's angry or happy. The article ended with a sentence, I hope everyone will take a look at the TV series and then evaluate, the difference between the acting skills of the two in the TV series is still obvious.

Zhong Jiayi's fans and TV series fans turned this article into a hot search in the morning, and in comparison, the marketing number brushed as if copying and pasting the title was simply a joke, which scared Xu Jiaming's few fans were not afraid to speak, and also helped him explain at the bottom that his brother is acting on TV for the first time, has no experience, and hopes that everyone will be tolerant of newcomers.

The passerby replied: Zhong Jiaye is not acting for the first time? Since you know that you have no experience, don't blindly buy hot searches, really when the audience does not have long eyes?

Su Ziqing was soured by passers-by and fans of various gods to smile face, holding the mobile phone to brush Weibo for an afternoon, and in the evening, the speed of both sides brushing the screen slowed down, Su Ziqing was about to get something to eat, the wind demon sent a link over, with three exclamation points: Look at this!!! That shameless one actually caused trouble!!!

Su Ziqing clicked on the link, and the title of the article jumped out: "Xu Jiaming changed roles halfway, actually to make way for her?"

This editor shocked the editorial office, right?

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