Chapter 13: Bunny

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Blurry was starting to get too comfortable being in control. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, it was just that he didn't want to get to close to his new enemy. He didn't really know what Bunny saw in this Josh character, but he didn't really have time to question it. He was afraid that if he started to question it, he would start to see the reasons for Bunny's liking in him. Then, he'd start to take a liking in him of his own. If he did that, he'd never hear the end of it. It wasn't his job to make nice with the people Bunny already made nice with. He was there to drive them crazy so they'd eventually leave him for good. He was the negative side of Bunny, made up of his fears and his doubts. He needed to stay in character, be full of resentment and hatred all the time, never say anything nice about anyone who was nice to him, and not go down without a fight. Because he was there to destroy. He wasn't going to coexist with anybody Bunny coexisted with. That would be stupid and pointless. 
"You zoned out again, Blurry..." Josh whispered as they were sat on the floor in Tyler's room. He blinked and looked at him, wanting him to stop talking already. "Please shut the hell up..." He said plainly, throwing his head back and letting out a melodramatic, exasperated sigh. Josh seemed unphased by his behavior. He was just counting down the seconds for Tyler to come bursting through again. So far it had been 9,000 seconds, or 2 and a half hours. He scratched his head and looked up at the ceiling, deciding to 'shut the hell up'.

Tyler wasn't doing any better than two and a half hours ago. He was still lying in the empty nothingness, still feeling like he was gone. 
"Don't let me be gone..."  he sang to himself as he held his hand up. He stared at the spot where he knew it was. He knew it was right in front of his face, and he knew that his face was right in front of his hand. He decided that the only way he was ever going to know that he was alive was by checking his pulse. So, he placed his other hand under his thumb. 
"Don't let me be gone..."  he repeated, trying to find a pulse under his jawline. 
"Don't let me be gone..."  he closed his eyes and sighed, hearing it all echo in the air and evaporate into nothing. 
"Don't let me be gone..."  he felt a tear forming in his right eye, and his left eye was starting to sting. He felt all his emotions fuse together into a huge scream.

He was out. And Blurry was in. They switched, and Tyler was free. His eyes widened and then squinted as he realized he was back and reacted to the sudden abundance of light. He looked over to his right and saw Josh staring at him. 

"Joshy?" He said in a hushed tone, his voice squeaking a little. He scooted closer and stared at him in disbelief. Josh cracked a small smile, just big enough that the crescents in his face made a surprise pop-in. He put his hand on Tyler's cheek and gently rubbed his thumb across his face, wiping away a tear Tyler didn't even know he had. "Hey, baby..." he whispered sweetly, which made Tyler's face burn up. He couldn't help but smile and laugh a little. His nervous giggles made Josh laugh. 
But his laughing was only temporary. Then he started to get serious. His hand left Tyler's cheek and withdrew itself back to his own side, and he gave him a solemn look. "You didn't tell me didn't tell me about Blurry. I mean, I don't think you did..." He frowned as he said it. Tyler felt his heart do a back flip. "Oh...I mean, I think I might've told you, but I think it was when you were in the hospital. I don't really remember..." He tried to think back to all the hospital visits he made and all the things he told him that he might not remember. It scared him that Blurry was even close to Josh. He could've hurt him, but then he started to wonder why he didn't hurt him. That was something he couldn't quite wrap his head around. So, he decided to just leave it alone.
Both boys stayed silent, not knowing what to do or what to say. Neither of them understood what just happened, and it was hard to tell which one of the two was the most confused. Either way, they didn't want to talk about it.

"So, what were you like... doing in there? I mean, is there even anything to do when you're trapped inside your own head? Were there like... games? Was there anything? Or is your mind just... blank?" Josh sounded funny while trying to ask these questions, questions he never thought he'd have to ask to anyone. His questions made Tyler chuckle darkly, admiring how oblivious this boy was. 
"Technically, it wasn't my m-mind anymore. I was trapped in the mind of the vessel, which in that moment... wasn't m-me." He sighed, looking down at the carpet that they sat on, running his hand over its welcoming fuzziness. "I can b-barely even remember the time I spent in there. I just know that I couldn't speak, and I couldn't think.. I was just sitting there in an endless void of n-nothingness, darkness surrounding all four sides of m-me. I c-couldn't see my hands, I couldn't even tell if I was alive or not." His voice was very low and quiet, his words very delicate. Tyler couldn't say much after that, since that pretty much summed up his entire experience.

He hated this. He hated being the messed up one in the family, the one who has to share a brain with someone nobody even believes exists, the one who isn't alone inside their head, and now has to worry about someone else taking over his body. Having a counterpart had to be one of the worst things to ever happen to Tyler, despite the fact that he has been living with it for what feels like an eternity. 
Josh just blinked, looking at the confused, broken boy sitting next to him. He didn't get what he was going through at all, and he accepted the fact that he may never understand what he is going through. But, he did understand what he was going through as an effect, the feeling of being unsafe inside your own skin, like everything around you can be used to hurt you. It was fair to say that both boys had their share in fearing the dark. 
"Hey, I can't say I get it, and I wouldn't want to say you're not alone, but I don't have a problem telling you that I'm okay with it- not that you can change that. I'm just saying, I'm not going to leave you or start avoiding you now that I know, I mean that would be stupid...." He stopped talking, listening to himself ramble nonsense. Luckily, Tyler understood and appreciated what he was trying to say. He just nodded and smiled giddily, his entire demeanor changing completely.  

Josh then thought about something. He looked at Tyler, tilting his head. "So... Bunny...?" He tried not to laugh, managing to keep a straight face. Tyler's eyes widened and he looked back at Josh, his mouth agape. "D-did he call me that?" He sounded shocked, stuttering with his words yet again. This made Josh laugh a little, nodding. "Yep, he called you Bunny like... the entire time. I mean, I still like my nickname for you better, but I must admit that definitely suits you." He cracked a smile, giggling again. Tyler just stared, completely embarrassed. "How? H-how the hell does the nickname Bunny suit me? I am not adorable, and I d-don't even look or act remotely close to a bunny!" He started getting defensive, straightening his posture and making a funny face. He looked like he wanted to punch someone, realizing the person he wanted to punch was himself. Josh just chuckled, loving this entire conversation.
"If I must explain myself, Bunny suits you because you are adorable, you're timid, and you have fluffy hair. Duh." He put some sass in his tone, breaking Tyler's seriousness. He couldn't help but smile and laugh a little. "I'm not adorable, I'm manly as hell." He folded his arms and held in a laugh. Truth is, he knew he wasn't macho or manly at all. He was very  aware of that. He knew he could be adorable at times, and that he definitely was naive. Very timid for sure, couldn't even get a sentence out without nervously stuttering over the littlest words. 

"May we never speak of this again." He finally said, standing up and sitting on his bed. He didn't understand why he was even on the floor. He couldn't remember what Blurry did while he was gone, but pretty much every part of his body hurt, like he threw himself into the street and got ran over by a huge sixteen-wheeler. He winced as he slightly moved his shoulder, a sharp pain stabbing him in the shoulder blade. 
Josh looked over at him and frowned a little. "Something wrong?" He asked, tilting his head a little. The look of concern on Josh's face made Tyler kinda sick to his stomach. At least, that's what he thought it was. He seriously felt nauseous, but he wasn't quite sure that was the direct reason. He nodded, having no time to answer in between the nod and him getting up and racing to the bathroom, once again becoming a slave to the toilet bowl and throwing up things he didn't even remember he consumed.
Josh sighed and stood up, walking over to Tyler and placing a hand on his shoulder and patting him softly. He then soothingly whispered, "It's okay, Tyler.." and knelt down next to him. Tyler really just wanted to know what the hell was causing him to want to purge everything in his stomach. He lifted his head up and looked at Josh, upset he was seeing him like this.
"I don't d-deserve someone like you..." he whispered as he jerked his head back down for round two. The sound was horrid, all of it- the actually sound of him gagging and it hitting the water in chunks. Josh frowned again and patted Tyler's head. "Don't say that. You deserve me. If you don't deserve me it's because you deserve someone better than me," he withdrew his hand from Tyler's body and sat back against the sink. "I'm going to wait this out with you," he said with a smile. Tyler sat up and looked at him completely confused, taking some toilet paper and wiping his mouth. "You're st-staying?" He sounded completely awed, like it was so unbelievable that someone would want to stay with him.
Josh nodded and folded his arms. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't? A pretty shitty one maybe. I don't do shitty, I'm more of a pretty rad kind of person." He started whistling a whimsical toon while nodding his head side to side. He then grabbed Tyler's empty hand and held it up to his lips, kissing it softly.

The two boys sat there in silence. Josh had stopped whistling, still holding Tyler's hand, still pressing it against his lips. Tyler was blushing, the warmth on his hand making him feel weird. He as so afraid his hands would start sweating or something, and he didn't want to let go. So he didn't. And they stayed there for hours, just two guys on the bathroom floor holding hands.

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