Matt- baking

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Y/n POV:
"Why the hell are we gonna baking brownies at 2 am?" Matt says rubbing his eyes
"because I'm bored and I dreamt of brownies and brownies are good" I say before getting the last ingredients
"just don't burn the house down" he says turning around to go upstairs
"na na na, now where the fuck you goin?" I say raising my eyebrow
"to sleep?" He says stating the obvious

"no, your staying and helping" I say before putting the ingredients together
"but-" he says before I interrupt
"get the oven pre heated please" I say turning around to face him as I smile
"whatever" he says mumbling obeying me

*time skip brought to you by the yummy brownies*
after I mixed everything I turn around to see Matt's elbow resting on the counter with his head resting on it, I quickly get an idea
I get an air horn from the cabinet-don't ask
I sneak behind him, oh who am I kidding the boy is in a deep sleep

I blow the air horn in his ear

A/n: part 2?

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