Chapter 3

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Chapter 3! Thanks to all of the votes and comments!  

Once everyone had started to eat, Kai turned his attention to Maya and Mo, gesturing to them with his fork.

"Ok, so, Nya and I both know your stories, but the others don't. I think formal introductions are in order before you explain what is going on with Nadakhan." Kai said. Sensei Wu nodded.

"Ok, well, I guess I will start, " Maya began, sitting up in her chair. " My name is Maya Rose Walker-Gordon. I am, obviously, Jay and Nya's daughter." At this, Jay's eyes went wide, and he started to choke on the water he had, mistakenly, drank as Maya made her introduction. Mo and Kai started laughing as Jay's coughing fit became worse, even with Nya patting him on the back, trying to get him to relax. Eventually, when it finally died down, Jay's face went beat red as he mumbled that Maya could continue. Maya turned her gaze to her future father.

"Sorry, was that too shocking for you?" She said as she threw a lightning bolt at Jay. He screamed, ducking his head as the blast flew over him.


Maya giggled as she spoke up once again. "I'm 17, and have both Water and Lightning, because I am an only child. I'm the HydroElectric Ninja, the oldest of the group. Umm... what else do you want to know?"

Mo stepped in. "She talks way too fast, is so annoying, but will never back away from a dare. She is probably one of the most powerful elementalists out there." Then, he turned to Maya. "I just complimented you, so you better do that for me."

"May we see your element?" Sensei Wu asked, curiosity in his features. He has never seen someone with two elements before, and it was intriguing, but a bit worrisome. That much power could be very dangerous.

Maya nodded, then formed a sphere of water in her palm, the orb flashing with a blue light. She made it bigger, and the team could see strokes of lighting contained within it.

"Wow." Cole said. " I never thought that that was possible." Maya threw the orb out the open window, done with her demonstration.

"I can also use just water or lighting, as you saw me show my future father, here." Jay grumbled at that, but everyone could see that he was smiling, but was trying so hard not to.

"Anyways..." Mo started, now explaining who he is. " I'm Montgomery Wu Garmadon, or just Mo. I'm Lloyd's son." Lloyd's eyes widened, but he soon nodded.

"Makes sense, given you have semi-blond hair and like green. Who's your mom?"

Mo sighed, " Well, given we have a big bad to fight together, I think it will come up eventually. Akita's my mom. The Formling?"

Lloyd smiled, "I knew it."

"Wait, doesn't that mean you can also turn into an animal, Mo?" Zane questioned, asking the question everyone but Kai and Nya had.

Mo nodded. " Yep, I turn into a wolf. That's the reason for my green scar. But, I also have Energy, and am the Green Ninja. Just like my Dad. " Lloyd smiled proudly.

"So, Maya, anything else you want to say about me?" Mo pressed.

"He loves playing pranks and has read all of Sensei Wu's scrolls. No clue why, but he has."

Sensei Wu's eyes widened. " All of them? I must have over 200 of them."

"265, to be exact. Why is everybody staring at me like I am a weirdo? They're great, much better than video games."

" Ok, now that's something you must have gotten from Akita. I love my video games." Lloyd commented, everyone laughing.

"So, Sensei Wu, should we be worried about messing up the timeline?" Zane said, becoming serious once again. Wu shook his head.

" If Nadakhan has come from the past, enough has been changed already. If we find out about the future while defeating him, so be it. Changing the timeline is a risk we must take. Now, can you tell us what happened?"

" With or without details?" Maya asked, staring at her plate.

" With details is probably better for our predicament."

Maya took a deep breath, and began the explanation, " So, when Kai and Nya visited us in the future, all of you still exist, except for Nya, who died soon after I was born. They met our team, Andy, Keith, Gila, Liam, Mo, and I, as well as your future versions. As soon as we sent you two back to this time, the Time Twins attacked us. Thenー"

"Wait, I thought that we took them down?" Nya asked, now confused. Her future daughter shook her head sadly.

"No, they escaped, remember? We had to rush to get you guys home before they caught up to us." Nya nodded, and gestured for Maya to continue.

"So, the Time Twins attacked us, we were doing really well until they started ganging up on one of us at a time. We were sometimes so caught up in fighting the Vermillion Warriors that we forgot to help the one person who was being attacked by both Krux and Acronix. That was our first, and costly, mistake."

Mo continued the story. "They cornered Master Kai, and they were too strong for him. None of us saw what had happened to him, but once the Time Twins had left, Kai's son, Keith, was the first to see the body. The Time Twins had killed Kai."

All of the Ninja team gasped, Jay putting a comforting hand on Kai's shoulder. The Master of Fire looked absolutely terrified. But, he managed to ask them to continue the story, although no one thought that was a good idea.

Mo took a big breath. " Keith was broken, and when we told Kai's wife, she was also heartbroken. And she told us that she wished that Kai would have been able to meet his daughter." Kai and Nya's eyes widened in shock. The future Kai did not have a daughter, did he? Mo noticed their shock, and continued to explain.

"She was pregnant, about 5 months in. Kai knew, but had told no one else. Not even their own son. Keith was furious now, and, being told the story of Nadakhan, found the tea pot and freed the evil Djinn. Keith made a wish to see his father again, probably meaning that Kai would come back to life, but, of course, Nadakhan didn't see it as that. He made Keith fall into a coma, and soon vanished.

"We had gotten this information from a robotic owl Gila and Maya had developed, and we got Keith back, but couldn't wake him up. Then, Nadakhan broke in, capturing everyone in his Blade, even Keith, except for Maya, Jay, and I. He then put us in a prison he had made, just leaving us there to rot. But, then, he confronted Jay.

" We are not sure what Nadakhan talked to Jay about, we were both sleeping at the time, but soon the evil Djinn woke us up, soon threatening to kill Maya if Jay didn't make a wish. Jay then wished us here. That was months ago."

"Wait, months ago?" Cole asked, his curiosity peaked, " What were you two doing all this time?"

"Trying to find you guys. For being the most famous people in Ninjago, you hide really well. That, and we had Nadakhan going after us every step of the way. As you can clearly see." Mo finished, gesturing to the door.

"Wow, so basically, Kai died, Keith unleashed Nadakhan in his anger and grief, and everyone was captured, except you three, then Jay wished you here. You spent months searching for us and hiding from Nadakhan. Now, you finally found us. Got it." Cole stated, getting up from his seat. " I need some cake."

Maya also got up. " And I need to change. I hate dresses." Nya had a smile on her face despite what she had just heard.

" I know what you mean. I'll show you to my room." Maya smiled, and followed Nya.

"Do you want to change too, Mo?" Lloyd asked his future son. Mo shook his head, and quickly did Spinjitzu, the green tornado catching everyone's attention. When the future Green Ninja slowed to a stop, he was no longer in his casual clothes, instead, he was dressed in his green ninja gi, its golden accents shining in the light. Mo smiled as he looked down at his suit.

"Awww! I want one!" Lloyd complained. Mo laughed.

"That's ironic, you made this for me! It was your gift to me when I was declared the Green Ninja."

"And Mo is not the only one who looks great."Nya said, stepping back in the room, followed by Maya. The future Water and Lightning Ninja wore a gray and blue suit, Jay and Nya's elemental symbols merged together, the lightning Ninja symbol's top paired with the bottom of Nya's. Her silver accents also shined in the light. Maya was blushing at all of the attention.

" This suit is meant for fighting, not observing. I wear it not to impress boys, but to fight enemies like Nadakhan. I would love to know the plan, please."

Nya sighed. She loved her future daughter's determination, but it was late, no one wanted to make a plan. Jay sensed what his fiancée was thinking, and spoke up.

" I think we should get some rest, first. Mo, if you want to sleep on the couch, maybe Maya could stay on the extra bed in Nya's room?"

Zane nodded. "Sounds good, I'll get the rooms set up."

The nindroid had the resting areas ready in no time, and soon everybody was preparing to sleep.

Well, everyone but the Blue Ninja.

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