Chapter 3 (Old Version)

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"We are incredibly delighted to have the De La Peñas join our wonderful Encanto. May you do nothing but prosper and shine as the newest additions to our town!" Abuela Alma toasted, glasses being raised to our arrival. "To la familia De La Peña!"

"To la familia De La Peña!"

Lively chatter was all that filled the room, the Madrigals and De La Peñas making their acquaintances. I turned to my side to see Sofía, not surprisingly, downing three arepas all at once.

"Hey, when do you reckon abuelo's gonna do the whole speech thing about the 'oh yeah, by the way, we're being hunted by a bunch of monsters that bring nothing but chaos and want to steal our gifts?'" Sofía's hazel eyes widened ten times their size, choking on the arepas as a yellow poncho revealed itself. "Camilo!?" I whisper-shouted, not wanting to bring attention to us. "Idiot! Of all the times to show off that damned gift of yours."

A fear I had only seen once before filled the boy's eyes, his cheery, happy-go-lucky attitude fading in an instant. As if on cue, abuelo tapped a fork against a wine glass, consuming everyone's attention in an instant.

I kept in check that my voice would not arouse alert. "Listen, the entire day I've been telling you that my abuelo will explain everything. I promise that there's more to the story than-"

"Thank you, thank you." I cut off my sentence, the room fading into pin-drop silence as a bead of sweat rolled down my face. Camilo's stare bore into the side of my skull as I kept my eyes towards abuelo. "On behalf of the De La Peñas, I would love to extend our thanks to the Madrigals for the sheer generousity and hospitality you have shown us." Discluding me, the De La Peñas cheered for the other magical family, my cousins and aunts and uncles wanting to keep the atmosphere light. I continued ignoring the obvious look a certain Madrigal was giving me.

Abuelo invited up my tío Emilio to his side, eyes emitting a soft golden glow as he began illustrating my grandfather's speech through illusions. At this point, the boy beside me finally stopped his silent interrogation, switching his attention to my uncle and grandpa. As expected, the other magical family gasped, starstruck.

"Centuries ago, monsters ran rampant on this world, causing descruction and terrorising mankind." I scanned the reaction of the Madrigals, a thundercloud forming over a woman in yellow and an indecipherable face on the head of their family. "That is until Dio had decided enough was enough and bestowed our ancestors, some of humanity's greatest warriors, with gifts." Tío Emilio portrayed this through golden warriors basking in a light from above, aiming weapons and fire at the creatures who sought out our downfall.

Murmuring erupted from the Madrigals as I couldn't help but look down in shame. I worried over what abuelo was going to say next.

"Vanquished were these terrible monsters and for the past century our world has been free of their terror... Until last year, when our town was ambushed." Images of that wretched day crawled into my mind, sparks flying off my sweaty palms. "Three of my children: Valentina, Manuel and Mateo gave up their lives in order for the rest of our family to live on."

My breath hitched, body beginning to tremble as memories flooded my thought. Distorted voices, screaming, fire, chaos, all at once; everything was just too much. My heart skipped a beat... I- I couldn't breathe, why was it so hot in here all of a sudden? In a sad attempt of recollecting my bearings, the room around me began to spin.

Praying to make contact with any one of my family member's gazes, I gripped at my skirt anxiously, palms sweating as nobody answered my silent cry for help. I tried stifling my hyperventilating, recalling breathing techniques as abuelo's voice drowned out against the wailing mothers and sobbing children in my head. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in- why did all the oxygen in the room vanish? I... I need space; there's too many people!

Everything began to overwhelm my senses- tío's glowing illusions shone way too bright for comfort, the murmuring of anxious Madrigals teamed with the cries that wouldn't shut up in my brain overstimulated my system. It was just all too much, and- A course hand found itself intertwined with mine, guiding me out of my seat and towards who knows where.

The intense and raucous noise was soon left behind me, a certain yellow poncho catching in the corner of my eye. Strands of hair stuck to my face from the uncomfortably large amount of sweat that came with the stress, cool air contrasting my sweltering cheeks as I was finally given a moment to catch my breath. God, what was I thinking? I was clearly told that abuelo would bring this topic up, yet I was foolish enough to hope-

"Y/n?" Camilo called out, a tender, almost cautious nature replacing his usual sardonic one.

I shakily nodded in reponse, my breathing still sitting on the edge of hyperventilation. The shapeshifter lead me towards an outdoor bench, his calloused hand never leaving mine as his gentle and patient guidance tore my attention away from the nightmares in my memories. His soft voice stepped me through a calm and clear mindset. Deep breaths in, deep breaths out; I was going to be okay.

Noticing that I had pretty much returned to normal, the boy slid his hand out of mine, a small frown reflexively gracing my lips as I couldn't help but crave the warmth of his comforting touch once more. We continued basking in each other's presence, a comfortable silence filling the air as I lay my head on his shoulder in exhaustion.

With a rustle, the boy pulled out a familiar treat, hand extended in offer. "Arepa?"

Shaking my head in utter disbelief and amusement, I took a generous bite from tía Julieta's cooking, a smile never leaving my face.

"You really are something else, Camilo Madrigal," I huffed, avoiding his eye contact as I knew he'd just be wearing that damned complacent grin. "I just don't get why you're so persistent on helping me; especially after my grandpa's speech. You've done so much for me in the short amount of time we've known each other. Why?"

Without skipping a beat, the Madrigal shook his head as if he knew something I didn't. "What can I say? Us magical folk gotta stick together, Y/n." I warmly grinned at the boy, touched by his sweet sentiment. "It's like you told me: everything happens for a reason. Your family is here for a reason, I just know it."

The shapeshifter pointed a half-eaten arepa in my direction, beaming from ear to ear. "Hey, and what if I just like hanging out with you? Ever consider that?"

A spark in his eyes glimmered whilst we chatted on, his light never fading. The same glint I caught back when he gushed on about his family was apparent, yet this time, it was directed towards... me? I became captivated, lost in further studying his features whilst I absently nodded and smiled to whatever the boy was saying. Though not noticeable at first glance, crows feet lined hazel eyes, splashes of faint freckles adorned across his nose bridge and cheeks. Dark, eyelids (or was that eyeshadow?) gave off his signature 'sketchy' vibes, yet his fully animated gestures and joyous expression betrayed that. I was fully enraptured, not even noticing that Camilo had quieted down.

The brunet crossed his arms, staring down at me like I had just been caught in a scandal. "You're doing 'the thing' again, chica." He promptly shapeshifted into me, imitating whatever this 'thing' was. With his mouth slightly agape, the corners of his lips turned upwards into a smile, 'I' nodded every few seconds, throwing in a 'mhm' or a 'yep' here and there.

I rolled my eyes playfully, booping his nose with a light zap as a soft rose dusted his cheeks. "It's not like I space out on purpose, I just tend to get carried away sometimes." Camilo leaned, hazel eyes boring into my e/c ones as if investigating for further answers.

"Tell me, bella dama."

"Don't try to flatter me."

He visibly slumped. "Tell me, Y/n." Yup, there's that meddling smirk. "Who are you thinking of?"

I choked on spit, expecting anything but that. "What?" I glared at him in disbelief.

"You were lovestruck! I see it in my sister and her betrothed all the time." The Madrigal stood up and shifted into his sister, fluttering 'her' eyelashes with overexaggerated gestures. "Oh, Mariano, you're so dreamy! You write me poetry and totally almost didn't marry my cousin! Blah, blah, blah." He shifted back into his normal self, a hand on hip.

"Lovestruck? Honestly, Cami', who do you take me for?" I slipped up. Dios, did I just call him Cami?

Camilo's face lit up, that same red growing on his cheeks once more. Seriously, it wasn't even hot outside... Left in a spluttering mess, two figures came bolting towards the casita, diverting both of our attentions.

"Sofía?" I gasped.

"Mirabel?" The shapeshifter said at the same time, both of us riddled with confusion.

We jogged up to our respective relatives as I did a once over before realising- "Black dust," I confirmed rigidly. Before I could spiral into another panic attack, Sofía firmly grasped my shoulders, physically and mentally grounding me back to reality.

"Listen, hermana, we don't have time. This town is in danger and we need to tell abuelo, ASAP. Oh, and thanks for the arepa," she warned, snatching the snack right out of my grasps.

The two girls went on ahead, leaving Camilo and I to process Sofía's information. When I meant this was going to be a long night, this was not what I had in mind.

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