9-Brilliant Insight

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(Season 1x4)

Katrina and Barry showed up at the lab at the same time, smiling at one another as they walked inside seeing that they had set up ping-pong with Cisco, operation with Caitlin and chess with Dr. Wells. They each took a turn doing a variety of things. They two of them were having fun, Caitlin getting frustrated that Operation wasn't even anatomically correct. Katrina telling her to just have some fun, with Wells reminding them that this wasn't just for fun, but to also push our minds with training, to be able to not lose focus on the tasks at hand. Just as Katrina was try to take out the butterfly in operation, there is a beeping from the one monitor, causing her to touch the side and make the buzzer go off.

"Damn" she says, as Cisco looks at the screen.
"Armed robbery at Fourth and Kolins" he tells us.

"For the record I crushed it at Operation and Ping-Pong" Barry says and Katrina rolls her eyes. The two of them then race into their suits and take off toward the robbery. Upon arrival, the run around knocking down all the thieves, and just as they knock down the last one they hear a gun shot. Katrina rushes over to the injured man, "Where's the nearest hospital?" she asks into her comm Link.

"St. Andrews. Seven blocks north, two east" Caitlin comes though responding.

"Call the ER, tell them they have an incoming GSW" she responds to her. They hear the thieves starting up their motorbikes, Barry looking back at them unsure if he should go after them or not.

"Barry, it's okay, I'm gonna need your help getting him there, he's too heavy for just me" she says. He nods and the two of them take off to the hospital, bringing him, putting him on a gurney before running off. The both run home changing, knowing they would need to get back to the scene.

"Hey Captain, sorry we are late, I had to go visit a friend at the hospital, and Barry was waiting for me" Katrina says as her and Barry head with the Captain and Joe, to go over the scene they had just left.

"There's nothing missing. It looks like someone interrupted the robbery" Joe says looking at her and Barry.
"Guard says there were three of them" the Captain says pointing.
"Actually it was four" Barry says and Katrina elbows him, as he realizes his mistake.

"I mean that's how many I would bring if I were doing a robbery of this nature" he says turning around to walk in front of them. "That's definitely a four guy truck" he says as him and Katrina go up to the armored truck.

"A driver, two more to cover the guards, and somebody used liquid nitrogen to crack open this door, so four bad guys" Barry says holding up four fingers going back to the captain and Katrina looks around the truck.

"Thank you Mr. Allen for your brilliant insight" the Captain says as he walks away.

"For somebody so fast, you're a little slow on the improvising" Joe says to Barry as Katrina comes back over to join them. "Did you two see anything that could help us catch these guys?" he then asks.
"Yeah, one of the guys lost his mask when we knocked him out of the truck, we saw his face" Katrina tells Joe.

Katrina and Barry head back to the precinct, as they walk down the hall, Joe hands them a binder full of known criminals.  "So look through these mug shots of Central City's most wanted. See if you can find out-" before Joe could finish talking Barry speeds through the binder, and Katrina gets him to stop on a page.

"That's him" they both say to Joe.
"Damn, Leonard Snart" Joe says talking the binder back and looking at the picture.
"Leonard? That's almost as bad as Batholomew" Barry says as they continue down the hall.
"Snart ain't sexy either" Joe says to him.
"Try having a friend with the name Dick" Katrina says and both men give her a questionable look. "Umm, what can you tell us about Snart" she says focusing them back on the task at hand.

"Snart's father was a cop, a bad cop. HE took his anger out on his kids, till he went to prison" Joe says as they enter the main room.
"Snart's dad is in prison too? We should start a club" Barry says.
"He shows up like every six months. He cases the job for weeks before he makes his move. Then he does a job, gets away" Joe says as they continue walking.

"That was before the Streak was around" Barry smiles at Joe, and Katrina elbows him, "Okay the Streaks"
"Did you just refer yourselves in third person" Joe asks as he looks around.

"I referred to the Streaks,  which I'm pretty sure we can top. We've been thinking of new names. What do you think about the Flash and" before Barry can continue they hear Iris's voice.

"Coffee Break" they turn to see her standing there with coffee in her hand. "Thought I'd bring Central City's finest java over to Central City's finest" she says coming over to them, and Katrina and Barry take a cup out.

"Thanks, I'm off caffeine" Joe then pats Barry on the shoulder before walking away.
"My dad's been mad ever since I told him about me and Eddie" Iris says to them as they walk toward the stairs.

"No, you mean he's mad at you because you didn't tell him"  Barry says as him and Katrina drink their coffee.
"Uh first of all that sounds like you're taking his side. And second do you know his 'I'm not talking to you bit I have a whole  bag full of judgemental looks I'll try on you later'" Iris says as they get to the stairs.

"Barry does, he's been on the receiving end of those quite a few times" Katrina says smiling at Barry.
"Speaking of communication or lack thereof, after all these journalism classes, I got an idea" Iris smiles as they get to the top of the stairs. "I started a blog" Iris tells them.

"Ok, then what is it about, your obsession with brownies, cause that's not really something people need to know" Katrina jokes with her, as she takes another sip of her coffee.

"No, Something important, something Central City needs to know about: The Streaks" Iris says as she stops and stands in front of them, Katrina nearly choking on her coffee at those words. Barry has to pat her on the back a few times.
"You okay?" he asks her.
"Yeah" she coughs out.

"They are out there, you two. Rumour has it they stopped an armed car robbery earlier.I was hoping I could take a look at the file" Iris says.

"Iris, we are not allowed to discuss an ongoing police investigation with you" Katrina says as they start to head for their lab.
"What she said" Barry says to her as he follows Katrina.
"Since when, Mr. Blabbermouth" Iris then says surprised Barry won't tell her.

"Take it from someone who has been investigating the impossible since they were 11, Blogging about this its only gonna bring the crazies to your front door" Barry stops to tell her.
"Iris you don't need crazy people coming to you" Katrina tells her.
"My blog is anonymous" she tells them.
"Anonymous or not, it's not safe. You never know what kind of weirdos are out there trolling on the internet" Barry says as they get to the lab.

"I can vouch for that" they then hear a familiar voice say and see Felicity in the lab. "The internet is full of weirdos and nerd rage. Lots and Lots of nerd rage" she smiles looking at her cousin and has an even bigger smile looking at Barry. Barry just chuckles at seeing her and Katrina wraps her cousin in a hug.

"Iris, this is Felicity Smoak my cousin. Felicity this is my best girl friend Iris West" she introduces the two.
"Barry Allen" Barry then says still smiling. "But you three already knew that. Uh, not only is Felicity her cousin she's"

"The girl  that you met in Starling City, the comput-er right?" Felicity nods, "You two worked on one of Barry's unexplainable cases" Iris says.
"Which long story short, was definitely explainable" she says as she walks around the lab, "So the lightning came through here" she asks Katrina and Barry.
"Uh, yeah it did" Katrina says.

"Well, I will let you three get caught up, Felicity it was nice to meet you" Iris says.
"You too" Felicity says.
"Iris think about what we said" Katrina tells her as Iris leaves.

"Want to go for a walk?" Katrina asks her cousin.
"I could us the fresh air" she agrees and the three of them leave the precinct and goes to the park across the street.
"Iris seems really nice, and pretty, really, really pretty. Congratulations" Felicity says to Barry as she walks between him and Katrina.

"Iris isn't my girlfriend, she has a boyfriend already" Barry tells her.
"Oh. That's interesting" Felicity says as she then glances over at her cousin. "I guess" she adds.

"Ok, spill it what are you really doing here cousin? I mean it's great to see you  but there has to be a reason. DO you and Oliver need our help for something?" Katrina asks her.

"No, I came because I wanted to see you two. I had heard you guys were out of the coma, and neither one of you didn't call. Didn't write, didn't race over" she adds that last thing and both Barry and Katrina glance at one another.
"Oliver spilled the beans" Katrina asks her.

"Honestly, I heard the three of you talking on that rooftop in Starling City that night" she says to them.

"I should have known you would through Oliver's comms" Katrina says to her.
"I wanna see it" Felicity then says to them. Barry then gives her a questionable look. "By 'it' I mean your speed. In case you thought I was talking about something else, which I was not" she says explaining herself.

"Cuz, we know what you mean" Katrina says to her.
"Ok, see that building" Barry then says pointing to a nearby tall building. "Keep an eye on it" he smiles as he takes off running. Katrina stays back with Felicity wanting to see her reaction closely. They hear Barry shout from the top of the building as he races back down to them. He shows Felicity the photo he took of her and Katrina from on top of the building.

"You took a picture of us, from the top of that building?" she asks shocked.

"Yeah. Don't Instagram that" Barry tells her.
"Unbelievable" she says to him. Just then they notice Barry's shoes are smoking. "Your shoes are smoking!" she says panicking. Barry starts to stomp his feet trying to put them out.

"It happens, Felicity, it's okay. Though Barry has more of that problem then I do, but it's also why we both have a friction proof suit." Katrina explains to her.
"Where did you get that?" she asks her.
"I'll show you" Barry then says offering his hand to Felicity's and they start to walk away.

"Umm okay then, I'll just follow you two" Katrina says to herself as they leave the park.

Barry and Katrina take Felicity to S.T.A.R  labs, showing her around, they make their way into the cortex, telling her all about it.

"And this is where our team monitors the police bands for criminal activity. We can track anything that's happening in the city. Check this out" Barry says smiling at Felicity as he shows her all the technology in the room. "We've got our own Satellite" he adds knowing Felicity would be impressed.

"I know I've hacked into it from time to time" Felicity says going in a circle taking it all in.

"Rude" Cisco says coming over to them, a licorice in his mouth.

"It is of course, so wonderful to see you again, Felicity. I'm just wondering how much of our operation she needs to know about" Caitlin asks concerned.

"Trust me she is really good at keeping secrets, she has kept a far amount of mine" Katrina assures Caitlin.
"Felicity works with the Arrow" Barry suddenly blurts out.
"Sweet" Cisco says smiling.

"And.... you apparently, are not" Felicity says to Barry.
"Now it's all making sense" Cisco says coming around the desk toward them. "You know you the Arrow is" he says pointing his licorice at Felicity.
"Wait; do you two know who the Arrow is?" Cisco then asks Barry and Katrina.

"Uhh" they both say, as Barry places a hand behind his head and Katrina tries to avoid eye contact.
"Let's just say my team has a similar setup but with more pointy objects" Felicity says.
"Welcome, Miss Smoak" they then hear Dr. Wells say and all turn to face him.

"Dr. Wells, the Dr. Wells" Felicity says excitedly.
"Please call me Harrison, Felicity" he says to her.
"You know who I am" she says to him.
"Ranked second in the National Informative Technology competition at age 19. Graduated MIT with master's degree in cyber security and computer sciences. I know who you are" Wells says as he moves himself closer to them. "I keep an eye out for promising talent in scientific fields. That's what brought me Cisco and Caitlin. And I forsaw " He removes his glasses, "great things from you"

"Speaking of great things, wanna see something cool?" Barry asks a smile on his face. Barry then takes Felicity to the training room, he changes into sweats and a sweatshirt and hops on the specialized treadmill. Katrina decides to stay back with the others in the monitoring room. Barry then starts running on the treadmill, she watches as her cousin smiles at seeing him run.

"How fast can he run?" Felicity then asks. "He hasn't reached his top speed yet theoretically speaking, neither one of them have" Wells tells her.
"So is he really okay?" Felicity asks concerned.
"His heart rate is within normal range for him" Caitlin tells her.

"No, the lightning bolt changed him, so you really know how much?" Felicity then asks.
"Felicity, I went through all that too, trust me Barry is okay. We may have these abilities but we're good" Katrina tells her cousin.
"I know, but I just worry" Felicity tells her. "I mean if everything about the two of you is sped up, are you gonna age faster. What would happen if they ran too fast? Would they just be running then poof their just dust in a red and violet costume?" Felicity asks everyone.

"Everything we do here, at S.T.A.R labs is to protect Barry Allen, and Katrina Ivory. Trust us, Felicity they are in very good hands here" Harrison Wells assures her.

Just then they Barry speak, "Wanna see how fast I can run backwards?" They watch as he does just that then crashes into the boxes.
"Don't worry they heal quickly too" Caitlin then tells Felicity who has a shocked look on her face. Katrina leaves the room, to go check on Barry.
"You know you don't need to show off to Felicity" Katrina says to him, as she helps him up.
"I'm not... I'm not showing off" he says sheepishly.

"Yes you are Barry" Katrina says sounding a little bitter.
"Kat, you okay" he then asks her.
"Yeah, um tell my cousin I'll catch up with her later" Katrina then takes off, leaving the lab.

She then starts running, and not looking back, before she even realizes it she's in a very familiar city.  She stops suddenly, luckily nothing catches fire, and she heads for a familiar building.  Walking into GCPD, Katrina looks around for a familiar face, finally finding the one she was looking for. She walks up to who she had spotted wrapping her arms around him, and then kissing his cheek.

"This is a surprise" he says to her, as she moves around to face him.
"Yeah, I needed to come see a familiar face" Katrina says to him.
"Come on, let's go somewhere more private" he says to her, taking her hand and leading her to one of the empty interrogation room. He closes the door, and she sits on the table, and he leans against it beside her.
"So, what made you run all the way here Kitty?" Dick asks her.

"I needed to get out of the city, wait what did you mean by run?" Katrina asks realizing what he had said.
"I know, Barbara told me, when she came back from seeing you" he smiles at her.
"Right yeah sorry I didn't tell you" Kat says looking at him.

"Hey, you have the right to not tell me" he says holding his hands up before placing them back down on the table. "So why did you come here?" he then asks her.

"I needed to get my head clear, Felicity showed up in Central City, and Barry became a bumbling buffoon, and I know you don't want to hear about me being in love with someone new" she says to him. "It just hurt that Felicity knows about my feelings about Barry, and she just waltzes in and it's like I don't even exist." Katrina says to Dick.

"Kitty, he is an idiot if he doesn't see how special you are" he says to her.
"Grayson, I'm sorry I left you" Katrina says to him.
"Kitty, it's understandable, you needed somewhere new to go. You just needed to clear your head, I'm glad you met someone new that makes you feel the way you felt about me" he says to her.

"Grayson, what should I do, be a better person and just suck it up

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