45- You are Such a Dork

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Katrina arrives at the Wayne Manor, and headed to the batcave, to see it's empty. She goes to sit at the computer, and see's that Bruce has it locked down. Typing in her old passcode, the computer let's her in, "didn't get rid of my stuff, thank you Bruce" she says as she then takes the DNA sample and places it into the machine. Katrina types away at the computer cross referencing it with the sample she had gotten from the Reverse Flash.

"I wondered who had broken into the cave" she hears a familiar voice say, and turns around in the chair to see Bruce in his Batman outfit.
"Sorry, I needed to burrow your computer, and check something" she says to him.
"You have a DNA reference for the guy from Christmas?" he asks her.
"Yeah, and no surprise it's not a match" she says seeing the bold NO MATCH words on the screen.

"You didn't think it would match?" he asks her.
"No because the DNA I brought is from the real Harrison Wells, and" she types again on the screen, and this time the DNA comes back as a match for Harrison Wells.
"Well, this is going to be proof for my friends" Katrina says as she prints off what she discovered.

"Do you need any help?" Bruce asks her.
"No, we got this, but if it's too much you know I will" she says as she takes the paper.
"See you around Kat" he says to her.
"See you Bruce" she says back as Katrina takes off back toward SCPD.

Katrina arrives back at SCPD, "Hey so I ran the DNA through my friends computer system, and got the same results you probably did, also cross referenced it with the DNA sample I got at Christmas and this is my results" Katrina tells Cisco handing him what she found, "Hoping it's proof enough" she adds.

"Hey Cisco, Kat" they then hear Laurel say as she comes over to them as Cisco puts the file away in the box in front of him.
"Hey, we are just about to head back to Central City" Katrina tells her.
"Were you able to make that item?" she asks Cisco.

He smiles at her reaching into the box in front of him taking out a black case, "I think this will do the trick" he opens it to shoe Laurel her new sonic device, she smiles at seeing it, "I bumped up the specs, quadrupled the range, tripled the resonance, should be able to do some serious damage with this thing" he says and she takes the case from him.

"I can't believe you were able to make it so quickly" she says quickly closing the case.
"Meh, I've had some practice with sound waves recently" Cisco tells her.
"You know what, I think you should try calling it the Canary Cry" Katrina says to her.
"I like it, Thank you" Laurel says as she puts the case in her bag, "As promised" she then smiles handing Cisco an envelope, "Hey you show this to anyone, I'll kill you" she tells him.

"Heh, it's just an expression, right?" he asks smiling.
"She's being serious" Katrina tells him.
"Exactly, see you later Kat" Laurel says as she then walks away. Cisco opens the envelope taking out what was inside, which was a picture, of him with Laurel in her Black Canary suit.

"You are suck a dork, and no, I'm not doing that in the Red Cardinal suit" Katrina tells him.
"Cisco, Kat, you good?" they then hear Joe saying to them.
"Oh, I'm good" Cisco says to him.
"Me too, and if you guys don't mind I am going to race ahead, Barry's got his hands full with a meta, that I'm pretty sure he needs my help with." Katrina tells them.
"We will see there later then" Joe says and Katrina smiles at them before leaving SCPD and racing off for STAR Labs.

"Hands on the metahuman" Katrina hears Wells and Barry say when she arrives at the lab.
"Well I got back just in time" Katrina says to them, and they all look at her.
"Miss Ivory, good to have you back just in time, did you help with that old case of yours at SCPD?" Wells asks her.

"Yes, the perp was apprehended and the case is finally closed, so we got a shape shifting meta, sounds like fun" Katrina says.
"Yes, one we discovered only just takes a person's appearance, not their memories, or even in your and Barry's case powers" Wells explains to her.

"So that's the hands on the meta-human thing" she says.
"Yes and to help you, both of you now do that, Dr. Snow has concocted a solution we believe will stop him." Wells tells her as Caitlin goes over and picks up a case.
"Yes, I've made a serum that will create a cortical reaction around his cells" she explains to them.
"Deprive those cells of their electrical charge his shape-shifting days are over" Wels tells them.
"Wow, that's great work" Barry says placing his hand on Caitlin's shoulder.

"Aah," she jumps back, "Thank you no need for a hug or anything like that" she says acting weird.
"Okay" Barry says to her as the computer starts beeping.
"Barry, we got a ping from your cell phone, looks like Hannibal Bates is at the airport" Caitlin says.
"Payback time" Barry says looking over at his suit.

Barry and Katrina show up at the airport, Barry was wearing a hoodie trying to hide, as Katrina stood nearby having not run into this meta yet, he didn't know she was looking for him.
"Guys are we sure he's at the airpot?" Barry asks.
"According to the GPS on your phone, he's there" Wells tells him.
"Yeah but from what you guys told us, he could any one of these people" Katrina tells them.
"We're not seeing him" Barry adds just then the two of them see the body scanner, and it starts to flicker. Inside is a little old lady, she comes out of the scanner as Barry starts to look at her, and she realizes that she's been caught. Katrina watches as the lady touches the nearby TSA agent and suddenly changes into a replica of the agent.

"Whoa" Katrina says.
"Gothca" Barry then says as the two speedsters take off, changing into their suits, they get ahead of the meta stopping right in front of him.

"Hannibal Bates!" Barry shouts at him.
"I think you've mistaken me for someone else" he says to the two of them as he reaches for a taser in his pocket. Barry and Katrina speed closer to him, as Barry has the serum in his hand, and Hannibal changes into Caitlin.

"Wait, it's me, please don't hurt me" he says to them as Caitlin as she/he takes out pepper spray and sprays Barry in the face. He then tries to fight off both Barry and Katrina. Barry falls back as Katrina takes him, tossing him toward a fence, and he falls down, changing from Caitlin to Iris. He gets back up, and goes after Barry and Katrina who fight him off once again, and Barry punches him in the throat and he steps back changing from Iris to Eddie.

"Not so hero-like, you treat all your woman like that" Hannibal says to Barry. The two of them then go to fight him once again, and this time he gets the upper hand on Katrina, knocking her down and into a nearby shelf. She slowly gets up seeing as Barry shoves him into a wall and Hannibal changes into Barry in the Flash suit.
"Look at that, I'm the Flash" Hannibal says as him and Barry start to fight.

"You may look like me" Barry says as he speeds around Hannibal punching him, "but you're not as fast" Barry says to him. As Barry is beating him down, Katrina runs to the serum, getting it and stabbing it into the mets's neck,
"You are done imitating innocent people" Barry tells him. The then take a step back watching as Hannibal starts to go through many different transformations, before turning into Iris, and screaming out before falling down to the ground.

"Okay that was just messed up" Katrina says smiling at Barry.

Barry and Katrina take the surveillance footage to CCPD, to show that Eddie was innocent of the shootings, "Detective Thawne has been released" Captain Singh tells them.
"Yeah, I have to admit, this is new territory for me" the DA Cecile says.
"This is new territory for all of us" The captain says.
"I certainly don't think the law is prepared to deal with this kind of criminal. Hope we can catch up fast" Cecile says looking at Barry and Katrina. "It's hard to believe we live in a world where this kind of impossible even exists" Cecile says as they start to leave the Captain's office.

"Luckily, it's also a world where the Flash and Bolt exists" the Captain says.
"Uh speaking of, they left a list of all the robberies Hannibal Bates was involved in" Katrina says handing a file to Cecile.
"That's a long list" she says to her.
"Yeah, with just as many innocent people whose names need to be cleared" Barry says to her.

"You know I saw the Flash and Bolt once" Cecile says to them.
"Oh, yeah" Barry says.
"Yeah, I was on my way to the courthouse, and they blew past me. It was just a blur of red and blue and a gust of wind. But it was pretty damn cool" Cecile says and they both just smile at her as she walks away.
"Well, are you glad I came back in time to help" Katrina says to Barry.
"Yeah I am" he says as he wraps his arms around her, pulling her close for a hug. They then watch from afar as Iris and Eddie reunite.

Barry and Katrina stand in the pipeline with Caitlin and Wells as they watch Hannibal pounding on the door as Iris, "Let me out of here!" he scream as he then shifts into Caitlin, "Hey cutie, wanna let me out of here" he says to Barry.

"Like anyone would be dumb enough to fall for that, heh" Caitlin says to them.
Wells sighs as he wheels up to the door, "I've seen a lot of things that you can become, but who are you Hannibal Bates?" Wells asks him.

They then watch as he turns into a man, with no facial features, except a mouth and nose, "I-uh—heh, I can't remember...I can't remember " he says to them, and they look at him shocked.
"Well let's lock up shop, good night everyone" Wells says as Barry presses the button to close the pipeline, and Wells leaves the room.
"What about Dr. Wells?" Caitlin asks Barry and Katrina.
"Come on, we need to go show you something, it's what Cisco, Joe and I discovered" Katrina says as she takes Caitlin's hand and leads her out of the room.

They head to Barry and Katrina's lab at CCPD, where Cisco is showing her what they found, "This isn't possible" Caitlin says to them.
"Caitlin, I ran the DNA test twice, it's a perfect match" Cisco tells her.
"This body is the real Harrison Wells" Joe tells her as they have the body they discovered on a table in the room.

"Cait, I even had the DNA cross references with a DNA sample I got at Christmas and it didn't match to the Reverse-Flash, but it does match the real Harrison Wells" Katrina tells her as they all walk over to the body in the room.
"Is this is Dr. Wells, then who have we been working for this whole time?" Caitlin asks them.
"Dr. McGee said that after the accident Wells became a completely different person. It's because he is a different person" Barry tells her.

"My friend has been running the DNA trying to find any possible match to who he really is but nothing has come back so far, but once he found anything he's gonna let me know" Katrina says to her.
"Would that friend be Batman?" Cisco then asks her.
"Yes Cisco, and we are not to talk about that" she tells him.

Later at STAR Labs, Cisco is doing something on the computer, "What are you doing?" Katrina asks him.
"After the accelerator exploded I built a 3D model of STAR Labs so I could pinpoint exactly what caused the malfunction" Cisco tells her.
"And you never ran this test?" Barry asks him.
"Of course I did. I just never had a reason to look at any areas outside of the pipeline or the cortex. It's a big building, lots of places for Wells to hide something" Cisco says as they watch him run the test, when it picks up on something, and starts to go off.

"What is that?" Barry asks him.
"That" Cisco says pointing to the screen, "shouldn't be there" he says to them. All four of them then leave the cortex and walk down the hall toward what Cisco had found.
"I'm picking up more activity" Cisco says as he scans the walls, "Around here" he tells them as he then stops in front of panel on the wall, "Tachyons...there" he points to the wall.

Barry then starts to feel around the wall for anything, when the panel opens up, he looks back at the other three and then steps inside the opening as they follow. The panel suddenly closes behind them, and lights come on illuminating the suit in front of them.
"Oh My God" Caitlin says as they see the Reverse-Flash suit. Just then the lights in the room come on, Cisco and Caitlin stare at the suit as Barry and Katrina hear a beeping sound.

They walk toward the sound as they both see a newspaper article, "Uh guys" Katrina says making Cisco and Caitlin come over as all four of them see the paper headline, 'FLASH MISSING VANISHES IN CRISIS'.
"What the frak?" Cisco says and they all just stand there confused by what they are seeing.

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