(Season 1 x 16)
Barry runs as fast as possible, until coming to a stop, looking around to see that he's on a street, and its nighttime, "Hey, what's going on?" Barry hears Cisco asking him, "Dude" Cisco says when Barry does not reply
"Yeah, Cisco I'm here." Barry tells him.
"What happened, why'd you stop?" Cisco asks him.
"I just got a little disoriented" Barry says still looking around confused.
"Well you need to make up some time, man, Kat's already there, you'd better hurry up" he hears Cisco tell him.
"Hurry? Kat? What are you?" Barry says.
"Hurry, as in, get to the morgue" Cisco tells him.
"The morgue, but I was there yesterday with Kat" he tells them.
"What are you talking about? Come on, you gotta go" Cisco tells him.
"Barry, Barry, where are you?" he then hears Kat say and he is taken aback hearing her voice.
"Umm..I'm on the way" he tells her as he speeds off to the morgue. As soon as Barry arrives, he sees Katrina and wraps his arms around her holding her close.
"Whoa Barry, we got work to do" Katrina tells him.
"What do you guys see?" they hear Cisco telling them.
"It's the corner Cisco, he's dead" Katrina tells him.
Barry and Katrina leave the morgue, coming back in their normal clothes to work over the case, as they enter Katrina sees Barry looking at the scene with confusion on his face. "Hey Barr, what's with all the water? Did the sprinkler system go off or something?" Joe comes up to them asking and Barry looks at him.
"What? No, we checked the sprinklers, They're all intact. But the water has ice in it, and the bruises on the coroner aren't just on his face. Check this, look at his torso" Barry says as he quickly goes over to the coroner's body, Katrina and Joe following. Joe lifts the shirt, "Whoa" he remarks.
"Barry, are you okay?" Katrina asks him as he still has a confused look on his face, "Cause how did you know that, we didn't have time to process everything yet?" she asks.
"He was killed by hail, we have to listen to the recording" Barry then says standing back up, and Joe and Katrina both look at him confused by his behavior,
"What recording?" Katrina asks.
"Joe, we got something, the coroner's office just installed an automated system, listen to this" they hear Eddie say as he comes over to the three of them.
"Please no more" "I'll stop when you tell me"" Stop" "Who killed him?" they hear on the recording.
"That's Mark Mardon, he wants revenge" Barry then says, and they look at him.
Barry and Kat head to STAR labs, letting them know about Mardon, "Clyde Mardon has a brother?" Caitlin asks.
"So, both Mardon brothers survive the plane crash and the dark matter released by the particle accelerator explosion affects them"" in virtually the same way" Barry says as the same time as Wells.
"That's right" Wells says.
"Only Mark's not like Clyde at all, he can do things that you couldn't even imagine" Barry says to them.
"You mean he's sort of like a" "Weather Wizard" Barry says with Cisco at the same time.
"Yeah" Cisco says as he then takes a sip of his slushie, "hmm" Cisco says.
"Trigeminal headache" Barry says along with Caitlin.
"Mister Allen, a word please" Wells then says to Barry.
"Yeah" Barry says as the two of them leave the room and head to the training room.
"You ruptured the time continuum, didn't you?" Wells asks him. "You're experiencing temporal reversion" Wells says to him.
"Yeah" Barry answers.
"How long?" Wells asks.
"A day and some change, it's like I'm living it all over again" he tells him.
"Well that's good that means there's not too much you could've messed up yet. How did this happen? Wells asks Barry.
"I don't know, I mean I was running faster than I've ever ran and the first time I lived this day, some really horrible things happened, there was a tidal wave, and Kat-" Barry tells him.
"No, do not tell me. I do not wanna know anything about the future you experienced, nothing" Wells tells him.
"Okay, but Doctor Wells" he says.
"Barry, time is an extremely fragile construct. Any deviation, no matter how small...could result in a cataclysm" Wells tells Barry. "Now here's what you're going to do, everything you did before, every word you uttered, every step you took, you're going to do again, And you're not going to tell anyone this happened" Wells tells Barry.
Barry then leaves the room seeing Katrina waiting for him, "Hey everything okay?" she asks him.
"Uh, yeah just some stuff Doctor Wells wanted to talk to me about" he tells her, but she can tell something is off about him.
"Okay, umm ready to go then back to the precinct?" she asks him.
"Uh...yeah, but can we umm can we just walk there?" he asks her,
"Barry it's like blocks away, and we'll be late, which I know you're used to being, but I'm not" she says as the head out of the lab.
"I know, I just want to spend some time with you that's all" he says to her.
"You sure you're okay Barry?" Katrina asks him.
"Yeah, umm you're right we should go" he says to her.
"Race you there" she smiles at him before taking off for CCPD.
Katrina arrives out back of CCPD, when Barry quickly follows her, "Beat ya" she smiles at him.
"Don't you always" he smiles at her as he takes her hand and they enter the precinct, they head upstairs, and start to head for the Captains office where they see Eddie and Joe filling the Captain in. Barry suddenly stops and Katrina looks at him, as he has a look on his face like he is remembering something. Joe then walks out of the office, and comes over to Barry and Katrina, "What is going on with you?" Joe asks Barry as they walk with him, "How'd you figure all that stuff out at the morgue?" Joe asks him.
"Lucky guesses, I guess" Barry tells him.
"Look, I'm telling you two, I'm gonna get Mardon if it kills me" Joe then says.
Barry looks at him, "Joe, umm" he gets the same look as earlier, "I gotta run an errand, I'll see you later, all right" Barry then says as he gives Katrina a kiss on the cheek then takes off. Joe and Katrina look at one another, confused by Barry's odd behavior.
"Does he seem weirder than normal to you?" Katrina asks Joe.
"Just a bit" Joe tells her.
"I'm gonna go talk to Doctor Wells, Barry was being odd at the lab, and he seemed to know why, maybe he will tell me" Katrina tells Joe as she then takes off for STAR labs.
Katrina arrives, just as she sees Barry coming to the lab, with Mardon. She follows Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, and Wells to the pipeline, where Barry is putting Mardon in.
"I'm gonna break out of her and I'm gonna create a tidal wave that destroys your entire city" Mardon says to Barry as Cisco presses the button to close the pipeline.
"So, I still don't understand, how did you find him?" Cisco asks him.
"Uh, I just had a hunch" Barry says as he looks over at Wells, who is giving him a stern look.
"That's gotta be some kind of record" Caitlin says.
"Was that the errand you were running?" Katrina then asks him, "why didn't you let me go with you?" she then asks him.
"Sorry, I just wanted to do this one alone" he tells her.
"Well, there goes my excuse for bailing on my brother's birthday" Cisco says as he leaves the pipeline followed by Caitlin.
"So, you have any idea what you've just done" Wells then says to Barry, and Katrina look at the men confused.
"Yeah I do, I just saved a lot of lives" Barry then says.
"I warned you not to mess with the timeline" Wells says to Barry, and Katrina looks over at Barry.
"Dr. Wells, if you would have let me tell you what was going to happen, you'd understand why I did this" Barry then says.
"Whatever tragedy you think you just averted time will find a way to replace it and trust me, Barry the next one could be much worse" Wells warns him as he then wheels away leaving Barry and Katrina.
"What was that all about Barry?" Katrina asks him.
"Umm, I've lived this day before" he tells her.
"What?" she asks him confused.
"I somehow travelled back a day, but listen Kat, if I hadn't locked Mardon up, some bad things, some really bad things, were going to happen" he tells her.
"I... I don't want to know, but Barry, Wells might have a point, whatever you just did it might have made things worse" she tells him as they then leave the pipeline.
Kat watched as Barry was running on the treadmill trying to get the same thing that happened to him before to happen again, when Wells comes into the room, "I don't get it" he says to him, "I've been running just as fast as I was when it happened and nothing, I'm still here" he says.
"Any number of things could've triggered the wormhole that allowed you to repeat your day, your emotions, circumstances, your cortisol levels, all of the above" Wells explains to him.
"I mean, my adrenaline was super high since Kat, Iris and the entire city-""No, no, no, no details, I told you" Wells says to him.
"I'm sorry, but Mark Mardon's already locked in the pipeline...and nothing bad has happened" Barry says as he steps off the treadmill and walks over to Katrina.
"Yet" both Wells and Katrina say together.
Just then there is a knock on the door, and they look to see Joe coming in, "Detective" Wells says to him.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Barry asks him.
"So, when were you planning on telling me you took down Mardon?" he asks Barry.
"I..I...uh...I just haven't had a chance yet" Barry tells him.
"You got sidetracked you mean" Joe says to him.
"No...no Joe you can't be mad" Barry says.
"I'm not mad, but I am curious. I mean, you were acting so weird at the crime scene" Joe then says.
"Doesn't he always act weird" Katrina says smiling at Barry.
"Okay, weirder" Joe remarks.
Barry then looks at Katrina then at Wells, before looking back at Joe, "Look, Joe, there are just some things that I can't tell you...and you're gonna have to trust me" Barry says to him, "Umm listen Kat and I have a lunch date to get to, then we need to stop by Picture News to see Iris, so we gotta run" Barry says to him as he takes Katrina's hand and runs out of there.
Barry and Katrina walk down the street, "Hey so want to tell me why we got to go see Iris?" Katrina asks him.
"Umm just something I need to do there, that's all" he says to her.
"Does this have to do with the whole going back a day thing?" she then asks him.
"Yeah it does" he tells her.
"Okay, I'm not going to asks anymore, come on I'm hungry" she says and they go get some Big Belly Burgers. After they finish eating, they swing by Picture News to go see Iris, where they find her at her desk, talking to a man.
"Hasn't been heard from in nearly a year" they hear the man say to Iris.
"Hey Iris, Mr. Bridge, hi" Barry says to the man.
"Do I know you?" Mr. Bridge asks Barry.
"Oh, no we haven't met, yet, fully" Barry stumbles saying.
"Iris, has probably mentioned us, this is Barry Allen, and I am Katrina Ivory we work at CCPD with her dad Joe" Katrina says, "You must be the Mr. Bridge Iris has told us so much about" she adds trying to cover Barry's blunder.
"Umm Iris can we talk for a minute" Barry says to her.
"Yeah sure" she says and the three of them walk away from the desk.
"So umm, I was wondering if you wanted to join us tomorrow for coffee, so umm can all clear the air" Barry says to her.
"Uh...yeah, we can do that" Iris says to them.
"Okay good" he then walks away, with Katrina following, before Barry stops at Mr. Bridge's desk, "I know you think Harrison Wells had something to do with Simon Stagg's disappearance, but you're wrong" he adds before walking away, Katrina following behind him.
"So want to tell me what that is all about?" Katrina asks him.
"Just...I want to make sure things with us, and Iris are okay" he tells her.
"Ok, cause I umm...I think Iris might be a little jealous about us" she mentions to him as they head down the street.
"Why would she be jealous?" Barry asks her.
"I dunno...maybe she's just realizing that she always loved you...and now it's too late" Katrina tells him.
"Kat, there's nothing to worry about I promise" he says as he wraps a arm around her waist and they head down the street.
The next day Barry meets up with Katrina at Jitters to see her waiting at a table. He walks over to her and sees that she has already ordered him a coffee, one for herself and had gotten Iris a cronut and coffee as well. "Hey" he says kissing her on the cheek as he sits down beside her.
"Hey, how was your night with Cisco?" she asks him.
"It was cut short, by Cisco hooking up with a woman" he tells her.
"Oh really" Katrina says to him.
"Yeah, so hopefully he had a good night" Barry says to her as they see Iris coming into Jitters,
"Hey" she says to the couple as she sits down across from them.
"Hey, I got you on incredibly heavy cronut and an Americano with an extra shot" Katrina tells her.
"Just the way I like it" she says to her.
"Yeah, umm listen Iris, we wanted to umm just get some things off our chest with you" Katrina says to her.
"Umm okay?" she asks confused.
"What Kat is trying to say is she thinks you're jealous of us, well her being with me" Barry just blurts right out.
"Whoa...I am not jealous of you Kat, I am happy you two are together I really am, and I am sorry if I just seem weird about it. I am just worried that if something happens with you two things are going to go awkward with all of us. Plus, I have Eddie, and I love him very much" she tells them.
"I know...I know...it's just the other night at bowling, it seemed that you were a little flirty with Barry" Katrina says to her.
"I'm sorry Kat, but if it seemed like that, it wasn't my intentions. I don't know how many more times I gotta tell you that I am not jealous, and I am happy for you and Barry" Iris says this to the two of them, and starts to get up, putting her jacket back on. "I don't know why I have to keep reassuring you but I don't like having my best friend thinking that I want to steal her boyfriend" Iris says angrily as she walks away from them and leaves the coffee shop.
"Well, that didn't go as planned" Katrina tells Barry.
"No...it' really didn't" Barry tells her and they both drink their coffee.
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