(Season 1x6)
Katrina was busy working away in the forensics lab, when she heard the call over the radio about a stolen yellow humvee. Rushing off to her locker, she quickly changed into her suit and rushed off to where she had heard the last known location. Just as she arrives she see's that Barry had already stopped the humvee, and was now trying to stop the man who had stolen the vehicle. She watched in shock as the man's arm turns to metal and punches Barry sending him flying. Just as the man is bent over Barry ready to attack again, she rushes in just in time to get Barry out of there.
Katrina rushes Barry to S.T.A.R. Labs, placing him down on the ground, "Cisco, Caitlin!" she starts to call out but gets no response. "Barry, Barry it's going to be okay, you're going to be okay" she starts to cry as she then hears footsteps, and sees the trio of scientist come in the cortex.
"Katrina?" Cisco says surprised to her see her there, then they spot Barry.
"Barry, are you okay?" Caitlin rushes over to him, and he gasps in pain.
"What happened?" Wells asks.
"It's really hard to explain" Katrina says, "Caitlin please tell me he's going to be okay?" she says turning her attention back to Barry. Caitlin and Cisco take Barry to their infirmary, and start to work on him right away. Once they have Barry changed, and start working on him, Katrina quickly changed into her normal clothes, and sat right by Barry's side as Caitlin fixed him up.
"13 fractures, that's a new record, and that's just in your hand. You also have a concussion, three cracked ribs and a bruised spleen. Even with your powers, you'll need a few hours to heal" Caitlin tells Barry.
"What exactly did you hit?" Wells then asks.
"It was a bad man that could somehow change his skin, it looked almost like metal" Katrina explained.
"Interesting, a man of steel" Wells says.
"So you went after a meta-human alone?" Cisco says a little angry.
"Hey, I was there, mind you I was late getting there, but I was there too" Katrina says.
"Dude, why didn't you call us?" Cisco then asks.
"I didn't know what he was" Barry groans as he tries to sit up. "Besides I was off duty" he adds.
Caitlin just looks at him, "hmm" she says questioning his answer.
"Lucky he didn't knock out your teeth. Those puppies don't grow back" Cisco says to Barry.
"Strange thing is I feel like I knew him" Barry tells them.
"What do you mean?" Caitlin asks.
"He said something that was familiar" Barry answers, "But he's gonna hurt someone if we don't stop him. So how do we fight a guy that's made out of steel" Barry asks looking at Wells.
"We will find a way" Wells tells him, "Tonight you heal" he adds pointing at Barry.
"Yeah" Barry says as he lies back down on the bed.
"I am staying right here by your side, making sure you do just that" Katrina says as she pulls the other bed over beside Barry, laying down in it keeping a close eye on Barry.
"You really don't have to stay" Barry tells Katrina.
"I need to make sure you stay right here and heal, no going after metal guys, or going off fighting crime on your own" Katrina says to him.
"I was off duty and heard the sirens, and what about you, you showed up there too" he said.
"I was working at the lab, and heard the call over the radio" she tells him.
"So this could have been you in this bed" he says.
"No, cause as soon as I saw him turn to metal I would have left" she says to him.
"Yeah, cause your smarter than me" he tells her.
"Oh I so am" she smiles at him, he tries to chuckle but groans in pain instead, "Oh God Barry I am so sorry" she apologizes.
"Its okay" he says to her.
"Ok, no more making you laugh, rest is what you need" she says to him.
"Rest I think I can do that" he says as he puts his good arm around Katrina who lightly leans on his shoulder.
Katrina slowly opens her eyes to see that she was no longer at S.T.A.R Labs and was back in her own bed. Rolling over, she spots a note on her bedside table, and picks it up.
I healed in a few hours and decided to bring you back home, thanks for keeping an eye on me. See you in the morning at work-Barry
Katrina smiles at the note, and puts it back down on the table as she gets up. She gets herself changed, and gathers hers things for work, before heading out to her kitchen to grab herself some breakfast. She quickly makes her some food, and once she is finished cleans herself up and heads out the door for CCPD. Upon arriving she spots Barry just as he's about to step inside, "Hey" she calls out making him stop, smiling when he sees her. "Thanks for taking me home last night" she tells him.
"I figured your bed would have been more comfortable than those hospital beds they have at S.T.A.R. labs" he says as they start walking inside the precinct.
"Yeah it is much better" she says as they then walk toward Joe's desk.
"Hey" Barry says to Joe, who is closing his laptop looking up at Barry and Katrina.
"What happened to you last night?" Joe asks him.
"He got beat up by a crazy steel-plated man" Katrina tells Joe.
"So he is a meta-human?" Joe quietly asks.
"Yeah" Barry replies to Joe.
"That particle accelerator is the gift that keeps on giving. You okay?"Joe asks him.
"Relatively, any idea who he is?" Barry asks him.
"Eddie's taking point while I run down a lead" Joe tells them as he grabs his bag, "I need you two to work with him until I get back" he informs them.
"Why us?" Barry asks him.
"Because he saw something impossible that he's got questions about. Questions that I can't answer" Joe says as he grabs his jacket.
"In other words, make up some science-y stuff to throw him off" Barry says.
"Exactly" Joe replies as he starts to leave.
"Or go with my favorite they escaped Arkam Asylum" Katrina says earning a stern look from Joe, "or not" she says quietly.
"Let's get to the captains office, see if they've got anything" Katrina suggests, as the head to Captain Singh's office, they walk in to see him handing files out about the case.
"So glad you could join us Allen, Ivory" the captain says as he then looks at Barry, "rough night" he comments.
"Uh, just a little beat sir" Barry replies as they both take a case file.
"As I was saying our perp yanked three ATM's after he boosted the vehicle" Singh explains as he goes back toward his desk. "ATM security cameras caught him on video. We got a hit in the database" he says as they all open their files and get a good look at the perp. "Tony Woodward, history of violence, petty theft, assault, going way back to juvie" he continues to explain. "Dropped off the radar 10 months ago, looks like he's back" the captain says. Katrina looks over the file, and then looks at Barry seeing that he's looking off into the distance. Everyone starts to leave expect Eddie, who also notices that Barry is not paying any attention.
"Allen, Hey Allen" he says getting Barry to come back to reality.
"Hey" he says to him.
"You okay Barry?" Katrina then asks him.
"Hey, yeah, sorry, Eddie, Kat" he says as he closes up the file.
"Listen I saw something last night I just can't get my head around" Eddie says to the two of them as they leave the captain's office.
"Uh-huh" Barry says as they walk.
"I fired a dozen rounds at our car thief and it was like they sparked off of him" he says to the two of them.
"He must have been wearing some sort of body armor, I mean I have seen someone wear something like that in Gotham" Katrina replies referencing Bruce's suit.
"On his face" he says not believing her.
"Hey" they then hear Iris say before Katrina can make up something else. "Barry, Kat" she says before looking at Eddie, "Hi, Babe I saw the news, are you okay?" she asks him.
"Yeah I'm fine, which you'd know if you checked your messages. I tried you three times" Eddie says as Barry and Katrina step away from the two.
"Sorry, I had to work late" they hear Iris tell him, and they both look over at her and Eddie. "Um so I heard that the Red Streak saved a kid, any comment detective?" Iris then asks Eddie.
"All I know is our perp got away" he tells her as he looks over at Barry and Katrina. "But Barry, and Katrina here are gonna help me find him" he tells her.
"Uh yeah" Barry replies.
"Fine, I have other sources. I will see you tonight" Iris says fixing Eddie's tie and giving him a kiss. "Bye"
"Bye" Eddie says to her. Iris just looks at Katrina and Barry as she walks away.
"What is going on with you three?" Eddie then asks them.
"What do you mean? Nothing, it's fine" Barry says as he walks backwards and into the door, "It's fine, I don't know" he finishes saying stumbling away.
"What he said" Katrina adds as she follows Barry out and up toward their lab.
"Smooth Allen real smooth" she says when she catches up to him on the stairs.
"He just put us on the spot what am I suppose to tell him, that we basically told Iris that we have to stay away from her, because we can't tell her the truth about us" he says as they get to their lab, and put their things down.
"It's better than you just stammering, he might think she's keeping some secret that we are trying to force her to tell" Katrina says to him.
"I highly doubt that, plus all this secret keeping is giving me a headache" he tells her.
"Try being me and all the secrets I have to keep" she says as she then sits down and begins to look over the file from earlier.
"What secrets are you still hiding Kitty Kat?" Barry asks smiling at her.
"Oh BarBar, if you only knew" she smiled right back.
"What more don't I know I mean you told me about being Red Cardinal, is it that you know who really is Batman?" he then asks.
"Among other things" she says, "so gonna tell me what went through your head when Singh handed you the file?" she then asks him.
"I think I know who the perp is" he tells her.
"Seriously?" she then asks.
"Yeah, and I think we should let Caitlin and Cisco know" he says.
"Race you there" Katrina says as she then takes off before Barry can even reply.
Katrina comes to a stop inside the cortex, surprising both Caitlin and Cisco.
"Geez, a little warning next time" Cisco says just as Barry arrives behind her.
"Beat ya" Katrina smiles at him.
"Not fair you got a second head start" Barry tells her.
"I'm still faster" she says.
"Okay, we can keep doing this I'm faster than you are thing all day, but care to tell us why you are here?" Caitlin asks.
"I know who the metal man is, I went to school with him, and he bullied me all the time, his name is Tony Woodward" he tells them.
"Your childhood nemesis is an unstoppable meta-human" Cisco says, "That is seriously messed up" he adds.
"I had a childhood nemesis" Caitlin says, "Lexi La Roche, she used to put gum in my hair" she adds.
"Jake Puckett, if I didn't let him copy my homework he'd give me a swirly" Cisco tells them.
"I've got too many to list" Katrina says getting an odd look from the other three.
"Now that we've established we are all uber-nerds except maybe Katrina, what are we gonna do about Toby?" Barry then asks.
"Glad you asked" Cisco says smiling at them, as he walks into the next room, "We're gonna train the two of you Karate Kid style" he says as they follow him. He then moves a board out of the way, to reveal a robotic dummy. "Behold, I call him Girder" Cisco says.
"For the record, not my idea" Caitlin adds.
"Fighting is physics, it's not about strength, it's not about size, it's about energy and power. Channel your speed the right way, you two can totally take this bad boy down" Cisco tells them, "Now, obviously your Grider is a moving target, so" he says as he picks up a box and puts it on, as he steps back away from them. HE then presses controls making the robot move, and they both look over at him and Caitlin.
"I have ice and bandages standing by" Caitlin tells them.
Barry and Katrina look at one another debating who should go first, "Ladies first" he says to her.
"Oh sure, you want me to get hurt first" she says as she rolls up her sleeves. She nods at Cisco to begin and he does, using her speed she manages to get a few blows in on the bot, when she can sense that it's about to hit her in the back she ducks just in time, and manages to fight off the bot.
"Not fair, you were trained by the Arrow" Barry then blurts out.
"Really" Cisco says making his bot stop.
"Uhh yeah let's talk about that later, Barry your turn" Katrina says to Barry, patting him on the back. Cisco starts the bot back up and Barry starts to fight it off. He's doing pretty well, until he goes for the face and Cisco has the robot punch him in the back and the front. They watch as Barry goes down in pain.
"I'm pretty sure I just dislocated my shoulder" he groans in pain. Katrina goes down by him to help him slowly get back up. She takes him over to the nearby bed, and helps him take the sweater off as Caitlin checks his shoulder.
"Okay, not gonna lie, this is gonna be quick but extremely painful" she tells him as she touches his arm. Just then Barry's phone starts to ring, "speaking of pain" he says showing Katrina that Eddie was phoning. She then takes the phone from him, knowing he needs to focus on Caitlin fixing his shoulder.
"Hey Eddie" she says hitting the answer button.
"Ivory, why do you have Barry's phone?" Eddie asks her.
"Why shouldn't I, we work with each other, anyway what's up?" she asks him, watching Barry wince in pain.
"We found the stolen Humvee in the alley at Fremont and Lawrence, we need you and Allen down her to do you thing" he tells her.
"Yeah, sure we will see you in a sec" she says as she hangs up Barry's phone.
"Stolen humvee was found they need us, you almost done?" Katrina asks Caitlin,
"Yeah, let's do this" Barry says as he lies back on the bed.
"So, Barry when you said you were off duty last night, you weren't visiting Iris again, you know in disguise?" Caitlin asks him, "cause that would be reckless and a little creepy" she adds.
"No" he replies, though Katrina can tell he's lying.
"Good" Caitlin says as she then fixes his shoulder and he screams out in pain.
"Is he good now?" Katrina asks Caitlin.
"Yeah he should be" she tells her.
"Alright, then Barry we got to get going, and looks like we are gonna need to run fast" Katrina says.
"Let's go" he tells her as he gets up and changed. The two of them then take off toward the location Eddie had told her to get to. They arrive in a side street then make their way over to the scene.
"Ivory, your car broken?" Eddie says seeing them walking up to the scene.
"Yeah, but I prefer walking right now, better for the environment" she says, "what do we got" she asks as they start to walk over to the yellow humvee from the night before.
"The rig Tony Woodward boosted last night. No sign of the stolen ATM's, probably got those where he's holed up. Though he's going to have one hell of a time breaking them open" Eddie tells them, as Katrina gets their forensic kit open on the ground.
"I wouldn't be so sure" Barry says to himself, as he bends down beside Katrina.
"So about you two and Iris" Eddie starts to ask.
"Look, Eddie, the three of us had a disagreement, and we just don't feel comfortable talking with you about it that's all" Katrina says.
"I get that, and I get that Barry and Iris go way back. To be honest, I was a little threatened by Barry at first" Eddie says as Katrina and Barry put on their forensic gloves.
"You were threatened by Barry" Katrina asks.
"I mean, I've seen how close the two of them are, but Barry seems likes a good guy, and I just want Iris to be happy. From my experience good friends are hard to find" Eddie tells them.
"Detective" they then hear a fellow officer call over to Eddie, and he walks away from them. Katrina then goes over the humvee as she watches Barry think something over.
"So what do you think" Eddie comes back over to ask them.
"Judging by the kegs and mud, my guess is he got hammered then decided to steal a big ass truck and go joy-riding. My best bet is the kegs are stolen as well. Rust Iron Ale, it's a microbrew over in" she says.
"Keystone" Eddie answers for her, "I know the place, let's check it out" he suggests to them.
"Yeah sure" Katrina replies as Eddie walks away. She then looks at Barry who suddenly sees something on the front driver's side floor.
"What do you got?" she asks him.
"Not really sure yet" he answers as he bags what he finds and then puts it back on their kit. The two of them then head to Eddie's car and get in as he then heads to the brewery.
"You know to be honest, I thought that whatever was going on between you two was the reason Iris was mad" Eddie then says to them.
"There's nothing going on between Barry and me" Katrina defends.
"You sure, cause you two have been around each other a lot lately, and Iris has been asking me how you two are like at work" he says.
"We went through something together, and it's brought us closer. We aren't a thing, and besides Iris has you Eddie, why should she be worried about Barry and me becoming something" Katrina asks.
"Maybe in case you two don't work out and she has to take sides" Eddie suggests.
"Well she's got nothing to worry about cause we aren't a thing" Barry says as he looks up in the rearview mirror at Katrina who just gives him a light smile. Eddie then pulls his car up to the brewery and they three of them step out. They walk around back to see some men, loading a truck up with kegs like the ones that were in the back of the humvee.
"Gentlemen, CCPD," Eddie says showing his badge, "any change some of your merchandise was stolen last night?" he then asks.
"No I don't think so" the one man answers.
"How about this guy?" Eddie asks taking a picture of Tony out of his jacket pocket, "you seen him?"
That's when Katrina notices the guy in the back of the truck turn and look away, and she nudges Barry who notices the same thing.
"You know Tony, don't you?" Barry then asks the man.
"Hey" Eddie calls out and the man looks back over at them before jumping out of the truck and starting to run off. "Allen, Ivory, come on" Eddie calls out and the three of them take off. Katrina runs slower than normal behind Eddie, not wanting him to know the truth, when Barry suddenly disappears from her side. The perp they are chasing and they turn down a side alleyway, when they see Barry standing there in front of them. Seeing Barry there makes the man and Eddie stop running, and
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