11-She's Pure Evil

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(Season 1 x 5)

A few days later Katrina stood at a bar at the local pub with Barry, watching Iris and Eddie playing darts with Cisco and Caitlin. Iris looks over at the two of them who seem awkward, the events from a few days ago still going through their minds. She smiles at them coming over, "I'm glad you two invited Cisco and Caitlin" she says to them.

"They're cool right?" Barry says to her.
"They saved both your lives. That makes them the coolest people I've ever met. It's nice that you guys all became friends" Iris smiles as the three of them grab the shot glasses infront of them. "To friends, old and new" and they all take a shot. Iris makes a face and Katrina and Barry feel nothing, "Ohh. I'm up. Wish me luck" she says as she walks away.

"Did that affect you?" Barry asks Katrina.
"No, and usually a shot gets me pretty quickly" Katrina says to him.
"Great just something else we need to talk about with Cisco and Caitlin" Barry says and he orders them a tray of shots. Katrina and Barry wait for their tray of shots, and when they get it they make their way back over to Cisco and Caitlin.

"Guys, I have a problem" Barry says as he sets the tray down.
"We all do when guys like him exist" Cisco then says looking over at Eddie.

"Yeah, he's so hot" Caitlin says and Katrina smiles at her, "Uh, I mean, genetically speaking. Because I'm a geneticist, of course. Oh God, so I sound like Felicity?" she says to them.
"Just a little, but I don't agree, Eddies not really my type" Katrina says quickly looking at Barry before looking away again.

"I'm not talking about Eddie" Barry says, "I'm talking about this" he adds looking at Katrina nodding and they both super speed taking shots.
"We can't feel anything" Katrina tells them.
"Yeah, that's usually what happens when you drink too much" Cisco remarks.

"No, the alcohol is not affecting us" Barry says, "I mean we litterly feel nothing"
"It's your hypermetabolism. I need a sample" Caitlin says as she starts digging through her purse.
"I'll get more shots" Cisco offers and he gets up walking back to the bar.

"I swear I had a vacutainer in here" Caitlin says as she continues to rummage.
"Wait, you carry a blood-collection kit in your purse?" Barry asks her.
"You have your hobbies" she smiles at him as she keeps going in her purse. Cisco finally comes back with the shots, Katrina and Barry start taking shot, after shot, still not feeling anything.

"Still nothing?" Cisco asks them.
"Not a thing" Katrina tells him.
"Nothing, I mean I'm only 25 and my drinking days are already over" Barry says when Eddie and Iris come back over to the table.

"Come on Allen, you're up" Eddie says referring to throwing darts, but before Barry can go Eddie's phone starts to buzz. "There was a bombing at eight and pass" Eddie says and turns to Iris "I gotta go Babe"
"Okay" Iris says kissing him good bye.
"Sorry guys" Eddie says as he takes off.

"I've got an early shift at Jitters" Iris says as she grabs her things "we'll catch up tomorrow" she says as she makes her way to leave.
Caitlin fakes a yawn, "I'm beat" she says.
"It's getting late anyway, so I'm just gonna" Barry says and him and Katrina take off.

They change into their suits a speed through the city making their way to where the bombing was reported. The two of them stop in a nearby alley when they hear shouting coming from above. Looking up they see a window washer barely able to hang on, ready to fall at any minute.

"Guys there's a window washer and he's about ready to fall" Katrina tells them.
"Don't try and catch him. You don't have super-strength" Cisco says and she just rolls her eyes.
"Is there a bed store near here? What if we get mattresses and stack them?" Barry says to them.

"Barry this isn't a road runner cartoon" Caitlin tells him.
"Help! Help!" the window cleaner shouts again. When Katrina hears the words road runner she gets a crazy idea and starts to step back wards a bit.

"How fast do you think we would need to go to run up the side of a building?" Katrina then asks.
"How far up do you need to go?" Cisco then asks as she continues to go backwards this time Barry joins her.

"Oh I'm guessing 50 meters give or take" Katrina says. She isn't getting any reply, and realizes the man's about to fall, "Screw this" she then takes off running. She hears Cisco and Caitlin respond but ignore them as she is already on her way to save the man, it doesn't take much longer till Barry's by her side and the two of them manage to grab the man just as the wires holding the man snap.

The race back down the building getting the man to safety when the look up to see Iris staring back at them. They quickly vibrate their faces making them a blur so she cannot recognize them before they take off.

The next morning Barry and Katrina make their way to the crime scene from the night before. Both get their gloves and kits out assessing the blast, Joe looks over at them asking what they got.

"Bombers usually have their own unique signatures. Crimped wires, fragmentation. The level of sophistication is telling once we analyze it" Barry tell shim as they both stand up taking their gloves off and walking around the room.

"Show us a bomb and we can usually find a clue" Katrina says looking at Joe.
"Sounds like there's a 'but' coming" Joe says to her.
"Yeah because we haven't found any sign of an oxidizing agent. It's like the floor just happened to blow itself up" she explains.
"Things don't just blow up" Joe says as he looks around the room.

"Security guard said our bomber was a woman" they hear Eddie say and all three turn to look at him come into the room, "red hair. Also cut the security cameras feed. There's no footage but there might be something else" he nods for the three of them to follow and they do so stepping around debris very carefully. "Some kind of small charge blasted the doorknob off" he says as he takes them to a room filled with filing cabinets.

"Any idea what's missing?" Joe asks Eddie.
"My guess is one of these files. It's gonna take days to figure out which one" Eddie tells him.
"Let's let Barry and Katrina do their thing" Joe nods at the two forensic scientist hinting at using their speed. Joe and Eddie then leave the room, Katrina and Barry smile at one another, as they put some gloves on and start going around the room, using their speed to go through each cabinet.

"Found it!" Katrina calls out to Barry and he comes over, she shows him the empty file, and smiles.
"Let's get this evidence all packed up and head back to the precinct." Barry tells her. They both go back to the crime scene gathering the rest of the evidence they have found into a box.

"Should we tell Joe about seeing Iris last night?" Barry asks her as they make their way to leave the building.
"No, we cannot give him more things to worry about." She tells him as they make their way outside.

"Your right, we shouldn't but should we be worried she might have seen something?" he then asks.
"Barry, we disguised our faces, I doubt she figured it out" Katrina says to him as they get to the precinct. Entering the building they take th eelevetor up to the bullpen, to find Joe. When they step off the elevtor they see Joe standing there waiting for them with a man in army gear.

"Uh, Joe what's going on?" Katrina asks as they go over toward him.
"General Elling is relieving us from the bombing case. Give these men everything that's relevant" he relunctly tells them. Barry nods at Joe, "Sure thing, yeah" he says handing the box over to the men, and as they walk away he quickly grabs the file folder they had found earlier. They all wait till the men are gone before Joe looks at them.

"You two and a few civilians from S.T.A.R Labs might wanna check into that" he quietly says to them.
"I think we just might" Katrina says before hooking her arm into Barry's and pulling him away.

Katrina and Barry make their way to the lab, meeting up with Cisco and Caitlin explaining to them the new case they were dealing with.
"A VA number is all the info you have on the bomber?" Cisco asks them.
"C.C.P.D has been ordered off the case" Barry tells them.

"Well, who has the power to do that?" Caitlin asks them.
"The Army appartntly" Katrina answers her. "Some General with the name Eiling, I think that's what Joe said" Katrina says.

"General Wade Eiling" they hear Dr. Wells say as he comes wheeling in.
"You know him?" Barry asks.
"Yeah, I know him. About 10 years ago General Wade Eiling contracted S.T.A.R Labs to develop gene therapies for soliders. I was interested in the potential medical benefits for civilians. General Eiling really wanted to develop mind-reading capabilities for interigation purposes. I ended the study when I saw his techniques, but our split was less them ambicle" Dr. Wells explains to them.

"He took all our evidence that we collected on the bombing, everything but this folder" Katrina tells him, passing him the folder.
"Well lucky for us, the VA finally joined the new millennium and digitized their records" Cisco says as he types on the computer, bringing up the files, " A lot of redacted info, but our girls name is Bette Sans Souci an EOD specialist for the army" he reads off the screen.

"EOD?" Caitlin steps forward asking.
"Bombs" he answers.
"Is there an address?" Barry asks him.
"Hold on" Cisco says pressing a button, "Here we go, one person in case of emergency: Cameron Scott, Anglewood" he tells them. Barry looks over at Katrina who looks over at their suits, and nods.

The two of them quickly change and take off for the address. Arriving in the alleyway behind the apartment complex they spot a women who looks like she's worried. The two of them stop right in front of her. "Bette Sans Souci?" Barry asks as she then turns around trying to run the other way. Katrina then speeds ahead stopping in front of her again.
"We need you to come with us" she says reaching out to grab her.
The women pulls away scared, "Don't touch me, please" she cries out as she then touches the symbol on Katrina's suit.

"Get whatever you're wearing off you quickly!" she shouts at her. Katrina looks over at Barry as she then sees some purple substance forming on her suit. She takes off running toward another alley when suddenly her suit blows up and she is stuck standing there in just her sports bra and shorts. Barry comes running up behind her clearly letting the women get away, more worried about Katrina. When he sees her without the suit on, he quickly avoids looking at her.

"Umm Kat, where's your suit?" he asks looking down at the ground.
"It's uh in pieces" she says looking around at her dismantled suit.
"We uhh..we should get back to the lap" he then says to her.
"Yeah, this is going to be interesting" Katrina says as they two of them take off.

When they get back to the lab, Katrina quickly throws on t-shirt and sweatpants as Barry changes out of his suit. "Uh" Caitlin says seeing Katrina pull on the t-shirt.

"Don't ask" Barry says as he comes out dressed.
"I'm gonna ask, where's my suit?" Cisco says to her.
"It's umm gone" she says not looking at him.
'What do you mean it's gone? What did you do with my suit?" Cisco asks getting upset.

"It uh, blew up" she replies. "I got out of it just before it decided to go kaboom" she tells him.
"My suit went kaboom?" he says to her.

"Yeah the nice little fun fact about Bette Sans Souci: she's not carrying bombs, she touched the emblem on my suit and made it turn into a bomb, she makes things become bombs, she's a meta" Katrina explains.

"With the ability to cause spontaneous combustion upon tactile contact" Wells says as he comes wheeling into the cortex.
"She blew up my suit" Cisco remarks still upset.
"You have like three more" Caitlin says to him.
"Okay, I have two and I loved that one" Cisco says to him.
"All right, what else do you know about her?" Barry then asks.

"Oh, I don't know, she's pure evil" Cisco remarks as he turns back to his computer, "We're gonna find this girl and send her butt into the pipeline. No one blows my tech to smithereens and gets away with it" Barry and I look at one another as Cisco stops talking for a second, "Unless she looks like that" he then says.
"I don't think she meant to hurt Katrina" Barry says.

"Or her being a metahuman explains General Eling's interest in her" Wells says as Joe comes walking in.
"And why he stole the case from us" Joe says. "He didn't want anyone to know what she could do" he adds.
"Detective" Wells says nodding at Joe.

"Doctor" Joe nods in return, "So human bomb. Must be Tuesday in Central City" he adds.
"Yes and Genreal Eilings's not one to give up a potential asset without a fight" Wells tells them.
"We have to find her before he does" Barry says.
"Barry, Katrina can I see you two for a second" Joes says and they follow him out into the hallway.

"When were you two gonna tell me Iris saw the Streaks?" he asks her.
"Joe, that was totally unplanned. We didn't expect her to show up, she caught us off guard" Katrina tells him.

"We had a deal" Joe says to them. "You two keep her in the dark about metahumans, and I don't go Floyd Mayweather on you two" he adds.
"Okay, Joe, we know" Barry says.
"And she's writing a blog now" Joe says concerned.
"We already talked to her about that" Barry tells him.

"Talk to her again, and be more convincing" Joe tells them.
"Okay" Barry says to him. Joe looks at the two of them still, and that's when they realize he means now.
"Oh you mean right now?" Barry says to him.
"Yes I do" he inists to them. Katrina and Barry nod at Joe before turning around and walking away heading off to find Iris.

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