He doesn't know it, but SHE does...

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Gumball: *walks down the forest and stops for a moment* Hm? *walks back a little and sees Isabelle sitting at a wooden deck near the lake* Isabelle??
Isabelle: *ears perk up and turns around seeing Gumball* Oh- Ahah! You caught me feeling sad at the lake, hehe!
Gumball: Sad? *approaches her and sits down beside her at the wooden deck* Um... Is everything alright?
Isabelle: Mm, yeah... I just... Nothing much but to contemplate my life on how crappy this world is, I guess...
Gumball: *looks down sadly and sighs* Honestly... Me too...
Isabelle: You feel the same?
Gumball: I don't feel comfy in this world, knowing that it hates people like us...
Isabelle: Yeah... It's not like we'll kill children out of anger or something! We just wanna be respected for who we are, not be caged up for having powers! I'm a Green and I should be acknowledged for my hard work!
Gumball: True... But I just wish people didn't see us as a problem to their lives... We just wanna live freely, not unhappily...
Isabelle: Yeah...

I'm not the only one here wondering why we have to live in such a stupid world like this... Good thing Isabelle is considerate of what I think...

Gumball: It doesn't feel comfy around here either... if anything, this camp is kind of giving me the bad memories again...
Isabelle: That's what we all think! This place is more likely to be another camp! Not like the government camps, but more like a school we went to for no reason! I don't have to sit around gardening and stuff just so this so-called camp can live a while longer! I want to be in school where I can have fun instead of work!
Gumball: Y-Yeah! We're supposed to live in freedom, not do useless work like we usually do!
Isabelle: Well, it's a distraction from the crap we have to go through, right?
Gumball: Mmm... I guess... It kind of helps me not grieve about my Dad so much...
Isabelle: Oh God, I forgot that you're still grieving about your Dad's death... I'm so sorry if I-
Gumball: No no no, it's okay! It's just that... I... *sighs sadly* It's still rough even when I'm trying to make up the years I missed in my life... W-Without him...
Isabelle: Hmm... I see... *looks down at the lake* Sometimes I just wanna get back home to my family already...
Gumball: Your family? *looks at her in curiosity*
Isabelle: Yeah, I haven't seen them in a long while! Last time I saw them was months ago!
Gumball: Did you take the chance to visit them?
Isabelle: Not really... It feels more comfy with Adrianna and the others, but still... I mean, I wish I could call them, but we're not granted service today for some reason. Either because they are doing maintenance or they just won't allow it.
Gumball: My service worked when Penny and my Mom called me a few days ago...
Isabelle: Really? I wonder why they have it off today... They didn't say anything about shutting off service for a while. Or probably for the whole day.
Gumball: *thinks for a moment and ears perk up from an idea he thought of* Well... Let's hope it does come back on. We shouldn't have to live on like this any longer if they'll keep it off forever.
Isabelle: Yeah. *looks down and keeps staring at her reflection on the lake*

Wait... Pepper and Peter give us access to the laptops in the camp... Maybe I can help Isabelle contact her parents!

Gumball: Um... I'm gonna go see if Laura is doing alright. *prepares to stand up* You'll be fine, right?
Isabelle: Yeah, I'll be fine. At least for now.

Gumball: I'll come back later. I promise. *smiles genuinely at her*
Isabelle: *looks at him for a moment and smiles a little* Thanks, Gumball...
Gumball: No problem! *stands up from the wooden deck and walks down the forest* I'll be back soon!

Isabelle would be happy if she got to talk again with her family! I should be able to have them let her use the internet for a moment just to contact them! After all, she misses them, so... It'll be worth it!

At Pepper's workplace...

Pepper: *types on her laptop texting to someone*

How did it go with Gumball?
It went well. I found a way to access his memories by showing him support.
What are you going to do now?
I will find a way to erase his memories and make him become mine.
We only need him for our team.
Yes, but he will be enough to make our team strong. He is a Red.

Gumball: *approaches the doorway and knocks on the door*
Pepper: Ah!! *speaks in Japanese all of a sudden* Ohairikudasaaai!! (Come in!)
Gumball: Um... You mean come in?
Pepper: I-I mean, come in! Sorry, I thought you were-
Gumball: It's okay! *slowly opens the door and enters the room* I just wanted to ask you for something...
Pepper: *swings her chair around looking at him* What is it, Gumball?
Gumball: Um... I was wondering... I-I know the service is off for today, but Isabelle needs to contact her family because she hasn't spoke to them in a week! I was wondering... If she could use your laptop for it? Or any laptop out there?
Pepper: That is fine by me! But I want to ask you for a favor if you want to do that.
Gumball: What do you want from me?
Pepper: *stands up from her chair and approaches him* I want to try something out with my powers. I wanna know how to erase memories.
Gumball: Erase memories? Uhhh... *realizes that she's looking for someone to erase a memory out of their head* Oh- Um, I don't think my head would be necessary for that... Heh...
Pepper: Eh? It's not like I'll erase an important memory out of you! I just want to try and erase a memory that isn't important!
Gumball: But going into people's head to erase a memory is still dangerous, Pepper... I mean, the brain is just as sensitive as a pile of feathers in a windy day! One touch and it could fly away immediately!
Pepper: I'm more careful than someone who has sharp claws, Gumball! Haha!
Gumball: Yeah, but still... It's kind of dangerous...
Pepper: You did not feel a memory being erased in your head when I learn about your past, did you?
Gumball: Mmm... *thinks for a moment remembering his past memories*

I still remember that day loud and clear... All of it, full on details...

Gumball: I still remember it all...
Pepper: Then it isn't dangerous! I didn't erase a memory when I looked inside your head!
Gumball: Yeah, but still... It's kind of dangerous...

Pepper: It won't be dangerous as long as you stay calm, okay?
Gumball: You sure...? I simply just want Isabelle to contact her parents... I don't have to make a deal for that by doing this...
Pepper: It's not going to hurt you, Gumball... Remember that I'm here, okay?
Gumball: Y-Yeah... You're here...

I don't feel comfortable about this... But she didn't erase anything out of my head when she learned about my past... I'll let it happen once, but I'm not gonna do this often because of how sensitive it would be...

Gumball: *sighs in doubt and then looks up* Okay. Just make it quick because I don't want you looking around too deeply in my head.
Pepper: Okay then! Have a seat! *sits down on the floor and crosses her legs*
Gumball: *sits down on the floor on his knees*
Pepper: Remember how you once did it, okay? Close your eyes and stay calm.
Gumball: Okay... *closes his eyes and breathes slowly*
Pepper: *slowly raises her hand and holds his hand softly accessing his head full of memories*

Okay... A lot of memories here... I need to find the one where the fire started... Ahah! There it is!
*looks around seeing fire everywhere in the bedroom* Oh my God... It's very hard to see here... *sees Gumball and his family panicking* 

Richard: I'LL PUT OUT THE FIREEEEE!! *smashes the fire extinguisher into the fire*
Gumball: DAD, WHAT THE HECK?!?!

Eh... Very weird... *sees them running out of the window and then looks back at the fire* All because of a nightmare, his house burned down... *approaches the window and sees the police arriving at the road*

Gumball: N-No!! Go away!! *tries to run away but is tasered by the Breadstick cop* AAAGH!! *collapses onto the floor* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHH!!!
Darwin: NOOO!!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!! *tries to push the police back*
Breadstick Cop: BACK OFF!! *pushes him off into the floor and holds Gumball down*
Gumball: LET ME GOOO!!! LET MEE GOOOO!!! *struggles to get off their grip*

Oh my God... *turns around and sees Gumball sitting in his bed* Gumball...
*looks down with a sad expression and then looks up at her*
You poor cat... *approaches him* No one like you has to go through all of this...
*stares at her for a moment*
I will make it better for you... I'll make you stop remembering this horrid memory so you can feel happy again... *approaches him and prepares to kiss him on the lips* Don't worry... This won't hurt as long as you stay ca-

Peter: *knocks on the door* Pepper?
Pepper: *eyes widen and pulls away from Gumball* Y-YES? WHAT IS IT?
Gumball: *blinks for a moment and looks around* Um... Are you finished?
Pepper: Hold on- What is it, Peter? I am having a lesson with Gumball!
Peter: Chloe needs you for a second! There's some... Uhh... Some government agents outside the area! We kind of need help here!
Pepper: G-Got it! I will be there in a moment!
Peter: Okay then! *walks down the stairs away from the door*
Gumball: Uhm... Are you done roaming through my head?

Pepper: Yeah, that's all I had to do! I only erased a memory that wasn't too important!
Gumball: *thinks for a moment remembering the important memories* Ooh... Okay, okay. It's all good. *smiles a bit*
Pepper: I'll turn on the service, don't worry! I will let Isabelle contact her parents, okay?
Gumball: Okay then! *stands up from the bed and approaches the door* Thanks, Pepper!
Pepper: You're welcome!
Gumball: *grabs the doorknob and opens it leaving the room*
Pepper: *watches him close the door and then looks around* Whew... I'm so glad nobody saw that... They would have been angry at me... *approaches her laptop and sits at her seat preparing to turn on the service*

I'll make him mine soon enough, but I have to wait until they are done with chasing away the government agents... I cannot just do it when they need me...

Pepper: *types something onto her laptop sending a text message to someone*

Cannot do it now, there's agents trying to invade the camp.
At this time? I'll drive them away myself.
No no no, I will do it at night instead. He will not notice a thing when he is asleep.
Good idea. Just be careful.

Laura: *looks through the window recording with her phone* Hmmm... *sees Pepper standing up from her chair and hides herself at the bottom of the window* All caught in good quality... *stops the recording and jumps off from the second floor walking away from the building*

At one of the tents...

Isabelle: *roams around the apps on her phone and sees the service icon on her phone on* It's on?? Thank God, now I can contact my parents! *rushes to enter the contacts app on her phone*
Gumball: *enters the tent and sees the girls* Hey, girls. *smiles a little at them*
Adrianna: 'Sup, Gumball? *keeps playing on her 3DS*
Gumball: I see that you girls are... Chilling?
Adrianna: Yeah, nothing much to do here but play some games that I loved in the olden days.
Gumball: I see, heh...
Isabelle: I'm gonna have a talk with my parents for a while, I'll be right back. *walks out of the tent and heads out of the area*
Gumball: *sees her exiting the area and approaches Adrianna* Seems like she'll be chatting with them for a long time, right?
Adrianna: Yep. She hasn't spoke with her family ever since I broke everyone out of the camp ages ago. That's how horrible the government's affected us.
Gumball: Yeah... *sits down at a seat near the inside walls of the tent* You're pretty much right with that one...

Now that I think about it, the government really ruined everything with their decision to separate us from our families just to control our powers by using force... I missed six years of my life and lost my dad through it all, Isabelle never got to see her family for a long while... This wasn't helpful, this was just damaging...

Laura: *approaches the tent and sees the two inside* Mmm... *looks at her phone showing footage of Pepper trying to kiss Gumball*
Adrianna: *sees Laura through the bunk bed* Oh! Hey, Laura! How's it going with the other kids?
Laura: Um... Fine. It's doing alright.
Gumball: Is everything okay, Laura? You seem a little concerned about something...
Laura: I-It's nothing to worry about! I'm okay! I'm just gonna relax for a bit at the lake, heh... I'm pretty tired from having fun with the kids, you know.
Adrianna: Oh well, enjoy your time there. We'll be here if you need something.
Laura: Alright then. *walks away from the tent while still looking at her phone and whispers to herself* I should reveal this later, but... I can't reveal it now... It's not the time for that yet... *puts her phone in her front jacket pocket and keeps walking down to the forest*

It's not time to harvest him with us yet. But the day will come soon.

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