Part 31

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Mia: I couldn't do it alone...
Lia: whatever it is I'll be here for you, ok?
Mia: o-ok

I picked up the test and it said!


Mia: omg...omg....omfg!!! Noooo! Mattia's gonna kill me. He's not gonna want me. He's gonna want me to get an abortion! He won't love me anymore!
Lia: hey hey, baby. It's going to be ok. Ok?
Mia: ok
Lia: wanna go tell him?
Mia: sure. I said tearing up


M: are you ok or?
Mia: I'm pregnant
M: ...what?
Mia: "it's ok tho I'll just get an abortion or I can move out if you want. I'll be ok with that. We don't have to keep it. Or I'll just give it up for adoption." I said really quickly and crying

Mattia just hugged me and gave me a kiss on the top of my head then rested his chin.

Kai: ... ouuuuuuuu! I told you!
Lia: no you didn't!
Kai: I- ok jeez tf
M: it's gonna be ok. And... we can keep it. He smiled at me
Mia: are you sure?
M: mhm
Mia: ok. Thank you! I hugged him again
M: you don't have to be. But since we're doing this.... do you wanna uh- be my umm girlfriend?
Mia: duhh
M: ok. He giggled
Mia: stop. I mumbled into his chest
M: what
Mia: your being soft
M: how
Mia: idk
Kai: we should go out to eat
Mia: sure

The outfit you wore:

At the dinning place*

Kai: so I have a theory
Mia: what?
Kai: what if you have twins?
Mia: then I have twins? What am I supposed to do
M: give em up. He whispered
Lia: what did you just say?
M: I was uh- just kidding
Mia: mm
M: she's scary. Mattia mouthed at me

I giggled

Waitress= W

W: hi my name is rose, what can I can get you guys. She said mostly staring at Mattia
Mia: not this shit again. I said under my breath

We all ordered

Mia: I don't like her
M: you don't like any girl but Lia
Mia: ...


W: here you guys go
Mia: wait... where's my food?

Kairi giggled

W: food comes out when it's ready.

I was about to stand up but Mattia held me down. She walked away with a smirk.
I saw something under Mattia's plate so I grabbed it.

Mia: no she didn't
M: what?

There was a note that said " call me ;) ***-***-**** "

Kai: wow

I ripped it into pieces

Mia: I'm so fucking hungryyy. I'll be back.
M: where are you going?
Mia: to get my fucking food dummy
M: ... don't do anything stupid
Mia: when am I not?

Mia: yeah, hi I asked for my food like 30 minutes ago and I still haven't got it btw her name is Rose. Oh and also my whole group got their plate and not me. So go tell your bitchy ass coworker to bring me my motherfucking food ok!
Manager: yes ma'am
I smiled at Mattia staring at me. But I realized that the whole restaurant was looking at me like I was crazy.
Mia: you guys can stop now!
Everyone went back to what they were doing.
Instead of  "Rose" bringing me my food someone else did.
Mia: thank you
W: I'm so sorry ma'am.
Mia: oh, no it's ok.

She smiled

I walked back to the group and they all just stared at me.

Mia: what?
M: really
Mia: I don't play around when it comes to my food ok.
Lia: she really don't.
Kai: can I just get a piece. He tried to take a strawberry from my plate. ( sorry if you don't like strawberries or are allergic)
Mia: don't touch my fucking food!
Kai: ok ok

He tried doing it again

I smacked his hand

Kai: ouchyyyy
Mia: I said stop
Kai: no you didn't-
I smoked him again
Kai: owww
Mia: shut up

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