Mia's POV:
Mia: what should we do today?
Lia: ion know
Mia: I really wanna see Kairi again...
Lia: you say that after 3 years...?
Mia: yeah?
Lia: wow
Mia: well I mean I just saw Mattia so I'm assuming that Kairi will be out here to.
Lia: and maybe Alejandro. She smirked.
( her and Vallyk broke up )
Mia: you think he's hot?
Lia: I never said that!
Mia: I know but I'm just asking.
Lia: well he's not bad.
Mia: he probably looks even better now.
Lia: maybe.
Mia: mhm
I decided to text Mattia
Mia: ok we're going to the movies.
Lia: huh, with who
Mia: Mattia, Kairi, and Alejandrooooo
Lia: ok
Mia: when?
Lia: in an hour
Mia: oh and Mattia's gonna bring his " fiancé"
Lia: your not mad.
Mia:I told him to and he said his mom's making him marry her for the "mafia". I gestured with my fingers
Mattia's POV:
M: hey guys
Ale: yeah
Kai: hm
M: we're going to the movies
Ale: ok
M: with Mia and Lia
M: yep
Ale: since when did you start talking to them?
M: well I ran into Mia at the mall yesterday sooo
Ale: oh
Kai: when are we going?
M: in an hour, oh she wants me to bring Cynthia 🙄
Kai: what why?
M: so she can meet her but I really want Mia to beat her up or even kill her because I really hate Cynthia.
Ale: damn chill
Cyn: what's going on
Ale: umm we're going to the movies
Cyn: am I coming?
M: I guess so
Cyn: yay! When are we going?
Kai: in an hour
M: and I'm bringing a few.....friends?
Cyn: who?
M: Mia and Lia
Cyn: MIA! Is that the girl you call princess?!
Kai: Oop
Cyn: ima beat that bitches ass
M: mhm sure you will
Kai: you just gonna be jealous when you see her.
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