82 || Retrieval

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Eraser Head's P.O.V.

We ran through the woods for less then four minutes when we found the first of five missing students.

"Look, over there!" Asui alerted.

I turned. She was pointing to the left of herself, I followed her point and saw Kaminari. He was just standing there.

"Kaminari are you okay?!" Midoriya called.

"Oh hey!" Kaminari waved once he realized we were here. He looked unharmed and he was walking completely fine when he came over to us.

"Why aren't you back at the bus with the others?" I demanded.

He side glanced away from me and rubbed the back of his neck as if he were nervous, "Yeah umm, I kinda lost track of where I was?"

I sighed. Some of the students in my class were complete buffoons, Kaminari being one of them. He was physically useful in battle but on the other hand utterly useless when it came to intelligence.

"That way." Midoriya pointed the way we had come, directing Kaminari on the right path.

"Thanks. I'll see you guys!" He shot us finger guns before he ran off.

"Let's go." I announced before I kept walking and searching, but it was hardly needed before another voice called out.

"Mr. Aizawa!" A voice called, "Over here!"

We turned and followed the voice to its source. Ojiro had been the one calling us, he was near the base of a tree. Sitting slumped against the base of the tree was Jiro, she wasn't looking good.

I had seen them while looking through one of Puppets souls. Then Jiro had been unconscious, and she looked to still be in that state now.

We ran up to them.

"Are you guys okay?" Asui asked Ojiro.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Jiro's hurt though, I'm not sure how bad but she's unconscious. I didn't want to jumble her up by running all the way back." Ojiro replied. I noticed he was rushing his words, he didn't know what to do.

This is where the students were lacking. None of them were trained adequately in rescue or how to treat injuries on site. This even showed back during the hero licensing exam, they were docked several points on the matter.

I knelt down next to Jiro, checking her pulse and breathing. Thankfully, her vitals were normal. She was probably just knocked out by a hit to the head.

"She's fine, you can take her back." I said and looked up to Ojiro. I noticed a gash on his right arm.

I stood up and walked over to him, "Here." I held out one of the bandages Yaoyurozu created to him.

"Thanks." He took it from me and began wrapping his arm in the bandage, putting pressure on his injury.

Midoriya started to volunteer himself to take Jiro back, "I could take her-"

"No." I cut him off, "Midoriya, I need you and Asui here with me. If Ojiro can carry her he's going to be the one taking her back."

Midoriya looked at me and nodded, new determination forming on his face.

Ojiro gently picked Jiro up, careful to support her neck. "Okay, back to the bus." He confirmed before he steadily walked back the way we came.

I hoped they could make it back without issue. Those two were some of the less-powerful ones in the class, and with Jiro unconscious, it would place more of a task on Ojiro's shoulders to protect her. If either one of them ran into Puppet, they wouldn't stand a chance. Jiro had already fallen victim to Puppet before and nearly died, another encounter between them would be, to put it simply, unfortunate.

I heard a small rustle and my ears perked. Asui and Midoriya weren't moving, and neither was I, we had all frozen and were listening. Someone or something else was here.

I was able to pinpoint the rustling, it was coming from a nearby bush.

"Who's there?" I demanded, "Show yourself."

"It is muah~!" The person exclaimed. It was hard to mistake their voice and personality. They stepped out of the bush and struck a pose, the sparkly purple cape of their hero costume coupled with the metallic shine of their armor completing the look.

"Aoyama?" Asui questioned.

"I had to take a rest because my tummy started to hurt, but now I feel magnifique!" He twirled around. "And since you're here I'm safe!"

"Were you aware you should be back regrouping at the bus?" I asked Aoyama sternly.

"Yes b-"

"Then go." I ordered. "You're fine so you'll be able to defend yourself."

"Okay.." Aoyama sulked. He started to saunter his way to the bus, at least he seemed to know where he was going.

'One to go.' I thought. The last one we needed to find was Tokoyami. He was strong, so he could hold his own in a fight, and I wasn't too worried about him being injured.

"Come on." I pushed our small group of three forward. We needed to find Tokoyami, that was the priority.

Third Person P.O.V.

—Elsewhere in a part of the forest—

Tokoyami was in a bad position, some of Puppets souls had backed him deeper and deeper into the forest. With the assistance of his quirk he had been doing well and the forest canopy provided shade for Dark Shadow to keep his power up.

Tokoyami had managed to destroy a good few of the souls coming after him. Now there was only one left- or so he thought.

A soul grabbed him from behind, hooking it's wispy white arms under Tokoyami's own and locking him in place. That same soul reached around and held Tokoyami's beak shut so he couldn't yell.

The other soul rushed at Tokoyami, dodging Dark Shadow by mere centimeters. Tokoyami managed to see a tiny red object in the souls hand, it was about the size of a bullet.

The soul behind Tokoyami restrained him while the second soul poked the end of the bullet-like object into his neck. Tokoyami let out a small grunt of pain as the contents of the bullet was injected into him.

Tokoyami felt the presence of Dark Shadow cut short. He inwardly panicked, what he considered to be his second half suddenly didn't seem to exist.

The soul let go of Tokoyami's mouth and dragged him backwards by his arms as he kicked and struggled. He tried to call out Dark Shadow, but nothing was working, he couldn't use his quirk.

"Tokoyami!" Midoriya yelled as he, Asui, and Eraser Head ran into him and saw what was happening.

Midoriya acted quickly and was going to jump with full cowling but he couldn't use his quirk, it was gone, erased.

Eraser Head had used his quirk on Midoriya to stop him from jumping and his left arm was outstretched in front of Asui to keep her back as well.

"That's right, Eraser. Hold your students back." Puppets voice resonated from the soul that had hit Tokoyami with the quirk erasing bullet.

Eraser Head grit his teeth together. She was controlling a soul, leaving her real body defenseless and vulnerable. That meant she either was far enough away or had hidden herself well enough to feel an adequate amount of safety do that.

Eraser Head could do virtually nothing in this situation, so he resorted to what he could, reason. "Puppet! Let him go!" He demanded.

"Don't worry, I don't intend to hurt him." Puppet assured him, "Me taking him was a request, I'll return him soon."

Tokoyami kept trying to get away as the two adults were having a conversation. Puppet noticed and turned back around to face him.

"I would suggest you don't." Puppet warned, "As I said I don't intend to hurt you, but that doesn't mean it's not an option."

The soul Puppet was manually controlling lifted a syringe. Tokoyami stilled, unsure of what this injection might do to him.

"Puppet! Don't!" Eraser Head yelled at her.

"I don't plan to if he cooperates." She responded simply.

Tokoyami looked at his teacher and two classmates, he was worried for their safety as well as his own.

"I suggest the three of you turn around and walk away. I'm not in the mood to deal with you, I have other things to do." Puppet said as the soul she was controlling moved closer to Tokoyami.

"You know I can't do that." Eraser Head responded.

"Fine." The soul lifted the syringe again and swiftly pushed it into Tokoyami arm.

Tokoyami took in a sharp breath and stiffened at the feeling of the needle. He couldn't move much due to the other soul restraining him, but he still tried to get his arm away.

"Wait!" Eraser Head tried to stop Puppet verbally.

"Tokoyami!" Midoriya and Asui yelled in unison, concerned for their classmate.

"Stop moving." Puppet growled at Tokoyami as he was squirming around. Right as she managed to get him still enough, she injected what was in the syringe into Tokoyami. She carefully pulled the needle out, hurting the boy would not be ideal.

Tokoyami stumbled in the souls grasp as he struggled to keep his footing. The world around him was swaying and his head pounded.

"Now." Puppet turned back to Eraser Head, "If you want him back unharmed, you'll go back to your class and wait. Do not call anyone for help, I'll know if you do. Follow those simple instructions and I'll have him back to you soon enough."

They didn't have a choice here. If they destroyed the two souls to get Tokoyami back, Puppet would just send more souls to go after them, or worse, she'd come after them herself.

Reluctantly, against all his instincts, Eraser Head instructed Midoriya and Asui to turn and go, him following close behind.

Midoriya tried to protest, "But-"

"No." Eraser Head said sternly, erasing both his students quirks to make sure they didn't run back. They all walked off, back to the bus, without Tokoyami.

Puppet was happy, they didn't put up much of a fight.

The two souls walked off with Tokoyami, who was seconds away from being unconscious, in their tow.

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