Hawks' P.O.V.
I felt an arm wrap around me and scoop me up. I opened my eyes to be met with the scarred and stapled face of none other than Dabi.
I looked around. Shigaraki was there too, he was decaying rubble around us to clear a path. There were dozens of piles of dust around us, they probably all used to be pieces of building.
"Why would you ever think of helping me?" I asked Dabi as I steadied myself and stood up on my own feet. I knew his opinion of me wasn't decent, far from probably. He had tried to kill me before by sending a nomu to attack me and Endeavor in Kyushu.
"I owe a debt to Puppet and I'm paying it back, don't think of this as anything more than that." He told me as he focused on kicking away rubble with his boots.
"Wait. Where is Puppet?" I asked. Last I knew they were both going after Eraser Head and Present Mic as a pair.
"Get out of the building now, ask questions later." Shigaraki snapped. He was right, we should get to more stable ground before talking.
I brought all my feathers back to my wings, prepared to leave. My gaze fell onto Magnes magnet, which was sitting a few feet away from me on the floor. I looked around trying to find Magne.
"Stop looking, Hikiishi's buried and dead under the rubble." Shigaraki stated, "Now let's go." He turned and started to make his way to the semi-destroyed exit of the building.
A pit of guilt in my stomach formed. It had been a while since I wasn't able to save someone. Villain or not, Magne- or Kenji Hikiishi, was still a person, and part of the League. I forced the feeling away, there was nothing I could do about it now.
Dabi and I quickly followed behind Shigaraki and we got out of the building.
"Hey! Hey!" Twice waved to us and we quickly walked over to join up with him along with Toga, Compress, and Kurogiri.
"We're missing two." Kurogiri observed after I saw him pointing to each of us while he did a headcount.
From his headcount I noticed that Puppet wasn't here.
"Big Sis Mag?" Toga questioned looking behind me at the building.
"Dead." Shigaraki stated much more bluntly than needed.
All he heads in the group perked up in noticeable alarm.
"What?! No! No! No!" Toga yelled as Twice held her back from running to the building until she calmed down.
I turned to Dabi, "Where is Puppet?" I asked my question from earlier right to his face.
"We got separated by falling rubble." He replied blandly.
"Puppet's still in there." Toga summarized walking up next to us. Her demeanor was much calmer than before and she had an eerie shadow cast over her eyes, it was pretty unsettling.
My gaze darted to the partially collapsed building. Toga was right, Puppet was still in there.
Before I knew, my wings opened and I flew back towards the building. I needed to get in there, Puppet was probably fighting two on one right now. With both her opponents being heroes, there was the possibility of her losing and because of Eraser Head, she wouldn't be able to rely on her quirk. I needed to get to her.
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