—The Same Day 1:26pm—
Third Person P.O.V.
"Thank you for the heads up." Kurogiri ended the call and placed the phone down on the counter.
"What's going on with UA?" Magne asked.
Several of the LoV members were all in the main room on the first floor of the building, those members being Kurogiri, Toga, Hawks, Shigaraki, Magne, and Mr. Compress. Everyone else was on the two upper floors of the building doing their own thing.
"Oooh~ They say anything about Izuku?" Toga pushed.
"No, Toga." Kurogiri responded to Toga before he turned to the others in the room, "Both Present Mic and Eraser Head are leaving for a mission this evening. It has to do with us- well more specifically, it has to do with Puppet." He said.
"Get her down here." Shigaraki ordered.
"Kay, on it." Hawks said as a feather left his wing and flew its way up the stairs.
"I was told that they know our general location, so that would be around here in Shibuya." Kurogiri informed.
"I could scout if that would do us any good." Hawks volunteered.
"I would think it wise to stay put." Mr. Compress advised, "They are only after Puppet, meaning they have seen her around this area at some point." He turned to Kurogiri, "They only said something about Puppet?"
"Yes." Kurogiri confirmed.
Mr. Compress turned back to Hawks, "They don't know we're here, if they are to spot you, it might mean the end for the rest of us."
"She was too stubborn to stay here that she rushed off and killed people, I'm pretty sure that's why she got noticed." Magne pointed out.
"I would think so." Mr. Compress agreed.
"Whatcha thinkin' about, handy man?" Toga asked noticing his silence.
"I'm thinking about how useful your quirk can be." Shigaraki said back.
Toga cocked her head to the side with a confused expression.
"Kurogiri, can you get sedatives?" Shigaraki asked a bit more respectable than usual, turning to the wispy man.
"Yes I can, Tomura Shigaraki. May I ask why?" Kurogiri responded.
"We're going to let them come to us. Once we can get them sedated, we'll get what we need."
"Get who sedated and why?" Puppet asked walking down the stairs, a vermillion feather gliding down beside her. The feather passed her and went back to Hawks, attaching itself back into his wing.
"We were informed that both Eraser Head and Present Mic are leaving UA to come after you, they have our general location." Kurogiri caught her up on the conversation.
"Okay, but that still doesn't answer my question, why do we want them sedated in the first place?" Puppet wanted clarification.
"How much do you know about them?" Shigaraki asked Puppet abruptly going a bit off-topic.
"They are close friends and will do pretty much anything for each other." Puppet answered easily.
"They foster the girl from the Shie Hassikai right?"
"Eraser does, and when he's not around Present Mic takes care of her." Realization dawned on Puppet as she realized where this was going. Without either Eraser Head nor Present Mic, Eri would be much more vulnerable.
"That's what we're targeting, we're getting that brats dna." Shigaraki told.
"So what's the plan?" Magne asked, "It's going to be difficult to even get near the kid."
"You, Puppet, and Compress are going to go and capture them using sedatives." Shigaraki told them his plan.
"Whats my role in this?" Puppet questioned not liking where this conversation was going.
"We're using you as bait. Deal with it and don't get caught." Shigaraki answered her bluntly.
"Around here right?" Present Mic asked.
"Yes, she was spotted in this area." Eraser Head confirmed.
They were standing on top of a skyscraper overlooking Shibuya. Since it was night all the lights in the city were on.
"She comes out around this time at night, now is the best shot we have." Eraser Head said.
"Well then let's go, we're wasting time." Present Mic insisted back.
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