21 || Hostage

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Third Person P.O.V.

—10:23pm Friday night—

Three teenage boys; Shishido Tsuyoshi, Furukawa Katsumi, and Kitagawa Satoshi. All friends just hanging out after an excruciatingly long week of school, none of them even bothered to change out of their school uniforms, they just threw on tennis shoes and random sweatshirts they found in their closets. They were in a decently quiet part of town and at this hour the streets were bare of people besides them, giving them all the freedom they wanted. Their parents agreed to let them go as an excuse for them to get together themselves and go out to a bar, so long as the three teens did nothing stupid and got home before midnight they were fine with it. They were three 16-year-old teens roaming around late at night, what could happen right?

The boys were just walking around cracking jokes and fooling around without a care in the world. Little did they know that both a hero and a villain were in the area. Their nighttime hangout would soon lead to something far more sinister.


"Let's go get some ice cream or something from the convenient store, I'm craving something sweet." Katsumi suggested pointing his thumb over his shoulder in the direction of a convenient store they sometimes went to at this hour.

"Me too." Satoshi admitted as he thought of the sweet taste of his favorite flavor ice cream, strawberry.

The three unanimously agreed with the decision of going to get ice cream and started walking.

A noticeably loud thump sound came from an alley the three boys had just walked past.

"Hmm?" Satoshi hummed as he took notice of the sound.

"Let's go!" Tsuyoshi exclaimed with a pep in his step as he walked with Katsumi on the sidewalk in the direction of the convenient store.

"I'll be right there, don't go without me!" Satoshi called back. He walked into the alley looking for what had caused the mysterious sound.

Satoshi had only walked a few yards into the alley when a hand darted out of the shadows behind him and quickly covered his mouth.

"Shh... Don't scream." Puppet whispered into Satoshi's left ear. He instinctively tried to struggle and grab at the hand that was over his mouth but his whole upper body was almost instantly restrained by Puppets strings, pinning his arms to his sides.

Puppet pulled Satoshi backward into the shadows behind them despite his protests of thrashing his upper body and kicking his feet along the ground leaving a trail of kicked up dirt. "Try not to fight back, I would prefer to keep you alive..." Puppet said to Satoshi, but then muttered something that was inaudible to him, "...for now at least."

Satoshi's struggles slowed and eventually ceased as Puppet dragged him through the shadowed alleys and into an abandoned theatre through a side entrance.


"Yo, Satoshi! You coming dude?!" Tsuyoshi yelled towards the alley his friend decided to go in.

No response.

"Come on we don't got all night!" Tsuyoshi yelled again.

Again, no response.

"Hello? Earth to Kitagawa Satoshi?!" Katsumi joined in calling their friend.


Both of them were confused, Satoshi would have answered them by now, especially if they called him by his full name.

"Wanna go get him?" Katsumi asked.

"Sure, let's go."

Tsuyoshi and Katsumi made their way over to the alley they assumed Satoshi was in.

"He's not here?" Tsuyoshi questioned.

"No? But he walked in here." Katsumi tried to make sense of the bizarre situation. Satoshi was quirkless so he couldn't have teleported, turned invisible or anything of the sort.

Kitagawa Satoshi - Quirk: N/A

"Yo, there's a bunch of dirt kicked up over here." Tsuyoshi said as he waved Katsumi over to where he was standing a bit further back in the alley.

Indeed there was a bunch of kicked up dirt, and it created a trail that winded around the corner of the alley and led into another.

"Something happened to him." Katsumi said with clear seriousness evident in his tone.

"Come on, let's go then." Tsuyoshi responded as he took the lead in following the trail of dirt, Katsumi close behind him.


Once they were in a small behind stage storage room Puppet released Satoshi. He immediately scrambled towards the exit of the room but was stopped before he could get there when Puppets strings wrapped individually around his wrists, ankles, and neck. The strings pulled him harshly into the center of the room and held him up a little less than a foot off the ground. Satoshi followed the strings with his eyes and realized they were coming from his kidnapper. His eyes widened as he realized it was a dangerous and well-known villain.

Puppet was watching him, she was curious on how he would try to get himself out of his current predicament.

He started to move around trying to get out of the strings but they were strong and he could barely move between where the strings were and how gravity had a hold of him. When he finally decided he wouldn't be able to get himself out by force he decided to try to reason with the villain.

"P-Please, let me go." He pleaded. "I-I don't know what you want.. a-and if you let me go I won't tell."

"I want nothing specific from you, you were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time." Puppet answered.


"I didn't target you specifically, I just grabbed the first person I saw. Now you are a hostage and so long as you do as you're told I may not end up killing you." Puppet said, though she knew this boy would most likely be dead before dawn.

Satoshi visibly tensed hearing that she might kill him, he wanted to scream "I don't wanna die!" but that just might make it come sooner.

"O-Okay..." Satoshi stuttered out.

"Good. First off, a marionette is silent and does as it's told by its strings." Puppet placed the index finger of her left hand over her lips signaling the teenage boy to be quiet and used her right hand to point to the strings he was tied by. Satoshi fell silent and let his body fall limp, letting the strings he was attached to hold him up. Puppet was pleased with his obedience.

A loud creaking sound of a door could be heard from outside of the storage room causing Satoshi to perk his head up. The thought of other people being here gave him some hope.

He could hear the slight mumbles of Katsumi and Tsuyoshi's voices. His friends were here, whether that was a good or bad thing he would know later.

Puppet placed her hand over Satoshi's mouth to prevent him from calling out for help. "It seems your friends have come looking for you, that's loyalty if I've ever seen it. Now I would stay quiet, we wouldn't want three teens to die tonight... right?"

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