Puppets P.O.V.
The first thing I saw when I stepped in was Shigaraki sitting on a stool at the counter of the bar, he had his back turned to me so I couldn't see if he had his trademark hand covering his face. There was a half-full glass of what looked like vodka in front of him. Kurogiri was where he normally was, behind the bar cleaning a glass that was in his misty hand with a towel. It always seemed like there was a glass to be cleaned with him around.
This hideout was similar to the last one we had before All for One fell and All Might retired. Shigaraki was picky and didn't want a major change in scenery. We found this bar and Shigaraki just disintegrated the owner without a second thought.
"Good, you're here." Kurogiri said as he looked at me.
"Yeah, I am." I stated plainly, pulling down my hood since I was indoors.
I noticed that most of the other members of the League were present in the room. Magne, Toga, and Twice were all sitting at a booth talking, about what? Don't know, don't care. One does not eavesdrop on one Himiko Toga, Jin Bubaigawara, and a Kenji Hikiishi unless they have a sanity death wish. Mr. Compress was wearing his plain mask that had two black dots resembling eyes pained on, he was sitting all by his lonesome at a small table fidgeting with a few blue marbles in his right hand. Even the Leagues broker, Giran, showed up, he was just standing close to the door smoking a cigarette. I looked around but couldn't find any light purple hair or green lizard scales, 'Spinner must not be here yet', I concluded.
I crinkled my nose up at the smell of Giran's cigar and tried to wave the sent away from me, but to no avail. I decided to ignore the smell and I crossed the room towards where Mr. Compress sat.
I walked up to the table Mr. Compress was sitting at and pulled a chair up to the table, then sat down on it.
"Hey, Compress." I said making my presence known.
Mr. Compress stopped playing with the marbles in his hand and placed both his hands on the table, "Hello, Puppet." He replied as he corrected his posture.
"What's in the marbles?" I asked pointing to his hands on the table.
Mr. Compress held up his right hand and opened his fist to reveal the marbles, "Only air." He snapped with his left hand and I watched as the marbles seemingly disappeared into thin air.
"Cool." I said and clapped lightly, though it was not the first time I've seen him use his quirk on air.
"It is always my pleasure to put on a show for those who are willing to watch." He took off his hat and quickly bowed his head, placing his hat back into place after.
"Any idea who the new recruit could be?" I asked.
"I haven't a clue." He replied, much to my disappointment.
A certain teenage girls insane giggles filled the room and both Mr. Compress and I turned to see Twice tickling Toga and Magne laughing as she watched.
I heard Shigaraki groan loudly behind me.
Third Person P.O.V.
Spinner showed up a few minutes after Puppet and just stood against a wall, silent.
"Tomura Shigaraki, everyone has arrived." Kurogiri said to Shigaraki as he placed the glass he was finished cleaning in a drawer next to a bunch of glasses identical to itself.
"It took them long enough." Shigaraki mumbled.
Shigaraki spun around his chair to face the group in front of him that was the League of Villains.
"Alright, since everyone has finally decided to show up, we can start." Shigaraki addressed the room in his signature husky voice.
Everyone in the bar turned to face Shigaraki. Puppet turned her chair so she could face him without craning her neck unnaturally over her shoulder.
Shigaraki started to speak, "Dabi found a potential recruit-"
"Oh yeah! Dabi found someone? Who?" Twice blurted.
"If you would let me finish, you would know." Shigaraki hissed, annoyed that he was cut off.
"Sorry." Twice apologized. Toga pat his back in an attempt to comfort him.
"Truth is, I don't know who the recruit is," Shigaraki admitted, "All I know is that they aren't ash at the moment."
"In other words meaning that Dabi sees them as fit to join us." Mr. Compress clarified.
"That means whoever it is is strong right?" Magne questioned.
"Well yeah, I mean otherwise Dabi would have turned them to ash." Toga shrugged, "In my opinion cutting someone is much more fun."
"I don't think anyone asked for your opinion." Spinner said sourly.
"Who dragged you through the mud?" Magne asked.
"Quiet." Shigaraki barked. The room instantly became silent. "Dabi will be here shortly with the recruit, no one mess this up."
"If they're not good enough can I be the one to kill them?" Toga asked, a slight tint of red started to spread across her face.
"Truthfully it would all depend on what happens, right Shigaraki?" Giran spoke.
"See? He gets it." Shigaraki pointed to the Leagues broker. Giran chuckled.
"Aww." Toga slouched back in the seat of the booth she was in and pouted.
"You should let her have the kill, Well that was rude!" Twice said.
"Just be ready, they'll be here in a minute." Shigaraki said as he turned his seat back around to face the counter of the bar.
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